"This is the reality that you dont want.."

Another Mystery - A sequel to Mystery 6


PAGE #6 - Revealing
Edited! 8/19/12


A Morning at the Super Junior Dorm.

Everyone is up for the General Cleaning. Except for Donghae have to lay down on his bed.
Everytime Hyukjae passes to the living room, he can't control his sight to look at Donghae's ill body.
He felt so guilty about ignoring him.


Kibum is in his room, looking for something. Sungmin passed by the room and noticed him..
Everyone is cleaning, except him. So, to be fair. He’ll scold him.
Sungmin entered the room and tap Kibum’s shoulder.

" Oi Kibum What are you doing you should be --"

" O-ouch !! " Kibum said.

" See ! I told you !! " Sungmin said.

Kibum was not able to hold things because his palm is still injured.

" t-the notebook .. is missing " He said.

" WHAT ?!?! "

" We should .. f-find it .. "


Kangin, who passed by saw them talking. So to be fair, he yell ar them.

" Quit slacking off and CLEAN !!! " Kangin yelled at them.

" We're cleaning the box !!! " Sungmin make a reason and hold a box beside him.

When they lost Kangin’s sight. They talked again..


Later on…  Sungmin, Kyu and Kibum enter Hae’s room and told about it.


" Kibum just placed in his table ... and its gone .. " Sungmin pointed Kibum.

" we should find it !! " Donghae tired to stand up. But he feel.

" AHH !! "

Perfect timing, Hyukjae passed by and saw him fell. He want to help him but the maknae got him already.

He help him to lay on his bed. Hyukjae stepped back and went back to the kitchen.


" thanks Kyuhyun .. "

" Its okay, you shouldn't push yourself hyung .. "

" I-Im sorry .. " Donghae looked down and drinked his coffee.

" Sungmin, you should help Kibum look for the notebook. You know that he has been injured"

" yes ! But I know that ! " Sungmin left them and entered Kibum's room.

Kyuhyun brushing up his hyung's foreheads upwards. And checking his temperature. They start talking to each other.


Hyukjae seat on the side of the kitchen and lean his back on the wall.
Yesung and Ryeowook noticed him. They were organizing the food cans in the cabinet.
And listing the things to buy for grocery.
They both looked each other. Why does Hyukjae is sad ?
One reason is enough. He miss Donghae. But he’s too shy to help him or talk to him.
Yewook already know that so they don’t have to ask him what happened.
Yesung, who’s near to him, went and seat beside him.

" why do you go with him ? " Yesung pat Hyukjae's back. Hyukjae turned.

" I c-cant .. "

" why ? "

" I d-don’t .. know.."

“Don’t be shy Hyuk.. I know you ..”

“I want to but .. why do I can’t do it.. he’s my lover..” Hyukjae grab his hair.

“You never know unless you try ..”

Ryeowook said while putting the cans side by side.

“but .. he want us to break up.. So I just did what he wants..” Hyuk said.

“Do you think that’s the reason ? Do you know the whole reason behind this ?”

Yesung asked him, but Hyukjae shrugged his shoulders.

“Everyone has a reason Hyukjae. And.. do that face thinks that he really want it ?”

Then Hyukjae looks back the last time he saw Donghae alone.
He was so sad, like he’s crying and saying stupid to himself.
That’s Hyukjae remembered. Its like that he didn’t want it. But why did he said that ?
Yesung pat Hyukjae’s shoulders.

“This is not the end Hyukjae. There’s always a solution to this..”

Yesung stood up and went back to Ryeowook to help him. Hyukjae snapped him out, he stood up and leave the kitchen.


“Yeobo.. what did you just said ?” Ryeowook asked.

“Whatever yeobo .. just let them solve their own problems ..”

Yesung peaked Ryeowook a kiss. A playful kiss.


" Did you find it ?!?! " Sungmin asked Kibum.
" No ! How could I found things when I cant hold them ! " Kibum said.


Sungmin got his face-palm and called Kyuhyun to switch.
They were in the middle of the mess. And Leeteuk is in the living room, using the vacuum.
Hyukjae was in the balcony to sweep there.


