Chapter 17

I'm not okay

a/n: OK SO GUESS WHO IS BACK??? ...drumrolls...CHINKGYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! eheheh. sorry for that hiatus :( had a lot of things going on and I wasn't really in the mood to write, but now that I am back,  i hope you enjoy every bit of this update! ALSO! i need to be a bit more definite about the character's ages...let's just let them be young and be at the age of 26 yeah? heheh, the contradictions to the story..i know :( but let's just go with the flow! here it goes :)


Your POV

I became a little less sane as days passed. Without the presence of Kibum, I just lost my mind. I shut everyone out. I didn't allow myself to communicate with others, and the psychologist was no use. After countless sessions with him, I pretended to be fine, as if I'm back on track with life and all. But in reality, I'm wallowing in self pity.

There seems to be no place that would offer me a job, especially with my criminal record. Until I got a phone call from my mother, informing me that Myungsoo and Mina has inherited the secondary college that Myungsoo's parents owned. She told me that they decided to hire me as a teacher for English, considering my "skills" in the language. 

"But what about the criminal record? There's no way I could cheat the system" I said.

"I don't know how, but their lawyers got that sought out, you just go get a job and try to turn your life around." she said and slammed the phone down, hanging up on me abruptly (a/n: idk how the lawyers do it, but they did it ok shhhh haha)

In the midst of joy, I felt such sadness. Sadness that I have no one with me, and that I have no one to depend and rely on. I tried to smile and get on with life.

A week after working at the school, I feel as if I have been reborned, as if I'm a different person. Despite the tattoo and piercing slips at times, which caught the attention of mainly the male students, I reckon I'm a pretty good teacher. I didn't think I would be in such a position.

I walked with life in my feet, skipping happily down the hallways and to the principal's office, well, more like my brother-in-law's office.

"I'm surprised you didn't follow your father's, but mother's footsteps instead." I said, closing the door of the office behind me, and looked at Myungsoo's beautiful face for the first time in forever (a/n: frozen reference right there ahah).

"Thought I'd choose the easy life." he chuckled.

"So, why'd you call me here?" I asked.

"Well, there's a casual party happening, and I thought...well, you should go. It's nothing special. Just a gathering of a few friends and myself." he said.

"Sure, when is it?"

After giving me the details, I nodded and proceeded to walk out.

"Please dress, a little more formal than usual." he said, pulling his collar slightly as his eyes moved to my revealed legs from my barely short skirt.

And of course, like every other girl, I went shopping after hearing the news. Roaming around from shopping centre to shopping centre to find the perfect dress. I don't know why, but I'm excited, maybe it's the thrill of possibly getting a love life again that's giving me this sudden happiness. Finally getting the perfect dress, I drove back home, with a smile wide on my face.

I dropped the shopping bags onto my bed and went to freshen up. Just as I came out of the shower, my phone rang, the ringtone echoing the apartment. I picked up the phone, thinking it's a wrong number dial since I haven't really interacted with anyone. I almost dropped the phone as Kibum's name was flashing on the screen. Hesitantly, I picked up.


"Stop calling me. I'm ing sick of it alright? Why the hell are you so clingy? Just stop. You need to move the hell on with your life. I didn't want to say this, thinking you'd stop, but you didn't. I have my own problems, and you're definitely one of the biggest problems I'm having to deal with right now. So get the out of my life." he said aggressively.

"But I miss y-" I said, before getting cut off by him. My phone fell to the floor, along with my body, which now seems frail and lifeless. 

The hot tears trickled down my cheeks and splattered against my bare body, in which the towel has slipped off earlier. I couldn't stop crying now. I couldn't stop thinking of the words he spat at me, I couldn't help but to think how abandoned I was. I tried calling him back, but his phone was switched off. I tried searching for a beer or wine bottle, but nothing was left. I just remembered that I emptied it all down the sink when i started to work. I needed some alcohol, right now.

I couldn't find my car keys, and after a while, I just sat down on my bed and cried, pushing everything off the bed, I looked at the small blade that was lying in all its glory on my desk. I struggled, and battled against the temptations, and finally ended up crying myself to sleep.

I called Myungsoo early in the morning, telling him I'm taking a sick leave. He agreed without hesitation and hung up.

The entire day consisted of me crying more and more as I missed my best friend dearly. He was the last string of hope that I had in my life. It would have been better if he didn't call, so then I would be able to believe that he's just busy, but now, now I just can't take it anymore. I decided, it's time I give up. it doesn't matter anymore, especially if I don't have Kibum.

