Chapter 15

My Fiance Was Actually My Online Lover!!
There was a knock at your bedroom door when you were doing your homework.. You walk to get it, "Hi" a guy gave you a grin. "Hey, Ren what are you doing here?" you asked as you close the door behind him. . . . "Can't I visit my cousin?" he pouted and sat on your bed.. . . . "C'mon I was just curious" you chuckle and sat down to continue your work. . . . .None of you said a word to eachother but you noticed that Ren was looking around your room.. Going through the shelves and the frames. . . . . . . "Se Jin is this your ex b.f?" he brought a frame infront of you.. You noticed that it was a photo of you and Aron cuddling together. . . . . . You sigh and nodded.. "Hey, you never told me anything" he pouted again. You bit your lips and stare at him... Everytime you think of Aron, your heart clench at the painful memories. You thought he betrayed you.. "Mian" Ren murmered as he saw the sudden expression on your face. You nodded slightly and sighed. "Want to hear our stories" you finally said.. "Yeah" he exclaimed without wasting a single minute.. "Well you see, 2 years ago........." You started and told him every thing in detail.. He was listening to you attentively the whole time.. . . . "He... h..e never showed up" you broke down and started sobbing. . . . He held his arms around you and hugged you, patting you back gently.. "Its Ok.." he murmered gently.. . . --* Poor girl, he didn't came for a reason and you thought he betrayed you. *-- REN THOUGHT as he remembered everything Minhyun told him. . . . . . . ."I think I saw him the other day" You pulled away from him and wipe your tear away with your palm.. . . "You did?" Ren's eye widened. . . . . "I'm not very sure, but it must be him" you said softly and gaze at the photo remembering the other day. . . Ren's mouth formed an O and nodded as he believed that it might be him as he was there in Seoul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ."Se Jin do you miss him?" Ren suddenly asked. Your heart stoped beating for a second. It was true that you missed him. You wanted to see him again.. You gaze at Ren and nodded tearfully.. You thought you saw Ren's eye's twinkling... "Hey, you can miss him" He stated and hugged you again. You stayed like that for a min. "Noona, I think I should leave" Ren stated. "Oh.. Its already dark!" you exclaimed and straighten up. . . . "I'll walk you to the door" you offered and led him downstairs. . AT THE DOOR, "Come to the park at 7. Pm tomorrow" Ren grinned. . . ."Why?" You asked. "I have a suprise for you" he smiled making you grow curious. "Goodnight" He waved and left before you could say anythin. -A SURPrise, I wonder what that is- you whispered and went in. ----------------------- "Minhyunnie, I spoke to her and she has the same feelings for him" Ren squealed through the phone. "Really! He'll be so excited" Minhyun exclaimed on the other side. "Tell him to be at the park tomorrow at" Ren said.. "Ok.. Hey come over to my place" Minhyun said... "Allright, I'll be there" Ren said and hang up.
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HanLuNa #1
Chapter 15: I wonder what will be SE Jin's reaction >.< ~
I'm sososososo exited (as always XD) Please update soon~~
HanLuNa #2
Chapter 11: I like J-Hyo and E.Den <3 kkk i actually love all of them >.<
HanLuNa #3
Chapter 10: Hey~ lol i don't mind the no-spacing stuff..coz it also happened to me haha ^^
OFC you should continue! I really enjoy this fanfic and i get really happy when i see you updated :D So..Please update very soooooon~~~~ <3 Fighting (ง^.^)ง
LoveCuteFanFics #4
Chapter 9: Great chapter! Update soon! :)
Chapter 8: OMG my two biases!! KYAAAHHh! WHAT IS LIFE?
KpopForever171 #6
Chapter 6: YAY!!!
She FINALLY figures out that JR is Jonghyun!
HanLuNa #7
Chapter 5: I really 'labu<3' this story, I'm so curious about what'll happennnn~ Please update as soon as possible~~~ <3
DaeSeli #8
Chapter 5: I love this Story!! <3
Update soon PLS~ <3