Chapter 18

I'm not okay

Your POV

Waking up to Woobin peacefully and handsomely reading the paper, sitting in his chair in the corner of the room, I suddenly realised that I was late for work.

"Don't worry, I told Myungsoo you were going to be a little late this morning." Woobin said from behind the paper.

"Oh thank goodness. But I still need to go back and get some clothes." I said, getting out of bed, almost tripping on the long pj pants I was wearing.

"The maids dressed you. I didn't do anything." he chuckled, placing the paper down and walking over to me.

"Sorry, I must have been such a mess last night. We just met and I've already ruined the first impression." I said, scratching my bed head.

"It's alright. It was a very unforgettable first impression" he said,smiling and rubbing my head, messing up my hair even more, reminding me of the way Kibum used to do it.

"Well I smell horrible. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I asked.

"Of course not. It's just two rooms from the left." he said, opening the door for me.

I went into the bathroom and did the normal morning business until I looked into the mirror and screamed.

"What's wrong?" Woobin asked, racing to the bathroom.

"I look so horrible." I cried, seeing the streams of makeup staining my cheeks.

"This girl, " he laughed, "You look absolutely gorgeous." he said, kissing my forehead and leaving me to wash up.

Walking out, much more refreshed than before, and definitely smelling a whole lot better than before, I went to the room, trying to find my dress from last night.

"Hey, thanks for letting me stay over last night. Sorry if I made any messes around. Uhm, I better head home to change before I get even more late to work." I said, walking down the stairs.

"You look even more beautiful without makeup." he said, smiling at me.

I blushed, and looked at my feet.

"Did you want me to drive you there?" he asked.

"Oh nah nah, it's alright. I'll take care of myself from here." I laughed, walking out of the door to my car.

We exchanged hugs before I left, with his lean figure agains the frame of the door, waiting for my car to disappear into the distance.


Woobin's POV

As soon as she left, I dialled her number, waiting for her to pick up.

"Did you get home safely?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. So glad I got to finally meet you. Thank you heaps for such a great party last night!" she said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time. Did you want to meet up later?" I asked.

"Of course! How about after work? Just meet me outside the school." she said, and hung up soon after.

I smiled and returned back to reading the paper.


Your POV

Walking into school with a bit more beat in my steps, I caught the attention of the young male students with my floral skirt flying around through the breeze.

I sat down at my office and indulged in some chocolates I had on my desk.

"Ms Park, please report to the principal's office immediately." the PA (a/n: i don't quite remember the details, but i'm assuming her surname is park HAHAHAHA SORRY!!!!! <3) announced, causing the other teachers' heads towards my direction.

Pulling my skirt down, I went to the principal's office, feeling as if I was a student caught with smokes, or a phone in class. I knocked three times before Myungsoo told me to come in.

"Hey, did you need me for something?" I asked.

"Of course not, I just called you here for no reason because I have just that much time on my hands." he said sarcastically.

"Well in that case, I'll return back to work." I said, slightly annoyed at his attitude.

"Take a seat." he ordered, and I surprisingly listened.

"I, I heard you stayed back at Woobin's last night." he said.

"Let's keep our conversations as professional as possible." I said.

"Put this damn work thing aside, and answer my question." he said, his fingers tightening around his coffee cup.

"Yeah, I did. Why'd you ask?" 

"Did you," he said, scratching his neck, "Did he, did yous do anything?" he asked.

"Why'd you want to know?" I asked.

"Just answer me." he said.

"No, I don't want to." I said.

"JUST EN TELL ME." he yelled.

I looked outside to see that no one heard him, must be sound proof glass I guess.

"Why do I have to tell you? You don't need to know!" I retorted.

"Because I was waiting for you til 1 bloody am, drunk and worried, scared that you were hurt because you weren't home. Couldn't you have told me you were at his house? Can't you for one moment think of me and just not yourself?" he yelled even louder than before.

"Why the hell are you even so worked up about this? Did you ever care for me? I can do whatever I want, whenever the hell I want, with whoever I want. I don't need to tell you anything. If you don't have anything else to say, I'm going to leave because I have some tests I need to mark." I said, walking out.

I turned around to face him before opening the door, "And stop hassling me. You don't need to worry about me. You never did anyways." I said, and slammed the door on him.

Almost breaking down outside, I fortunately made it to the ladies' room to cry to my heart's content.