I marched over to my desk, and grasped the blade's handle tightly, letting the coldness of the metal graze against my skin. I could already feel myself calming down, being soothed. I have yet to slice my skin and wither in pain, to forget the memories. I bit my lip, preparing to push the blade deep in until my phone beeped loudly. I rejected the call without looking at the screen. I pressed the blade against my skin again, until my phone kept ringing. And ringing, and ringing, and ringing. It bugged me so much I threw the blade across the room and picked up the phone.

"What?" I asked aggressively.

"I was wondering if you're still able to make it to tonight's party?" Myungsoo asked.

I kept quiet, thinking whether I should go or not.

"I know you're stressed out, so i thought you should come and relax for a bit." he said, as I still remain silent, "Well uh, I have to go, but I uh, hope to see you there." he said and hung up on me.

I looked at the blade and the phone, contemplating whether I should end it now, or give life another chance. I decided to take a shot, if it doesn't work out, I can always end it then...right? 

Looking at the clock, I felt a relief that Myungsoo allowed me a few hours before the party started. I looked into the mirror to see someone I didn't like. I had began growing a bit larger now, my clothes are no longer small sizes. My hair was greasy and oily, my face was pale and lifeless, my eyes drooping with sorrow. I don't know why I thought it would help, but I did a few exercises before I went for a shower. 

Drying my hair and trying to find the right pair of shoes, I looked like a hot mess, well, more like a dirty mess in this case. Finally getting my dress on, I moved onto transforming my face. Layers of foundation, and countless attempts of eye makeup later, I was what you would call "presentable". I looked at my arms and saw the staining scars that made the dolled up me seem a little more imperfect. I took the foundation out and pumped generous amounts on my arm, blending it in and fading out the scars. Brushing my hair out and straightened it, to seem a little more tidy, I smiled in the mirror and took my car keys, which were on the desk that entire time, and went downstairs. I took my heels off and began driving, a little faster than usual as well. 

My heart raced as I drove closer to the location. Balloons and loud music was the first thing I saw and heard as I to the road. Myungsoo's friends must have thrown the party since I've never been here before. Parking my car with the others. I entered through the wide open door, passing through people cuddling, people drinking, people passing out, and people making out. I hesitated for a moment, before walking out onto the table Myungsoo was sitting at.


Myungsoo's POV

My eyes widened slightly as I saw the transformed her, though she have become slightly heavier, she still looks beautiful. I distracted my eyes with the alcohol in my hand.

"Hey, I'm Minji. Nice to meet you all.' she said and sat down with a teacher who was also invited to the party.


Your POV

Sitting next to Myungsoo made me sweat heavily. I had a drink and watched the others play poker and talked about their successful lives. I sat in the corner, trying to stay out of the crowd.

I went inside to look for a few more drinks, when someone pressed a cold beer bottle against my face, "Looking for one of these?" the man asked.

"I saw that you were sitting alone, so I thought I'd come to make friends with you." he said, after I stayed silent. I realized he was also sitting on the table with me, and was really involved in the conversations.

"Wanna come outside?" he smiled, leading me outside.

He patted the spare chair next to his, and I sat down, smiling at him, as the others chatted away. I caught Myungsoo glancing at me, but I soon forgot about him.

After talking, I found out his name is Woobin and his father is Myungsoo's father's business partner, and he was the one who threw this party.

"Are you sure you should drink that much?" he chuckled as I grabbed another drink.

"Trust me, I can drink." I said, chugging down more alcohol than ever.

The alcohol soothed me so much, it made me forget everything, it made me forget how much pain I am in.

"It's getting a bit cold, let's go inside." he said, guiding me inside. I grabbed a beer bottle before going inside. The others had gone out to watch the performance that was going on outside. We sat in his extravagant living room, and chatted.

"Why are you drinking so much?" he asked, taking a sip of his own drink.

"Nothing much, just thought I should enjoy this free time." I said, gulping the rest of the beer, before grabbing his and drinking it, making him laugh.

And I seriously don't why I did the next thing, but I did.

"Reckon we can have a photo together?" I asked. He agreed enthusiastically.

I felt something warm on my lips, and realized I had kissed his cheeks.

I immediately pulled away and blushed, looking at the beer in my hand.

He gently pulled my chin, and pressed his soft, tender lips against mine.


