[ Final ]

Age Doesn't Matter

Taeyeon was shocked, but at the same time touched after hearing what Baekhyun just said. Damn, this guy comes back from the US and somehow has this Casanova vibe.




‘’I’m serious, noona. No, can I call you Taeyeon from now on?’’ he smiled.


‘’Tae-taeyeon?’’ she widened her eyes.


Baekhyun smirked, and brought her to the swings, right in the middle of all the candles. They spent the rest of the night with Baekhyun telling Taeyeon about how he managed to come back, about his life in the US and Taeyeon telling him about her life since he left Korea. After hours of catching up, Baekhyun finally brought up the topic that Taeyeon was afraid of but desperately wanted to talk about at the same time.


‘’Noona….Taeyeon….I don’t know how to start. Ever since Yuri noona introduced you to me that day, I felt that you were different. Every moment spent with you was very memorable and enjoyable, and I felt like I really was being myself whenever I’m with you. I want you to know that you’re important to me. I never really realized this until I left Korea; until I realized this emptiness inside me when you weren’t by my side anymore.’’ He smiled as he took Taeyeon’s hands in his. ‘’Is it too late to say that I want a future with us in it?’’


No. Of course it’s not too late. That was what Taeyeon wanted to say right away. But she paused to think, and decided that she needed some time to understand their relationship again to consider whether she could accept Baekhyun. After all, she did go through a rough time to get over this boy. Just when she fully recovered, he returned and all of a sudden, it was as if all the efforts she put in to move on became a waste.


‘’Baekhyun…I-I really don’t know what to say right now. This is happening too fast, and it’s a lot for me to take in. I think I need some time to think over some things, is that alright?’’ she asked carefully.


‘’O-of course. Whenever you are ready.’’ He ran his fingers through her hair and smiled.


Taeyeon nodded and smiled back.




‘’I’m looking for someone called Kim Taeyeon, would you possibly know where I could find her?’’ After about the 10th stranger Baekhyun passed by, someone was finally able to direct him to the music department.


‘’She was still there a few minutes ago, you would probably still catch her there.’’ One of Taeyeon’s classmates pointed to a red building.


‘’Thank you so much!’’ Baekhyun bowed and ran towards the building.


It had been around two weeks since the two of them reunited, and though Baekhyun kept trying to ask Taeyeon out on dates and tried to see her at her place, she was always either out or just too busy to see him. Today, Baekhyun finished school early and decided to go to her university and surprise her. After getting lost around the campus a few times, Baekhyun finally stumbled across one of the music classrooms, and found Taeyeon writing a song beside the piano. Baekhyun couldn’t help but just stand there and smile, watching Taeyeon’s serious side. After almost 30 minutes later, he finally knocked on the door when he saw that Taeyeon was about to pack away her things. He glanced down at the small bouquet he was holding, and opened the door, revealing a surprised Taeyeon in front of him.


‘’Baek-baekhyun? Why are you here? How did you find me?’’


Baekhyun simply smiled and handed Taeyeon the bouquet. ‘’I have my ways.’’


Taeyeon took the small bouquet and blushed when she recognized that it was the same one he gave her last time; her favourite red and pink roses.


‘’What’s the special occasion?’’ she glanced up and smiled.


Baekhyun cleared his throat. He slightly bowed and put out his hand. ‘’Miss Kim Taeyeon, will you be willing to give me a chance to get to know you?’’ He glanced up and smiled. ‘’May I have this honour to take you out on a date tonight?’’


Taeyeon chuckled, and glanced at the bouquet again before looking at his hand. She smiled and put her hand in his. ‘’My pleasure.’’


Baekhyun held her hand tightly and smiled.


They walked together hand in hand as Taeyeon briefly showed Baekhyun around the campus, gaining a lot of attention from the people around them.


‘’You’re popular, noona.’’ Baekhyun muttered as he glared at two guys who were eyeing Taeyeon.


Taeyeon chuckled. ‘’No way. You’re the one they’re looking at.’’


Baekhyun smirked. ‘’Am I too good looking? They must be jealous or something.’’


Taeyeon playfully hit the back of his head. ‘’They must be wondering why on earth I’m spending time with a school boy.’’


‘’A school bo-‘’ Baekhyun stopped and glanced at what he was wearing. He was still in his school uniform, and clearly forgot to change after school since he was too excited to see Taeyeon. He sighed. ‘’I forgot to change.’’


Taeyeon laughed as he fixed his collar. ‘’That’s okay. You look good anyway.’’ They stared at each other for a while until Taeyeon felt her cheeks heating up. ‘’Let’s go.’’


As they were about the leave the campus, Taeyeon bumped into one of her friends and chatted for a while.


‘’Is that your younger brother?’’


Taeyeon glanced at Baekhyun who was kicking a little stone around and chuckled. ‘’He’s like a little kid, yeah?’’


Her friend suddenly noticed the bouquet Taeyeon was holding. ‘’What’s this? From your boyfriend? I never knew you were in a relationship!’’ Taeyeon kept getting teased, but she simply kept mum.


‘’It’s…from someone special.’’ She glanced at Baekhyun again and smiled.


‘’Are you two together? Isn’t he still in high school?’’ Taeyeon’s friend eyed Baekhyun up and down, checking his uniform.


‘’What if we are? Age doesn’t matter, right?’’ Taeyeon smiled. Her friend was surprised and speechless, so she simply nodded. The two bid farewell and Taeyeon rushed over to Baekhyun.


‘’Sorry. Thanks for waiting.’’


Baekhyun looked up and smiled. ‘’I’d wait for you any day, any time.’’






‘’You do remember that I’m a noona, yeah?’’


Baekhyun slowly nodded. ‘’I'm not going to see you as a noona anymore though.’’ He closed the distance between them and held Taeyeon’s face in his hands as he bent down to kiss her forehead.


‘’Age doesn’t matter.’’



A/N: I know I've dragged this on for too long, but I really appreciate all the subscribers and comments. Thank you to everyone who has supported this story, couldn't have finished it without you :)

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Chapter 20: Awesome, cute story! I totally didn't expect some things, like Baekhyun rejecting her or him going out with another girl. I liked those unexpected moments though! They kept the story interesting.
LeaderTaengoo098 #2
Chapter 20: yayy ,they are together. <3
thank you for complete it
keke i love it <3<3
Chapter 20: Awwww too cute wee ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: Happy ending....yeah..........~~~~ sweet
this is so perfect author-nim /sob
thank you for making this it's one of my favorite BaekYeon stories ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ (I just noticed I commented on every chapter lol)
I'm kinda hoping for a sequel but if you're too busy then.. XDDDD
Jung_YongRa #6
Chapter 20: Happy ending! Congratulation for Baekyeon :* You're so greaatt authornimm!! thank you for the happy ending !! ^^
Chapter 20: Daebak!! It's the best author-nim.. I ship BaekYeon so much!!!
Chapter 19: Ommmooooooooooooo.....awesome