A Daydream's Awkward Encounter?

Baekhun's Daydreaming

A/N: For those of you who haven't seen Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II yet, and really want to see it. There are some spoilers in here so...you know, read past that. And if I used your username in this, don't hate me I just made these up, it's just coincidental!


Baekhyun and Sehun walked out of their shared apartment to go meet up with Jongdae and Kyungsoo. The four glasses-wearing-nerds-but-oh-so-hot boys would sit and talk about random stuff. All three of Baekhyun's friends knew he had an "obsession" with EXO but mainly because of Chanyeol. It looked like he was developing a crush but he just thinks thats just what humans with an ultimate bias do. 

"Guide me." Baekhyun states, putting his right arm around Sehun's.

"What why?" Sehun tried to get out of Baekhyun's grip but it was too strong.

"I'm daydreaming now. Guide me, I don't want to walk into anything." Baekhyun just look so innocent, that wasn't really getting him anywhere though.

"You trust me?" Sehun asks in disbelief. 

"Yes Sehun. Now shut it and guide." A firm and demanding tone was within every word.

"Ok fine." Sehun sighs in defeat and just keeps walking with a daydreaming Baekhyun clinging to his arm. And so it begins again.


I'm still sitting at the same table, in the back of the same cafe. Only a few minutes ago, that stranger walked away from me. I put my headphone back into my ear and I realize that I've missed about 5 songs talking to a stranger. I think I missed Girls Generation and Super junior...I can't tell. But I let it go. My shuffle plays and my eyes read. Read through the stories that make me feel happy for once. I may feel alone all the time, but reading theses fanfics replace some of that loneliness with joy and no regrets. I stick to the one shots or some short ones because I don't really like pressuring myself for rushing home to finish reading these long fics or waiting for updates that may take forever. I mean seriously I'm still waiting for an update for a second chapter on a fic that last updated in NOVEMBER. Ok, calming down. "Aaaaaaaaannnddd there." I sigh in content and completion. I just finished reading and commenting on an angst. I wanted to cry because of the brudal character death but my eyes don't cry for something that's not real....ok that a lie (most of the time), I cried during the fight scene of Twilight Breaking Dawn part II. A tear was formed for Carlisle's death, that tear sheded for Jasper's, and the rest came while I was on the floor of the theater to my knees when they cracked Seth's neck...I like Seth. After clicking on my profile to check for anything new, the mail envelope and the tiny person at the top of the screen are in orange. "Who friended me and started a PM?" I shrugged and clicked on the friend request first. The username was cr33perC....What kind of username is that? Anyway, I'm not mean or picky so I accept. Then I click the mail. The message was from the same person. I open it and read.

cr33perC: Is this Baekhyun.

 Holy- oh yea, this must be that dude I was talking to...wow he's quick. I reply.

EXO-Chanyeol-love: Yes.

It's only a couple of seconds before I get another reply. Damn, didnt he leave because he's busy? 

cr33perC: HI BAEKHYUN! You know who this is right. The guy from the cafe earlier. 

EXO-Chanyeol-love: If by earlier you mean just about 5 minutes ago then yes. :-)

cr33perC: So, um...how's it going?

Really? (You should know I'm not just waiting for him to keep replying, I'm looking at other stuff on another tab too)

EXO-Chanyeol-love: Really, like I said, it's only been about 10 minutes. 

cr33perC: a lot can happen in 10 minutes

EXO-Chanyeol-love: ok then I'm fine and you?

cr33perC: pleasant...but sneaky

EXO-Chanyeol-love: Huh?

cr33perC: Well...I should be- er um, working

EXO-Chanyeol-love: oh ok. I have to go anyway. So bye...hey you never did tell me your name.

cr33perC: uhhhh....go to go now BYE!!

EXO-Chanyeol-love: Um? Ok bye.

"Well that was awkward." "Huh?" Sehun asked with a confused expression. Baekhyun hadn't meant to say his thoughts out loud. "Sorry, thinking out loud again. Oh look, there they are." Baekhyun pointed at Jongdae and Kyungsoo, who were seated on the inside of a small restaurant, beside each other in a booth by the widow. Baekhyun dragged Sehun inside to have a seat infront of there friends, still with his arms wrapped around the younger. "Hey guys!" Sehun and Baekhyun both called out in unison. "Ayo wassup peasents." Jongdae smugly answers. "Yeah, hey." Kyungsoo doesn't even bother to left his head out of his new book, and just nods his head. "Oh my god not another one. This is the second book this month." Sehun whines as he and Baekhyun take their sets across from the troll and the book worm. "Would you guys shut up! Jase and Claire just go the info about them being related and I wanna pay attention to what happens without your distractions." Kyungsoo roared in frustration, eyes still locked firmly to the book. The others back away in fear. Kyungsoo can be scary when he wants to be. "Hey, aren't Jase and Claire the ones that are dating? Shouldnt they break up because their siblings?" See, I listen. "NO! What they have is a happy relationship and they should stay with that. To hell with the papers and judging people!" Well, look who's really into it. "Okok--wait what? Did you just call us peasents?" Baekhyun hissed at Jongdae who just kept his straight face and pulled his glasses up. "Yeah, what of it?" He says, laying back in the seat. ", your the poorest one out of all four of us." Sehun answers. "Language." Kyungsoo buts in somehow. "Someone switched on his 'Umma' mode. And I'm not poor....just a little low on funds." Jongdae replies. "Mmhmm, sure~" Baekhyun and Sehun sing in unison. Then, the taps of falling rain are heard on the window beside Baekhyun. He slowly turns his head towards the rain and watches, drowning out everyone else. I do dream my happiest during rain. So peaceful.






. . . . .CHOCOLATE RAIN~ GAWD I hate that freaking song. I just had to talk about rain (don't know what it is? YouTube people, look it up) crap.....I JUST LOST THE GAME!! lol ^^

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Chapter 1: Baekhyun's morning routine is the same as mine hahahaha!
Chapter 13: omg whyyyy did you leave us like this T_T omg omghsejbsdsdksndk im dying
Chapter 12: Need mooiaaaaaarrrrrrr I want to know about their real dates and relationshipppo
Katjones #4
Chapter 12: I want more!!!!! Hahaha this story was so cute!!! I love every second of it and the fact that chanyeol was dreaming those too was so cute. Im so happy they met.
Great strory ^_^
Chapter 12: Kekeke Channie was dreaming about Baek too? That's so sweet and cute~ ((\(> <)/)) thank you for updating~~
thelametriangle #6
Chapter 3: I really like this story ^^
Sometimes I get confused between fantasyland and reality and then get disappointed when I realise he doesn't really know Chanyeol lol
Can't wait for more :)
lazygirlxsica #7
Update soon, neh?