Healthy Competition

Waiting for an Eternity


“Argghhh!! He really has a foul attitude neh??” rina pouts as she now walks back to their classroom.

“Nap’s time gonna end soon, wouldn’t wanna get in trouble on my first day here”. She then continued to walk heavily and her expression growing heavier and heavier again. She was wearing the I’m totally gonna kill that guy face.

“I guess I was wrong…My life’s not gonna get that interesting here considering that I’m going to school with the Demon King. I must be really having a very bad luck this year coz ever since I got the news that were living here in Korea, my life had been pretty messed up.” She continued to grant at herself to relieve her anger at him.





The bell rang, signaling that nap time was over and it was now time to resume their studies.

“Ok class our next subject is Science, please bring out your textbooks and flip it to page 55. As for you Rina since you don’t have any textbooks yet you may share with Joon.” said teacher Ricka facing little Rina.

“Joonie! Can you share your textbooks for this day with little Rina? But I’m afraid she wouldn’t have her own books until the day after tomorrow so can you share it with her till she receives hers?” teacher ricka said looking straight into the eyes of little joonie.

“Uhmm…”joonie said while thinking. “Alrighty Ma’am! It’s my pleasure to help her!” joonie smiles to teacher ricka and then turns his head to rina and smirked.

Rina was so shocked and almost drooped her jaws to the floor (but fortunately no one seen that except joon) by the sudden announcement of her teacher and what’s even worse it’s joon she’s going to be with for the next days.

“Rina you can move your table closer to joon so that you can see the writings clearly”

“Yes Ma’am” rina said as she slightly pouts.

She moved her table closer to joon but still she was hesitant. She never would have imagined that this would happen and perhaps she hate joonie’s guts so she’s still irritated of the idea but then she has no choice but to follow. Now their tables was almost one and when she looked at the board to see what the teacher was writing, she saw the glares coming from joonie’s fangirls. It was as if they were throwing knives and stabbing every part of her body. She felt  very uneasy but then it’s not like she has a choice the teacher ordered to so she only followed though she can’t deny the fact that she’s slightly attracted to joon. I mean who wouldn’t be?!? Who the hell wouldn’t like a kid who is kind, gentle, smart, handsome and suuupppeeer rich!!! Man! He’s just the heir of the Lee Group of Companies!! It’s the most popular company now, it greatly deals with modeling and other entertainment related stuffs. If you were to marry him your life wouldn’t have any worries coz his money and fame can completely save your life!!!

“------------------------“ rina tries to talk but she’s too uneasy to let out any word.

A complete silence between the two went for hours. They were awkwardly silent. They still hadn’t made up with each other and now they need to be with each other for the whole day!!? What kind of luck is that? Those thoughts were the only thing that they have the same as of now—LOL


Joon’s POV

Why did this have to happen?


I mean I have to be with this annoying narcissist girl for like the whole day!!!


What kind of punishment is this? What have I done to deserve this??


Rina’s POV

Great Buddha why is this happening??


MOM!DAD! I’m sorry if I’m really really naughty sometimes but this kind of this is just too much for me!!


This is TORTURE!!!


I’d rather die now than to be with this arrogant narcissist!!


Unknowingly the two were making funny noises and expressions. Slowly the class seems to have noticed and started chuckling while the other girls were just purely envious of the whole situation. It was like there was no teacher at all coz even teacher ricka was chuckling at the scenario.

“Kids! Let those two be like that…Don’t meddle with them, coz if you continue to just stare at them in just about minutes you’ll burst out of laughter…” the teacher said still chuckling at the two of them.

It was really kinda funny that they didn’t notice that the whole class was staring at them and even worse teacher ricka who is really adored by joon.

Hours passed and one after another their classes ended and now lunch time is fast approaching.





“Ok that’s about it! Class dismissed! You can now have your lunches!” teacher ricka gladly said.

“Yes Ma’am!” the children all said harmoniously.

The children one by one started to fix their things and get their bento’s (bento is a Japanese word for pack lunch) mostly made by their moms.

“WOAH!!!” the class said in unison. “Your bento sure looks extravagant and delicious Rina!!” the class added.

“Oh thank you! My mom always cooks delicious foods for me not to mention nutritious! My mom has a thing with health so she’s like that…” rina answered happily.


Rina’s POV

Finally!!! They took notice of me!


It really feels good to have a crowd around you…It makes you feel warm and happy!


I didn’t think that mom’s cooking would have this impact on them.


I guess I better persuade mom to cook for me everyday!!



“Itadakimasu!” she said excitedly. (It’s a Japanese word for thank you for the food)

She started to eat her lunch, slowly munching and tasting every aroma and seasoning her mom’s put into it.

“Mmmmm! Delicious!!! I’m really full right now guess I better head to the playground to have a walk.”

When she reached the playground she was shocked by what she seen!

Joon was having a more extravagant lunch under the tree! And what she meant from extravagant he even had the butler serving him! He was really a rich boy.


Joon’s POV

Now who’s more extravagant now!(He’s really a competitive guy)



She thought she could beat me like that??


Well she’s sorry then. She doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Nobody can take this guy down!!


Then he laughed devilishly in his mind.


Rina’s POV

Aaargghhh!!! Why does he need to be so extravagant!!


He’ such a show off… He really doen’t know when to give up does he!!


Well he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with! He makes me so pissed!!!


I will definitely not be defeated by a guy like you!!!



“Oohhh…Those two match very well. They both like competition. I remember my elementary years with them…I wonder…where is he now?” teacher ricka said looking at those two…still laughingàLOL



YAY! Another chapter finished!!!

I really had so much fun making this chapter! Having almost the same thoughts??

They do match each other neh??

Well so far joonie’s the only who made his appearance so you better watch out for the appearance of the other members!!

Teacher ricka’s kind I wish all teacher’s like that!LOL

Again thanks for your support!!


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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />