
Miss Interpreter



We set up our stage at a vacant lot not too far from the Grand Hotel.


So it wasn’t really a stage. It’s more like a concrete space filled with amplifiers, speakers, a keyboard, guitar, a drum set, two microphone stands and other equipment. If it weren’t for the pink, heart shaped balloons (which Sungmin put all over the place), the area would’ve looked drab and boring.

“Sound check,” Kyuhyun spoke into the microphone and backed away upon hearing the screeching static.

I covered my ears. “Siwon, can you fix that please?”

Siwon ran from the drums to the speakers and adjusted a few knobs here and there. The static disappeared. “Better now?”

I nodded and turned to Ryeowook who was at the keyboards. “How’re you doing, pal?”

Wookie played a couple of notes and gave me a thumbs-up sign. “I’m cool.”

“How about you, Minnie?” I asked.

Sungmin was sitting on top of a metal stool and strummed some chords on his pink guitar before saying, “I’m all set over here.”

“And so am I,” it was Henry. He removed his violin from under his chin and bowed.

As if on cue, the rented white Hyundai Genesis skidded to a stop in front of the vacant lot.  Eunhyuk came out from the driver’s seat.

“Did you…?” I asked eagerly.

Hyukkie pointed his thumb towards the car.

They did.

Immediately, everyone took their positions. Ryewook placed his fingers tenderly on the keyboard. Sungmin shifted on the stool and prepared to strum his guitar. Henry placed the violin back on his shoulder and readied his bow. Siwon took a seat behind the drums and raised his drum sticks. Kyuhyun stood behind the second microphone stand a little behind me. And I took my place behind the first microphone stand.

We all watched as Zhou Mi came out of the passenger’s seat. He looked a little scary in that oversized trench-coat, mask, hat and sunshades. He ran to the other of the car and opened the backseat.


She stepped out looking dazed and confused. She was wearing the same worn jeans, an oversized t-shirt and a jacket. Her dark wavy hair fell gracefully on her shoulders. She looked thinner than usual, but her beauty was still enchanting and compelling.

She shielded her eyes from the sun and a small gasp left her when she finally saw who it was standing in front of her.

I cleared my throat and spoke into the microphone. “This is for the beautiful lady standing in front of me. Princess Yoong.”

Ryeowook played the first few notes of the song. Then Henry joined in with his violin and Sungmin began to strum the guitar soon after.

Then as soon as Siwon gave us the beat, I started to sing, “The loneliness of nights alone, the search for strength to carry on…

I remembered the fan who tripped me with her umbrella. I remember not sleeping the night before. I remember cursing at her. I felt so angry, so weak, so alone.

My every hope has seemed to die, my eyes had no more tears to cry…”

I recalled the time when I ran away and boarded that plane going to Dokbayo. I remember staring out the plane window, feeling tired and helpless.

Then like the sun shining up above, you surrounded me with your endless love...”

I remembered the moment when I first saw her – the way she strongly stood in that bus after offering her seat to an elderly woman, the way she gazed out the bus window with that fierce stare of hers. I remembered how she guided me to the subway station. I remember seeing her at the grocery. I remembered how she patiently went with me to the mall.

“Cause all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me…”

I gazed at the wonderful woman who stood in front of me. She was staring at us, in open in awe.

The drums picked up and this time, Kyuhyun joined me in singing.

“You are my everything, nothing your love won't bring. My life is yours alone, the only love I've ever known…”

I remember all those lonely nights when I thought of her, wondered where she was, how she was doing…

“Your spirit pulls me through when nothing else will do. Every night I pray on bended knee, that you will always be my everything…”

I removed the microphone from the stand and started walking towards her, still singing.

Oh, you're the breath of life in me, the only one that sets me free and you have made my soul complete for all time…"

I was nearing her now. “For all time.”

I took her hand and held it in mine. “You are my everything, nothing your love won't bring.My life is yours alone, the only love I've ever known.”

I gazed into her eyes. “Your spirit pulls me through, when nothing else will do…”

Every night I pray down on bended knee,” I let go of her hand and kneeled down on one knee. “That you will always be my everything. My everything…”

As the song ended, I looked up at her. “Saranghaeyo.”


Author’s Note: Pepperback here! This is probably one of the most heart-wrenching chapters I’ve ever written. If you want a more dramatic effect, listen to this while reading. I don’t know if it’d do the same to you, but this song actually made me cry while I was writing this chapter. Anyway, thanks to everyone for so reading, subscribing and commenting! Saranghaeyo!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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Chapter 1: I´m going to read, I like yoonhae <3
Chapter 7: it is a nice chapter
please write more
nerdscandy #3
Chapter 40: OH MY GOSH. I just read that in one day, and I cannot begin to explain how much I enjoyed reading it. My heartbeat probably changed speeds every other paragraph during the dramatic parts, and I loved their personalities here. :)
Julettums #5
Chapter 4: Lol I haven't read this in a while. I love your work and OH EM GEE YOU INCLUDED YOSEOB I LOVE YOU FOREVER
Aragoy #6
Chapter 40: Good story. Please keep on writing. Your skill is commendable.
OfficialBestfriend #7
Chapter 1: Just started reading this one ,and hey , Dong Hae does not belong to Sment .

He belongs to me , XD just joking
Jesshika #8
i read all this in only 2 hours without moving from my couch and blanket :"") it's all worth it!! the ending is amazinggg!! love the story!!
i read this all in one go cause it was that good >.<
i'm so glad yoona recovered and that they got married in the end, a happy ending for yoonhae ^.^
Way to go coming up with a fake disease for Yoona. I totally bought it btw :D Now Dong's coming back to Dokbayo with the rest of SJ, awesomesauce. Really enjoying this story so far :DDD