Chapter 13

My Fiance Was Actually My Online Lover!!
"Hey, let go of my hand" you stop walking as you were far away from them.. "Sorry" He let it go. "Mind explaining What was that for?" you glared at him.... "Yeish, didn't you saw, I just saved you from those two erts" he fold his arms.. "Pft.. More like saving me" you rolled your eyes, "You were just embarassing me calling me wifey a couple of times" you added angrily... "Whats wrong with that? Besides we are engaged remember" he pouted, "JR We are not married yet and there's still nothing going on between us so please don't make things awkward" you said in a low tone.... "E..rm sorry, I apologise for my big mouth" he said awkwardly. "Gwenchana" you smiled assuringly hoping you hadn't sounded harsh ...................... "Se Jin, I have to leave for my dance class" he check his watch and frown, showing that his dissapointment.. . . "You go ahead" you wave your hands at him.. "I want to stay with you for a longer time" he pouted.. . . . . . . . . "Hah.. You are funny" you laughed.. *IT'S TRUE, HOW I WISHED YOU'D SEE IT* JR Sighed and walk off slowly..... "Bye, Btw mum's asking about you, drop by when you are free" he turn around smiling as he made his way to his car... "I'll definitely do that" you yelled. He nodded slightly and drive his car away. "Bye Jonghyun" you murmered.. ** I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ENGAGED TO YOU, I DO LOVE YOU BUT I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY I Can't dream of marrying you ** You sighed and walk to a nearby bus stand. -------------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE, Minhyun was visiting Aron again. "Hyung, can I have some ice cream, cookies and chips?" Minhyun hollered in the living room.. "Have anything you want but don't forget to clean up the mess" Aron answered.. He was busy with his laptop in the balcony... "Hyung, we are out of it" Minhyun hollered again in the kitchen... "Aish, you must have finished everything last night" Aron murmered annoyingly with his gaze still on the screen. "Hyung, can I purchase it? BUT I don't have any money" Minhyun waddle in inocently... Aron stop and stare at him unbelievingly, *Thats the 4th time, you are asking money from me today* Aron took a deep breath. Minhyun made a puppy eye at him, "Allright, just take some cash in my wallet, its on the table" Aron waved his hands at him as he couldn't resist it, "Someday you will eat me too" Aron murmered and shook his head and continue with his work.. MINHYUN happily snatch the wallet and open it... But something caught his attention, *HYUNG § SE JIN* he eyes widened as he saw a photo of you and Aron cuddling together. . . . . . . . . "Hyung, how do you know Se Jin?" Minhyun asked... "Its a long story" Aron answered without paying any attention but he stop and turn his head at Minhyun, "Wait, how do you know Se Jin?" Aron asked curiously... "She's Ren's cousin, I met her today" Minhyun answered.. Aron's eyes widened, "You saw her? I mean she's here in korea?" Aron asked standing up. . . . . . . . . . . "Yep, I heard that they move back from London last month, we are attending the same university, Why?" Minhyun explained and raise a brow.. . . . Aron started to feel restless and anxiety washed over him... "Minhyun, I must meet her" Aron said, "Minhyun, help me" Aron clasp Minhyun's hand looking at him pleadingly. Minhyun shudder at this sight as he had never seen Aron act that way before... . . . . . . "OK.. Hyung but tell me how you knew eachother" Minhyun asked... Aron nodded and sat down to tell your story..
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HanLuNa #1
Chapter 15: I wonder what will be SE Jin's reaction >.< ~
I'm sososososo exited (as always XD) Please update soon~~
HanLuNa #2
Chapter 11: I like J-Hyo and E.Den <3 kkk i actually love all of them >.<
HanLuNa #3
Chapter 10: Hey~ lol i don't mind the no-spacing stuff..coz it also happened to me haha ^^
OFC you should continue! I really enjoy this fanfic and i get really happy when i see you updated :D So..Please update very soooooon~~~~ <3 Fighting (ง^.^)ง
LoveCuteFanFics #4
Chapter 9: Great chapter! Update soon! :)
Chapter 8: OMG my two biases!! KYAAAHHh! WHAT IS LIFE?
KpopForever171 #6
Chapter 6: YAY!!!
She FINALLY figures out that JR is Jonghyun!
HanLuNa #7
Chapter 5: I really 'labu<3' this story, I'm so curious about what'll happennnn~ Please update as soon as possible~~~ <3
DaeSeli #8
Chapter 5: I love this Story!! <3
Update soon PLS~ <3