Chapter 4

I'm not okay

Your POV

After that, I haven't seen dad for a while. I never heard of him, or even spoke to him, until Mina called me.

"Where are you?" she asked aggressively over the line.

"I'm working. I'll come home soon." I said and hung up, shoving my phone back into my pocket. While cleaning the shelves and stacking the products, I couldn't stop thinking about Mina's tone just then. Why would she be so mad all of a sudden?

Confused, I continued working, trying to get my job over and done with. I've been saving up for a while now, despoting more money, preparing to move out anytime soon. With the leftover money that mum had saved over the years, along with my money, I'm sure I'll be able to support Mina in the long run.

"You've been working so much lately, are you sure it's not distracting you from your work?" my boss asked, handing me my monthly pay.

"I'm saving up for the school fees." I lied, taking my things with me.

I placed on my beanie and waited for the bus in the cold. I went to grab some snacks at the stalls, warming myself up after the long day of work and school. Walking back, the last bus' figure disappeared and I seriously considered slapping myself in the face.

Walking home in the cold, i thought back to Mina's sudden phone call before. Did I do something wrong?

I walked up the familiar road to our house, seeing dad's figure in the corner of my eye. He was walking hand in hand with his new wife and children, laughing about something. Why the hell would he come to this place at this time?

I opened the door to a silent house. "Mum" and "dad" were most likely sleeping, and Mina is probably studying. I cooked up some ramen and got changed into more comfortable clothes. Carrying the ramen and bowls into Mina's room, i could hear soft cries. I knocked but she didn't reply. I knocked again, but I couldn't hear anything. I opened the door and left the ramen on the table, as I heard soft cries from underneath the blanket. Without saying anything, she shot up, revealing her tear drenched face and she slapped me across the face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She screamed.

"You didn't tell me that dad had got a new family, and that mum died. Why didn't you tell me any of this?" she cried, breaking down, repeatedly hitting me.

"Shh." I comforted, trying to get her to calm down.

"Minji, did dad really leave us?" she asked, sobbing into my arms.

"He didn't." I lied, clenching my teeth as I remembered why I saw dad walking near our house before.


"Go to school safely kiddo." I said, ruffling Mina's hair.

"Hey, are you the new girl?" someone asked, walking next to me to school.

"I'm not exactly new anymore." I said, taking my earpiece out.

"I'm Sohee, nice to meet you Minji." she said, offering her hand.


Sohee's POV

She smiled, shaking my hand happily.

"Let's hang together at lunch?" I offered her.

"Oh, yeah, alright." she smiled.

I bid goodbye and quickly ran to my group.


Your POV

I packed my things after work, trying to forget about dad. I walked into the Staff's toilet, fixing myself up a little. I left my hair down and put some extra lip gloss on before smiling into the mirror.

"Seeing Myungsoo ey?" My boss teased.

I rushed out of the store, my face blushing madly. It was our six months anniversary today.

Shivering in the cold as I wait at the bus stop, I got a call from Myungsoo. After the hectic week of school and family things coming up, I wasn't able to see Myungsoo for a while, so hearing his voice made me smile instantly.

"I can't meet you today. I have something on." he said quickly and hung up.

I guess he turned his phone off after that too cause I couldn't contact him for the rest of the night. I sighed, waiting for the bus, in the cold, in the best dress that I could find.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here." Sohee smiled.

"Yeah, I just finished work." I said, pointing to the small mini mart.

"Oh. Did you want to come hang with me for a bit before you leave?" she asked.

And somehow, I agreed and ended up with her at a club in Gangnam. Feeling slightly uncomfortable at the scenery, I secluded myself to the corner, observing the drunk people enjoying themselves by grinding upon one another. I raised my brows as I see disturbingly young people drinking so much they are just senselessly making out with random people. Drinking my fourth, maybe fifth drink, I felt dizzy as I tried to focus on my surroundings, but I instantly woke to my senses as I could faintly see the figure outline of Woohyun.

My heart stopped beating for a moment and I could feel myself getting even more dizzy. I held my drink and moved towards his figure that was seductively dancing with another girl.

"I think you should stop drinking." Sohee intervened, taking my drink from me.

I couldn't care less about her right now, but I could feel the heat in my body as I saw his face turn towards me. His eyes stared at me deeply as I stood in position, gazing at his devine looks. He moved closer, smiling as he approached, and I knew that I must have been knocked out for sure, because that's probably the first time I've seen him smiling at me.

The overpowering smell of alcohol hit me hard as he grinded his body close to mine. I instinctively pulled away, remembering about Myungsoo, but he kept coming closer, but knowing to keep a slight distance between us. He grabbed me and pulled me towards the dance floor, his lustful eyes mesmerizing me as he moved his body along with the beat. He smiled as he moved his body a little closer, drenching my thoughts with the image of him. I could feel my cheeks going red as he his lips, holding onto me harder than I thought.

Standing close, I could smell his expensive cologne that was making me drunk. I smiled as I could feel his breath close to me.

"I know you have Myungsoo, but." he smirked before crashing his lips on mine.


Myungsoo's POV

I sighed as I got out of their house with my parents, bowing before I left. The awkward car ride with my parents was suffocating as I tried to suppress my anger.

"Can I have my phone back now?" I asked, looking towards my mother.

She took my phone out of my pocket, along with the 50 missed calls from Minji. Getting out of the car, I dashed to get a cab and tried to call Minji, but she didn't pick up. I thanked the driver before opening the doors and entering the club. I sighed, looking at my phone, remembering what just happened. I got onto the dance floor with my drink, trying to get my mind off things.

I brushed off the girls that shamlessly grinded themselves against me. I should've spent today with Minji, not trying to clear my mind from this mess.

"Sorry. I didn't see you." I turned around, apologizing to whoever I bumped into.

"Don't worry." they said, and behind their shoulder, I could see Minji's face, next to Woohyun's.

They were making out as I stood just metres away from them. They passionately kissed under the club's loud music and dim lights. I literally ripped Woohyun away from Minji and threw a punch right across his face, sending him to the floor.


a/n: dun dun dun!!!

please comment guys! love uuuuuuu

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niena98 #1
Chapter 20: This story is so tragic~ poor minji~ she have to face all the challanges all by herself. All the people around her is always neglecting her. It feels sad!!~ I cry alot bcoz of this story~ great work authornim, be well and update soon!!~ I can't wait to read again!!~><
Chapter 21: This has been the only story that's left me crying like a dork on the floor. Update soon! *T^T*
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 21: Omg so much happened in this chapter!!! Hope you can update soon!
mskay6790 #4
Chapter 19: WOW!! I love this story so much!!!! There's so much things going on, but this story is just amazing!!
lkimwwowh #5
Chapter 17: Omo i love this,i love woobin.... ><
Chapter 16: i really, really love this fic!! even tho it's sad but i've always liked angst fics.. i hope you'd update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Just finish reading this a whilw ago... I almost cried.... Update soon...
SammieHong #8
Chapter 14: Woohyun is a bastard and Myungsoo is selfish...neither of them will bring her happiness..
Chapter 13: Please authornim you killing me softly aarrgghh
Update soon authornim ^^
jesyra #10
Chapter 13: oh gosh all of her exesin one place. I hope Minji doesn't feel so bothered about that. And lol, people who hurt her are now regretting it big time. tsk.