"A long candle with a blood dripping on the floor."

Another Mystery - A sequel to Mystery 6

PAGE #3 - Strange Feelings...


Early Morning, 7am. The other members are up …

Kangin, Leeteuk, Euhyuk, and Hangeng are in the Kitchen. Kangin is pouring his bowl of milk.
Hangeng was cooking Beijing fried rice (Heenim’s and Siwon’s favorite) while Leeteuk and Eunhyuk is eating and chatting.

While the other members are still sleeping.
Kyuhyun was hugging his laptop and psp.
Sungmin’s legs was on Kibum stomach (that must be heavy).
Donghae start to wake up ..

Rubbing his eyes and went to the bathroom to gargle and wash his face.
But he cannot forget what the Black Lady said to him in his nightmare.

“the legend … is starting ….”

Donghae looked at the mirror, seeing his wet face and his morning face.
He can’t do anything but to forget it . So he went to the kitchen ..

“G’d Morning ~” Leeteuk smiled at Donghae.

“Ahh, Hyung. Good Morning ~”

Hyukjae stood up and give his cereal bowl.

“good morning Hae ~” Hyukjae winked and smiled. Donghae cant help but to blush and start eating.

However, Hyukjae noticed him, pale and not feeling well. So he put his hand in Donghae’s forehead to determine his temper.

“you okay ? …”

Donghae looked at them, Hangeng turned and look at him. And he really really want to tell it to them.

“hyung… Hyukjae … I have .. a nightmare..” Donghae looked down.

Hangeng said that he should first bite a hard thing before telling his dream. Kangin gave the milk bottle and let Donghae bite.


“so .. what is it ..” Leeteuk crossed his arms.

“well … A Black Lady grab me. ”

“what ? … ” Kangin said.

“I heard … a strange sound at the balcony. So I check it out. I was going to go back to my bed but someone grab me behind the curtains. It was a Black Lady, dressed up in a black dress, black long hair, fully white skin and crying with blood.. And she said..
The Legend is starting

Donghae looked dow, Hyukjae embrace him. Holding his hand tightly.

Hangeng served the rice and seated down, looking at Donghae.
They making him cheerup and to forget his nightmare.

“Ahh, Its okay Hae. Couple of days, you will forget the dream..” Kangin patted his back.

“I’ll give you a massage if you want …” Hangeng said.

“No Hangeng, Maybe HYUKJAE Wont let you do it ..” Leeteuk looked at Hyukjae, raising his one-eyebrow.

“I didn’t say that …”

“Okay, fine. I’ll do it tonight…ALONE”

“It’s okay, as long as Donghae feel better ..”

Leeteuk, Kangin and Hangeng looked each other, smiling.
It’s such a rare to Hyukjae letting someone to be alone with Donghae.
Then they saw Heechul, rubbing his face with his morning face.

“Chullie, here’s your rice ..”


Heechul nods, he wash his face first and make his coffee.


In the afternoon, Donghae is in the balcony alone. Holding the strange notebook under his bed foam.
Gazing at the blue sky, thinking about the notebook.
Kibum saw his hyung, then he seat next to him.


“Hyung ..”

“Ah .. Kibummie ..”

Kibum saw him holding the strange notebook.

“you’re still thinking the notebook huh hyung ..”

“I really …can’t forget my nightmare ..”

“Ohhh, about the Black-Lady thing ..”

Kibum cross his arms and look at the sky. The wind sways their hair like a tree.

“well, you should get a bible study with Siwon hyung ..”

“Sure. I don’t mind ....”


Kibum looked at him, he saw Donghae closed his eyes.

“it is just a nightmare hyung. Don’t make it a big deal. ”

Donghae looked at Kibum, then he drinked his juice on the table.

“….maybe .. you’re right .. ”

“Eunhyuk hyung is so worried for you .. He’s asking me if I did something to you to make you like that ..”

“Ohh, You didn’t tell him about the notebook right?”

“What ? You didn’t tell ?”

They looked each other.

“I want to know more about this, I know he wont let me do this. And Im making him too worry for me..”

Donghae clenched, while holding the notebook.

“I understand hyung .. Okay…”

Then they became silent. Donghae is looking at the buildings infront of their dorm.

Listening to the other member’s yelling and shouting voices.

Kyuhyun and Heechul were playing a video game.

“Neh, can I borrow the notebook ? Just for a day ?”

“… okay ..”

10 minutes later.
Donghae wants to play PSP , he stood up but suddenly he got dizzy.
He nearly collapsed at the door, so Kibum stood up and help him.
Kyuhyun and Heechul saw him at the sliding door.

“hyung !! Are you really alright ?!”

“y-yeah … Im just .. dizzy ..”

Kyuhyun paused from playing and left the couch, and help his hyung to get up.
Hyukjae who passed by, saw them helping Donghae.
He went quickly as he can and know what happened to his lover.


At Dawn, Donghae was lying at his bed. While Hyukjae holding his hands.

Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Heechul and Kibum are on the back.


“Im just dizzy, its nothing serious happened…”
Donghae said as he hold Hyukjae’s hand.
“Not serious but if you keep ignoring it will be !” Hyukjae said.
Kyuhyun asked Kibum what really happened.

 “he was getting the PSP in his room, but when he stand up, he nearly collapsed.”

Kibum said as he crossed his arms

Donghae didn’t deny it. He can’t deny it infront of Hyukjae. He know that he made Hyukjae worried, again, and also the members.

“well.. This is his medicine. I got it from Leeteuk hyung.” Sungmin gave the medicine to Hyukjae.  He bowed and they left.


Donghae hold Hyukjae’s hand tightly and apologized.

“why are you apologizing ..”

“I make you worried again ..”

Hyukjae touched his face, he kissed Donghae’s forehead and said ..

“its because I care for you ..”

Donghae blushed and he pulled Hyukjae.

“I love you ..”


11 at Night, Donghae got sleep. Hyukjae turned off the fish lamp.
Then he went out to drink.

Hyukjae was surprised, Leeteuk was in the door. Waiting for Hyukjae.


“I heard about Donghae…”

“He’s fine now hyung. A little rest will do ..”

“I bet he’s pregnant ..” Heechul said while checking his twitter on his Ipad.

“Haha—very funny hyung. Very funny …” Hyukjae looked at him.

“Well, that a sign for pregnant people. Maybe Donghae’s got a mattress.”

Hyukjae pissed off and he left Leeteuk. And he seated on the couch.

Siwon was sitting beside him, and look at Hyukjae.

He seems so worried, covering his face with his hand and sighed.

“Eunhyuk ..” Siwon patted his back.

“yeah ?”

“He’s … alright now, ‘kay ? Don’t be so exagge ..”

“I know hyung. But .. I cant help but to be like this ..”

“I’ll pray for him. Don’t Worry ..”

“Please do Siwon…”

Everyone knows about Donghae, and they all noticed Hyukjae, so problematic.

So they gathered and cheer them up. Even Kyuhyun and Yesung.

“thanks guys .. I kinda relief ..”

“well You should !!” Shindong patted his back and smiled.

“Donghae is fine now. A bit of meds will do ..”Leeteuk smiled at him.

“And we have to pack to ..” Siwon looked at Kibum, Heechul, Hangeng.

“Okay fine !! But I want here .. T.T” Heechul pouted.

“Hyung can always come here.” Ryeowook said as he smiles.

“Ryeowook’s right Heenim. Next Week again!” Hangeng pulled Heechul.

“Wait, I’ll call for a car from Manager ..” Leeteuk said.

“Please do hyung …”

While Hyukjae looking at them talking and watching, but he’s still worried for Donghae.


In the middle of the night…

Donghae was panting, and cant even breathe. He woked up and he got his nightmare again.
It’s the same dream. Whenever he woke up, he look first at the balcony..

“Uhh not again ..” said to himself.

To refresh himself, he want to drink milk.
He stood up and walk, going to the kitchen.
The living room was so dark. Only the moon light’s were only seen.
He glance at everyone’s room, and they are all sleeping.
He the light in the kitchen.
Then he saw the Black Lady standing infrontof him.
Donghae gasped and stepped back. He pinch himself if it’s a dream. It was not.
The Black Lady was glaring at him. Her face was covered by her long black hair.
And her dress is all black with blood stained.
Donghae continuous to crawled back.
But the lady still following him.

The Lady was giving something to Donghae.
A Long candle with a blood dripping on the floor.

But Donghae didn’t take it. He was too frighten.So the Lady is still glaring at him.Then he closed his eyes.
When he open it, the Black Lady is gone.
He look both sides of the kitchen,but he cant see a thing.He stood up then  suddenly.. 

the lights went off .

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GUYS. I ALREADY EDIT ALL CHAPTERS. Change and edit some things. I'll tell it on the blog C: Thanks !


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Chapter 19: Please update ???
Its 2017 already...miss this... i want to know the rest of the story...please authornimm
chocobean #3
shineeexogg #4
Chapter 19: Omg! Please update soon this story is so interesting! I know yyou haven't updated in like months but still!
kyurabias #5
Chapter 19: New reader here!!!What happen after that?Ouh,please update soon...I really enjoy read your ff...Hope you will update and not ignore this ff...
LoveNdyy #6
Chapter 19: New reader here~
What happened?
Aah, cliffhanger..... T_T
LeadingWisdom #7
Chapter 19: WHAT HAPPENED?? I CANT................. TELL ME...........
Chapter 19: NOOOO... not a cliffy ...
come on what happened > < ????????