What happened earlier??

Waiting for an Eternity

Little Joonie was still furious from his argument with Rina. He never really knew that there was a transferee in his class so he kept thinking really hard on whether the girl was telling the truth.

“She’s still not wearing our uniform so she’s very suspicious but then her alibi could also be true…Hmmmm…” joonie was really trying hard thinking…

“THINK!THINK!THINK!!!” little joonie shouted as he was getting really irritated.




A couple of minutes passed and still nothing popped out of his head until a truth this morning struck in his mind.“Oh right! I woke up late this morning so I arrived after first and second period in school!” joonie was banged by his words. “so that’s why I didn’t recall any introductions this morning! Man I hope she won’t tell Teacher Ricka or I’ll be in big trouble” thought joon.

He pouted on the idea but then a grin was formed in his beautiful red luscious lips. “I guess teacher Ricka wouldn’t believe her though coz I’m her beloved little Joonie! I guess my pretty face sure has it’s own merits in life” he smirked as he says this things to himself. “Well I guess I should head back to the nap room now it will only be a little while before they all wake up.



       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Hours Earlier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



The teacher went in the classroom at exactly 7:00 am.

“Morning class! So how was your sleep?”

“It was very good ma’am!” answered the carefree little student.

“Good! Class, I have good news for you!” she looked at the door but still no one’s coming. “You may go inside now!”

The door opened and there a little girl with full banged hair entered. Her hair was black and silky. She has a very adorable face and a heartwarming aura. Her skin was as white and smooth as a pearl and to finish she has a delicate touch running through her.  The class was in awe when they saw her. She looked like she was a half European and Korean though they don’t exactly know where in Europe.


(She looks something like this…I tried to use a picture here coz I’m not that good describing people or things)




“Class, this is Mary Catherine Lee Van Eimereen” teacher Ricka said happily.

“Annyeong haseyo! My name is  Mary Catherine Lee Van Eimereen but you can all call me Rina for short. I’m half English and half Korean. We just moved here from England so I’m still not used to my surroundings. Please to meet you all!” she bowed her head 90 degrees in front of the class to finish off her introductions and gave away a big smile, a smile more than enough to captivate the eyes of her classmates.

“ Let’s see where can you sit? Hmmm…” teacher Ricka said as she keeps an eye in front of the class.

“AHA! You will sit there beside the empty seat!----Wait? Joonie’s absent? Oh well I guess he’s not feeling well, he looks pale these past days…”. As teacher Ricka was having herself pre-occupied in class Rina is now quietly sitting at the rear end of the class.

“Damn! Why isn’t anyone talking to me?” Rina blurted out in her inner mind. “Isn’t my gorgeous self enough for them to idolize me? No one’s even close to my beauty here” she pouts heavily, as she was very disappointed to herself.


ààààBANG! ßßßß


Everyone including teacher Ricka was startled by the sudden noise which was from the door. Then everyone was even more shocked by the sudden appearance of Joon. Huffing and gasping for air as he was very sweaty from all the running that he had done.


“A-A-Annyeong H-H-aseyo!” (still gasping for air) his barely wet look suits him very much this brought out even more gorgeousness from him. “Teacher-shii, sorry if I’m late! I was caught up by a trivial thing in the house so I had to really pushed thru to be able to come teacher-shii” (little joonie was referring to waking up late as the trivial thing-->LOL!)

“It’s alright little joonie, I understand. You may take your sit now.”

“Yes” joonie’s inner mind rejoiced and at the same time relieved to the teacher’s response to him.

Meanwhile, as joonie was busy talking to himself, Rina was now occupied looking carefully at him.


Rin’s inner thought

(Whoah! This guy looks good! I never thought that a guy that has the ability to surpass me can exist…but now he’s here making his way to me)


She was expecting him to greet her…but guess what?!? He didn’t! He didn’t even notice her! She was shocked by this guy’s action and was very curious on his identity so she asked her classmate in front of her.

“ Hey, who is he?” rina asked calmly though inside she is really pissed off.

“Wha--? Who? He? Oh, he’s name is Joon…Lee Joon but we prefer to call him joonie”

“Oh…ok thanks!”

(so he’s name’s joonie huh! Well not bad…the class seems to idolize him. Even though I’m a liitle pissed It’s still good to have a competition right? I guess my life’s gonna get interesting here----or so she thought)



Well that’s it I managed to update again even though I’m a little busy…

So how was it? It’s a little short and doesn’t have any lead now but this still has a long way to go so you better subscribe to follow this!


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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />