Chapter 31

The Singer, the Dancer, and the Jerk

Eunmi tried as quickly as possible to follow Hyunki and Taemin to the front desk with her aching ankle from walking so fast.

“Kim Jongin, motorcycle accident,” Hyunki said, pale-faced.

“Ah yes, surgery. Floor 2, there is a waiting room right at the end of the corridor when you turn right from the elevator,” the receptionist told him promptly.

Hyunki nodded and Taemin and Eunmi followed him to the elevator. All colour had been drained from Taemin’s face and Eunmi was in no better state.

Hurry up, hurry up. Eunmi thought urgently. When the elevator opened, Hyunki and Taemin ran out with Eunmi trying to catch up as fast as she could, not feeling the pain in her ankle.

They found Ms. Kim in the waiting room, clutching Taeyeon, who was looking confused.

When she saw them she flung her arms around Taemin and Eunmi’s necks.

“What happened?” Hyunki asked blankly.

“I’m not too sure myself,” Ms. Kim sniffled and let go of Taemin and Eunmi, who could finally breathe. Her eyes were a tiny bit red. “They only told me that there was an accident with Minhee here and Jongin. Jongin it seems got most of the blow.” There was no bitterness in her voice, just worry.

It was then that Taemin and Eunmi took notice of the two sitting at the end of the room. There was a little girl, around Taeyeon’s age and what looked like her older brother who had a baby face.

The baby faced boy looked guilty beyond doubt and Minhee looked confused and worried.

“I don’t even know what to say, if I’d been watching her he wouldn’t have had to get in the way,” the baby faced boy said hoarsely.

“Don’t be silly, Luhan,” Ms. Kim said firmly. “She’s just a little girl and you were preoccupied.”

The boy, Luhan, didn’t reply and looked away.

“I don’t know how long he’ll be in surgery,” Ms. Kim said quietly. “So sit down, we can only wait.”

Ms. Kim sat down with Taeyeon and Hyunki sat on her other side. Eunmi tried to limp over to a chair, but Taemin took her arm and dragged her to one.

The wait seemed to go on for hours. Eunmi was almost sure that it was almost dawn.

From time to time, Taemin would pace the room. Taeyeon had fallen asleep on Ms. Kim and Hyunki kept nervously glancing at the door.

At long last, a doctor entered the room, looking calm and pleasant.

Everyone stood up, holding their breaths.

He took his time to tell them Jongin’s state, “Well as you know, he was involved in-”

“Cut the crap Doc and tell us if he’s okay,” Taemin snapped impatiently. No one told him off for that one mainly because everyone agreed with him.

“Oh, well, yes he’s fine,” the doctor nodded. Every single person in the room let out a huge sigh of relief.

“But he hit his head when he fell with Minhee,” he nodded at her. “and has stitches on his forehead which must be bandaged for one week, it’s not a deep wound so they should come off next week. His left leg is broken because the motorcycle drove over it, but other than that he is fine. He will be on crutches for a month or possibly more, obviously.”

“Thank you, thank you very much,” Hyunki gratefully shook his hand and everyone else bowed.

“You may see him in room 213, he’s been transferred there,” the doctor said before leaving the waiting room.

“Let’s go,” Taemin walked out of the waiting room.

“Um, Minhee and I will come by tomorrow,” Luhan said, looking relieved and still very guilty.

“Of course, dear, go home and rest,” Ms. Kim nodded and followed them out. The rest of them left the waiting room as well, Eunmi lagging behind of course.

Luhan and Minhee left and the rest of the family piled into room 213 where they found a sleeping Jongin. He looked weak and drained, but still strong. His bandages were a little red in the corner where the stitches were and his leg was elevated in a sling and cast.

“Thank goodness he’s okay,” Ms. Kim said quietly, his hair.

Taemin and Eunmi stood at the end of the bed. Hyunki had pulled up some chairs and Ms. Kim sat on one with Taeyeon standing by her side and Hyunki on another chair.

“I think we could all use a drink,” Hyunki said a couple of minutes later. “Taemin, why don’t you find a vending machine or go to the food court?”

Taemin didn’t object and headed out of the room.

“I’ll go too,” Eunmi followed him.