" So .. How was it  ? "
" We haven't see yet .. " Kibum looked at Donghae
Donghae saw Kibum's fully covered hands. But he see some blood scratches.
" that must be hurt .. "
" Hmmn.. A little .. " Kibun smiled.
" But hyung's fever is still up .. Why is that ? "

" Im kinda .. okay,but .. Uh.... I dont know .. "
Donghae said as he put the cold patch in his forehead.  Kibum looked down.


" do you really think that the black lady do this ? "

Donghae turned away and looked at the window.
He saw the chirping birds and the morning sunshine.

" I guess .. But I believe to that notebook... "
" me too .. "
"But .. I really don’t understand it ..” Kibum confessed.

" What's that first page supposed to mean ? "

Donghae grab his hair. It really confusing to him. They were talking alone in the room.
The room is already clean so they don’t have to clean it again.

"Do you think .. this related to Mystery 6 ? " Kibum said.

They look each other. It can be a point but its impossible.
The show was all fake, how could be this related to a fictional ghost show ?


Leeteuk scolded them while holding the broom.

He caught them checking the boxes and opened cabinets inside.

" WAIT A MINUTE HYUNG!! we're searching something !!! " Sungmin said.
" ok fine fine ! Sho shoo ! " Kyu gestured.
" Ok hyung Im sorry .. " Kyuhyun pouted and act like baby.

Then Leeteuk left them.

" I hate it when you do that .. " Sungmin glared at him.
" Why ? ~,~ Do I stealing your aegyo ? Hmph! No way ! "
" Arasso !! Arassoo !!! And we have to find that ! "


Then it became silent. They continued to find the notebook. But there’s something that Kyu want to say about …

" ...hyung.... "

Kyu called him. Sungmin was ignoring him. The maknae keeps on calling him.
He grab his arms then Sungmin turned.

WHAT ??!!



" I .. saw the Black Lady .. "

Sungmin's eye got big that he drop the thing he's holding.

" l-l-last night ?? "

" I was .. Going to the bathroom, but when I got up. I saw a black thing on the door, I thought its a luggage but when I touched it..someone pulled me. Its so strong and I cant even let go.
It was gripping hard to me. My eyes tried to close. When I opened it, the lady was gone.
But when I go to the bathroom, I saw the black lady glaring at me. Then the lights went off .. "


" Did she .. done .. something to you ?" Sungmin asked.
“yes…” Kyuhyun lift his bangs and show his forehead.

He said that she left scratches in his head and gave him a headache after.

" the lights .. always goes off when you see her .. " Kyu said.
" You should be careful !" Sungmin said as he look at him. He's concerned for the maknae.
“I know …” Kyuhyun said.


" So you're believing .. " Sungmin raised his one eyebrow and looked at Kyuhyun.
" yeah, and I have .. to know about that lady too.. "



" AT LAAAAAAST ! Its finished !! "
Leeteuk wipe his forehead and look at the whole living room.

Smiling and feels so accomplished.
Donghae is sitting on the couch. Giving them a applause for cleaning the whole apartment.
Yesung and Ryeowook went beside him.

While Hyukjae is with Kangin and Leeteuk on the side. Looking at them.
He heard them talking happily to Donghae, he seems so happy with them.


Hyukjae went to his room and change. He want to jog around the road and exercise.

Leeteuk allowed him and he left.
Donghae wants to say something to him, so he tried to get up. However, he failed again.


" Woi woi Donghae, whats wrong with you and Eunhyuk ? " Kangin asked as he passed by on him.

" I... I dont know ..." Donghae tried to look away.
Kangin shrugs and went to the kitchen. It looks like he doesn't care but, he also wondering what happened to them.

Of course, Ryeowook and Yesung really concerned about them. 
So they talked about it. 


" It's was just an accident ! I never meant to say .. it's just ....Ughh... " Donghae said.
" so.. Is this a cool off ? " Ryeowook ask, then everyone look at him.
" I t-think .. Its getting worse .. "
“I know .. its my fault !” Donghae blame himself.

“Don’t lose hope Donghae. You just don’t know his feelings right now. Since he’s really worried to you…” Sungmin said.
" Im so stupid ! I hate myself"

Donghae keeps on blaming himself. Kyuhyun, walk through and give him a hug.

Donghae was surprised, Kyu was not like this today.
Kyu just don’t want to see Donghae sad. Even though this is just the only way he can only do about it now.
Donghae was touched, his tears start to fall.

