
Miss Interpreter


Every time I wake up in the morning, the first thing that I’d see is that print-out picture of Kobe Bryant which I plastered on the wall facing my bed. That way, I’d wake up with a smile on my face.

It’s not because I’m infatuated with the basketball player.

Oh no.

It’s because every time I look at that picture, I get reminded of the priceless look on Carrot-head’s face when he saw the results of the “Ideal Boyfriend/Girlfriend Generator” the other night.  

He looked as if he’d seen a ghost or an alien.

Or the ghost of an alien.

That confused look stayed on his face as we drove back to my apartment where he dropped me off.

I laughed to myself.

Basically, my spirits were up that morning and I half-skipped to the kitchen to get myself some cereal before I dash off to work. Yoseob was already up and he was watching TV on the sofa.

“Good morning!” he sang out.

“Good morning!” I sang back, laughing.

“You seem to be in an awfully good mood, today, Yoong,” Yoseob suddenly looked worried. “Is Sulli right? Are you dating someone?”

 “Of course not. If I was dating someone, I wouldn’t be taking the subway to work still,” I snickered as I stuffed my train pass into my purse.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” I told my brother. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. It was a mailman and he was carrying a small box in his arms.

“Ms. Yoona?” the mailman glanced up from a piece of paper taped on the box.

“Yes, that would be me,” I answered, then opened the door wider. A million questions were running through my mind. Who’s it from? Did Dad finally decide to send us chocolates? Did I win something? Was it from work? Did Yoseob order something online under my name?

“Good morning to you, Miss Yoona,” the mailman bounced the box a little bit, placed it on our doorstep and walked back to his van. I picked up the package and started up the stairs.

To tell you the truth, I almost fell down when I read what was on the box.

To: Yoona-sshi

Fr: Lee Donghae

“WHAT THE HELL?” I yelped.

“Yoong, what’s wrong?” Yoseob rushed towards the top of the stairs. He looked at the box, then at me. “What is that?”

I didn’t answer. I placed the box on the floor and tore away the tape. Inside was a pink blouse with small bows on the sleeves – the same blouse I looked at in that high end shop at the mall. My mind was already bursting with anger, so imagine my reaction when I saw the smaller box beneath the blouse.

The box was white with black edges. The letters on the front read “KU 990” and underneath was a picture of a slim black touch screen mobile phone.

“Wow! A new LG phone! Who’s it from?” Yoseob cried gleefully. He grabbed the box from me but I pulled it back.

“I’m going to give this back,” I snapped, infuriated. Who the hell does Lee Donghae think I am? A who likes to be spoiled by costly gifts like these? Does he think I am that poor? Does he think he’s so dignified by doing this? My blood was boiling at a thousand degrees Celsius that morning.

“Isn’t it bad manners to refuse a gift?” my brother said rather sadly, his eyes still sticking onto that cellphone box.

“Not if the gift is this expensive!” I sounded pretty hysterical at that moment. I put the blouse and the phone back into the larger box.  “Call the bookstore and tell them I’m going to be late.”


Several minutes later, I stomped into the Grand Hotel, ignoring the stares the employees were giving me. I walked up to the concierge and slammed the box down on the countertop.

“Give me Lee Donghae’s room number,” I demanded.

The lady at the front desk looked up at me. I could tell that my approach came off as aggressive and offensive to her. But I didn’t care.

“I’m sorry. Mr. Lee requested us not to give anyone his room number,” the lady sharply told me with a frown.

Annoyed, I fished out my wallet from my jean-pocket. I hurriedly flipped it open so the lady at the desk could see my I.D.

“Oh, ma’am,” her tone suddenly changed and a smile appeared on her face. “It’s room 1506. The Grand Hotel is glad to have you –“

Before she could finish, I was already rushing towards the elevator, box in hand, ready to attack.

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Chapter 1: I´m going to read, I like yoonhae <3
Chapter 7: it is a nice chapter
please write more
nerdscandy #3
Chapter 40: OH MY GOSH. I just read that in one day, and I cannot begin to explain how much I enjoyed reading it. My heartbeat probably changed speeds every other paragraph during the dramatic parts, and I loved their personalities here. :)
Julettums #5
Chapter 4: Lol I haven't read this in a while. I love your work and OH EM GEE YOU INCLUDED YOSEOB I LOVE YOU FOREVER
Aragoy #6
Chapter 40: Good story. Please keep on writing. Your skill is commendable.
OfficialBestfriend #7
Chapter 1: Just started reading this one ,and hey , Dong Hae does not belong to Sment .

He belongs to me , XD just joking
Jesshika #8
i read all this in only 2 hours without moving from my couch and blanket :"") it's all worth it!! the ending is amazinggg!! love the story!!
i read this all in one go cause it was that good >.<
i'm so glad yoona recovered and that they got married in the end, a happy ending for yoonhae ^.^
Way to go coming up with a fake disease for Yoona. I totally bought it btw :D Now Dong's coming back to Dokbayo with the rest of SJ, awesomesauce. Really enjoying this story so far :DDD