Fall with confrontation.

♥Oh My Soojung.♥


As Krystal and I stepped into the room together, the attention of the entire class to us.
Changmin had the most puzzled look he has ever shown so far.

"So, I see that you've found her." The lecturer smiled and clapped his hands.

"Uhh, Sir..." I called out, distracting him from his joy.

"Can you help her up to her seat?" He requested.

"I will." I nodded and continued supporting Krystal until she was back in her seat by the window.


Changmin noticed that I was drenched all over.
He took his jacket off and covered my body with it.
However, I took it off and place it over Krystal instead.

"Thank you, Javier ." Krystal whispered as she laid down on the table, hugging herself for warmth.

"Take care of yourself." I smiled at her before facing the lesson again.

"Can I see you after class Javier?"

"Sure thing sir..." I agreed unwillingly.


At the Lecturer's office...

I stepped into the office which was filled with thick looking books. It ranged from novels, to dictionaries, to encyclopedias.
The lecturer step into the office and greeted me with a smile.
Noticing his name card lying randomly on the desk, I addressed him firsthand.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about Mr Lee."

"It seems that your eyes are sharp." Mr Lee laughed and sat on his black leather chair and gestured for me to sit in front of his desk.


I sat down in front of him like a whimpering mice as he continued with his intentions.

"I want to assign you the role of Soojung's bodyguard." He explained.

"Huh? Why me? And why does she even need one? There's Myungsoo."

"Soojung is one of my prized students. But ever since Myungsoo took on a change, Soojung has been looking really weak, perhaps by Myungsoo's tormenting." He continued. "That's where you come in."


"Yes Javier. You. Ever since the first sight of you in my class, I know you can be the one to save her with your warm heart." He complimented.

"Thanks for the praise sir, but I don't think I am capable." I rejected with a smile.

"Cmon Javier, just try please..." Mr Lee begged. "Let's save this friend of yours."


Suddenly, thoughts about Krystal ran through my head.
The only thing that matters now is to save her tears...

"Okay Mr Lee, I'll try." I accepted with the idea of saving her in mind.

"Thank you Javier, thank you."


The long day just ended like that...
Although I had to see her suffer right before my very eyes,at least I felt closer to Krystal in a way. 
Which was all along with my intention to be friends with her.
And to think that lecturer wants me to protect Krystal whenever I'm with her.


At home...

When I thought that I could have a good night rest at home, things just didn't go easy.
Changmin called me that night, curious to where I found Krystal.

"Yes, I found her on the rooftop terrace Changmin." I answered. "In the heavy downpour."

"Wow, Myungsoo sure is harsh though." Changmin replied.

"Yeah, but Krystal really loves him alot."

"You seem sure of it." Changmin questioned. "Being treated that way, how is it possible?"

"She told me on her own." I explained. "That's why I am sure."

"Wait, she told you? Did she open her heart up to you already?" He exclaimed.

"I doubt so, I just happen to be there at the right time I guess..."

"Well, regardless, you are lucky. Have a goodnight though, I'll see you tomorrow." Changmin yawned and said.

"Goodnight Changmin, see you tomorrow..."


That finally allowed me to put down my phone.
I laid back onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling, unable to forget the event that happened today.
Slowly, I began suspecting myself of one thing...
From the first day, Krystal left a great impression into my mind.

As I thought over it, I am sure, that I am slowly falling for her.
But because she loves Myungsoo, I felt terrible.
My assigned duties as her "bodyguard" isn't going to be easy...



"No Myungsoo! All he did was bring me in from the rain!" Krystal wailed.

"And? Are you suppose to move without my permission." Myungsoo asked with arrogance.

"But..." Krystal paused, interrupted by Myungsoo.

"No buts Krystal. You are mine, and you will only listen to me." Myungsoo reminded.

"Myungsoo...What am I to you..?" Krystal finally asked, a heavy load off her mind.

"What?" Myungsoo clarified. "What are you to me?"

"Yes Myungsoo..."