"I... I really didnt mean it to .. say...I dont want to end it ..."


10:30 in the morning.

Everyone was watching tv.
And Leeteuk remember their appointment with the Doctor for Donghae today.
They wake up Donghae and let him change. But Hyukjae hasn't gone home yet.


They left at 11:00.

Then Hyukjae arrived, panting and huffing.

" Ohh, Eunhyuk ! " Yesung saw him while switching the channels.
" where's Leeteuk and Kangin hyung ? "
" they already left .. " Kyuhyun said.
“ !!” Hyukjae wipe his sweat in his neck.

He was going with Donghae today and want to tell something.
But they already left. Then Hyukjae them.
Hyukjae remained silence and quietly going to his room. However, Yesung said ..

" is this gonna take forever to finish ? You're making Donghae more suffer .. "

Hyukjae and Yesung turned to each other, but Yesung glared at him.

" because of YOU .. "

Hyukjae stepped back. Then he turn back on them.

" I'll f-fix it .. hyung ..

... I will .. "



" Hows Donghae , Doc ? "
" hmm, nothing wrong. He's okay now. He was just tired in his sick days .. "
" I thought he's pregnant .. " Kangin murmured from the back.

Then Leeteuk hit him on the shoulders.


" May I ask, Mr. Lee Donghae .. "
" yes ? "

" is there something bothers you ? "
Donghae want to avoid the question, then he looked down, holding his hands.
Biting his lips and dont know how to answer the Doctor.

" ahh... No. T-there’s nothing.. "
Kangin and Leeteuk looked each other.
" you will be sick again if you have. If you're not focusing yourself. "
" I'll try my best to .. be healthy.. "
" Sure you can. "

The Doctor smiled at him, Donghae looked at him, holding his gripping hands. And he made Donghae smile.
" thanks doc .. "


In the Super Junior's car.

Leeteuk was talking to Kangin, so happy , smiling and laughing each other.
While Donghae was infront, listening to their conversation. Kangin saw Donghae through the mirror looks down and sad.

" you lied .. " He said.

Donghae lift his head and look at Kangin.

" you lied that your ok. "
" Please note that your sick will back if you didnt get recovered.." Leeteuk said.
" Okay.. Hyung .. "
" Then make up with Eunhyuk now .. " Kangin said while looking at the window.
" Hyung ?! How could I --?!"
" SEE. What kind of reaction is that ?!? "

" Its BECAUSE HE WONT LISTEN TO ME. I never ever like this kind of situation !! "
Donghae yelled, then Kangin and Leeteuk look at them.


" I always making him .. worried. Its bothering !! I am a troublesome person to him !
I .. didn't mean to .. say that ..."

Donghae got his face-palm and look again at the window.


Kangin gave him a distracting glare, then hold Donghae's chin.

" Listen boy, you're lovers. It’s a part of lover’s job to worry and be with his lover for the time of his life.
  He's worried because he loves you, you got that ?! "


" But I making him worried and all troubles I have is involving him !! I .. hate .. him .. I dont want to see him like that ! "

Leeteuk sighed and pat his shoulders. 
" And that's what he's thinking also .. "

" Ehh ? Leeteuk hyung ? "

" look, we have the same position in love life, and we have to be equal to each other.
If you're worried, he's more worried than you .. "

Leeteuk pinched Donghae's nose. He chuckled..


" you really act like a 5-year-old boy.. It's just misunderstanding. You can say sorry if you want to stop this.
It's alright, Donghae."

Donghae smiled at Kangin and Leeteuk. He's apologizing for being so stupid and confused.


They already got home 5PM…

" HYUKKIE ?!? " Donghae slammed their dorm's door.

The door is almost wrecked and everyone in the dorm glared at him.

" aahh.. Hyung , you can just ..open the door slowly. "  Ryeowook smiled at him.


" ooh, sorry .. Hahah ^^; " Donghae laughed and scratched his head.

" if you're looking for Eunhyuk, well he's gone .. " Sungmin turned.

" eh ? "

" What do you mean gone ? " Leeteuk asked when he was going to his room.

" he's with Manager-hyung, I dont know what happen but at first,  didn't want to go... "

"  Oohh ?..." Donghae looked at Sungmin.

" he said he wants to talked to you, but Manager hyung force him to come over at the company.. "

Sungmin face was sad as he talk to Donghae.
Donghae grip his hands and thanked Sungmin. Then Sungmin whispered something ..


" its still missing hyung .. I have a bad feeling about it.. " Donghae look at Kibum and Kyuhyun.

He pulled Sungmin to search in his room but .. Leeteuk showed something to them..


" Hey guys ! I found a really strange black notebook ! "

Donghae , Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Kibum jolted and immediately turned at their hyung.
Its was the missing notebook they were searching.
Leeteuk didnt know anything about it, so he opened and read.
Unexpectedly, he saw the first page.

" NO HYUNG !!! "

Its to late to stop him, he already saw the first until the following pages.

Donghae was shocked. It was missing all day.

How come that is found that easily ? Since they are the ones who knew it first.


" hyung .. where did you found it ? " Sungmin asked.

Leeteuk said that he just saw in his bed.Kibum asked him who first saw it.
Yesung saw it first, then he show to Ryeowook. They actually read about it.
Also Leeteuk, but Kangin didn't know. Donghae slowly sitting down on the floor in his shocked face..
Holding Sungmin's arms. Kibum, Kyuhyun and Sungmin looked each other.

" Whats wrong with it ? "

" h-hyung .. "

Donghae pointed the notebook, but his hands were trembling.

" t-that .. notebook.. is .. haunted .. "

Donghae said.

After that, no one reacts. They were just, looking the notebook and Donghae.

But there are someone who didn’t take it seriously..


" HAHAHA !!! W-wait !! T-that n-noteb-book ?! HAHA " Yesung laugh hiralously.

Ryeowok was just laughing at Yesung’s laugh.

" LOL !!! I TAKE JOKES LIKE THAT HAHAH !! " Kangin also laughed.

" Hehe. He's right Donghae, this is not Mystery 6 " Leeteuk chuckled.

And pick up the notebook.


" DONT PICK UP THE NOTEBOOK !!!!" Kyuhyun shouted as he looked down.
Leeteuk looked at him and everyone stopped laughing.
" this thing .. will haunt you tonight .. " Sungmin said, his voice is too deep.
" haha.. I-its not funny you guys .. " Leeteuk stepped back.
" we already saw it .. " Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin and Kibum said together to them, glaring.


" Ohh.. Another scary thing --" Yesung still showing his gags.

Why don’t they believe it ? 
Do they look like they’re having fun ? Making pranks ? No. They are really serious.


" STOP THIS DAMN THING YOU GUYS. Its just a notebook.. " Kangin pointed the notebook.
" remember that day when something glass broken but you wouldn’t find it in my room ?"


Then they became silence and listened to Donghae..

" And that box ? I don’t have a big box in the shelf. Does anyone wondered why can’t you find the broken glass ?  .." Donghae said.
" just think of my hands hyung. Am I stupid enough to hold a broken pieces of glass..."
Kibum looked at them, showing his injured hands.


" tell us what you see inside this notebook .." Donghae glared. They became silence, and they became serious.

They don’t know if they are serious or not. Since some of them are really good at making prank.
But, why is it that they hardly trust each other ?


" t-this is ridiculous .. " Leeteuk scratched his hair.
" oh no hyung .. this is real .. " Kyuhyun turned and gave them a evil Kyu look.
However, Donghae is still sitting on the floor..


" This is the reality that you dont want .."

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GUYS. I ALREADY EDIT ALL CHAPTERS. Change and edit some things. I'll tell it on the blog C: Thanks !


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Chapter 19: Please update ???
Its 2017 already...miss this... i want to know the rest of the story...please authornimm
chocobean #3
shineeexogg #4
Chapter 19: Omg! Please update soon this story is so interesting! I know yyou haven't updated in like months but still!
kyurabias #5
Chapter 19: New reader here!!!What happen after that?Ouh,please update soon...I really enjoy read your ff...Hope you will update and not ignore this ff...
LoveNdyy #6
Chapter 19: New reader here~
What happened?
Aah, cliffhanger..... T_T
LeadingWisdom #7
Chapter 19: WHAT HAPPENED?? I CANT................. TELL ME...........
Chapter 19: NOOOO... not a cliffy ...
come on what happened > < ????????