Myungsoo's POV

I broke down, tears drenching my face and staining the piles of paper I had on my desk. Why can't I let go of her? Why can't i live without her? What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I hurting her? But why am I blaming her?


Your POV

I dialled Woobin's number, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey, let's meet up after I finish work." I said.

"Yeah, of course. I'll come to pick you up." he said.

I smiled, feeling slightly better. I think Woobin might be key to happiness. I know, it's a bit sudden, but...I really do feel a strong connection.

The entire day, I kept looking at the clock on the wall, swearing that the clock is deliberately going slower.

"Yah, Hyorin, when did you get home last night?" I asked, turning over to the friend that was also at the party. (i love hyorin of sistar ok. no hate hehe)

"It was great!!! I loved it!!!!" she said, quietly fangirling with me.

"Omg, Woobin is a total babe." I said, my eyes glistening.

"I KNOW RIGHT!!!! Ah! He's gorgeous as!!!" she said, both of us getting attention from some of the senior teachers there.

"I know it sounds weird, but I absolutely have the hots for him. No joke!" I said.

"Aw, me too! But you can have him." she said, smiling at me.

"Awwww! You're too sweet!" I said, and continued to fangirl about last night and Woobin with her.

The bell finally rung and I dashed to the toilet to fix myself up before Woobin came.


Woobin's POV

I leaned against my car, listening to some music whilst waiting for her.

"OPPA!" she called, catching my attention.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Why hello there beautiful." I said.

She blushed and made her way to passenger seat. I opened the door for her, revealing the bouquet of roses neatly laying on the car seat.

"Awww." she squealed and immediately smelt them.

"So how was work sweetie?" I asked, driving off.

"It was great! How was your day?" she asked.

"Mhm, it was bad." I said.

"Why's that??"

"Because you weren't with me." I said, making her blush even harder.

"Stop it, you're making me blush." she said.

"Hyorin-ah, you're even more beautiful when you blush." I said, and started zooming off again when the lights turned green.

We arrived at the restaurant with an already reserved table. Spending the night laughing and having a great time with Hyorin, I wanted to pop the question, asking her to go out with me, but I didn't want to take things too quickly. I watched her talk all night that I literally forgot the time.

"I'm so full." she laughed, rubbing her stomach when we got inside the car.

"You're too cute." I said, pinching her cheek.

The ride was then silent, as she laid her head against the window.

"You know Minji? Yeah, she was talking about you before. I think I might have some competition." she said when we almost reached her place.

I stopped the car abruptly and froze in place, remembering that I promised to pick up Minji today.

"Is everything alright?" Hyorin asked, slapping me back to reality.

"Uh, yeah." I said, and drove on, stopping infront of her house.

"Did you want to come inside for some coffee?" she asked, her hand placed on my thigh suggestively.

"Uh, I, I suddenly remembered I had some paper to do back at home. I think I better head back." I said.

"Aw, alright. Well, I really enjoyed tonight, alot. Give me a call later alright?" she said, and gave me a kiss before getting out of the car.

I quickly dashed off, without saying goodbye. Whilst dialling Minji's number.


Your POV

I waited for another 2 hours after school, hoping he'd come. Finally, I had no more patience and tried giving him a call but he didn't answer. I left a text, saying that I had something on so I couldn't meet him, which was totally stupid because I texted hours later, obviously telling him that I must have waited.

Instead of heading home, I headed straight to one of the clubs nearby, in my work uniform. Not paying attention to the men that tried to talk to me. I kept looking over to my phone, but Woobin still did not reply. 

I chugged down another beer before getting a text from Hyorin, telling me how nice her date went. I ignored the text, annoyed at everything. I wobbled out of the club and got into my car, crying my heart out, screaming like a mad woman as my heart tore into pieces, thinking about Kibum. I only just forgot him thanks to Woobin, but now, everything is just gushing back. 

Vision blurry, senses almost gone, I the car and drove. Surprisingly, I made it to a local restaurant near my place. I ordered a few more drinks and something to eat and settled down.


Woobin's POV

"Come on, pick up pick up pick up." I muttered, dialling her number over and over again.

Finally she picked up.

"Minji, I'm so so so sorry, I was so caught up in other stuff that I totally forgot about our date tonight." I lied, hearing no response from her.

"Minji, I'm outside the school, are you still inside? Where are you?" I asked.

"Why, why do you care huh? I'm so insignificant, that's why you forgot about me." she said, clearly drunk.

"Tell me where you are Minji, I'l pick you up." I said, worried about her.

"Forget it alright. You can just forget it, like the way you forgot me. You can delete my number, my everything, because you probably will forget who the hell I am by tomorrow anyways." she said and hung up, not answering her calls at all after that.

I slammed the steering wheel, getting pissed at myself for being such a jerk. I shouldn't have led her on like that. I should've been clear, and not a jerk, a forgetful jerk at that.


Myungsoo's POV

I sat in the car, waiting for Minji outside of her house, but she still isn't home. I was tired of waiting and drove home, until I saw her drunk on the side of the road.

I carefully laid her inside my car and drove back to her place, carefully and gently settling her down on the bed.

"Why? Why did you have to leave? I loved you so much, I even waited, and you just, you just, left." she cried.

I tried to calm her down, but she was uncontrollable.

My phone rang loudly, with Mina as the caller.

I dashed outside and answered the phone.

"Where the hell are you? You should've been home hours ago. If you're with Minji, I'm going to get a divorce, and I don't think you'd want the kids to be fatherless would you? So you better get your selfish back home or else." she screamed and hung up. 

I scratched in my head in fustration, holding back the scream.


Your POV

"Myungsoo, please, don't leave me. i love you, more than anyone, and now, you're gone, What am I going to do without you? I just need you. Please, don't leave me." I said, crying like crazy.


Myungsoo's POV

"Please, don't leave me. i love you, more than anyone, and now, you're gone, What am I going to do without you? I just need you. Please, don't leave me." she cried, tearing my heart into pieces.

I guess she really liked Woobin, and he's just being the typical jerk that he is. Despite that, I called up Woobin, and told him to come to her place to look after her.

I drove back home, crying.


Woobin's POV

Myungsoo opened the door for me and left. I walked inside to see Minji absolutely broken. She cried like no tomorrow. I quickly tried to calm her, but she kept babbling and crying.

"Stupid Hyorin, telling me about her stupid date, when mine didn't even turn up." she said, making my heart race, thinking that Hyorin told her about me and Hyorin.

"Stupid Woobin. Yah, you're Woobin right?" she asked, pointing at me.

I hugged her close and tried to quieten her.


"Yes, yes I am. Shhh" I said, her hair and hugging her close, hoping she'd go to sleep.

"Do you know, how much I like you? I like you a damn lot. That's right. You made me happy for such a short period of time, and I forgot everything. But you just forgot about me. Funny isn't it? It's always like this, isn't it? This has happened way too much that I can only laugh at how insignificant I am to everyone." she said and started laughing, but her tears came out even more than before.

She eventually fell asleep on my chest. It was our second night together, and she was drunk both times, and for the first time, I felt so guilty.

I led this young lady on without even realising it. How can I break it to her? How would Hyorin react?


a/n: sorry if this chapter isn't that great :( super sorry! but please comment and wait for the next chapter!! <3

AND DID YOUS ALL SEE TOHEART'S AMAZING MV <3 i didn't really like the lyrics of the song because I CAN'T SING TO THEM GAH!!! but it's still a nice song with a cool beat and most importantly...WOOHYUN! <3 and key of course hehehe

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niena98 #1
Chapter 20: This story is so tragic~ poor minji~ she have to face all the challanges all by herself. All the people around her is always neglecting her. It feels sad!!~ I cry alot bcoz of this story~ great work authornim, be well and update soon!!~ I can't wait to read again!!~><
Chapter 21: This has been the only story that's left me crying like a dork on the floor. Update soon! *T^T*
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 21: Omg so much happened in this chapter!!! Hope you can update soon!
mskay6790 #4
Chapter 19: WOW!! I love this story so much!!!! There's so much things going on, but this story is just amazing!!
lkimwwowh #5
Chapter 17: Omo i love this,i love woobin.... ><
Chapter 16: i really, really love this fic!! even tho it's sad but i've always liked angst fics.. i hope you'd update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Just finish reading this a whilw ago... I almost cried.... Update soon...
SammieHong #8
Chapter 14: Woohyun is a bastard and Myungsoo is selfish...neither of them will bring her happiness..
Chapter 13: Please authornim you killing me softly aarrgghh
Update soon authornim ^^
jesyra #10
Chapter 13: oh gosh all of her exesin one place. I hope Minji doesn't feel so bothered about that. And lol, people who hurt her are now regretting it big time. tsk.