Hi Guys I'm Back

Karma Bites Back. HARD






Never before had you actually been in a gym, but Heechul’s word was good, and so you found yourself standing there, decked out in spandex and sweat bands, in the middle of the gym, completely at a loss.

“Yah, come on, we don’t have all day, you know? Let’s get moving. I think the treadmill will be a good start.” Heechul tugs you with him.

You get on, and stand there, not knowing what to do. Then Heechul smack a button, and the ground under your feet is moving. You squeal loudly and scramble for footing, unfortunately failing and flying off the machine.

“Oopsies, sorry.” Heechul covers his mouth as he giggles.

You scowl and stand back up, crossing your arms.

“Let’s try again, shalt we?” He helps you back onto the thing.

“Ready?” His hand hovers above the ‘start’ button.

“I’ll probably never be.” You grumble.

“Good.” He ignores your reply and slams his hand down, the machine whirring and the ground moving again.

You take hold of the bars on either side of you and pump your legs, getting used to the pace of the treadmill.

“See? It’s not that bad. I mean, you’re running, but at least there’s air-conditioning and stuff?” Heechul grins and sends a thumbs up. You grin slightly back.

However, 2 minutes later, the smile has all but slipped off your face and hit the ground, and your face was as red as a tomato, and your breaths were coming short.

“I-I can’t- H-heechul, no more!” You yell brokenly, legs about to give.

Heechul takes a look at the distance you’ve run, and hits the ‘stop’ button.

You pant and bend over; walking it out as the machine’s whirring slowly gets slower and lower.

“Congratulations, you ran a fourth of a mile.” Heechul smiles, pulling your worn out and sweaty frame into himself.

He allows you a few minutes of rest time to get your heart rate down a little, and then stands up, clapping. 

“Now we need to move on to the weights.” He leads you over to a plank, where you lay down, before he puts a 1 lb. weight onto both ends of the pole thing.

“Okay, now just hold it up.” He says, lifting the pole for you.                    

You take hold of it, arms trembling a bit, and he lets go. It feels alright at first, but soon your muscles are screaming in pain, and he has to grab the pole before you drop it on yourself.

Heechul sighs. “Yeah, I think that’s enough for your first day of training. Let’s go out for lunch.”

You mentally cheer and drag yourself to the changing rooms.


The days flew by a bit faster, and Heechul dragged you to the gym after school every day, no matter what. You were improving, and by the 2nd month, you could jog a mile without feeling like you were about to faint. You felt proud of the change in your body shape, round, protruding belly flattening a bit and arms gaining slight muscle definition. Not only that, but your legs slimmed a bit and you had less urges to eat junk food due to the diet Heechul had put you on.

You weren’t the only one, however, that had noticed the slight changes. Kris walked past you in the hallway, one day, and found that there was a larger space to move past.

“Mei, you got skinnier.” He says bluntly.

“Yeah, all because of that crazy Princess Heehee and his intense training and diets.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the time Heechul had forced a whole cabbage down your gullet then prohibited you from eating anything else. You shuddered.

“Well you look good, sis. Happier too. That guy’s doing some real good for you.” He ruffles your hair and continues his way towards the stairs.

“Huh.” You shrug and keep walking.


The weirdest day of the week was Wednesdays, you decided, as a runty little boy came up to you and told you that you looked nice.

Spluttering a bit and just generally acting like a retard, you just kind of forced a smile and nodded your head, swiftly turning around and fast-walking away.

Yup, Wednesdays were definitely the weirdest day of the week.


“So today I’m going to step up the game by teaching you how to apply makeup.” Heechul said that Thursday, dumping the contents of his giant bag onto your bed. A billion different types of brushes and containers fell out, a pile collecting in the middle of your mattress.

“…What.” You tried to run, but even after all that training, Heechul was still faster, and he tackled you before you got to the door.

“Nu-uh, babe. You’re coming with me.” He dragged you back to the bed and sat you down on it. “Don’t you even dare lift your off this bed. If you try to run, I will hunt you down.” His voice lowered.


“Ow! You just stabbed me in the eye with that thing! Man down, I repeat, man down!” You screamed, smacking him repeatedly.

“Yeah and now who’s the one hurting?!” He yelled back, attempting to block your fists.




“Will you guys shut UP? Really, you’re so loud geez. A man can’t even chat with his girlfriend without distraction.” Kris popped up by the door, scowl on his face. All movement and noise ceased.

“You have a girlfriend?! Wow, I guess someone wants you after all.” You roll your eyes, pain already forgotten. “Let me meet her someday, okay? Remember that you still need dad’s approval.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Someday.” Kris lopes out of your room.

“What did you guys just say? Was it about me? It better not have been about me or else."

You didn't answer him.

Ugh whatever. Where were we?” Heechul asks, brandishing that thing that caused you pain before. That bristled thing with its black brush things that applied a sticky substance to your lashes. You shuddered.

“YOU FREAKIN STABBED ME, DOUCHE!” …and the fight resumed.


It was only 2 weeks later that you accepted your fate, allowing the thought that that weird and sticky stuff that Heechul had forced you to apply on every day was actually making you look prettier, if the few comments you got were anything to go by. Another 2 weeks and you finally got the hand of what was called ‘eyeliner’. Now, all this coupled with your constant training at the gym with Heechul every day did wonders on you. Lumpy fat melted and melded into leaner and much firmer muscles, and your chubby face and frame slimmed down a lot. By the 3rd month of killer training, you had mastered the art of makeup and lost 30 lbs. -4 dress sizes for your clothing.

School had slowly become less and less of a pain getting up for as time passed and less people hated you. It was a weird feeling, knowing that less people wanted to punch you in the guts just because you had lost some of your cushioning. It wasn’t exactly a feeling that you loved or embraced. In fact, you were almost completely sure that none of it was too your liking. It was disgusting, the way people acted to you now. You almost preferred to be treated how you were in the past. But you shook off the feelings that made you shudder whenever someone waved and smiled at you in the halls, mouths turned up into a sickly sweet crescent and eyes dead.

School becoming both less burdensome and more stressful and shudder inducing, you were completely caught off-guard the day your brother brought home his girlfriend. You were going down with Heechul (who by that time was practically living with your family he had his own bed and toothbrush and everything) for dinner, when you reeled backwards and bumped right into him at the sight of a tall, skinny blond chick sitting in your usual spot at the dining table.


“Uh, could you move?” You blurted without thinking.


Okay! Hi guys :) As you could have infered from the title of this chapter, I'm back. I had some time today, so I typed up a quick chapter for ya'll. Hope you enjoyed it! Anyways, I know I've been pretty ty and I also know that we've mosty (if not all) established that I kind of . So forgive this motherer, okay? Yeah I know I always apologise in the A/n of my chapters but still. I feel bad, ya understand? Yeah. But now that it's winter break, I got a lot a more time to write for ya'll. So, please expect more to come! Thank you if you even read this section, but if you didn't read all this blab,


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Kpopasian #1
Chapter 19: YES JOIN BREATH AGAIN!!!!!!!!
ReenRieX #2
Chapter 19: !! What the hell ?!?! Cliffhanger ?!?! Kyaaa !!! This is so tense !! Please say yes Kate-ah !! You were meant to be together ~ *notethedramaticsarcams* ... Haha.. Please update again authornim~
sukaixingdo11 #3
Chapter 18: yay! there is an update (*^◯^*)
excited for the next update
Chapter 18: Uhhhhhmmmm have they really changed their ways or is it all a charade, can someone really change ?????? maybe maybe not.
Glad the two friends have been reunited at last :D sad to see that Kai is still the same old jerk and seems to be even worse :/
oh my goodness what are those 3 doin in korea ???? I expect loads of action now lol
thank u for the much awaited update ^^
Chapter 18: I can't wait for the next update. :-) I am ready to see what will happen next :D
sukaixingdo11 #6
Chapter 17: i can't wait for the next update :D
i'm excited of what will happen
Chapter 17: I was reading this story when the part where I wanted to find out about (chapter 15) ended on a cliffhanger for me ;( but I will patiently wait ~ I want to know what's going to happen though
Chapter 17: Can't wait for your next update >.<
Love your story!
Chapter 17: update soon!!!