Love for her, love for me.

♥Oh My Soojung.♥


"Javier !" Changmin happily greeted after I've parked my car in the lot.

"Why the enthusiasm?" I asked, laughing at him.

"Are you two together already?" He earnestly asked.

"Huh? Wait, what? Who?" I frantically asked.

"Don't try to hide it... You and Soojung of cause." He laughed and patted my back. "Geez, you sure progress fast."

"Yah, Shim Changmin, we are just friends!" I wailed.

"Yeah right, like anyone's going to believe that now." Changmin snorted and walked alongside me to class.


Sure enough, wherever I went, I saw people having their eyes on me.
From girls, it felt extremely awkward, but from boys...It's another story.
The guys around the campus have their eyes filled with anger. As if I did something wrong to them overnight.

Ignoring all the fierce eyes that were on me, I rushed to class with Changmin.

"Alright class, let's check if everyone's present." Mr Lee greeted and took a look around the class.

"Where is Soojung?" Changmin asked.

"Yes, where is Soojung?" Mr Lee asked. "Myungsoo? Do you know anything?"

"How would I know?" He tsked. "Why don't you ask the person whom was last seen with Soojung?"

"Who would that be?" Mr Lee tapped the table impatiently.

"The newbie guy right behind me." Myungsoo chuckled and pointed at me.


The entire class looked around at each other with shock in their eyes.
Some of them turned to me and asked if it is true.

"Who knows what else they did last night than just hug under the night sky." Myungsoo turned over to my direction.
"I hope you enjoy her well..."

"Kim Myungsoo!, What are you saying?!" I stood up and threw my book at him.

"Javier, relax!" Changmin tugged onto my arm and hissed.

"Come here Javier..." Mr Lee called out.


I walked down the steps and stood in front of Mr Lee.
Although he was trying to make the atmosphere tense by not smiling, I could tell he was grateful.

"Do you know where is Soojung?" He asked softly.

"She's at home sir..." I explained. "She suddenly had a fever in the middle of the night last night."

"How did you find these out?" He tilted his head and questioned.

"Sooyeon sent me a message this morning, telling me about the situation." I sighed.

"Sooyeon? That would be her younger sister right?"


I nodded my head, affirming him of his guess.

"Alright, thanks Javier, get back to your seat now." He patted my shoulder and said.

"Thank you sir." I thanked and returned to my seat.


As I walked up the steps, Myungsoo's expression was dark and at the same time shocked.
Did he maybe planned all these not out of anger but he just wanted to make me a laughing stock in class.
Our eyes met for that brief second. It was a second, but it sent a powerful message.

Myungsoo is not angry at me for some apparent reason.
Instead, his eyes glowed with joy.

I ignored my thoughts and went back to my seat.

"You are awesome." Changmin whispered.

"What?" I laughed as I opened the book I picked up along the way back from Mr Lee.

"No one stood up to Myungsoo that way before." He folded his arms and pressed them onto the table.

"I'm just fed up with his attitude..." I sighed. "Hey wait a second."

"What is it?" Changmin asked.


My finger pointed to the ring he had on his finger. It was the first time I've seen him with a ring.
With it suddenly appearing, anybody would have been curious.

"What's with this ring?" I asked. "Are you married."

"What?! No way Javier !" Changmin shouted. "This ring is just..."

"Is there a problem Changmin?" Mr Lee asked. "What ring?"


Changmin blushed, knowing he had interrupted Mr Lee's class.
He shook his head and bowed in apologies before sitting down again.

"I'm just in a relationship..." Changmin confessed.

"With who?" I laughed and gripped onto his wrist tightly,

"Victoria..." Changmin blushed and sighed.


I couldn't believe my ears at all.
They used to be such loggerheads at each other and yet...
But still, I'm happy for them. It was a joyous event between the the best of my friends.

I turned to look at Victoria, who apparently heard our conversation.
As I showed a thumbs up, she knew that Changmin had revealed their relationship status.
Being the shy girl she is, Victoria quickly covered her face to hide the blush that appeared onto her face.

"She's cute Changmin." I complimented. "Be sure to treat her well."

"Thank you Javier." Changmin laughed softly. "You know, I feel so much better telling you."


I nodded my head and suggested that we pay attention before something happens again.
But, that's what I said... I couldn't focus at all.

My physical self was in school, but my mind has been lingering elsewhere since the morning...


I woke up as usual, preparing to go to school during the darkest of the dawn.
I thought everything will be fine for her with a night rest...

But I had to be informed with a news the moment I woke up.

As I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, my mobile rang.

"Hello?" I picked up the unknown number.

"Hey...This is Jessica." The soft whisper said.

"Jessica? Krystal's sister?" I asked.


"What's the problem?" I asked softly.

"My sister is ill...Could you tell the lecturer that she won't be attending class today?" Jessica explained.

"She's ill?!"


At the very moment Jessica mentioned the word 'ill', my heart sank.
I got really worried about Krystal...

"Yeah, she has a slight fever." Jessica replied. "So..."

"I'll tell Mr Lee later on, don't worry." I promised.

"Thank you Javier."

"How did you know my name?" I asked, shocked.

"Your name card." Jessica laughed softly. "Regardless, thank you."

"Well, no problem. Have a nice day then." I chuckled.

"You too."


Changmin snapped me out of my thoughts after realizing that I wasn't paying attention.
Luckily for me, the school bell ended my day in school.

"Javier, do you have plans after school?" Changmin asked after seeing me rushing through my packing.

"Yes...I want to visit Soojung." I explained. 

"I see. I thought that I might be able to invite you to lunch with Victoria and I." Changmin sighed. 

"Another time alright?" I smiled and bowed at him before running off to the parking lot.



I parked my car outside the Jungs with anticipation.
I couldn't wait any longer. I want to see Krystal as soon as possible but I simply can't barge into their house like that.

For a few minutes, I stood outside, thinking what I should do that is most appropriate.
As I thought about unnecessary things, someone called my name, making me turn my direction to the main road.

"Javier?" Jessica called out, walking to my direction.

"Hi there..." I scratched my head, embarrassed.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm wondering if I'm allowed to visit Krystal." I sighed.

"Sure, why not." She smiled. "I'll be happy if someone can keep her company as she recuperates.


She opened up the gates and led me into the Jung's house.
Why was the house almost entirely white?! White walls, white curtains, white tables and chairs, white sofa...
Sofa... On the white sofa, I saw her.

"Javier?" Krystal weakly called out.

"Geez look so weak." I commented while walking over to her.

"I know." She laughed. "I have a rather weak immune system, so it really isn't much of a deal if I am sick."

"Don't say things like that." I patted her head and said. "How are you feeling?"

"I am just really bored." She laughed. "You can say that I was rotting on the sofa."


I took a seat on the sofa beside Krystal.
Though I sat beside her, I could perfectly feel the heat of her body from that fever.
Although I'm still worried, I'm rather glad to see her not on the bed.

"So did you perhaps bring me homework or something?" She asked.

"No. I came purely with visiting you in my intentions." I laughed.

"Thank you for the concern Javier. It really means a lot to know that you care." She smiled.

"Of cause, you are my friend." I grinned.


Jessica came down from the room to join us.
The atmosphere of the room totally changed from our usual bright atmosphere to a dull awkward one.

"So Javier, did Myungsoo say anything bad today when my sister isn't present?" Jessica asked, sipping on her cup of drink.

"Huh?" I looked at Krystal, who was staring at her feet. "No, he didn't say much." I lied.

"I heard that you protected unnie from a fall off the seventh floor?" She confirmed with me suddenly.

"It was just yesterday." I smiled. 


Jessica nodded and continued sipping her drink.
Is she always so cold to strangers? Jessica really has the ability to make people freeze.
I held onto the sofa and tried to ignore the uncomfortable situation on my hands.

"Javier, come up to my room for a second." Krystal said. "Jessica stay here, we'll be right back."


Jessica nodded her head and picked a fashion magazine up to read.
Krystal tugged onto my arm and led me upstairs into her room.
Unlike the other areas of the room, I got really surprised by what I saw in their room.

