Chapter 19

I'm not okay

A/N: OKAY MY LAPTOP SHUT DOWN AND I DIDN'T SAVE THE STORY SO I RAGE QUITTED AND DIDN'T UPDATE I'M SO SORRY! and also alot of school assessments :/ and alot of napping too hehe. i also just went to the BAP CONCERT!! YOU DON;T KNOW HOW EXCITED I AM DAKSJHDASJKHDAS. OK so if anything weird pops up in the story...well yeh im excited hehe. anyways here's the update :)


Woobin's POV

I woke up to find a note from Minji on the table, saying to lock the door when I leave. Taking my coat, i left her apartment and went for a coffee.

"I locked the door for you." I texted her as I enjoyed a bagel.


Your POV

"Yah, my date last night, was AMAZING!!!!" Hyorin said, for probably the 20th time now. She would not shut up about her stupid date from last night.

"So, what's his name?" I asked.

"Woobin oppa" she said and covered quickly, looks like it slipped out of her mind that I kind of had a "thing" for him.

"I'm sorry. I know you like him, and I still went with him, I'm so so so sorry." she said.

I wasn't surprised to be honest, she is a lot prettier than I am, so I expected him to choose someone like her anyways.

"Anyways, I'm going to go and get some coffee." I said, and dodged the awkward conversation.

"Here, have some, it's good for hangovers." Myungsoo said, appearing out of nowhere.

"How did you know..." I asked, creeped out.

"Don't drink too much. It isn't good for your health." he said, brushing a strand of hair out of my face, standing closer than comforable.

"Thanks." I said, pushing him away, trying to walk away.

The day was hectic as I tried to battle against the throbbing headache. I sat down at my desk, taking a deep breath and resting for a little. I tried to ignore the thoughts of Woobin, but it's much harder than I thought. I took my purse and dashed downstairs quickly to go get a drink for lunch.


Woobin's POV

I was slightly annoyed that Minji didn't reply to my text as she usually would reply instantly. 


Your POV

Holding the can of cofee, I walked back, just to see Woobin leaning against his car with a bouquet of flowers. I stood for a moment in a daze, until I heard Hyorin's voice calling out Woobin's name, bringing him and myself back to reality. I continued walking, further away from him.

I could hear him calling out my name but I continued walking upstairs.

And so the days passed like that. Woobin would send me texts or calls, and I just wouldn't answer. I couldn't bear to break Hyorin's relationship with him. 

The only thing on my mind now is Kibum. Kibum, when can I finally see you again? When can I gossip with you? When can we talk about the trips we know we'll never take? When can I hear your voice again? Kibum, I miss you, so much.

I lived my life in a routine, not sure what i'm doing half of the time, but i do it so often that I automatically just do whatever I have to without even having to think about it, that's why I can get a bit dazed at times.

I walked out to the carpark after work, trying to find my car when someone back hugged me. Turning around to see Woobin, I pushed him off.

"Hyorin already went home." I said, coldly brushing him and trying to find my car.

"I know, that's why I came." he said.

"Well I'm leaving now, so bye." I said, finally finding my car.

"I need to talk to you." he said.

"I don't." I said, opening my car door.

"Please, just, 5 minutes, please." he begged.d

"No. I need to go." I said.

He held onto my wrist and pulled me into an embrace.

"I really missed you, why did you ignore me?" he asked, his words slightly muffled by my hair.

"Woobin, you are seeing my friend, why do you think I'm ignoring you?" I asked.

"But, I thought we had something going on?" he asked, bothering me.

"You didn't even turn up to our date. How can we have something going on?" I asked, making him slightly stunned.

"Well you could have at least texted me back or answer my calls." 

"I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me, but 5 minutes is over, and I'm sorry I didn't text or call you back, but I dont' want to hurt Hyorin." I said, getting in the car.

"Can I get your permission to date Hyorin?" he asked.

"You just told me you missed me now you're asking me if you can date Hyorin? Can't you make up your mind? Do whatever the hell you want. and stop texting and calling me from now on." I said, starting up my car.

"Can't we remain friends at least?"

"No, you can't simply be friends with someone you like, that is dating your friend." I said and raced off.

I rested my chin on my knees at home. I don't understand what's going on anymore. I ended up flicking through Kibum and I's old messages again.

Woobin didn't call me that night.


"What did I tell you? Not to play around with Woobin." Myungsoo said, shaking his head, as he stood infront of my desk.


"You've been a bit out of place lately. Not answering students, staring blankly, not talking to anyone..." he rambled.

"Uh yeah, I know, I'm, I'm sorry. It's just, a lot of things are going through my head at the moment." I said, sighing.

"Well, you should come over tonight." he said, and walked back to his office.

I was about to tell him off for giving ual invitations at work, but then I realised, we're siblings in-laws now, and that's what the most. I'm not sure what I'm feeling at the moment. I'm missing Kibum, but my mind is stuck on Woobin at the same time. Myungsoo's persistent flirting isn't helping either. I found myself distracted the entire day. Everytime I walked past Myungsoo's office, I would have flashbacks of back then.

"Remember to come over tonight" Myungsoo said as he walked past my desk when it was almost time to leave.


Myungsoo's POV

I sat in my car for a little while after work, like I always did, waiting for Minji to go home first. And like usual, she would sit in her car for a bit before driving off. But today was different.

Woobin walked to the gates of the carpark, holding a large bouquet of roses as Minji walked out to the carpark. Their eyes meet, and she quickly looked away, freezing in position. Woobin walked closer, and closer, and closer, and then past her towards Hyorin, hugging her and giving her the bouquet of roses. 

Minji turned towards the couple, staring for a few seconds before turning back, her eyes on the verge of tears.


Your POV

I drove off, trying to supress my jealously and anger. What should I bring over to Myungsoo's place? Should I get a toy for their kid? Or some food? 

I ended up taking a bottle of wine with me. 

I knocked on the door, and heard some ruffling behind the door before it flung open, with Myungsoo flying at me, giving me a tight hug. 

"Errrm, I don't think we should be so intimate" I said, pushing him off.

I walked inside, finding it suspicious that the house was so quiet. I placed the bottle onto the table and sunk down onto the couch to watch some TV.

"Where's Mina?" I asked casually as he was cooking.

"Oh, they went onto a trip with my parents, they won't be coming back til the end of the month." he said.

"Then why'd you invite me over?"

"For dinner, of course." he said, setting out the table.

"Mind joining me?" he asked.

I walked over to the neatly prepared table filled with food.

"Dig in." he said, staring at me, like the way he used to whenever he made me food

"What do you think?" he asked after I took the first bite.

"You still make things super salty." I smiled, enjoying the food he made, remembering the times back then.


Myungsoo's POV

Her radiant smile made my heart flutter. She continued eating, smiling from ear to ear. 

I wonder...if she misses me as much as I do...


Your POV

We enjoyed a movie and the bottle of wine after cleaning up.

"Did you want to stay over tonight?" he asked, blushing slightly.

"Yeah sure. I'll sleep in Seungjo's room." I said and he nodded, pouring some more wine into my glass and his.

The tv's volume was lowered and we talked the night away.

"I remember back then when we used to sneak out together, and Mina kept it a secret for us." I said, smiling as I remembered back then.

"Minji, do you....perhaps still like me?" he asked suddenly.

"I'm...getting close to getting over you, I think." I said, twirling my glass.


"Don't what?"

"Don't get over me, please." he said, holding onto my hand, making me flinch.

'What? i don't think I understand you" I said, taking my hand away from his.

"Pleas don't forget me, please don't get over me. Please," he said, moving slightly closer.

"Alirght, let's get you to bed, clearly you've had too much to drink." I laughed, trying to liftt him up.

"No, no no. I'm not drunk. I need to get this off m chest. You dpn't even know how much I missed you. I could not go a day without thinking of you at least 10 times. I still look at the photos we took. I'm using the damn phone you stole off me for crying out loud." he said.

"Who would have thought that we'd go from being strangers to lovers, to siblings in laws?" he asked, smiling qith sorrow.

"I think you should go to bed. Come on now." i saidm trying toa void the awkward situation.

"He caught my hand and held it tightly in his, "I miss having these hands treat my wounds after all the stupid fights I was in. I miss being wrapped in your arms whenever it was cold, or whenever we watched a horror movie."

And to be quite honest, I miss having my arms around him too.

"What if...we got the chance to restart? Would you take it?" he asked, looknig at me.

I avoided his gaze, moving away from here, preventing anything from happening, but he pushed me to the end of the couch, holding my face firmly but getly at the same time, forcing me to look at him, "Would you take it?" he asked,

I shook my head, even though I was screaming yes inside. 

He let go, sighing. "Be you still love me? Or at least miss me?" he asked, twirling his thumbs.

I shook my head, giving him the same response.

"I know when you're lying to me Minji, tell me the truth." he said, looking at me.

I nodded after a moment, causing him to smile brightly.

"Say it, say that you miss me. Say that you still love me. Please. You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say it. Please." he beggded.

"Myungsoo, i think I better go home first." I said, standing up 

"Please don't leave me again" he said, his voice quivering as he held onto my hand.

"i just want to hear you say it to me just once. I know I'm being selfish, but I miss you so much, I really really miss you." he said, stanind up to face me.

"I miss you, and I love you alot, but-"

"Shhhh," he said, placing his hand over my lips, "that's all I need to hear." 

He leaned in, giving me a passionate kiss, making me stumble back onto the couch with his body on top of mine. I smiled during the kiss as I remembered the sweet taste of his lips. We kissed like it was our first time. I can remember it clearly, and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't seem to stop myself as I got more involved in the kiss.

He pulled my body closer against his, something he always did, no matter how close we already were. My hand rested in his hair, like per usual, and our kiss spoke the words we couldn't tell each other before. 

He laid me on the couch as he hovered above me, kissing me gentler this time and smiled during the kiss, trailing his lips down my neck, causing me to shiver with pleasure.

"You still smell the same, sour and nasty." he joked, making me slap him.

His lips worked wonders as he nipped slightly on my neck, making me fell even harder for him. My fingers traced his jawline, and then pulling his face towards mine, continuing our kiss. The memories of us started rushing back to us, giving me a sense of happiness as I reminisced on the times when we were actually happy. 

Myungsoo's soft hands trailed down my body as we kissed. He led me into his bedroom and laid me down gently, gazing lovingly into my eyes, giving me soft pecks. 

He brushed the loose hair out of my face, "Still as beautiful as back then." he smiled, before his lips locked with mine again.

It started raining hard outside, causing loud, thunderous noise to echo the house, causing Myungsoo to jump slightly.

I laughed at him, pulling him closer, and we spent the night in each other's arm, sleeping through the pounding sound of the thunder.


A/N: HEHEEHEEHEHEH MYUNG THAT SCAREDY CAT!!! keke i hope you enjoyed the update! i know i haven't updated in AGGEEES! ANd i thank you so much for sticking around <3 <3 <3

anyways, i'm going to dreamland and dream about daehyun!!!! <3 

please comment and tell me what you think! :)

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niena98 #1
Chapter 20: This story is so tragic~ poor minji~ she have to face all the challanges all by herself. All the people around her is always neglecting her. It feels sad!!~ I cry alot bcoz of this story~ great work authornim, be well and update soon!!~ I can't wait to read again!!~><
Chapter 21: This has been the only story that's left me crying like a dork on the floor. Update soon! *T^T*
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 21: Omg so much happened in this chapter!!! Hope you can update soon!
mskay6790 #4
Chapter 19: WOW!! I love this story so much!!!! There's so much things going on, but this story is just amazing!!
lkimwwowh #5
Chapter 17: Omo i love this,i love woobin.... ><
Chapter 16: i really, really love this fic!! even tho it's sad but i've always liked angst fics.. i hope you'd update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Just finish reading this a whilw ago... I almost cried.... Update soon...
SammieHong #8
Chapter 14: Woohyun is a bastard and Myungsoo is selfish...neither of them will bring her happiness..
Chapter 13: Please authornim you killing me softly aarrgghh
Update soon authornim ^^
jesyra #10
Chapter 13: oh gosh all of her exesin one place. I hope Minji doesn't feel so bothered about that. And lol, people who hurt her are now regretting it big time. tsk.