Again and again.

♥Oh My Soojung.♥


We finally took the first step into school together. 
You can imagine all the attention that were brought onto us unknowingly.
I held Krystal's hand and walked into the campus, totally oblivious to my surroundings.

You may wonder why am I taking things so lightly.
The reason is actually very simple really.

"Don't their gazes on us bother you?" Krystal asked, trying to get used to the new attention she is receiving.

"Why should I let it bother me?" I laughed and hugged her while we waited for the elevator. "I only need you, and I will only care about how you think."

"You and your honeyed tongue." She pinched my cheeks and grinned.

"Come on." I place my arm around her waist and walked into the crowded elevator.


We stood right next to the metal doors of the lift.
Although both Krystal and I faced the doors, we could feel the strong gaze of the people inside.
Krystal, seems to be bothered by them.

As my arm was still on her slim waist, I pulled gently, making her body stick close to me.
I hope that with the warmth we shared, she would feel better.
Krystal noticed my intentions and tried to relax by closing her eyes.

The lift finally reached the fourth floor and most of the students rushed out of the elevator together.
Now that we are free, Krystal and I decreased our pace and walked slowly to the class.
Along the way, Changmin and Victoria passed us.

"See, I told you that you wouldn't be able to hide from us." Changmin laughed and walked next to me. "Good morning Soojung."

"Hi Changmin." Krystal smiled sweetly and greeted him. "Hi there Victoria."

"Its rare to see you smile." Victoria said and finally loosen her tense feelings up before greeting us.


The four of us eventually reached the class together. 
Yes, the same reaction we got from the school was displayed once again in class.

But Krystal and I felt even more shocking to see Myungsoo already in his seat.

But no, that wasn't his seat. It was my seat, between Krystal and Changmin.
We walked up the wooden steps towards Myungsoo, whom turned his attention onto Krystal.

"Hello babe." He smiled and stood up, opening his arms to hug Krystal.

"Get away. Kim Myungsoo." I stood in front of Krystal in defense.

"This is between me and her !" Myungsoo shouted and pushed me with all his might.


I lost my footing and rolled down the steps to the front of the class.
Krystal glared at Myungsoo and rushed to me.

"Javier, are you alright?" She helped me up and asked.

"Other than my mood, everything's fine." I gritted my teeth and stared up at the now arrogant Myungsoo.

"Let's just sit by the window, where I used to." Krystal tried to make me feel better and my back.

"What happened here?" Mr Lee asked as he walked into class, towards us.


Mr Lee squatted beside me and checked if I had any external injuries.
It seemed as if he already knew what had happened, without even seeing it.
Did things like that happened before in the past?

"Kim Myungsoo, get back to you own seat this instance." Mr Lee commanded.

"Yes sir." Myungsoo gave a grin and went to his seat beside the window. "Come Krystal, you'll have to come back to your original seat."

"No way." Krystal said and walked alongside me up to our seats beside Changmin.

"Sit between Changmin and I alright?" I suggested. "Just to be safe."


Krystal nodded and obediently moved in, letting me seat on the last seat of the row.
I let of a sigh and took out my lecture books and prepared for lesson.

"Are you feeling alright?" Krystal asked with her hand on my lap.

"I think I might have hit my head of something." I shook my head and wobbled in my place.

"Javier? Javier are you okay?" She pulled me to her lap and kept shaking my body.

"I'm fainting, I need a peck." I laughed quietly.

"Aish, I really thought you were hurt." She frowned and my forehead with her delicate fingers.

"Hello, you two. We're in class." Changmin cleared his throat and said.


Krystal and I quickly returned to our normal selves and laughed in embarrassment.
The lesson went by and soon it was time for break.

"Joining us for lunch today?" Changmin asked while we packed our belongings.

"Uhh no, I'll have to accompany Krystal to find her friends."

"I see. We'll be in the cafeteria if you still have time to join us." Changmin said and walked away with Victoria.


I nodded my head and waited for Krystal to finish with her packing.
When she's done, we walked from the School of Arts to the School of Businesses.
Unlike the School of Arts, the School of Businesses had a different kind of attire.
We dressed casually but they seemed to be going to prom each and every day. Get the picture? 

Krystal led me up a flight of stairs to the fifth floor and went into the library.
This was the first library, that was even more noisy than classes.
We approached a table in the cafe which was occupied by 3 business class' girls.

"Hey girls." Krystal greeted and took a seat in front of them.

"Hey Soojung." A girl whom seemed as foreign as I am looked up and greeted her. "This is..."

"This is Javier, my boyfriend." Krystal introduced.


With what she said, the three girls turned and looked up at me.
I felt really pressurized, but luckily, Krystal was there to calm me down.

"Hi there. My name is Javier." I introduced with a bow.

"My name's Amber." The foreign looking girl introduced. "And this is Sulli and Luna."


The two other girls waved and got back to what they were doing.
From what I see, I'm guessing Luna is the most outgoing one and Sulli is the shy one.

"Why are you standing?" Krystal laughed. "Sit beside me."

"Oops, I'm spacing out." I laughed and sat down awkwardly beside Krystal.

"Soojung ah, whatever happened to you and Myungsoo?" Luna asked. "I thought you're together?"