Myungsoo's POV

The performance was almost over, and it was getting late. I went inside to grab my jacket to leave. I walked in at the right time to see Woobin and Minji kissing. My heart clenched and I bit my lip hard. I rushed out of the door without saying bye to Woobin and slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

I slammed my head onto the horn, and cried. The tears gushed out this time, there was no way I could hold it back. I'm glad that my windows are tinted, I lifted my head and wiped my eyes, opening a compartment in the car and pulling out a cigarette packet. Though I have quit smoking long ago, I still kept a packet in there, just in case.I rolled the window down a little and lit the cigarette. As I breathed in the toxic smoke, I felt at ease. I calmed down and puffed out a few clouds, followed by coughs. Putting out the cigarette, I drove off, driving much faster than the speed limit.


Your POV

Woobin called his housemaids to take care of the remaining guests, and returned back to me. My eyes searched the crowd for Myungsoo, trying to catch even just a glimpse of him. 

We continued talking and drinking as the other guests laughed loudly. We got to know each other more. The guests slowly began to leave, and it was also the time that I needed to vomit out all of the alcohol.

I excused myself and raced to the toilet. I vomitted everything out, looking at the mess I'd made. I cleaned myself up and sprayed on a bit of perfume and had a mint, then walked out to Woobin. The other guests have already left, and it was just the housemaids cleaning, Woobin and myself. My phone rung. Checking it to see Myungsoo's text, "Did you get home safely? Do you think I can come over?"

"Did you want me to drive you home?" Woobin asked.

"Uh, do you, perhaps have a guest room I could use? I don't think I'll be able to go anywhere." I laughed.

"Yeah, of course of course. Just that, I only have one room with a bed in here, since I don't stay here often. But you can have the bed. All yours." he smiled.

"No, no, I'll have the couch, it's alright, don't worry." I smiled.

"No, no, don't worry. Here, I'll show you my room. It's a bit messy, I'm just warning you." he laughed, and walked upstairs. 

He opened the door which revealed the extremely clean and beautiful room of his. My jaw dropped as I looked at how big his room was.

"Well, I'll leave you to freshen up." he said, and walked out of the door. 

It was undeniable that we both had a slight connection going on, though we just met. I walked out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, trying to find something to put on, other than my dress, when Woobin suddenly walked in.

"I forgot to give you a bathrobe, oh , I'm sorry." he said, flustered and turned the other way.

"It's alright, thank you." I said and took the bathrobe off him and slipped it on.

"You can turn back now." I said, tapping his shoulder. He turned around, face red and flustered, making me crack up.

We sat on the bed, and talked for a bit, before the drunk side of me began kicking in. I thought I had sobered up, but I was wrong.

"You're Myungsoo's sister in law right? I heard you're very organised and intelligent, and beautiful." he smiled.

"Yeah, I am. Myungsoo hasn't told me anything about you, but, you're really cute." I said, resting my head against his chest.

"Minji, you're too funny." he said, and I said "mhm" in response.

"Woobin, I think you're absolutely gorgeous." I said, and went straight in for a kiss.


Woobin's POV

Her soft lips made mine melt. Never have I felt such pleasure. My hand pulled her closer as the intensity between us increased. Her sweet taste made my mind go into a blur, even though I barely had anything to drink.

I pulled away immediately when I realised that she was drunk, and doing this would be using her. I tried to lay her down and get out of there before anthing else happens, but she pulled me back.

"Please, don't leave me." she said, hugging me closely, falling asleep on my shoulder as we both sat on the bed.


a/n: ANTICIPATE THE NEXT CHAPTER! though it may be a bit delayed im sorry :(

but yeah, this was a pretty lengthy update I must say!

Tell me what you think?

p.s, woobin is kim woobin! <3

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niena98 #1
Chapter 20: This story is so tragic~ poor minji~ she have to face all the challanges all by herself. All the people around her is always neglecting her. It feels sad!!~ I cry alot bcoz of this story~ great work authornim, be well and update soon!!~ I can't wait to read again!!~><
Chapter 21: This has been the only story that's left me crying like a dork on the floor. Update soon! *T^T*
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 21: Omg so much happened in this chapter!!! Hope you can update soon!
mskay6790 #4
Chapter 19: WOW!! I love this story so much!!!! There's so much things going on, but this story is just amazing!!
lkimwwowh #5
Chapter 17: Omo i love this,i love woobin.... ><
Chapter 16: i really, really love this fic!! even tho it's sad but i've always liked angst fics.. i hope you'd update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Just finish reading this a whilw ago... I almost cried.... Update soon...
SammieHong #8
Chapter 14: Woohyun is a bastard and Myungsoo is selfish...neither of them will bring her happiness..
Chapter 13: Please authornim you killing me softly aarrgghh
Update soon authornim ^^
jesyra #10
Chapter 13: oh gosh all of her exesin one place. I hope Minji doesn't feel so bothered about that. And lol, people who hurt her are now regretting it big time. tsk.