The Devil With An Angel Heart
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Chapter Seven



        Her morning went well. She wasn’t scolded apparently because the whole school knew what happened. Those stalker fans are really something. The teacher let her off, except for one person.




        Zelo just arrived in school and saw that many people are out their classrooms. It’s already recess time. He heard girls gossiping everywhere. He would usually ignore those whispers but the name they were mentioning caught his attention. He approached a group of girls near him and worked his magic.




        “Annyeong pretty ladies~” he waved at them then slung his arm over one of them while his other arm hugged another around her waist. Obviously, they blushed hard. “What’s the new hot topic people are talking about?”




        “Oh that. Lee Taeri of section Shinang arrived in school with Boyfriend.”




        “Boyfriend huh?” Zelo just nodded and waved them goodbye.




        He continued his way to the classroom. Luckily it’s homeroom, no activities to do. He approached the rest of B.A.P with an unreadable expression.




        “What’s with the long face baby?” Himchan said while trying not to laugh at his own lame joke.




        “Nothing…” Zelo sighed as he sat down. He needs to see her now. That’s what’s inside his head. He was unaware of the noise the others are making.




        “Awwe~ what’s wrong with our maknae? Lovesick? Animyeon, heartbreak?” Himchan asked the others.




        “Lovesick and heartbreak almost mean the same, pabo.” Youngjae said.




        “No, they’re not the same.” Himchan pouted.




        “That’s w

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Chapter 20: YAAAAAH i had a dream like this. except it was someone else lol.
Chapter 19: i can't believe it took you 2 years to post this eonni.........
Chapter 18: Yah what have you done to my Daedae... XDD What do you mean "turning gay" they're already gay... LOL
minsul1234 #4
Chapter 18: Ahhh zelo so cute im fangirling now
Chapter 14: Yayayahhhhhh!!! D:< these two chapters are not enough :P cliffhanger much???
Chapter 12: eeeehhhh cuteeeee >_________<
ILoveKDramas1 #7
Chapter 11: Wow You Made Seem Mcdonald's Like A Romantic Place TO Eat with ur partner!!!
Chapter 11: fluffyyyyyyyy~ hahaha i never imagined a kilig mcdo scene LOL
Chapter 10: Kekeke zelo kyeoptaaaaaaa >________<