Chapter 8

I'm not okay
Your POV
Four tubs of strawberry ice cream and a bin full of tear stained tissues later, I fell asleep on the couch to BOF playing on the tv. Yes, I didn't really cry because Jandi and Jun Pyo broke up for the millionth time, and yes, I was trying to use the drama as an excuse to cry. No one disturbed me, and left me alone. Mum and dad decided to go out, and Mina stayed in her room on the phone to her friends.
The scene of them holding hands were replaying constantly in my mind, and I was running out of lies, covering the truth. I tried to think that maybe she fell over, and he was helping her up, I tried to think that he was just being friendly. But the lies were too ridiculous to fool anyone. 
I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as I watched the drama. The people on the screen seemed to talk with no sound as voices in my head started screaming. 
The vibration of my phone woke me in the middle of the night. With half open eyes, I answered without looking at the contact.
"Minji, come and meet me." his drunk voice echoed my eyes, completely awakening me.
Hanging up, I slapped on some quick make up and tried to look decent before leaving the house.
Standing outside, with his perfect frame against the brick wall of my house, was a drunk Myungsoo. He lunges on me the second he saw me. Myungsoo's lips drowned me in bliss as I felt the warmth I've been lacking for so long. I kissed him back passionately, until i remembered Woohyun. Pushing him away instantly, i wiped my lips as if it's been infected. 
"What's wrong?" he asked, going in for a kiss again.
"I, I can't. Myungsoo, why are you here?" I asked, pushing him away again.
"You heard, didn't you? I'm getting married. Tell me, tell me you want me here. Tell me you don't want me to go with her." he said, hugging me tightly.
His scent made me numb. Just his simple presence makes my knees weak. My voice becomes shaky and my heart beat faster, but then I thought of Woohyun and I's baby, and I immediately pushed him away again.
"No. I already have Woohyun." I said sternly and walked back inside but he caught my hand and pulled me back.
"Why? Just tell me you want me. I know you do. You were kissing me back then." he said, slamming his fist to the wall.
"I-I, I just can't." i said, my hand protecting my stomach.
"Minji-ah, just tell me you love me still. I can't be without you anymore." he said and held onto my waist.
His hands must have felt the bump of my stomach. His eyes popped wide open as he looked at me, teary and disappointed.
"Is this, is this...Woohyun's?" he asked, placing his hand over my stomach.
"Yes, that's why I can't be with you." I said, rushing to get inside.
"Break up with him right now." he said sternly as I made my way inside.
I kept walking and ignored him, "You're not the first girl he did this too. Break up with him and abort the baby. Right now." he said.
"Myungsoo, it's late...go home." I said and closed the door on him.
Getting back into position to sleep, I tried to silence Myungsoo's word being replayed in my head. 
Forgetting about Myungsoo entirely the next day, I finally attended my first day at medical school. Being a freshman was tough as I tried to find my way around the campus. Sitting down at my first lecture, I saw everyone's tired face, including the lecturer, and I seemed to be the only one awake.
Taking down notes furiously, I didn't even notice the class was already over until the lecturer asked me to leave. Embarrassed, I left quickly. I guess university isn't that bad, well for the first day it isn't.
Woohyun didn't attend university, but instead worked at his parent's store for the time being. Physical contact with him was close to none, but I was happy with the thought of our baby. Woohyun usually never picks up his phone, or calls me first, until today.
After a month or so of attending university, I finally found my way around. Laughing with a few new friends I made, I picked up Woohyun's call.
"Meet me at the park in 5 minutes." he said and hung up abruptly.
Saying bye to the others, I carefully made my way over to the park, making sure my baby isn't disturbed. I rubbed my stomach gently as I waited for the green man on the traffic light to come up. It's already been three months with the kid. I smiled as I thought of their beautiful eyes that resembles Woohyun's, and their lips that looks just like mine. 
I'm hoping to tell Woohyun about the baby today, and take him home to talk to my parents about the baby. Although it's been three months, the bump was still tiny and not suspicious, so I didn't have the need to tell anyone in the family yet. 
Walking to the bench that Woohyun's sitting, I felt nervous. My palms were sweating and my heart beat rose. I sat down next to him, anticipating the sound of his voice.
"Why did you tell people that we had ?" he asked, facing me with his bruised lip.
"What happened to you?" I asked, shocked at his wound.
"Why did you tell Myungsoo about us?" he asked again, pushing my hand away as I tried to take a closer look at his wound.
"I-I, he was just coming onto me, and I just, I," i stuttered as his glaer pierced through me.
"Let's just end it." he said, standing up.
"What do you mean? Why?" I asked, holding onto his hand.
"We've obviously been over ages ago. As if you didn't notice when i didn't pick up." he snickered.
"Then why did you meet me today?"
"Because, you're clogging up my phone with your messages. Just stop." he said.
"Are you...seeing Sohee?" I asked, my voice shaking at her name.
"Yes. Of course. I've been seeing her this entire time! What, you think I actually fell for you?" He laughed.
"But, we, said we could move in together!"
"Aish, it's just a typical thing I say to girls when I want to get into their pants." he said, shaking my hand off his.
"'re just going to leave me.." I said, scared to mention the baby.
"Yes. How many times do i need to say it to you?" 
"...and the baby?" I asked, looking at him.
"Aye, look. I know you like me and all, but don't lie. I hate liars the most. Just because I'm breaking up with you, doesn't mean you can go telling me these stupid lies. You're not fooling anybody with that flat stomach." he said.
"I'm not lying," i said, placing his hand on my stomach, "I have your baby, Woohyun." I said, looking at him.
Woohyun's POV
My throat went dry and I felt dizzy as I felt a soft bump on her stomach. The fear inside me was gnawing at me as I looked at her.
Your POV
"Don't lie to me, there's nothing here." he said, pushing my away and running off.
And that was it. Woohyun never contacted me, changed his number, and was never home. His friends refused to talk to me about him, and Myungsoo was busy with his wedding procedures. 
I walked to the convenient store close by to get ice cream for the late night marathon with myself, since Mina's been busy a lot lately for some reason. Walking home with the strawberry ice cream, I blasted Infinite's songs, humming along with them, until strong hands grasped me tightly, pulling me away. I dropped the ice cream and phone as they pushed me into the car. I squirmed underneath their strength, trying to escape, but it was pointless. They carried me out of the car and I could feel three or four men pushing me into a room.
They began taking their clothes off and looked at me with hunger.
"What do you want? Do you want money? I can give you that." I said, my eyes screaming fear.
"We don't want money, little girl." one of them said, rubbing his hands together.
"Why are you doing this?" I cried as their hands began wrapping around my body.

Squirming viciously beneath their strength, I was able to get my hand out of their reach, and before I knew it, I escaped. I ran for my life, not knowing where I was heading. I heard the sound of their feet approaching, faster and faster.

My body stung with pain as their strong hands grasped my fragile body, pulling me back to their hideout. Roughly throwing me on the floor, they rapidly took their clothes off. The loud banging of rain droplets on the tin roof silenced my cries. Somehow, i got to bite on one of the men's hand, hard. He returned it back with a slap to my face, with the others just laughing. The warm hot tears burnt my cheeks as I endured the pain, not caring about anything else but the baby in my stomach.

The torment seemed to never end, and it was hard for me to tell how many disgusting men was in the act. My dehydrated body was left on the cold floor as they laughed at me, broken, dead, and lifeless. They closed the door behind them and started the car's engine, leaving me to die.

I couldn't lift my right arm, and my body was numb with pain all over. My left hand ferociously searched the floor for a phone or anything, but of course, why would they leave a life source for me? My arm trailed to my stomach as I cried even harder. 

After blanking out, all I heard was the sound of a car moving. My sore body was tied so I couldn't move, and I was placed in the back of the car. I could overhear the radio being played loudly, but I couldn't tell if it was night or day. My breathing got short since the tape that covered my mouth was slightly covering my nose. I gasped for as much air as the stuffy space provided.

Someone opened the back of the car and the sky was still pitch black. They roughly threw me to the floor and ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Don't bother Woohyun anymore." the person said to me before getting in the car.

Before the car drove off, i could see Woohyun on the driver's seat, and Sohee's cunning smile.

My dehydrated body tried to comprehend what was happening, but it was no use. I  screamed on top of my lungs for help, and in a few moments, nurses rushed out, and that was when i realised that i must have been in a pretty bad state for them to leave me infront of a hospital.

The nurses and doctors were shouting out medical names that I couldn't understand and there were dozens of people operating on me, cleaning me in areas and injecting me with pain killers.

"Count backwards from ten." the friendly nurse smiled as she gave me some anaesthtist gas. 

My droopy eyes soon fell and that was it. The pain was over. The torture. The torment. The horror. Everything is finally over. I'm safe. My eyes opened to see a white room. I had IV drops and several nurse in the room were looking after me. My hand reached for my stomach, but it was just flat. There was no bump. It was just the old body I had now. My eyes widened as I looked at the nurse who had disappointed faces before leaving the room just when the doctor arrived.

"Where? Where is my baby? What did you do to her? TELL ME. WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BABY AWAY? WHERE DID YOU TAKE HER TO? WHERE?" I screamed at the doctor.

Although I never knew the gender of the baby, I always wanted a baby girl who will be loved by Woohyun and I. But, where is she? The doctor sighed as i held onto his collar tightly.

"I'm sorry Ms Park. But due to your tragic accident, your baby had to be aborted."

"WHY? DID YOU ASK ME? DID YOU ASK ME IF I WANTED TO MAKE THAT CHOICE? DID YOU?" I screamed, the tears blinding my vision.

"We had no choice! You could have lost your life!" he said, tone concerned.

"So? Just because of that, you decide to take the life of my baby?"

"Listen, Ms Park. You need to calm down, the baby already died in your womb. If we didn't take it out, you would have lost your life!" he yelled at me.

"IT? Is that what you refer to a person?" I asked, shocked at his statement.

"How, how did you know my name?" I asked, remembering that I had nothing on me when i was dropped at the hospital.

"Whoever dropped you off must have left some identification behind," he said, clearing his throat before continuing, "Ms Park. I need you to settle yourself before I hand you the rest of the news." 

"What can possibly be worst than losing your baby?" I laughed sarcastically.

"Ms Park, after doing the surgery, we found that you have been badly injured, and it left you infertile. From your wounds, it seems as if you've been . The police will be coming in to see you shortly. Please co-operate with them so they can capture those who did this to you." the doctor said calmly.

"Infertile? What do you mean infertile? What?" I asked, looking at the doctor.

"I'm afraid you're not able to have children anymore. I'm so sorry to tell you this." he said, his eyes looking towards the floor.

"What...other injuries do i have?"

"Your reproductive system have been slightly damaged, but it's currently healing rapidly. Also, your arm was broken and your ankle was fractured. Your," he suddenly stopped, clearing his throat, not sure how he should say the next bit, "Your, uh, your woman areas, have been ripped, so you won't be able to walk for the next few weeks.

And the discussion was over. I can't do anything basically, for the next few weeks. Not only have I lost my child, but i've also lost my ability to have another child. The nurses came in, trying to comfort me, offering me food or drinks, but I wasn't in the mood. My eyes had a blank look for the entire day as I sat on the hospital bed. The police came and asked questions, but I refused to answer. My mind had way too many things going on for me to process, let alone answering this bastard's endless questions. 

"Alright then, I'll be coming back tomorrow." the police man said.

"Don't bother." I said, for the first time during our conversation.

"It's the law ma'am." he said, closing his folder and walked out.

"YOU GUYS CAN'T DO ING ANYTHING ANYWAYS." I screamed as his back faced towards me.

I cried into my hands as I realize what my life has become, before I was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"LEAVE ME ALONE. CAN'T I JUST HAVE SOME PEACE?" I cried out to the person who was at the door.

My tears stopped immediately as my eyes saw Woohyun standing in the hospital room.

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niena98 #1
Chapter 20: This story is so tragic~ poor minji~ she have to face all the challanges all by herself. All the people around her is always neglecting her. It feels sad!!~ I cry alot bcoz of this story~ great work authornim, be well and update soon!!~ I can't wait to read again!!~><
Chapter 21: This has been the only story that's left me crying like a dork on the floor. Update soon! *T^T*
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 21: Omg so much happened in this chapter!!! Hope you can update soon!
mskay6790 #4
Chapter 19: WOW!! I love this story so much!!!! There's so much things going on, but this story is just amazing!!
lkimwwowh #5
Chapter 17: Omo i love this,i love woobin.... ><
Chapter 16: i really, really love this fic!! even tho it's sad but i've always liked angst fics.. i hope you'd update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Just finish reading this a whilw ago... I almost cried.... Update soon...
SammieHong #8
Chapter 14: Woohyun is a bastard and Myungsoo is selfish...neither of them will bring her happiness..
Chapter 13: Please authornim you killing me softly aarrgghh
Update soon authornim ^^
jesyra #10
Chapter 13: oh gosh all of her exesin one place. I hope Minji doesn't feel so bothered about that. And lol, people who hurt her are now regretting it big time. tsk.