"My belonging." Myungsoo harshly said and hung up.


With what he said, Krystal threw her phone at the wall, splitting the cell into two.
It was unbearable for her heart.
She wanted the old Myungsoo back...The old Myungsoo that lived only for her.
If he didn't get into that incident, perhaps he wouldn't have changed.

"Myungsoo..." Krystal cried. "Can you please come back..."

"Unnie...Are you okay?" Krystal's younger sister knocked on the door.

"Come in sis." Krystal wiped her tears clean and sat "confidently" on the bed.

"I heard you crying unnie, are you alright?"


Krystal leaned back onto the wall and nodded her head.
As her dongsaeng sat right beside her, she felt a long craved feeling of warmth.
She set her head on her dongsaeng's shoulder and pretended to giggle.

"You seem different unnie."

"I'm fine Sooyeon." Krystal her sister's cheeks.

"Hey, who's jacket is that?" Sooyeon stood up and headed over to the navy colored jacket.


Krystal frowned and remembered that I gave her the jacket.
As an eighteen year old girl, Sooyeon had no problem reading the initials.

"Shim Changmin?" Sooyeon asked. "Who is that?"

"A classmate. I was drenched today, and he gave it to me I think." Krystal explained.

"Is he good looking?" Sooyeon's eyes lit up.

"Jessica Jung Sooyeon, don't you dare think of these things alright?" Krystal sternly reminded. "Love hurts at this age..."

"Unnie...I'm sorry." Jessica apologised, knowing she had reminded her sister of Myungsoo when she was trying to ignore the hurt she felt earlier..


Jessica stretched out her arms and pulled Krystal to herself.
Krystal felt the warmth again and cried.
Patting her back gently, Jessica tried to coax her unnie to sleep.
Which didn't take much effort and time since Krystal had a rough day at school.

"Unnie...I don't think you should carry on with Myungsoo any longer..." Jessica sobbed as she lowered Krystal's head to the pillow. 
"I hope you know what's best for yourself..."


With that, Jessica left the room to let her rest her spirits for the night.


The next morning, I went to school with a big headache.

I've caught a cold from being out in the rain for such a long time.
Struggling hard to catch each of my breaths, I stepped into class.
Hyorin was the first to notice me.
As she heard me sneeze at the door, she stood up and walked to me.

"Gosh, you look awful Javier." She handed me a napkin and wanted to walk me to my seat.

"That's okay Hyorin, I can manage." I thanked and proceeded to my seat.

"Javier!" Changmin whispered beside me.



Changmin pointed to the door with a strange look on his face.
Need I even think much about it? It was her. Krystal walked in and Changmin was pointing at her.

To my surprise, Krystal came to me on her own accord.

"Good morning Javier." Krystal smiled and handed Changmin a bag. "Thank you for the jacket Changmin."

"Don't mention it." Changmin got shy and scratched his head.

"I'll be sitting beside you from now on Javier..." Krystal revealed and sat on the empty seat beside me. "Mr Lee asked me to."

"What about Myungsoo?" I whispered. "Won't he get mad?"

"Mr Lee is talking to him at the moment." Krystal pointed to the doorway.


Indeed, there stood Myungsoo and Mr Lee.
While Mr Lee continued talking, Myungsoo kept his strong gaze in our direction.
After Mr Lee had finish what he had to say, Myungsoo walked up to Krystal and I and whispered.

"Mr Javier. I would like to see you during break. On the rooftop." He smirked and walked back to his seat.

"Does that spell trouble for me?" I joked in cold sweat.

"Sorry about this..." Krystal sighed and shook her head. "I'll be there too."

"Let's just pay attention first." I suggested and opened up my book.


The lesson went past in a flash.
However more I dread what is going to happen, the faster time passes.
Someho, my anxiety caught the attention of Changmin.

"Hey hey, relax." He patted my back.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one wanted by the hunter." I shook my head in frustration.


