Daydream Meeting

Baekhun's Daydreaming

"I hate the mornings" Baekhyun wakes up early on a Saturday morning, but not because he wanted to, because the retarded sunlight decided to stream through his curtains so early (6:35). I curse daylight savings. He thinks to himself. 

Baekhyun's mornings on weekends began this way, most of the time not so early, then as soon as his vision ajust to the somewhat brightly lite room, he grabs his computer and goes straight to AFF to check on the fics he subscribed to. Baekhyun was a very anxious person when it came to his beloved fanfics. 

After reading, commenting, and commenting on another's comment to his comment, Baekhyun heads for the bathroom to take a shower.

During said showering, Baekhyun sits on the tub's floor and starts to think to himself. The first person to ever come to his mind after a good or bad nights sleep is Park Chanyeol. The gorgeous guitar player and rapper for a famous group, EXO, has been in his thoughts ever since their debut. Baekhyun was determained that Chanyeol was his bias for the group (Xi Luhan as the singer aslo leader, Kim Jongin; or Kai as called by the group; on drums, and Zhang Yixing on bass).

Baekhyun has now drifted to his own world. Dreaming with his eyes fully open.



I walk down the street, admiring the many things Seoul had to offer. I walk into a cafe and sit down at a far away booth alone. Not ordering anything. I pull out my laptop and set it nicely on the table. I plug my headphones in my computer and click onto my music player, putting it on shuffle and the first song to come on is my bias group EXO. Metal was the name of the song. I sigh in content and search for random things on my laptop. Deep in thought and not really listening to my surroundings, I hear a faint but unusually deep voice. I quickly looked up and saw a tall man with a cap, shades, and a black hoodie covering his face. I take out one of my headphones, you can hear the music blasting out of it somewhat loudly. The man laughs, "Mmmm, I see you listen to EXO." I nod enthusiastically at the comment, no shame what's so ever. "Yes I very much do, sir. What where you saying before?" I asked him. "I asked if this seat was taken." He points at the seat across the table from me. I take a moment to think. This guy might be a creep or worse..I excuse my thoughts and answer, "No sir it's not. Would you like to.." I gesture at the seat. He nods "Thanks" Such things relating to me are asked by this stranger. It's fairly creepy that a random person asks question about someone they don't even know while looking like they just robbed a place, but I answer politely and honestly. " Why all the questions, do we even know each other?" I just had to ask, I was curious. The man shakes his head, "Highly unlikely. I just saw you and you looked interesting. Distancing yourself away from the rest of the cafe and not even really getting anything, like a free spirit." Yeah, I'm giving props to myself, so what. "Well, um, thanks for noticing. I just really need my space and being alone helps that." He looked almost sad to hear me say that, the smile that never left his face almost turned into a frown. "Thats not healthy, you should never want to be along know matter what. Loneliness can just tear at up your insides until it consumes you whole." A rise of hope and strang feelings develop smally in my being. "Thanks for that but I think that's already happened years ago. Loneliness became my best friend. I have friends that love me but never someone who would be there for me through everything in life like loneliness. It may sound bad to you but my best friend will never leave me as long as I keep my grip and love it as much as it loves me." A tear starts to form but I hold it back. But that doesn't stop the other from letting his trail down his cheek. "Wow, that's deep. What's your name?" He asks me. "Baekhyun, sir." he starts to smile. "Do you have any kind of account, like a twitter or something?"  The no-shame feeling springs up again, " I have an AFF account, ever heard of it." He shakes his head. "Thought not, but if you ever do learn about this wonderful site, it's and my username is EXO-Chanyeol-love." I state with a smile, getting one in return. "Thanks, I'll look that up." He says so cheerfully. "What's your na-" I get cut off. "There you are. I told you to stop running off from the rest of us like tha-" The boys head turns to me and behide the shades, cap covering his face along with a hood, I can tell he wasnt really happy to see me. "Who's this?" The man asks as calmly as possible. "This is Baekhyun," the taller pulls the other down to his level, "Relax, he doesn't know who I am." I heard him say but pretend I didn't. The other stands up and turns to me. Their both cute even with all that stuff covering their faces. "Well hello, I'm sorry but we really have to go now. Let's go, now" he states so firmly and turns and walks away. The tall one looks sad now. "I'm sorry, my friend wants me to go. I'll look you up, so watch out for me. Bye now." He leaves in kind of a hurry but I just wave a goodbye to his happy-go-luckly wave and smile. Then my heart pounds. Who was I just talking to, he never gave me a name...oh well, he'll look for me....hopefully. 



Baekhyun ends his daydreaming, feeling like he has been in the shower for too long. He cuts off the water and exits the shower, drying off and putting on clean clothes to start the day with. He walks back into his room and wakes his roommate Sehun. If I have to be up at these ungodly hours taking away my precious dreams, so do you!

Baekhyun shakes the younger only to be answered my annoyed groaning. Shaking his head, Baekhyun flips the sheets of the sleeping boy, getting a finger shoot at his face in response.

"Get the hell up!" Baekhyun yells. "HELL NO! I love my dreams to much to just be takin away from them by a short boy-who-looks-like-a-girl!" Sehun tried to fall back to sleep before the last sprinkles of sleeping dust flew from his eyes. Baekhyun was pissed at the remark. GIRL! 

Baekhyun jumps on the bed and flips the younger off of it with his feet. Sehun snaps his head back up and growls. "Alright you , let's go." Sehun charges at Baekhyun, pushing im off the bed. As they fight for no apparent reason on the floor, Baekhyun manages to push Sehun off of him a little. Sehun tried to punch his face and got kicked in the balls in return. Rolling on the floor in pain and defeat, Sehun crys internally.

"You know you can't beat me you little brat. Now hurry up and get dressed. Where meeting Jongdae and Kyungsoo in an hour." Baekhyun demandingly leaves the room. Sehun sighs and gets ready as told.






A/N: Sup peeps and readers. So how'd I dooooooo~~!!! ❤

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Chapter 1: Baekhyun's morning routine is the same as mine hahahaha!
Chapter 13: omg whyyyy did you leave us like this T_T omg omghsejbsdsdksndk im dying
Chapter 12: Need mooiaaaaaarrrrrrr I want to know about their real dates and relationshipppo
Katjones #4
Chapter 12: I want more!!!!! Hahaha this story was so cute!!! I love every second of it and the fact that chanyeol was dreaming those too was so cute. Im so happy they met.
Great strory ^_^
Chapter 12: Kekeke Channie was dreaming about Baek too? That's so sweet and cute~ ((\(> <)/)) thank you for updating~~
thelametriangle #6
Chapter 3: I really like this story ^^
Sometimes I get confused between fantasyland and reality and then get disappointed when I realise he doesn't really know Chanyeol lol
Can't wait for more :)
lazygirlxsica #7
Update soon, neh?