He's Coming!!

Waiting for an Eternity


“------“ rina gave out a long sigh.

“I just missed him so much…”she flipped over her bed a couple of times, still staring at mireu’s name on her phone. After giggling a little she finally stood up.

“Yah!! This is no time to be sad! I really need to be happy for him and for my new made friends”




“Mom is that you?”

“Yes dear! Rina you have a visitor downstairs…It’s our neighbor, your classmate little joonie!” mom said excitedly.

“Joonie???  Ok mom I’ll go down right away, I’ll just take a bath” rina was kind of happy and at the same time excited in his visit.

“Ok…” her mom turned around and walked to the stairs. “I’ve never seen her like this with other people other than mireu…I guess they are that close already that she can show her true self to him” her mom was delighted with rina’s action.

“OMG! Joon visited! I need to bathe quickly! Hmm…but what dress should I wear?? Yah!! Nevermind about that need to bathe first!!!” she was running in circles in her room looking so confused.

After a couple of minutes she got out of the bath and picked her lovely blue dress. It was a dress with some beautiful laces and frills at the end. The length was just right for her. She really looked splendid in her dress.

She was very nervous on how she looked so she slowly walked down the stairs. Their long grand stairs posted a beautiful effect on her graceful walk. She was like a princess approaching her prince.

Joonie was shocked on how gorgeous she looked. His jaws almost dropped on the floor. He was slightly blushing so he averts his eyes to avoid having an eye contact with rina.

Rina was disheartened when joon averted his eyes so she was eager to ask him why.

“Joonie! Uhmmm…do I look weird?” she said shyly.

“O-of course not! You look gorgeous!” he was now clapping his hands.

Rina chuckled as she saw what joonie did.

“Thanks!” she then said blushing.

“Uhhmmm…so why are you here?”

“ Oh right! Teacher asked me to go here coz you still don’t have your books and we have homework in English and Mathematics”

“Yeah! I almost forgot about it” she said chuckling AGAIN.

Rina was chuckling unusually frequent this day. She’s not like that when she’s not with mireu. Maybe joonie does seem so close to her. So what’s the real score between these two? Is this really the start of a good friendship? Well nobody knows for now, only god can tell on what will happen to these two. Let’s just hope for the best.

“Joonie! Care for a snack?” rina’s mom offered him some cookies and a drink.

“Thanks auntie!”

“Your welcome”

Rina and Joon now head upstairs to her room. Rina was so conscious of him. She was really  having that hope-he-likes-it face.

“Here we are!” she opened her room and welcomed him. “This is my room, please feel free to move around. I hope you like it!” rina said cheerfully.

Joon was looking keenly in her room.

“Hmmm…she’s very neat and organize” joonie said unconsciously.

“Joon did you say something?”

“Nah! It was nothing…Let’s proceed with our homework now.”


The two spent two long hours studying, chatting and doing their homeworks. They really got so close in such a short while. It was like they were friends for years. They can freely talk about anything under the sun. They kept nothing from each other.

“Phew! At last were done! I didn’t expected it to be this long” joonie said while lying on the floor mat.

“Yeah it was a bit long but it really only got longer because we were chatting and eating”

“Oh really? But this sure was fun”

“Yes! I’ve never enjoyed studying until I did it with you…Panda’s not a good company when studying” rina laughed.

“Who’s panda? A toy?” he asked curiously.

“Oh yeah…I do have a stuffed panda but the panda I was talking about is a person” rina was still laughing.

“Oh I see…I guess you two are very close” he gave her a smirk.

“Sure we are! He’s my only panda and I’m his only bear! We two can never be separated”

“You’re in that kind of relationship huh” joon was a little disappointed on what she said

Rina didn’t heard what joon said coz she was now busy tidying things up and getting ready to go downstairs.

Rina’s mom was sitting in the couch when she saw the two of them coming down.

“Rin, Joon, already done?”

“Yes MOM!”

“Time really moves fast when you’re enjoying neh?”

“It really does auntie! Well I’m going home now auntie! Thank you for your warm accommodation!” joonie said smiling.

“It was a pleasure joonie…I sure hope this isn’t the last time!”

“Yep auntie!” joonie waved goodbye and went in their house.

Rina and her mom now went inside and looked at each other.

“He’s SOOOO ADORABLE!!!” the both of them said giggling.

“You really made some good friend rina” her mom was teary eyed.

“Yep mom! He’s so like MIREU!! Uhmm and speaking of mireu he called me earlier”

“Is that so? What did he said?”

“He was just asking ‘bout our condition here that’s all”

“Mireu didn’t say anything else?”

“No mom…does he need to say anything?”

“Oh of course not…I was just asking!”

“Well mom I’m going back to my room! Call me when dad arrives”

“Sure honey!” her mom smiled

Rina quickly went up and in to her room she was really cheerful coz of joon visiting earlier.

“So he’s still not ready to tell her yet…I guess it’s best that I don’t talk about it too…”




“Mireu are you still not done yet?” Byung hee asked.

“Not yet Hyung!” mireu was shouting.

“Just be quick! I don’t want to be late for our flight! I wanna go to korea fast so that I can meet my lovely sister soon” byung hee was all bubblish. He was so cute hugging mireus bear stuffed toy.

“Stop hugging her hyung! She’s mine!!! Only Mine!! Got it?” mireu said irritated.

“Arasso…arasso…It’s not like I would actually take her from you. Bro it’ against the law!” byung hee replied cheeky to him.

“Good…” mireu said in relief.

“Oh mireu…you love my sister too much…way too much…”

“I’m afraid that’s the case hyung” mireu smiled at his hyung.

“Well I guess you’re done… Let’s GO!!!” byung hee said excitedly.

“KOREA HERE WE COME!!” byung hee added as he do the banzai pose…

“Rin…don’t be lonely anymore…I’m coming…I’m coming” mireu whisphered as he looked into the sky.

Mireu and byung hee now carry their bags and trolleys and gave it to their chauffeur. They are now on their way to the airport.

“It won’t be long my cuddly bear…we shall reunite again” that was the words mireu said as he now hugs his bear tightly giving it kisses that were filled with so much love.

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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />