chapter 9

My Fiance Was Actually My Online Lover!!
I graze the photo of me and Aron gently with my fingers..... "I still love you" I whispered softly and place it on the table... I met Aron 2 years ago, when I went to New York to stay with my aunt..... . . . We met for the first time during the Korean Nationality Gatherings in New York, Aron and I were placed randomely as a partner for the dance competition.... I remembered how he smiles and assured me that I'll do great.... During the whole dance, I fixed my gaze on him like he told me to and I let him take control of me... He leads me swiftly and gently along the music, he would smile and nod gently after every moves, to assure me that I was doing ok.... That smile gave me confident and strength and thats what makes me fall for him.... . . . .. I found love that night..... He was my first love.. . . . . . . We exchanged no. and got in touch with eachother since then. Aron never failed to amaze me... He was always cheerful and care's for me alot..... After months of being in touch, we grew so close to eachother........ Then he finally proposed me and we oficially became a couple.. That was the happiest day of my life ... . . He made my fantasy come true by sharing our first kiss together, under a red umbrella standing in the rain . . . . Aron was everything a girl could dream of..... He has everything, looks, wealth, talents, charisma, you name it.... Everytime when girls smiles or trys to flirt with him, he would just smile politely at them while I roll my eyes jealously at him, he would then hold me closer to him, "Baby, you know I only love you and will be yours only" he'd whisper those words lovingly and peck my cheeks, which takes my breath away everytime..... . . . He always surprises me with new and wonderful things on every date....... We were just perfect for eachother. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THEN OUR 1st Anniversay came, I had invited him over to my place.... I had prepared a splendid dinner, decorated the room with red ribbons, roses and scattered heart shaped red ballons everywhere.. ......... Candles were burning swiftly in every corners giving light to the room.. I worked for hours preparing all this just by myself because I want to show him, how much I care and love about him... BUT Unfortunately, he never turn up.... I waited him for hours and my eyes never left the door... I stayed there waiting for him, replacing every burnt candles... I convinced myself that he would surely turn up, mins passed, after that hours passed... Suddenly, the room was lightening up so I turn towards the window.. That was when I realize the sun was rising.... I looked at the untouched food and the decorations, a lump formed in my throat and tears were forming in my eyes...... He shouldn't have forgotten... I was sobbing now, maybe I should call him up... I shuffle across the room and reached for my phone... I dialled his no. and hold myself from crying... All I could hear was the computer blabbering that it was out of service and I never get to hear it ring.. . . . . . . . "You are lying" I sniffed and dialled atleast a hundred times but it was just the same...... "No" I whispered softly as I felt like a heavy stone had been thrown in my heart. I held my phone to my chest and slide down slowly landing on the floor...... "Why?" I screamed and threw my phone on the floor breaking it.... I felt so betrayed... All these time I trusted him and gave him my whole heart... . . . . . . . But he broke it, he left me without a word.... . . . "How could you?" I screamed and made my way towards the table.... "I Hate You!" I screamed so hard and shoved everything off the table....... The glasses broke down making ear piercing noises but I didn't flinch.. .... I screamed and cried the whole day , in the evening my throat was already sore...... I just sat still, thinking about us but curse myself for believing everything he said.... I came to think that he left me and won't came back...... The next day I flew back to London not wanting to stay there as everything bought me heartache and reminds me of us or him.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face.... Aish seriously, I should forget about that.. I murmered and turn to face the wall and drift off to sleep..
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HanLuNa #1
Chapter 15: I wonder what will be SE Jin's reaction >.< ~
I'm sososososo exited (as always XD) Please update soon~~
HanLuNa #2
Chapter 11: I like J-Hyo and E.Den <3 kkk i actually love all of them >.<
HanLuNa #3
Chapter 10: Hey~ lol i don't mind the no-spacing stuff..coz it also happened to me haha ^^
OFC you should continue! I really enjoy this fanfic and i get really happy when i see you updated :D So..Please update very soooooon~~~~ <3 Fighting (ง^.^)ง
LoveCuteFanFics #4
Chapter 9: Great chapter! Update soon! :)
Chapter 8: OMG my two biases!! KYAAAHHh! WHAT IS LIFE?
KpopForever171 #6
Chapter 6: YAY!!!
She FINALLY figures out that JR is Jonghyun!
HanLuNa #7
Chapter 5: I really 'labu<3' this story, I'm so curious about what'll happennnn~ Please update as soon as possible~~~ <3
DaeSeli #8
Chapter 5: I love this Story!! <3
Update soon PLS~ <3