Chapter 13

The Singer, the Dancer, and the Jerk

In the evening, Jongin decided to head out for an evening walk.

He passed by the park and saw all the little children happily playing. He smiled to himself, he loved it when little kids had smiles on their faces. That was why he got along so well with Taeyeon.

The cool air breezed through his hair as he passed by a basketball court.

He stopped in his tracks and stared as the pre-teens played with each other.

They were so into the game and every time someone would get a basket, they’d high five and encourage each other.

Jongin watched them a bit more, and the longing in his heart grew.

But he couldn’t.

Not after what he had been told what he was.


“What did you do in class today?” Eunmi asked Taemin when she entered his room.

Taemin gave her a weird look, “Do you honestly think I paid attention? Do you not think I have much better things to do in that class than pay attention?”

Eunmi rolled her eyes, “Of course.”

She decided to text Miyeon instead and got their homework from her.

As she was doing it in her room, Taeyeon ran in.

“Unnie, where is oppa?” she asked.

“He’s in his room being the lazy bum he is.” Eunmi replied.

“No, Jongin oppa. He promised to make me ramyun today!” Taeyeon explained.

“I’ll make it for you, Yeon.” Eunmi said, putting her books away.

“Okay!” Taeyeon happily followed Eunmi downstairs.

“Where’s eomoni?” Taeyeon asked.

“She’s coming home late today. Probably the same time as abeoji.” Eunmi replied, taking the packet of ramyun out of the cupboard.

“Oh hey, FatMuffin, make me some too.” Taemin walked into the kitchen and saw Eunmi making the noodles.

“Make them yourself.” She snorted.

“Can you put me on the counter?” Taeyeon walked to Taemin and raised her arms up.

Taemin lifted her onto the counter, “There. Since I put Yeon onto the counter, you have to make me some.”

Eunmi raised an eyebrow, “You are extremely stupid.”

When she finished making the ramyun she put some in two bowls for her and Taeyeon.

“Thanks.” Taemin took Eunmi’s out of her hand as Taeyeon sat down at the table.

“HEY! THAT’S MINE! PASS IT OVER!” Eunmi chased him.

“YUM YUM YUM.” Taemin began eating it. He ran upstairs and Eunmi followed him.

“GIVE IT TO ME!” Eunmi tried to tackle him, but at the exact moment Taemin turned around and the entire bowl was dumped onto her.

“AHH!” Eunmi screamed as the hot ramyun spilled over her.

“What happened?!” Jongin got out of his room and saw Eunmi giving Taemin the usual glare. There were noodles all over her.

“Nice look.” Taemin commented, taking a noodle out of her hair and eating it. “Might want to get rid of the water on your legs though, gives the wrong idea. I mean, having a wee-wee at this age is not healthy.” He shook his head before cackling as he went downstairs.

Eunmi was fuming and Jongin slowly backed into his room again.


“I already am, living with you!” Taemin shot back.

Eunmi clenched her fists and then went into the bathroom to clean up.

Can’t believe I have to put up with that jerk.


“Has anyone seen my cream?” Eunmi asked the next morning before school. Taemin and Jongin were both in the kitchen eating breakfast. “Taemin, did you take it?! I need that cream, my rashes are almost gone and I need it for them to be completely gone!”


“Do you expect me to believe you?!” Eunmi squinted her eyes at him.

“Nope. But it would be wise if you did.” Taemin grabbed more cereal from the box.

“Give it to me!”

“Noona,” Jongin looked at her. “Check your side table.”

Eunmi blinked as she remembered where she put it the previous night, “Oh yeah.”

“Wow, trying to pin things on me, your innocent and sweet stepbrother? Shame, FatMuffin, shame.” Taemin shook his head.

“Oh, shut up!” Eunmi went back upstairs to get her cream. She rubbed it over her arms and checked one last time to make sure her emergency pouch was in her bag.

“I’m going now!” Eunmi announced as she went downstairs with her bag and jacket.

“Have a good day!” Ms. Kim smiled at her as she came downstairs.

“Make sure you don’t leave your shoes in the closet!” Taemin called from the kitchen.

“Shut up!” Eunmi yelled back and left the house to walk to school with Sara.

“Eunmi!” Sara exclaimed as she met with Eunmi. “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” She smiled. She showed Sara her arms, “See? The rashes went down.”

“That’s good.” Sara smiled.

The two of them walked to school and happily talked with each other.

“HEY! FAT MUFFIN! HEEEYYY!!!” Eunmi heard a familiar annoying voice yell when she got to school. She and Sara were walking in the halls towards the lockers.

Eunmi covered her ears and ran ahead.

“HEY! WHYARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!?” Taemin grinned and caught up with her. Sara smiled amusedly and caught up with them. People were staring at the ruckus Taemin was causing and Eunmi wanted to be far away from it.

“You forgot your math homework at home. I heard your teacher is really strict so I brought it for you.” Taemin said innocently, holding it out to her.

Eunmi gave him a suspicious look and took the notebook from him. She opened it and found ‘TAEMIN IS AMAZING’ ‘TAE-MAN’ ‘LEE TAEMIN IS THE BEST’ and other phrases praising Taemin scribbled all over, in pen.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” she flipped through the pages.

He shrugged, “Just to remind you of your amazing step brother when you’re doing math.” He ruffled her hair hardly and then casually walked away.

“But I like my homework neat! LEE TAEMIN!” Eunmi yelled, frustrated. 

“Hey, from what you’ve told me, he could have done worse.” Sara reminded.

“True.” Eunmi sighed as they arrived at her locker. She shoved her books inside of it.

The bell rang a couple of minutes later and they headed to class. Eunmi had physics first period so she quickly went to class to clarify with her teacher what she had missed yesterday.

Daehyun also arrived early to class and saw Eunmi talking with Ms. Choi. He glanced at her arms and saw slight redness on them. The knot in his stomach got tighter. So he wasn’t lying.

He could have just texted her to ask about her condition, but he was scared that she might not reply because she was mad at him.

Once Eunmi finished talking to Ms. Choi, she headed to her seat and sat down. Daehyun quickly walked to his seat and sat down as well.

“Hi Daehyun,” Eunmi smiled at him, not showing a hint of anger. She had heard the rumors about him, she had listened to what Taemin said, but she didn’t think it was right to judge him based on things other people said. So until she saw him doing something bad, he was a regular person to her.

 “… hi,” Daehyun cautiously replied. “Look, Eunmi, I didn’t know you were allergic to any kind of berries or I would have never given you the chocolate. I'm really sorry, I should have checked with you-”

Eunmi laughed, “It’s okay, Daehyun. You didn’t even know! It’s my fault for not checking the label anyways.”

“So, you’re okay?” he asked.

She nodded, “Perfectly fine.”

Daehyun sighed in relief as the final bell rang.

“Okay, enough chit chat. Take your homework out! I'm checking today.” Ms. Choi announced. She started with the farther end of the room away from Taemin and Eunmi’s tables.

As Ms. Choi was checking homework, Taemin snuck into class.

“Lee Taemin, I see you and if you don’t have your homework done it’s detention for the rest of the week.” Ms. Choi said briskly, not even turning her back to look at Taemin.

Taemin scratched his head and looked at Yeonhee, “You have your homework done?”

Yeonhee’s eyes lit up, he was talking to her!

“Yeah.” She replied.

“Can I have it? Pretty please?” he pouted cutely. “I don’t want detention for the week.”

Yeonhee totally melted and mindlessly gave him her homework. Taemin smirked and put it in front of him, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome!” she piped.

Eunmi’s jaw dropped as she witnessed the entire thing, “Taemin! You can’t do that!” she whispered to him.

“Just did.” He grinned.

Eunmi was about to say something when Ms. Choi came to her table to check homework.

“Oh, you weren’t here. It’s okay if you don’t have it done.” Ms. Choi said.

“No, I did it. Miyeon helped me.” Eunmi showed her.

Taemin rolled his eyes. Who actually looks for homework when they have an excuse not to do it? She could not get any lamer.

After checking Eunmi and Daehyun’s homework, Ms. Choi moved to Taemin’s table.

“Well, Mr. Lee? Is your homework done?” Ms. Choi tapped her pencil on her clipboard.

Taemin showed her ‘his’ homework.

“Very good.” Ms. Choi nodded in approval. “And you, Yeonhee?”

She bit her lip, “Mine isn’t done.”

“That’s the second time in a row Yeonhee, don’t make this a habit. You’ll have to see me after school. You can wipe the chalkboard and clean the class.” Ms. Choi marked it down on her clipboard.

Eunmi’s jaw dropped some more as Ms. Choi moved to the back of the class.

“Taemin!” she gave him an unbelievable look. “How could you?!”

He shrugged and gave Yeonhee her homework, “Thanks, Yeonhee. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.” He smiled sweetly.

Yeonhee smiled giddily and put her work away, “No problem, oppa!”

Taemin looked at Eunmi and winked as if he was saying ‘I can get away with anything.’

Eunmi shook her head and glanced at Daehyun who was staring at her arms.

“Don’t worry! I’m fine!” Eunmi punched his arm.

“Right.” Daehyun nodded.

Ms. Choi began the lesson and Daehyun and Eunmi began paying attention.

“You may use the rest of the period to finalize your assignments which are due tomorrow.” Ms. Choi said before sitting at her desk.

“You’ve done something, right?” Taemin asked Yeonhee.

She nodded, “But on the sheet we’re supposed to hand in to the teacher, we’re supposed to write what each of us have done.”

Taemin sighed, “Fine. I’ll add some stuff.” He flipped through the textbook to add additional information.

“Did you type it up?” Eunmi asked Daehyun.

He nodded, “I just need to print it.”

“Okay, we’re good then.” Eunmi said, swinging her legs.

They began talking about random things and soon class ended.

“See you tomorrow!” she smiled at Daehyun before packing her things.

“Or today.” He shrugged and casually waved his phone.

Eunmi blinked as she was rushed out of class by Miyeon.

When she got to her next class she checked her phone.

Today, after school at 4:30. Be there on time and bring your piano skills.


After school, Jongin was walking side-by-side with Taemin back home.

“Stupid bus, takes forever.” Taemin mumbled as he kicked the rocks. The bus had been taking too long so they had to walk home. Eunmi and Sara were probably already there.

“Lazy.” Jongin commented.

Taemin grabbed his head and gave him a noogie.

“Ah- hyung!” Jongin protested as he got out of Taemin’s grip.

They passed by the same basketball court Jongin had passed by the day before. He stared at the teenagers playing, they had serious looks on their faces as they watched where the ball was and who had it.

“You play?” Taemin asked, diverting Jongin’s attention away from the court. He hadn’t noticed Taemin watching him.

“No.” Jongin mumbled.

“You sure? You look like a basketball guy.” Taemin said.

“I’m not, trust me.” Jongin said one last time. It wasn’t a lie. According to his coach, he really wasn’t good at basketball.

What made it worse was the fact that his coach had been his dad.


Hey hey heeeyyy

I've made an updating schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Thursdays, and Saturdays

Let's hope I follow it -crosses fingers-

Summer life is great, no need to worry about stupid school, or the stupid people in school, or the stupid work in school :D

At my school, before class starts they play a song right. One time they played 2NE1's 'I am the Best' and I was in science at the time. Anywho it was the bam ra ta ta ta ta ta part and some guy was like 'Why can't they ever play anything normal?'

LOOOL I died, it was so funny

Byebye~! :D


Oops.... I forgot to unclick the hide chapter thing..... my bad sorry guys xD

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Haha I really shouldn't tell you guys the next time I'll update... cuz it never happens xD it's coming soon! I promise!


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harlibug #1
this is great. Keep it up. :)
Chapter 38: Excellent. That was... excellent. I literally can't even..... XD Thank you for making this. I needed it in my life.
quinachups #3
Chapter 38: >~< 'THE TAEMIN' nervously thanked daehyun !!!!
quinachups #4
Chapter 37: Woahh ~ daebakkk !!
quinachups #5
Chapter 35: it's not suho? then who's the one that do that? hmm.. maybe suho has another hater there XD
Corona19 #6
Chapter 35: Heeeyy... Who trashed the studio? T^T pleaaassseee....! Hehehehe,please update ^___^
quinachups #7
Chapter 34: Nooooo !!! :(
Chapter 34: Suho, i love you but i hate you! Why don't you confess you did already? Poor, Taemin! He didn't do anything.
iLoveYuh #9
Chapter 33: Please update soon! I really love your story! Author-nim, fighting!~ :3
Chapter 31: I at making noodles too but i enjoy making them.Sometimes, i put to much water or not enough water.Or, i'll over cook them TT.TT Update soon! :)