“Your ankle, Eunmi,” Hyunki said.

“It’s fine, I can help him,” Eunmi followed Taemin out.

They quietly walked to the elevator.

“That was scary,” Taemin broke the silence.

“It was.”

“Good thing he’s okay.”

“It is.”

They arrived at the first floor and they looked around.

“Do you know where the food court is?” Taemin asked.

“No. Do hospitals even have food courts?” Eunmi wondered.

“Of course they do, you dope, do you think the patients starve?” Taemin rolled his eyes. He was turning more into himself now that he knew Jongin was going to be okay.

Eventually, they found the place to get drinks and carried them up to Jongin’s room.

Taemin handed them out and then asked, “When’s he waking up?”

“A nurse came by and said he should wake up soon,” Ms. Kim replied. Eunmi and Taemin sat on the other side of Jongin’s bed and Taeyeon sat in Taemin’s lap.

They waited, sipping their drinks and discussing the accident.

“I want to sign his cast!” Eunmi dug through her bag and found a purple pen.

“Me first!” Taemin stole it from her and did his giant signature on it, adding a ‘Get back on your feet soon, kid.’

Eunmi stole her pen back and wrote ‘Get better soon! xoxo’ and signed it as well.

“Me too, me too!” Taeyeon reached for pen and Eunmi gave it to her. Taeyeon wrote her get well soon and signed it.

Ms. Kim was watching in an amused way, “What if they have to change the cast?”

“Then we’ll sign bigger and better,” Taemin nodded.

“How do they know his head wasn’t affected?” Taemin asked when they all sat down again.

“I’m pretty sure they have enough proof even if they don’t share it with you Taemin,” Eunmi stated.

Jongin slurred in his sleep and his eyes slowly started to open, but no one noticed at that moment.

“Well I think they should share every analysis thing they have of his body!”

“I think you should let the doctors, whose opinions matter, do their jobs.

“I think-”

“Shut uppp,” Jongin groaned and everyone jumped.

“Jongin! You’re awake!” Ms. Kim gave him a hug while he was lying down and trying to take in his surroundings. He had a surprised look on his face as he looked at his cast and the plain hospital room.

“I don’t think his brain has been messed with,” Taemin remarked. “He knew when to tell us to shut up.”

“How are you feeling?” Hyunki asked gently.

“Could be better,” Jongin tried to sit up. His confusion slowly leaving as he recalled what happened.

Ms. Kim and Eunmi helped him up and fixed his pillows.

“Thanks,” Jongin leaned back.

“I’ll go tell the doctor you’re awake,” Hyunki stood up and went to find the doctor.

“I see you’ve already vandalized my cast,” Jongin said, looking at Taemin and Eunmi who grinned at him.

“Oppa!” Taeyeon leapt forward and gave him a hug.

“Hey Yeon, how’s it going?” Jongin smiled and patted her back. She let go go him and beamed.

Taemin looked at him expectantly.

“Ummm, yes?”

“Are you going to tell us what happened or not?!” Taemin demanded.

“Let him breathe Taemin, no need to be so pushy,” Eunmi rolled her eyes.

“Nah, its fine,” Jongin shrugged. “It’s quite simple. I saw the girl, Minhee I think, and she didn’t follow her brother into the donation shop but went on the crosswalk. There was a slipping motorcycle coming towards her but she didn’t notice so I had to run in and push her away. But uh, I got a few injuries,” he sheepishly smiled.

“Well at least it wasn’t anything serious,” Ms. Kim nodded.

“I knocked out after that, where’s Minhee? Is she okay?” Jongin asked anxiously.

“Fine, she and her brother were here before but I told them to go home,” she replied.

Jongin nodded and reached up to scratch his forehead but felt the bandage and his face showed confusion once again. He felt the bandage some more before Eunmi said, “You hit your head when you fell, and that’s probably why you were knocked out.”

“6 stitches,” Ms. Kim said.

“How do you know?” Eunmi stared at her.

“When the nurse came by she told us,” her mother replied.

“So I have to walk around with this bloody bandage over my forehead for how long?’ Jongin asked.

“One week,” his mother told him.


“Over a month.”

“A MONTH?!” Jongin exclaimed but then turned his expression normal because his forehead began to ache.

“Don’t yell, dear you’re stitches might rupture,” Ms. Kim patted his arm.

Jongin slumped into his pillows as Hyunki, Doctor Choi, and the nurse came in.

“Yes, Mr. Kim, how are you feeling? Does your head hurt?” Doctor Lee asked.

“A bit yeah,” Jongin answered and the nurse scribble something down on her clip board.

 “The pain will subside by tomorrow I believe but the stitches stay for a week. What about your leg?”

“Doesn’t hurt when I don’t move it,” he answered.

“Very well, you need to stay the night today so we can do some more tests. If all goes well, you may go home tomorrow with crutches and extra bandages,” Dr. Lee said before turning to the nurse. “Bring him food and do a blood test.”

The nurse nodded and put her clipboard on the side table as the doctor left.

“I’ll be back with the blood test things and then we’ll get you something to eat,” the nurse said before leaving the room.

“Ew, blood tests,” Eunmi wrinkled her nose. “Why do they have to do that?”

“I think the doctors have enough proof to do it even if they don’t share it with you, Muffin,” Taemin shot at her, crossing his arms.

“Oh shut up.”

Jongin shook his head, “You two will never stop, eh?”

“Nope,” they both answered.

The nurse came back with a small kit and set it down on his bed.

Jongin’s eyes widened at the sight of the large needle, “Ummmm, is that going to go in me?”

“Of course,” the nurse laughed as she rubbed rubbing alcohol on his forearm.

“Wait wait,” Jongin pulled his arm away. “Isn’t there a smaller needle, something less pointy and shorter?”

“It has to be like this so it goes in your veins properly,” the nurse took his arm again.

“Oh don’t be a baby, kid,” Taemin slapped his back. Jongin winced as the needle entered his vein and Eunmi looked away. She did not want to see blood gathering up in that needle.

“Done,” the nurse said, satisfied as she put a band aid over the place she has injected the needle.

“Wow, your blood is really red,” Taemin said in amazement, looking at the blood in the pouch the nurse had put it in.

“You’re weird, hyung,” Jongin said, pulling his sleeve down.

Taemin grinned as the nurse left with Jongin’s pouch of blood.

“It’s getting late, I’ll drop you kids off at home,” Hyunki said. “Your mother and I will stay until Jongin goes to sleep again.”

“We can stay too!” Eunmi said.

Hyunki shook his head, “Look, Taeyeon’s already falling asleep.” And sure enough, Taeyeon’s bottom half was on her chair and head and arms on Jongin’s bed.

“What time is it?” Taemin asked.

“Almost 11 o’clock and you guys have school tomorrow,” Ms. Kim replied.

Eunmi and Taemin made a face.

“I don’t think we should go, the trauma of young Jongin here in an accident is just too overwhelming,” Taemin said dramatically, putting an arm around Jongin’s shoulder and fake sobbing.

Eunmi rolled her eyes and pulled Taemin away, “You need acting lessons. Let’s go.”

They said their goodbyes to Jongin, saying that they would come back tomorrow after school.

Hyunki carried Taeyeon into the car and they all drove home.

“We’ll be home soon I hope, so don’t stay up,” Hyunki told Taemin and Eunmi before he left. He had just tucked Taeyeon in and Eunmi and Taemin had changed their clothes.

They nodded and Hyunki left for the hospital again.

“Well, off to sleep you go, FatMuffin,” Taemin said, jumping onto the sofa and turning the TV on.

“What about you?” Eunmi asked as he flipped through the channels.

“I’ll be staying up watching scary movies and waiting for them to come back,” he replied.

“Why don’t you just sleep?”

“It’s not really safe if all of us underage kids are asleep alone in the house, you know,” Taemin rolled his eyes.

“I can stay up too!” Eunmi sat down beside him.

“Ew no, go away,” Taemin wrinkled his nose. “Go count music notes and sleep.”

“Meanie,” Eunmi pouted and limped to the stairs. Then she called, “Won’t you get scared?”

“Lee Taemin, scared?! You’re funny,” he called back. Eunmi shook her head and went upstairs to fall into a deep sleep with an interesting dream of her and Taemin working together on a project.


The news of Jongin’s accident had travelled pretty fast. The school was talking about it and Eunmi had heard interesting versions of what happened. Like how Jongin had bravely fought off the motorcyclist and how the motorcyclist had pulled a cowardly move by running Jongin over.

“How’s your brother?” Daehyun asked first thing when he saw Eunmi.

“Better,” Eunmi smiled. “My mom left early this morning and called saying that he’s confirmed coming home today.”

Daehyun nodded, “That’s good.”

Eunmi and Taemin received many get well soon’s to send to Jongin, even some gifts. At the end of the day, one girl had hastily given Taemin a small box of chocolates to give to Jongin.

“Pft, screw that, I might eat these myself,” Taemin said as he and Eunmi walked home from school that day. ”Taemin! They aren’t for you!” Eunmi peered at the chocolates.

“Oh wait, these have almonds. Jongin doesn’t like chocolates with almonds in them. But that doesn’t mean you can eat them!”

“We’ll see about that,” Taemin put them in his bag. “When are we going to the hospital?”

“Abeoji is going to pick Yeon up from school then come home to take us,” Eunmi replied.

“Just enough time to watch-” Taemin stopped mid-sentence as he realized something. “I’m short one dancer.”


“I’m short one dancer for the showcase! ARGGHH!” he messed his hair up in frustration. “Now I’m missing a lead and a backup!”

“Tough cookies.”

Taemin grumpily kicked the snow and Eunmi sipped her juice.

“Give me that,” Taemin stole her juice and began drinking it.

“HEY! THAT’S MINE!” Eunmi chased him as Taemin ran away.

Eunmi scowled as he dashed into the house.

The only thing that would make him feel better would be to torment me!


When they arrived at the hospital, Eunmi, Taemin, and Taeyon raced to Jongin’s room with a lot of food for him to eat.

“How are you feeling?” Hyunki asked as they all piled in. Since Ms. Kim worked at the hospital, she would pop in and out of Jongin’s room throughout the day.

“Fine thanks,” Jongin said, looking at the pile of food on the table at the end of his bed.

“To save you from this disastrous hospital food,” Taemin said, looking at Jongin’s surprised and confused face. Taeyeon immediately took a seat next to Jongin’s bed.

“Oh, thanks,” he smiled, ruffling Taeyeon’s hair. “But I get discharged at 6, I don’t know why you brought so much food.”

“I’ll help you, starting with these chocolates,” Taemin picked the pack of chocolates up.

“I have to pick up Jongin’s medicine,” Hyunki said. “I’ll be back later, your mother should drop in soon.

The kids nodded and Hyunki left.

“You bought me chocolates?” Jongin asked, turning his attention to the chocolates.

“From some girl in your grade,” Taemin shrugged, handing him the box.

“Almonds,” Jongin wrinkled his nose. He opened the box and ate one. “Only because someone gave them to me and it wouldn’t be nice to not even eat one. You can have the rest.” He returned the box to Taemin who happily ate the chocolates.

“Well, there’s also all of these things,” Eunmi emptied a large bag with gifts for Jongin.

Jongin’s jaw dropped at the sight of at least five more boxes of chocolates, flowers, and cards.

“I don’t even think I know this many people,” he said flatly.

“Admirers,” Taemin said thickly, his mouth full of chocolate. “You have quite a few of them kid, even in our grade and the seniors.”

“This never happened at our old school,” Eunmi said. “This school is weird. Like those schools in dramas and stories.”

“Surprisingly, you aren’t too behind either FatMuffin,” he shuddered. “The things I hear about you Kim siblings......”

“How do you ‘hear’ these things?” Eunmi asked.

“I know everything,” he answered. “In all un-modesty, the three of us have huge secret fanclubs. Quite surprising for you, FatMuffin.”

“I don’t believe you. That’s ridiculous,” Eunmi rolled her eyes.

“Yeah? You can go ask anyone about the Lee-Kim super looks family. Even Taeyeon is known to some!” He nodded towards Taeyeon who was examining the hospital equipment. “You, my FatMuffin, are too dense to notice.”

“You’re impossible.”

Taemin shrugged, “Just telling you the facts.”

“Some facts they are.”

Taemin opened his mouth to say something but Jongin cut him off, “Shut up you two.”

“You’re one to talk! I AM SHORT A DANCER AND A SINGER NOW!” he yelled.

“At least you have a jerk,” Eunmi laughed.

“What?” Taemin looked at her.


“What am I supposed to do?!” Taemin said, frustrated. “There’s only over a month left and the dancer that is supposed to remove ‘Boa’ from our backs has a broken leg and won’t be able to walk for a month! And the jazz team captain met with me today. Said he was looking forward to the performance I’m putting together. Especially since I’m missing two people!” He scowled.

“Jazz team? Our school has a jazz dance team?” Eunmi asked.

“Get with the program, Muffin!” Taemin rolled his eyes. “The jazz team aka the most stuck up group of kids ever, think they’re the best dancers in the school with their stupid trumpet and trombone music.”

“They’re performing too?” Eunmi asked. Taemin nodded.

“Sehun can fill in for me,” Jongin said. “There’s enough time for him to learn the moves. He’s good too.”

“You think he’d do it?” Taemin asked hopefully.


“Great!” Relief spread over Taemin’s face. “I need a lead though, like fast.”

“Just dress up like a girl Taemin,” Eunmi shrugged. “You’d be really pretty.”

“Oh shut up.”

They spent the rest of the day there, reading Jongin’s cards and eating his food. Taeyeon was having fun pretending to be a doctor. Hyunki came back and at 6:00, Ms. Kim joined them.

“Yes, I think you can go home now,” Taeyeon nodded after Jongin came back from changing his clothes with Taemin’s help. The nurse had come by and changed his bandages before that. “Just take your painkillers and stay on the crutches.”

“Yes, Doctor Lee,” Jongin nodded obediently. Everyone laughed and then Hyunki drove everyone home.

“I’ve only been at the hospital for one night, but it felt like forever,” Jongin said as he walked into the house with his crutches. “That hospital was too quiet.”

“No need to worry about that,” Hyunki assured, locking the door behind him as everyone came in. “Taemin will have the TV on and he and Eunmi will start an argument soon enough.”

Taemin grinned and Eunmi gave him a high five, “You know it.”

“I give them 10 minutes,” Jongin said as he got himself comfortable on the sofa with Taeyeon beside him.

Sure enough, Eunmi and Taemin began fighting about who got the last candy in the jar on the coffee table.

“Fine, you can have half,” Taemin unwrapped it. He gave her the wrapper and quickly stuffed the candy in his mouth.

“But this is- TAEMIN!” Eunmi whined.

Taemin ignored her and sat down on the couch to watch TV. Eunmi glared at him.

“Oh noona, how’s your ankle?” Jongin asked.

“Much better,” she smiled. “I can walk without limping too much. See?” She walked to Jongin in much less of a limp than before. “And I can walk up the stairs, not crawl up!”

Before, when Eunmi would want to go upstairs, she would have to go on her knees and go up like a toddler who couldn’t walk.

“Congrats,” Jongin clapped.

“Thank you, thank you,” Eunmi smiled and joined him on the sofa.

“Jongin, you’ll have to sleep down here on the sofa bed,” Ms. Kim said, coming downstairs with blankets and pillows.

Jongin sulked, “Blaahhh.”

“I know but you can’t go up and down the stairs with a cast and crutches.”

Everyone began preparing for bed and Taeyeon made sure to tell Jongin that if he got scared he should just call for her.

“Yo, FatMuffin, we need to talk,” Taemin walked into Eunmi’s room. She was wearing black yoga pants and a large T-shirt, preparing to sleep.

“About?” she asked curiously.

“I need you to be the singer for my performance,” he said seriously.

Eunmi burst into laughter, “You’re funny.”

“I’m serious.”

Eunmi looked at his expression, “That’s true….. But Taemin, that’s ridiculous.”

“Come on,” he begged. “I need someone and time is running out.”

“That’s your problem! You shouldn’t have left it for this long!”

“Please?” he asked.

Eunmi paused, “Okay. Let’s say I agree to this absurd idea, you’re forgetting one thing: I can’t dance! At all!”

“We’ve got more than a month to teach you the choreo,” Taemin said.

“That’s not a lot of time to teach someone, who is less than a beginner, a dance that is one of the hardest choreographies in the industry,” Eunmi shook her head.

“There’s 6 of us! We can all teach you! Come on, Eunmi,” he said desperately. He must have been really desperate, to call her by her name and not ‘FatMuffin’.

“I don’t know…..” Eunmi bit her lip.

“Come on, for me?”

Eunmi raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, not for me, but for Jongin!” he snapped his fingers.

“What does Jongin have to do with this?”

“If he saw us working together on something, putting together a good performance, even me teaching you, he would be happy and you know it,” he told Eunmi. Eunmi thought about this, it was true. Jongin was the type of person who be so proud if two people who almost never got along, would work together to help each other out.

“Besides, you missed that other performance you were going to do,” Taemin continued. “Make it up with this! It is kind of my fault you missed the other one anyways…”

Eunmi sighed, “Fine.”

“Really?!” Taemin’s eyes widened. “Wow that was easy! You’re so weak, FatMuffin, buying into my sad story so quickly.”

“I can still back out you know.”

“Uh, I mean,” Taemin cleared his throat. “I am ever so grateful and if I ever say one mean thing to you-”

“I’ll know you’re perfectly normal,” Eunmi finished for him. “Yeah yeah, but you owe me. Big time.”

Taemin nodded, “Don't tell Jongin about this yet. He can find out when he sees us at the showcase.”

Eunmi snorted, “How will we keep that from him? Okay first, you will not waste any time to make fun of my dancing at home. And second, he lives here. He’ll obviously know where we’re going and what we’re going to do.”

“It won’t be that hard,” Taemin shrugged. “I’m good at keeping things from others, it’s how I get away with things. But you, though good at other arts, are lacking in the art of deceit.”

“Well I must be stupid to think that it’s good to be bad at it,” Eunmi said sarcastically, already predicting the endless arguments with this new challenge of learning a complex dance.

“Yup,” Taemin agreed. “Better get your dancing shoes ready, FatMuffin, you’re going to go from a sit-down singer to a professional dancer.”



Yeah the screaming 'HIYA' in people's ears hasn't stopped yet.

Its fun ^^

For me at least :)

Did you hear? Kris in a scandal?

Seems a little far-fetched to me.... Anyways I thoguht it was pretty funny cuz it seems really ridiculous xD

I love noodles. But I at making them :(

I also love lollipops, chocolate milk, and chips, specifically Lays :)

I love Lay too! And that's how my username came to be :D

I'm going to go eat something, drop a comment before you close the tab/window/page.


Omg this author's note ... so sorry.... I'm going to go eat and maybe I'll come back and change it.... not likely though. I forget things easily.... Okay next chapter I'll make the note funny! The note won't be by me, it'll be the characters in the story doing it :) I've had it written for a while, guess I'll use it next chapter~!

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Thank you!
Haha I really shouldn't tell you guys the next time I'll update... cuz it never happens xD it's coming soon! I promise!


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harlibug #1
this is great. Keep it up. :)
Chapter 38: Excellent. That was... excellent. I literally can't even..... XD Thank you for making this. I needed it in my life.
quinachups #3
Chapter 38: >~< 'THE TAEMIN' nervously thanked daehyun !!!!
quinachups #4
Chapter 37: Woahh ~ daebakkk !!
quinachups #5
Chapter 35: it's not suho? then who's the one that do that? hmm.. maybe suho has another hater there XD
Corona19 #6
Chapter 35: Heeeyy... Who trashed the studio? T^T pleaaassseee....! Hehehehe,please update ^___^
quinachups #7
Chapter 34: Nooooo !!! :(
Chapter 34: Suho, i love you but i hate you! Why don't you confess you did already? Poor, Taemin! He didn't do anything.
iLoveYuh #9
Chapter 33: Please update soon! I really love your story! Author-nim, fighting!~ :3
Chapter 31: I at making noodles too but i enjoy making them.Sometimes, i put to much water or not enough water.Or, i'll over cook them TT.TT Update soon! :)