[ Eighteen ]

Age Doesn't Matter

‘’Thanks so much for tonight, Kyungsoo! I had a wonderful time, and hope you enjoyed it too.’’ Taeyeon hugged Kyungsoo when they arrived at Taeyeon’s house.


Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. ‘’Thank you too, noona. I’m glad you enjoyed it!’’ He still doubted whether he should tell Taeyeon about Baekhyun’s return to Korea, but Taeyeon was already walking to her door.


‘’Let’s go watch that movie another time! I’ll see you soon. Get home safe!’’ Taeyeon waved as she looked for her keys.


Kyungsoo just nodded. ‘’See you soon, noona!’’ He watched Taeyeon close the front door and sighed. Maybe I’ll tell her another time. He shrugged and headed home.


Kyungsoo hummed to a song as he passed by the park, when suddenly someone appeared in front of him. He looked up and yelled.


‘’Whoa, calm down Kyungsoo.’’


Kyungsoo covered his mouth with his right hand. ‘’You scared me!’’ he whispered as he removed his hand. ‘’Hi Baekhyun.’’


Baekhyun took his hat off and chuckled. ‘’Nice to see you too.’’


They gave each other a pat on the back and walked over to sit down on one of the benches.


‘’I thought you’d never come back.’’ Kyungsoo chuckled.


‘’Same. I had a long talk with my parents, and finally came to a conclusion.’’ He smiled as he looked at Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo tilted his head. ‘’Which is?’’


‘’Well I’m back, and it’s permanent. At least for my mom and me, it is. My dad is staying over there for a while.’’


Kyungsoo clapped his hands and smiled. ‘’That’s great, Baekhyun.’’


Baekhyun smiled, but his smile slowly faded away. ‘’Kyungsoo…are you dating…anyone?’’


‘’Hmm? No…why?’’ Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.


‘’I-I actually saw you earlier tonight when I was walking around the area…’’


‘’You did? Then why didn’t you come say hi!?’’


‘’…with Taeyeon noona.’’ Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo in the eye.


All Kyungsoo could do was just stare back at Baekhyun as he tried to figure out what Baekhyun was trying to say. It took him a whole minute to understand the situation.


‘’Oh no Baekhyun! No no no no. Taeyeon noona is really just a noona and friend to me, and we had no plans tonight so we were just having dinner together so we wouldn’t be too lonely and we’re not dating since I already like someone and Taeyeon noona likes-‘’ he stopped when he realized Baekhyun was in front of him.


Baekhyun laughed. ‘’I have never seen you speak this fast before.’’ He rubbed the back of his neck. ‘’I thought you two were…together on a date or something…so I thought-‘’


‘’NO! Taeyeon noona likes…argh.’’ Kyungsoo stopped and shook his head, considering whether he should tell Baekhyun that Taeyeon still likes him but scared that it might be make their relationship even more awkward than it already is.


‘’Kyungsoo, you need to help me.’’ Baekhyun woke Kyungsoo up from his daydreaming.


‘’Anything I can possibly do, I will help you. What is it?’’


‘’I need to win Taeyeon noona’s heart again.’’




The consecutive rings of the doorbell woke Taeyeon up the next morning.


‘’Mom! Can you please answer the door?’’ No response.


She groaned into her pillow and forced herself to get out of bed.


‘’Coming!’’ she shouted as she made her way to the door. Just as she opened the door, she saw someone run away but since she was still half asleep, she couldn’t recognize who it was. She then looked at her doorstep and found a small bouquet of red and pink roses. Her favourite. Taeyeon rubbed her eyes and smiled as she picked the bouquet up. She headed back to her room and opened the little card sitting in the middle of the flowers.


Kim Taeyeon,


If you want to know who I am, come to the park at 10 tonight.


The message wasn’t signed, so Taeyeon had no idea who it was. She spent the next half an hour rolling around her bed trying to figure out who it possibly could be, but decided in the end that she would wait until tonight to find out.


Taeyeon was out with Yuri for the whole day that day, and only suddenly remembered about the bouquet she received that morning as she passed by the park that night. She glanced at her watch and it read 10:37pm. She quickly walked through the park, trying to search for anyone that could possibly be the one who sent her the flowers. After 10 minutes of searching, she passed by the swings and saw the floor littered with heart shaped candles. She looked closely and saw that the candles formed the Korean letter ‘’Tae’’ on the left side and ‘’Baek’’ on the right side.


‘’Tae…Baek.’’ She whispered to herself. ‘’Baek. Baek!?’’ she desperately looked around, searching for that possibility of that special someone to appear in front of her. Just then, a pair of hands covered her eyes and Taeyeon’s breathing became rapid.


‘’Surprise, noona.’’


Taeyeon thought her heart stopped beating. She slowly reached for the hands that covered her vision, and put them down as she turned around to meet eyes with Baekhyun. She could almost cry at the sight of seeing Byun Baekhyun standing in front of her again, especially after accepting the fact that they probably would never see each other again. But here he was.




Baekhyun chuckled as he held her face in his hands. ‘’Am I not allowed to be back in Korea?’’


Taeyeon’s heart started beating fast as the distance between their faces got closer. She shrugged him off as she felt her cheeks heating up, and turned to look at the candles to hide her blushing face.


‘’I-I didn’t mea-mean that….you’re the one who sent the flowers? And wha-what is this? ’’


Baekhyun chuckled at Taeyeon’s stuttering. ‘’My promise.’’


Taeyeon turned around to look at Baekhyun, confused. ‘’Promise?’’


‘’My promise for a future with you and me in it.’’

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Chapter 20: Awesome, cute story! I totally didn't expect some things, like Baekhyun rejecting her or him going out with another girl. I liked those unexpected moments though! They kept the story interesting.
LeaderTaengoo098 #2
Chapter 20: yayy ,they are together. <3
thank you for complete it
keke i love it <3<3
Chapter 20: Awwww too cute wee ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: Happy ending....yeah..........~~~~ sweet
this is so perfect author-nim /sob
thank you for making this it's one of my favorite BaekYeon stories ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ (I just noticed I commented on every chapter lol)
I'm kinda hoping for a sequel but if you're too busy then.. XDDDD
Jung_YongRa #6
Chapter 20: Happy ending! Congratulation for Baekyeon :* You're so greaatt authornimm!! thank you for the happy ending !! ^^
Chapter 20: Daebak!! It's the best author-nim.. I ship BaekYeon so much!!!
Chapter 19: Ommmooooooooooooo.....awesome