chapter 4

My Fiance Was Actually My Online Lover!!
OUR MUM'S decided to stay for sometime and do some talking so we ordered something to eat as they talk....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I rested my arm on the table and wasn't paying any attention to what they are talking about and on my other hand I, was just holding the fork and twirling it as I'm not in the mood to have anything either. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I was just bored and mad, besides I still haven't recovered from the shock I received yesterday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT Only that, I was making plans to meet JR but I have to cancel it because of my mum and her scary threats. . . . . . . WAIT!! I haven't told JR that I wouldn't be able to make it today! I quickly took my phone out of my clutch and scrolled down the contacts. . . . . . . . [ Hi ] I type it and press 'SEND'.... . . . . A few seconds later, I saw Jonghyun moving slightly from the corner of my eye . . . . . . . . A minute later I heard my phone vibrating. . . . { Heya Wassup? } Its from JR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ME : [ Hey, I'm awfully sorry, I won't be able to come today (T.T) ] 'SEND' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JR : { Oh.. Its Ok, but that was unexpected though } .................... ME : [ Sorry... I have to help my mum for some work ] I pouted as I press the send button. ....................... Just then, my mum nudged me so I turn to look at her............. "Will you stop playing with your phone and pay attention when someone is speaking to you ?" she murmured and glared at me. . . . . "Mian" I muttered ............... "Se Jin-ah, I was asking you if you would like to stop by our house later" Mrs. Kim smiled. . . . . . . "Thanks but I'll come some other time" I answered politely and look down to check my phone again... . . . . . . . . . . . Suddenly, I felt a slight pain on my limbs so I look down, my mum was pinching me under the table. . . . . . "Omma" I whined as she gave me an angry look, So I put my phone inside my clutch ... . . . . . . . . . . . "Se Jin-ah, is everything Ok?" Mrs. Kim asked with concern look. . . . . . "Neh" I smiled and made a peek at Jonghyun, he was playing with his phone too. . . . . . . . . . . . . THEN Mrs. KIM change the conversation to my mum again, so I took this opportunity and took out my phone to check it. . . . . . . . . . . JR : { O I c, thats so kind of you... U go ahead help her, and when U are free later just let me know } . . . . . . . . . . . My lips curved into a smile, ......ME : [ Ok.... Gomawo tc ] I send it and puffed my cheeks and turn my gaze to Jonghyun while puting my phone back... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weird but cute, I thought as he was smiling looking at his phone, suddenly he look up and our eyes met. . . . . I quickly turn away to avoid his gaze. . . . "Thats embarassing" I shut my eyes tight as he caught me off guard..... I swear my face is burning now. ------------------------------ JR's POV :::- I was just staring at her the whole time as she was sitting on the opposite side with her mum. She was very pretty physically, her perfect oval face, slender nose, pink lips, chocolate brown hair that flows perfectly on her shoulder....... I still don't know her personally But if I were to describe her personality., I would say that she is very beautiful... I knew it through the way she talks and express herself through our phone talks and chats. . . . . . . . . While our mum were talking, I was just studying her. . . . She seems sad and deep in thought as I often catch her frowning and furrowing her eyebrows..... . . . . She never look at me, maybe she don't like me.. I thought sadly and look away. . . . . . . . Just then, I heard my phone vibrating so I took it out from my pocket to check it. . . . . . *NEW MESSAGE FROM SE JIN* . . . . My heart raced faster... SEJIN [ Hi ] . . . . . . . . . I look at her and she was tapping her phone. . . . . { Heya wassup? } I send it and turn my gaze to her. . . She was lifelessly taping her phone as I waited for her reply. . . . . . . . We text a bit and I came to know that she won't be able to come today and that she had to help her mum. . . . . . . . . . . . I Know what you mean by helping your mum... Silly I am just a step away from you.. I chuckled going through her text and look up to check her again.... Our eyes met, she was actually staring at me with a blank face and she quickly looked away.......... I swear my heartbeat was so loud that I could hear it but her actions hurt me a bit, Does she hate me?? That Q was popping on my mind.. . . . . . . . . Another Q is haunting me again, what if she hates me and what will be her reaction when she finds out that I'm JR ??
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HanLuNa #1
Chapter 15: I wonder what will be SE Jin's reaction >.< ~
I'm sososososo exited (as always XD) Please update soon~~
HanLuNa #2
Chapter 11: I like J-Hyo and E.Den <3 kkk i actually love all of them >.<
HanLuNa #3
Chapter 10: Hey~ lol i don't mind the no-spacing stuff..coz it also happened to me haha ^^
OFC you should continue! I really enjoy this fanfic and i get really happy when i see you updated :D So..Please update very soooooon~~~~ <3 Fighting (ง^.^)ง
LoveCuteFanFics #4
Chapter 9: Great chapter! Update soon! :)
Chapter 8: OMG my two biases!! KYAAAHHh! WHAT IS LIFE?
KpopForever171 #6
Chapter 6: YAY!!!
She FINALLY figures out that JR is Jonghyun!
HanLuNa #7
Chapter 5: I really 'labu<3' this story, I'm so curious about what'll happennnn~ Please update as soon as possible~~~ <3
DaeSeli #8
Chapter 5: I love this Story!! <3
Update soon PLS~ <3