Merely Friends??

Waiting for an Eternity





“Lunch Break’s over!” teacher ricka called all the students outside, giving them her warm smile as a bribe to them.

The children all hurriedly ran back to their classroom, it was as if there was some kind of marathon going around but really…it was just because of their teacher’s smile.(Kids are so simple-minded…oh boy I wish adults are like that)

Joon smirked as he seen the riot going around. “Teacher really is a bit like me…she can control them so easily” he said.

“Woah! Is teacher ricka some kind of idol or anything??” rina found herself talking to joon.

“Well technically yeah, but that is for only our classmates. The other teachers doesn’t seem to like her for some reasons. Like you she’s also new here.” Joon talking facing rina.

“Really? She’s new? It doesn’t look like that” rina chuckled.

“Well yeah-----“ joon was suddenly cut off as he now noticed that they were the only students left outside. Aside from that he noticed that the person he was talking to was rina.(took him long to notice huh>>LOL)

Rina was startled of the sudden silence and looked at him. They were both a little shocked that they were actually talking to each other. And by talking, they are doing it normally.


Rina’s POV

What the? We were actually talking? For some reason I feel very delighted…

This is so weird!! Am I actually starting to get friends with this guy??


Joon’s POV

Woah! What a sight!

Were talking normally! I thought we would never get along…

I never knew that talking for her would feel good even though it was only for a while…



Are we okay now?? Are we FRIENDS???


“Ehem…” joon coughs a little. “Let’s go inside now”

Joonie grabbed rina’s hand and walked towards their classroom.

Rina couldn’t say a word and just stared at their hands, slowly blushing at the sight.

When they were about to open the door joon let go of her hand and just walked beside her. Their classmates didn’t notice the sudden change of atmosphere between them. They felt relieved, little did they know that teacher ricka noticed it.


Ricka’s POV

This is getting interesting…They suddenly became close…

I don’t know what happened but I know that something’s up between these two…

Maybe they still didn’t noticed but time can only tell when they would…

I guess I might as well sit back and enjoy their growth…


Teacher ricka was chuckling by herself as she was now facing the other way writing on the board.

Hours passed and slowly they finished their lessons for the day. Finally it’s the last period.

The last period isn’t actually a subject coz it’s just remedial teaching and since today’s lesson was very easy there was n need to review so teacher ricka just gave them their assignments and dismissed the class.

“Finally! I can get some rest!” joonie said as he was stretching his arms in the air.

“Hey Rina!”

Rina turned slowly as she was hesitant and at the same time embarrassed of joon.


“Uhhmmm…I’m really sorry for what happened earlier…I’m just a little irritated that’s why I got a little carried away.”

“I’m sorry too coz I shouted at you even though you weren’t doing anything wrong…also…I didn’t meant what I said back then. I just lost my sense of reason that’s why I said that” she was looking so sincere as she was saying that.

“Well I guess were even!”joon started to laugh.

“I guess so” rina also started laughing remembering they were really rude earlier this morning. She was really happy that they made up with each other.



I guess he’s/ she’s not bad after all! I kinda like her/him


The two of them now waved goodbyes with each other as they were both picked up by their chauffeurs. It was a 5 minute drive and now they both arrived at their houses. Rina and Joon both got off their cars. When they completely got off the car they were astonished on what they were seeing.

“WERE NEIGHBORS??” both of them shouted.

Both of their chauffeurs chuckled at them. They were wearing the expression of an ajusshi overwhelmed of his grandson.

“So your family’s the one who bought that house! I didn’t expected this!”

“I sure don’t too”

They were both laughing now at the newly discovered truth.

“I guess we better go to school together” joonie said with a smile.

“Yep!” rina agreed happily.

The two now both shake hands and after that went inside their houses.

“I’m Home!!” Rina said happily.

“So how was school?” her mom welcomes her with some snacks.

“It was great mom! I made so many friends! Oh mom…They also said that they loved your cooking!”

“Oh really?”


“I guess I better cook for them sometimes” her mom chuckled.

“Mom, where’s dad?”

“He’s on a meeting with his new business partner”

“Oh…It’s about business again huh…” rina sighed heavily.

“Don’t worry rina he’ll be back by dinner he promised” her mom comforted her.

Rina didn’t say anything else she just ate her snack and went upstairs. As soon as she was in her room her phone suddenly rings.

“Hello? Who’s this?” rina said.

“C’mon you already forgot about me??” said the boy on the phone.

“How could you forget your best friend huh rina!?” continued the boy.

“OMG! Is that you MIR?? Oh god how I missed you!! But how did you get my number??” rina asked him excitedly.

“I called your dad and he gave me your number…he said that you’ll surely be delighted to hear my voice so I called”

“Oh mir!! I really missed you…A Lot dear!!” rina was bursting in tears…luckily tears of joy.

“Now…now…don’t cry…I really missed you so much too! I really wanna see you right now and hug you but I can’t…were too far.” Mir said sadly.

“Yes…it’s really far…I hope we can meet each other pretty soon…”

“It won’t be long…it won’t be long”mir said faintly.

“What did you said? I didn’t hear it!”

“Nah! It was nothing! Well I guess I’m going to say goodbye for now…I have some errands to do. Until we meet again my sweet bear”

“Ok, cute little panda…until we meet again….”

The phone call ended but rina still held her phone on her ear. It was as if she’s still talking to mir on the phone.

“Oh mir…my mireu…my only panda” she kept repeating as she lays herself in her bed.




it took me so long to update!!>.<

God why do I need to go back to school!!



LOL! Pls comment and subscribe!!


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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />