[ Twelve ]

Age Doesn't Matter

A/N: I am terrible, I know. I really do apologise. Still adjusting to uni life, and it's been pretty hectic so I'm really sorry for not updating! I hope some of you are still out there...trying my best here already, forgive me T_T




The poor boy was walking lifelessly along the school corridor near Taeyeon’s locker, and didn’t notice her presence until she shook both of his shoulders. He looked up, and Taeyeon could see the unfortunately obvious dark circles around Baekhyun’s eyes.


‘’Did you…not sleep?’’ Taeyeon patted his head. ‘’What happened?’’


In fact, Taeyeon knew exactly what made Baekhyun like this. Yuri had called Taeyeon last night when she was about to sleep, and confessed to Taeyeon how Baekhyun confessed to her but got rejected, and dramatically sighed when she said that it was probably karma because she got rejected straight away after she confessed to Jiyong. Taeyeon was about to tell Yuri how she rejected Jiyong herself as well but decided against it once she heard Yuri sobbing on the other end of the phone.


Baekhyun shook his head. ‘’I’ll see you later, noona.’’ He simply said as he walked away without looking back at her.


Taeyeon rushed forward and turned Baekhyun around to face her. Baekhyun looked up, confused.


‘’Be ready at noon outside your house on Saturday. I’ll be waiting, and won’t leave until you leave the house.’’ Taeyeon smiled and patted his head before rushing off to her next class, leaving Baekhyun stunned in the middle of the corridor.




After a week of rushing assignments and revising for tests, the weekend finally arrived. Taeyeon arrived at Baekhyun’s front door at noon sharp. She pressed the bell a few times, until Baekhyun slowly opened the door.


‘’Good morning Baek!’’ Taeyeon greeted happily.


‘’Morning noona.’’ Baekhyun rubbed his eyes tiredly and forced a smile.


‘’Ready for a fun-filled journey today?’’ Taeyeon smiled as she swiftly grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and led him out as he hurriedly closed the front door.


First stop.

‘’I’m sure you’re hungry, Baek. So here we are! Our first stop is to satisfy our stomachs of course.’’ Taeyeon laughed as she gestured to rub her stomach. Taeyeon brought Baekhyun to a nearby café – although it was the weekend and noon already, there wasn’t a person in sight.


‘’Sit here. I’ll be right back.’’ Taeyeon led Baekhyun to the table that was in the center of the café. The table was beautifully decorated with utensils placed in a very organized manner, and Baekhyun noticed only their table was decorated. The other tables in the café didn’t even have a single fork on it.


A while later, Taeyeon appeared with an apron wrapped around her waist and holding a tray with two plates of salad and two bowls of soup. Baekhyun was surprised at Taeyeon’s transformed appearance, but smiled as the food was placed in front of him.


‘’Surprise!’’ Taeyeon smiled as she placed the soup and salad on the table.


‘’Noona, what is this?’’ Baekhyun chuckled softly.


‘’This café is actually my cousin’s. I begged him to let me have the lunch time just so I can cook a meal for you. I hope you like chicken salad and cream mushroom soup.’’ She smiled as the two met eyes.


‘’My favourite actually.’’ Baekhyun replied and started to eat. ‘’Thank you noona.’’


Taeyeon continued to try her best to cook steak in front of Baekhyun, serving him like a proper waitress and ended the meal with a sweet dessert of chocolate lava cake.


‘’Okay so this is actually my first attempt and I’m honestly not good at baking because I always burn the cakes or its not cooked properly and this recipe was actually so hard that it took me so long and I-‘’


Baekhyun put a hand up to stop Taeyeon and smiled. ‘’Let’s find out how good this is.’’ He smirked and took a bite. Baekhyun closed his eyes whilst savouring the taste, and opened his eyes to see a nervous Taeyeon in front of him, waiting for his response.


‘’So? How does it taste like?’’ Taeyeon asked nervously.


Baekhyun put down his spoon and shook his head as he looked up at Taeyeon. ‘’Perfect.’’




‘’So now that we’re full…next stop!’’


Second stop.

Taeyeon dragged Baekhyun on to a bus and headed towards an underground art studio. Once they walked in, a tall man approached them and handed plain white shirts and transparent raincoat-like material to them.


‘’Go get changed and we’ll meet out here.’’ Taeyeon smiled as she walked off to the ladies’ room. Confused, but Baekhyun decided to just follow Taeyeon’s lead and headed off to the men’s room.


Once they were changed, Taeyeon ordered Baekhyun to keep his eyes shut as she intertwined her hand with his and led Baekhyun to a room.


‘’You can open your eyes now.’’

Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes and a huge board for a paintball game was revealed. His eyes widened as he watched Taeyeon pick up a few darts on the table and threw them towards the board, bursting a few bubbles. She laughed as she offered the darts to Baekhyun.


‘’Come one, Baek. Release all your emotions.’’


Baekhyun grinned. ‘’Let’s do this!’’




Last stop.

The two walked out of the art studio as Baekhyun continued to laugh out loud, whilst Taeyeon just stared at him and smiled in satisfaction.


‘’How are you feeling?’’ Taeyeon sighed.


‘’Good. That was a real good game. We should do it again, noona.’’ He smiled as he patted Taeyeon’s head.


‘’Alright, last stop. We have to hurry before it goes.’’


‘’Huh? Before what goes?’’


‘’You’ll see.’’ Taeyeon gestured the bag she was holding, but prevented Baekhyun from peeking as they were on their journey to the last stop Taeyeon prepared for the day.




‘’We’re watching the sunset?’’ Baekhyun asked as soon as they arrived at the beachside.


‘’Close.’’ She reached into the bag she was holding earlier and brought out a plain canvas. ‘’We’re painting the sunset.’’


The two of them sat comfortably on Taeyeon’s blanket on top of the sand, with a canvas each and paint and a few brushes were spread out in between them. The both of them spent the next moments painting the sunset before it disappeared, and agreed to gift their paintings to each other.


‘’Now the final thing for today.’’ Taeyeon reached for her Polaroid camera and took selcas with Baekhyun. ‘’One for you, and one for me.’’ she smiled as Baekhyun ruffled her hair. When the sun finally set, they packed their things and headed home together.


‘’How was today, Baek?’’ Taeyeon asked as they were walking home.


‘’Thank you so much for everything today, noona. I don’t know how to repay you for what you’ve done for me. I…haven’t wholeheartedly laughed in a while. It feels good. And it’s all because of you.’’ He grinned as he looked at her.


Taeyeon blushed. ‘’Well…I’m glad! I’m happy that you’re happy again.’’


They arrived at Taeyeon’s house first and she opened the gate to her place.




‘’Yes, noona?’’


‘’I…I li-‘’ Taeyeon sighed. ‘’Nevermind.’’


‘’Everything alright?’’ Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows.


‘’It’s nothing. Maybe another time.’’ She forced a smile, and waved goodbye as she hurriedly rushed inside.


Baekhyun smiled as he lingered around Taeyeon’s front gate for a while until he finally decided to head home. When Baekhyun got home, he lied down on his couch and stared at the Polaroid of Taeyeon and him as he ran his thumb on Taeyeon’s cheek in the photo.


‘’Don’t be silly Taeyeon…’’




‘’You’re too old for him.’’


                                                                                                                                                                                                             ‘’How come my heart is beating so fast?’’

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Chapter 20: Awesome, cute story! I totally didn't expect some things, like Baekhyun rejecting her or him going out with another girl. I liked those unexpected moments though! They kept the story interesting.
LeaderTaengoo098 #2
Chapter 20: yayy ,they are together. <3
thank you for complete it
keke i love it <3<3
Chapter 20: Awwww too cute wee ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: Happy ending....yeah..........~~~~ sweet
this is so perfect author-nim /sob
thank you for making this it's one of my favorite BaekYeon stories ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ (I just noticed I commented on every chapter lol)
I'm kinda hoping for a sequel but if you're too busy then.. XDDDD
Jung_YongRa #6
Chapter 20: Happy ending! Congratulation for Baekyeon :* You're so greaatt authornimm!! thank you for the happy ending !! ^^
Chapter 20: Daebak!! It's the best author-nim.. I ship BaekYeon so much!!!
Chapter 19: Ommmooooooooooooo.....awesome