The sudden ringing of bell made me jump as I was distracted.
The time has come.
Both my hands rested on the fabric of my pants as I took deep breaths slowly.

"Relax Javier. It will be fine." Krystal whispered and my hand secretly.

"Let's go." Myungsoo snickered and pulled Krystal along with him while I followed closely behind.


As we walked through the hallways, all eyes to the three of us.
Perhaps, they sensed that something was amiss.
Or maybe because it was rare to see someone following the couple.

Myungsoo slammed the door shut after the three of us stepped out onto the rooftop.

"So Javier, how's school so far?" Myungsoo asked.

"Huh? It's fine..." I answered.

"It seems as if you are trying to get really close to Krystal huh?" Myungsoo got serious. "Who is she to you?"

"She's a friend that I care about." I stood firm and answered.

"Care about huh? You sure have a lot of charms my dear." He chuckled and Krystal's cheek with his fingertip.

"He really is just a friend..." Krystal shivered and answered.

"Then why are you defending him?" Myungsoo stared coldly at her. "Have you developed feelings for him?"

"What are you saying?!" I suddenly shouted.


I was angered, by what he said. He actually doubted her feelings at this point.
Myungsoo raised his eyebrow and walked towards me.

"What are you raising your voice about?" He asked coldly.

"How can you doubt her love for you?!" I pointed my finger at him

"Is that your business?" Myungsoo laughed and pushed me, making me fall to the ground.

"Javier!" Krystal ran in front of me and stopped Myungsoo's next attack.

"Get out of the way babe!" Myungsoo glared.

"He has nothing to do with us, can we just settle this on our own?" Krystal begged in tears.

"Fine..." Myungsoo stopped his attack on me and walked over to the ledge.


I continued sitting on the ground while Krystal and Myungsoo have their talk on one side.
I really can't believe how impulsive is Myungsoo.
It is almost comparable with a street punk.

As I let these thoughts run through my head, a sudden scream made me snap back to the current situation.
I turned my head to their direction and spotted Myungsoo reaching off the ledge.
That's strange, where is Krystal?

"Don't tell me..!" I got up quickly and ran over to him and saw Krystal hanging off the ledge from a seven floor height.

"Help me Javier!" Myungsoo cried out frantically.


I immediately reached out my hand for Krystal.
Although there was a pool directly under where she hung, it was still a high drop.

"Don't let go Krystal!" I called out and held her arm with all my might.

"Now, why don't you join her?" Myungsoo suddenly let go of Krystal and flipped me off the ledge.

"What the...Myungsoo!" I shouted as both Krystal and I fell off the seventh level.

At the moment we fell off the ledge, I didn't have time to do anything else.
I pulled Krystal onto my body and held her close as tightly as possible.

"Javier...I'm sorry." Krystal cried.

"You'll be fine." I smiled at her just before our bodies entered the cold water of the pool.


Within a few seconds, the lifeguard pulled the both of us out of the water.
However, I was losing consciousness from the fall and the water that entered my lungs.
As my vision started to blur, all I could reconise was Krystal's silhouette and her voice.

"Javier, don't go to sleep please. Wake up!" Krystal shook my body and called out.

"We need someone to do CPR on him!" A man shouted beside her.

"Can't you do it?!" Someone from the crowd around us asked.

"I can't. I'm not trained in that department." The man said.


With that being said, I felt soft lips pressing onto my mouth and forcing air into me.
The lips felt strangely familiar, like someone's that I have noticed before.
Although the breath was weak, I felt relieved when a feeling rushed through my throat.

I sat up coughing out the excess water from my mouth.

"Javier...I'm so glad..." Krystal laughed weakly and gave me a friendly hug.

"Was it you...Krystal?" I whispered into her ears.


She nodded slowly and affirmed it with a yes.

"Thank you..." I pulled away and smiled.

"My goodness, Javier are you okay?!" Changmin struggled through the crowd and knelt down beside us.
"Seeing the both of you fall past the window in class is shocking you know?"

"I'm fine now Changmin. