Chapter 23

The Singer, the Dancer, and the Jerk

Eunmi’s eyes widened in surprise as she re-read the list about fifty times.

“I think you’ve read it over again enough times ,” Daehyun said, pulling her by the arm away from the list.

Eunmi blinked as they arrived at the front doors before she realized she had made it.

She let out a scream and tackled Daehyun in a hug, “Ah! I can’t believe it!”

Daehyun smiled and patted her back, “Congrats, you worked hard.”

Eunmi stepped back, “I honestly couldn’t have without your help. Thank you so much!”

Daehyun waved it away, “It was nothing.”

They walked out of the building and Daehyun put his hands in his pockets.

“Well, I’ll see you next practice. Probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or something. Give your voice a rest,” he said.

“Or I’ll see you at school,” Eunmi pointed out.

“Right,” Daehyun nodded. “Later.” He turned around and walked away.

“Bye! Thanks!” Eunmi called after him before turning the other way.

“EUNNIIIIIIIIEE!” Chen surprised her from behind, putting his hands on her shoulders and jumping up before walking beside her.

“Great job!” he exclaimed. “You made it!”

“Thanks. You too, I knew you would do well,” Eunmi smiled as they walked the other way.

“Meh,” Chen shrugged. “So, what are you going to perform for the next round?”

“Not sure,” Eunmi said. “There’s lots of time to think of something. You?”

“I don’t know either, I’ll worry about it later,” Chen said. “I’m going this way. I have to pick medicine up for my grandmother. See you! Let’s go out for smoothies or something soon.”

Eunmi nodded and waved as he turned the corner towards the plaza. She continued to walk home and hummed a happy tune. When she arrived at her house she giddily opened it and went inside.

“Oh, hi noona,” Jongin greeted as he walked out of the kitchen and to the foyer. Eunmi grinned widely and prepared herself to tell Jongin the news.

“I’m guessing the results were good,” Jongin said, looking at her expression. “Great job, noona.”

Eunmi’s smiled fell, “Yah, it’s no fun sharing the good news if you can read me like a book.”

“You’re not a difficult book,” Jongin assured before patting her head. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks!” Eunmi grinned and walked into the living room with him. Taemin was watching TV while Taeyeon was drawing on the coffee table.

“How’d it go, FatMuffin?”

“Do you honestly care? Why does it matter to you?” Eunmi huffed, crossing her arms and sitting down.

“It matters a lot to me,” Taemin looked at her with soft eyes. “I have to know what kind of insults to throw at you depending on whether you did well or not.” His innocent look immediately turned into an evil smirk.

Jongin chuckled as Eunmi threw a cushion at Taemin.

“Jerk,” she muttered.

“So I guess you did well? Seeing as you’re not crying,” Taemin said.

“Good job, unnie!” Taeyeon gave her a hug and big smile.

“Thanks, Yeon,” Eunmi ruffled her hair.

“Waahh, were the judges deaf?” Taemin wondered out loud as he flipped through channels. “I mean, your screeching isn’t that bad after you get used to it but for first-timers? Harsh, FatMuffin, very harsh. Did you threaten to scream in their ears if they didn’t pass you?”

“Is that it?” Eunmi asked.

“For now,” Taemin replied as he finally found a channel he wanted to watch.

“Oppa, you’re mean,” Taeyeon said. “You should congratulate unnie!”

“You’re right, Yeon,” Taemin turned to Eunmi. “Congratulations on passing an audition that the hearing impaired judged.”

“Thanks, you’re so sweet,” Eunmi rolled her eyes as she got up to get a snack from the kitchen.

“Like muffins!” Taemin called.

Eunmi’s mother called from work and asked about the results. When Eunmi told her that she had made it passed the first cut, she was very happy and congratulated her. Not too long after that, Hyunki called and did the same, promising a delicious dinner to celebrate.

Eunmi decided she was going to buy a present for Daehyun, he had really helped her a lot. She wouldn’t have done nearly as well as she did without him.

But there was one problem; what could she possibly get him?


“Hyung, what are you doing?” Jongin asked as he entered Taemin’s room Sunday morning after breakfast. Taemin was on his bed, watching a video.

“Watching this,” Taemin pointed to his laptop’s screen. It was a performance where a teenage girl was singing while a boy was dancing to the song a couple of feet away.

“That’s like you and noona,” Jongin said. “You dance and she sings.”


“You know what I want to see one day?” Jongin asked. “You and noona performing together, it would really be something to watch seeing as both of you are so good at what you do.”

Taemin paused the video and looked at Jongin, “You do know that that will never, in a million years, ever happen?”

“I know,” Jongin sighed.

“The amount of time that we would waste fighting instead of rehearsing,” Taemin shook his head. “It’s better not to risk it.”

“True,” Jongin nodded.

That didn’t stop Jongin from wanting to see them perform together.


“Hyung, be honest, you didn’t really want to learn to play basketball, did you?” Jongin asked that evening at the court. The two of them were taking a water break after playing for half an hour.

Taemin grinned, “Caught. But I really am not good at it and could use some lessons. Then there’s you, showing that ball whose boss!”

Jongin laughed and shook his head.

“Thanks, hyung,” Jongin said after a while. “I guess I really needed that little extra push to play again.”

“Little?!” Taemin yelped. “Yah, you’re the most stubborn kid on this planet. You need a gigantic, humungous, Pacific Ocean-sized push to get you to budge!”

“Guess so,” Jongin shrugged.

“It was so obvious you had to play again,” Taemin rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”

Jongin didn’t reply and Taemin took that chance to make a basket.

“Break’s over,” he grinned. “I’m winning.”

“That is so not fair,” Jongin threw the water bottle in the trash and stood up to run after the ball.

“Is too, loser has to buy winner a drink!” Taemin announced and the two began playing again.

Before, playing basketball had been like taking a disgusting medicine for health reasons. It was now that Jongin felt like he played for fun.


“Oppa, can you make me a paper airplane?” Taeyeon asked Taemin Sunday night. He was lounging on the sofa, reading a magazine. Eunmi was completing her homework and Jongin was talking to the parents in the kitchen. After dinner on Sundays, Jongin would always stay back after dinner and help clean up while talking to Hyunki and his mother.

“Ahh, I don’t want to,” Taemin yawned. “Go play with your imaginary friend.” He waved her away.


Taemin sat up and sighed, holding his hand out for the paper, “Fine.”

He constructed the airplane and then threw it. It soared across the room and Taeyeon happily went after it.

“You’re welcome!” Taemin called as he lay down and opened his magazine again.

“Thank you, oppa!” Taeyeon smiled widely. She picked the plane up where it had landed and went to the kitchen to show it to everyone.

“Taemin,” Eunmi came downstairs, holding her physics textbook and some paper. “I need your help.”

Taemin sat up and grinned, “Ohohoho, the day has finally come. Kim Eunmi is coming to me and begging me for help. Well, we all did see this coming.”

Eunmi rolled her eyes, “I am not begging. I just don’t get what this question is asking. And since you aren’t as dumb as you look and act, I figured you could offer minimal help.”

“Call it what you want,” Taemin shrugged. “But there is a price.”

“I just need you to tell me what the question is asking!” Eunmi exclaimed.

“That requires quite some effort,” Taemin stretched. “Massage my shoulders.”

“Are you out of your mind?! Just tell me what the question means!” Eunmi stomped her feet. “Did you even do the homework?”

“I did some questions,” he yawned. “I have better things to do than homework.”

“Like,” Eunmi picked his magazine up and looked through it. “Staring at pictures of models in magazines?”

“It’s called analyzing the pictures and seeing if the people modeling are skillful enough to do the job properly,” Taemin corrected.

“So seeing if the model is pretty enough to be in a magazine?” Eunmi raised an eyebrow.

“Call it what you want,” Taemin shrugged again.

“Just help me,” Eunmi sat down beside him.

“Get me a glass of water,” Taemin ordered.

Eunmi sighed and got up. She went to the kitchen, grumbled to the rest of the family about Taemin, and then returned to the living room to give Taemin his water.

“I want chips,” he pointed to the kitchen.

“You just had dinner,” Eunmi said.

“And now I want chips, go get them or you will fail the test if a question like this comes up. I think our teacher hinted it to us as well,” Taemin tapped his chin.

Eunmi went back to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards for some chips, badmouthing Taemin to the family once again. She found a pack and then went back to the living room. She threw the pack of potato chips at him.

“Oh, yum,” Taemin popped the bag open and looked through the bag of chips. “Uhh, go through all of these and take out the odd ones. I only like the crisp, good chips. None of the overcooked ones and no oddly shaped ones. You know, the non-edible ones. ”

“Yah, Lee Taemin,” Eunmi gritted her teeth. “It’s one question.”

Taemin held the bag out, “It won’t take long.”

Eunmi snatched the bag and went to the kitchen, she stood in front of the garbage can and began poking through the bag of chips.

“Stupid Taemin, making me go through his stupid chips just so he can help me with one stupid question,” she mumbled as she threw out the ‘non-edible’ ones. Hyunki and Ms. Kim exchanged looks and Taeyeon curiously glanced at Eunmi from the table.

Jongin stuck his hand in the bag and took a couple, “Have fun.” he said before walking out of the kitchen. When Eunmi finished, she took the bag back to Taemin.

“There, now HELP ME,” she sat down again and showed him the question.

“Fine,” Taemin munched on a chip before glancing at the question. “Hmm, I don’t know what it’s asking either.”


“Kidding, kidding,” Taemin clapped the salt off of his hands. “No need to make things so graphic.”

“Help me,” Eunmi glared at him. After explained the question to Eunmi, Taemin resumed looking through the magazine and eating chips.

“You’re welcome!” Taemin called as Eunmi went back upstairs.

“I’m not thankful!” Eunmi shot back. But she had to admit, Taemin could be useful at times.

“Wow, hyung,” Jongin said as he sat down where Eunmi had been sitting. “You really know how to push her buttons.”

“I know how to operate everyone’s buttons,” Taemin grinned. Jongin bumped fists with him and chuckled to himself. You sure do.



Wow, it's been a while... sorry about that... I wasn't busy, I just didn't feel like writing. I didn't want to put up a crappy chapter and then hate it later (been there, done that) so I decided to just wait until I felt like it and then write a chapter I'm satisfied with.

Well tbh, I'm never really satisifed but whatever xD

I wrote a one-shot for all you Hoya/Infinite fans. Click here to read it, it's called Seeing Beauty and it stars Hoya~ I like him a lot lately :D

Only two things in this chapter relate to the next ones.... oh well.

I really love Jongin <3 his character makes me happy LOL

On allkpop, the article for Tasty's mv said that Infinite-H starred in it...... it was the smallest little featuring, I swear. They did not star in it.... I was like o.o why are they starring in it?

Random fact: I hate keeping my phone on silent. I tend to lose it a lot so I keep the sound on, that way I can call it and then find it. But whenever I go somewhere I have to put it on vibrate/silent. Then I forget to take it off of vibrate/silent when I get home and then I lose it. SAD LIFE D: More like annoying memory.

Oh and everytime I type in 'Chapter ____' for the title, I'm scared I'll make a typo and it'll look super stupid xDD

I think I'll update again Sunday? I'm busy the next three days so Sunday it is~!

Byebyeee~! :D

PS I love Ailee and f(x) lately, Ailee is so talented and f(x) are just amazing. Plus they're both friends! Yay! Ailee is friends with everyone :P


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Haha I really shouldn't tell you guys the next time I'll update... cuz it never happens xD it's coming soon! I promise!


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harlibug #1
this is great. Keep it up. :)
Chapter 38: Excellent. That was... excellent. I literally can't even..... XD Thank you for making this. I needed it in my life.
quinachups #3
Chapter 38: >~< 'THE TAEMIN' nervously thanked daehyun !!!!
quinachups #4
Chapter 37: Woahh ~ daebakkk !!
quinachups #5
Chapter 35: it's not suho? then who's the one that do that? hmm.. maybe suho has another hater there XD
Corona19 #6
Chapter 35: Heeeyy... Who trashed the studio? T^T pleaaassseee....! Hehehehe,please update ^___^
quinachups #7
Chapter 34: Nooooo !!! :(
Chapter 34: Suho, i love you but i hate you! Why don't you confess you did already? Poor, Taemin! He didn't do anything.
iLoveYuh #9
Chapter 33: Please update soon! I really love your story! Author-nim, fighting!~ :3
Chapter 31: I at making noodles too but i enjoy making them.Sometimes, i put to much water or not enough water.Or, i'll over cook them TT.TT Update soon! :)