"Haven't you heard Luna? Myungsoo tried to kill the two of them by throwing them off the building." Amber explained. 
"Which reminds me that he was the one that saved our Krystal."


Luna's jaws dropped and turned to face me.
I just smiled before getting up to order some food for Krystal and myself.
When I came back from the counter, the four girls seemed to be laughing about something I did.

"That was so romantic." Amber squealed "In the sunset too."

"Such a good way to express your love." Luna laughed "Good job Javier."


I laughed quietly and sat down beside Krystal.
She seemed to be pretty happy telling the girls about our kiss on Saturday.
Her arm rested on my lap, telling me to hold her.

"It was supposed to be our secret." I pouted and pressed my lips onto her shoulder quietly.

"They're like my sister. We tell each other a lot." She laughed and place her arm around my neck.

"You know, I'm actually really worried." I sighed. "I really doubt that Myungsoo is going to forget about all these."

"Just have faith." Krystal said. "You just need to know that I love you."

"Hey hey, we're eating here." Amber teased.


Krystal laughed and let herself rest on my shoulder while eating the sandwich I bought.
Time passed relatively fast and the three of them have to go for class soon after we familiarised with one another.

"Hey Javier and Krystal, we'll be going now." Amber informed and walked back to class with Luna and Sulli.

"We should get going too." I said and stood up with Krystal, preparing to leave.

"Krystal..." Myungsoo called out behind us.


As Krystal turned around in shock, Myungsoo swiftly pulled Krystal into his arms and hugged her.
However much Krystal and I struggled to get him off, Myungsoo's arms wrapped tighter and tighter around her waist.

"Let's me go Myungsoo !" Krystal wailed.

"Not until you agree to have me back...First, leave Javier immediately !" Myungsoo shouted.

"I won't...Please let go Myungsoo." Krystal was clearly in pain.

"Kim Myungsoo !" I yelled and punched straight at his face, finally letting go of Krystal.


As soon as she was freed, Krystal quickly ran and hid behind me.
Myungsoo got back to his feet and geared up for an attack but something made him stop.
He paused in his movements and kept looking straight at us.
With a soft chuckle, he turned around and left us.

"He's so unpredictable." I sighed.

"Javier..." Krystal pulled onto my shirt softly and breathed heavily.


I turned around and Krystal collapsed into my arms.

"Krystal?!" I patted her back but she wasn't responding.

"Get her to a nurse now!" One of the librarians cried out from the back of the counter.


I cradled her within my arms and hurriedly ran out of the library.
But just as I reached the steps, Krystal woke up and tapped my chest, making me stop.

"Krystal, what just happened?" I her face free of the sweat beads.

"I guess Myungsoo clamped down too tightly onto my diaphragm, blocking my breathing." She sighed.

"I'll get you to a nurse regardless." I carried her on my back and raced down to the second floor.

"Nurse!!" I shouted while I entered the wards.


All of the nurses turned to my direction and hushed me.
I then realized that I may have frightened some student patients there.
I apologised and bowed, forgetting that Krystal was still on my back.

"Woah!" Krystal panicked.

"Sorry babe, sorry !" I let her stand on her own feet and waited for a nurse to attend to her.

"What's the matter?" A nurse by the name of Kim Taeyeon addressed us.

"Please do a check up on Krystal." I begged.

"Sure thing, please wait outside. Privacy issues." She smiled and gestured for me to move away from the bed.


The nurse drew out the privacy sheets and enclosed Krystal and herself within.
Being more anxious than ever, I paced around the room.

"Yah, can you stop walking in circles? I'm dizzy." Lee Jinki groaned.

"Jinki?! Why are you here?" I asked and walked over to my classmate.

"Please call me Onew." He smiled. "I was hit on the head by a flower pot falling from the fourth floor."

"Ouch." I replied, imagining the pain.

"Javier, can you come inside?" Krystal voiced over the sheets.


Hearing her voice, I immediately walked quickly to her, leaving Onew back on the bed to rest.
I walked into the section of the wards to be greeted by a smiling Krystal.

"How are you feeling?" I stood in front of her and pulled her to my body.

"Much better." She laughed. "I was just choking on a piece of the sandwich it seems."

"Silly, you should have finished it before walking off." I laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"Shall we go back home now?" She asked. "We don't have class for the rest of the day right?"


I nodded my head and helped her up before carrying our things downstairs to the car.

"So where to firstly?" I asked.

"My house. I want to do something with you." Krystal laughed and held my hand as we drove off.



Thanks for reading as usual~ :D

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kaffeepraew #1
Please write myungstal couple again -/\-
ilovehuahua #2
OmG this fic is awesome!!:)) hmm...what about a sequel?? :P
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Eririn #5
Chapter 24: Yay, its a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: Please make another story like this again!!!!! I really love it. Thank you author-nim. Good job!
Thanks to the people that paid attention to this story.
Sadly this story has ended.
I hipe you've liked it some how.
Feel free to check out my stories, and perhaps some stories that are coming after this.
Thanks to the subscribers, thanks to the upvoter, thanks to all tje readers, couldn't have done this without you all.
Have a pleasant day ahead peeps.
Hope you like my handdrawn portrait!
Chapter 22: Yeay. . .i danced crazily right now. . .
the reward was awesome, Javier and Krys deserve that. . .
Yuhuuuuuu. . .