It is painted pink for some apparent reasons.

"Come over here." Krystal pulled me along to her study.

"These are..." I asked. "Myungsoo's gifts?"


Krystal nodded and picked up a few letters.
She gave me the authority to open them up to read. But for the sake of her tears, I didn't.

"Aren't you going to read how he used to be?" Krystal asked.

"No Krystal...I don't want you to cry anymore." I sighed.

"Javier, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"


Krystal sat down on the bed and gestured for me to sit beside her.
I did as she said and sat down on the baby pink colored bed.

"Do you think I should let him go?" She sighed.

"It really depends on whether you can." I mumbled. "There's no point trying to if you can't..."

"I'll think over it I guess." She frowned and stood up. "Let's go back downstairs."


Krystal suddenly teetered on her own feet, as if she was about to faint.
I immediately rushed to her front and supported her from falling to the ground.

"Careful, I forgot that you have a fever." I chuckled.

"It's okay..." She groaned. "Thanks for saving me yet again."

"No problem." I patted her back and assured.


As we stood in each other's arms, Krystal suddenly approached me with a sudden question.
A question that I have never expected from a girl like her.


"What is it?" I her back and asked.

"Can you be my boyfriend?" She sighed and hugged me tightly.

"Huh? You want me to be your boyfriend..?" I asked in disbelief.


Krystal nodded her head slowly and looked into my eyes.
Her eyes were serious. She really is approaching me with that sudden question.

"But why the sudden...?" I her back gently.

"I want to forget all the hurt Myungsoo gave me..." She explained seriously. "And..."

"And what?" I asked carefully.

"All your care for me is slowly making me fall for you..." Krystal started crying again.

"Krystal..." I pulled away from her hug and held her hands tightly.


For that brief moment, we spoke of nothing.
Our foreheads pressed against each other while studying each other's eyes.
I am throughoutly captivated by her beauty...How? How can Myungsoo be so harsh to a beauty like her?

"I'll have to admit that I too, have fallen for you..." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Really Javier?" Krystal smiled a little and pouted. "Can we be together..?"

"Let me protect you and love you...from now on." I nodded and smiled at her request.

The both of us pulled into each other's arms once more. This time with smiles on our face.
However, unknown to us, Jessica made an entry into the room. One that we weren't aware of.

"So you're going to replace Myungsoo from now on?" Jessica suddenly asked.

"Yes he is..." Krystal defended me and said.

"Hmm..." Jessica tapped her chin and gave some thought over it while walking around the room.

"Jessica?" Krystal called out.

"I hope you protect and love my unnie better than he does." Jessica smiled widely and bowed at us before heading out.


I wiped Krystal's tears off her cheeks and laughed quietly.
Krystal happily laid on my shoulders and sighed. And so, the two of us started our relationship.
Now there is a problem or two.
How, is Changmin and Victoria going to react to this sudden news.
Most importantly, can Myungsoo take this sudden news?



Hey people, I'm sorry if the story is disappointing~
But I still need to thank you for your time reading this.

New Question! Should I remove the user name feature?
Since the story is a male, I'd reckon it might me awkward for a girl to be called a male pet names in the future.
Should I? :P


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kaffeepraew #1
Please write myungstal couple again -/\-
ilovehuahua #2
OmG this fic is awesome!!:)) hmm...what about a sequel?? :P
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Eririn #5
Chapter 24: Yay, its a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: Please make another story like this again!!!!! I really love it. Thank you author-nim. Good job!
Thanks to the people that paid attention to this story.
Sadly this story has ended.
I hipe you've liked it some how.
Feel free to check out my stories, and perhaps some stories that are coming after this.
Thanks to the subscribers, thanks to the upvoter, thanks to all tje readers, couldn't have done this without you all.
Have a pleasant day ahead peeps.
Hope you like my handdrawn portrait!
Chapter 22: Yeay. . .i danced crazily right now. . .
the reward was awesome, Javier and Krys deserve that. . .
Yuhuuuuuu. . .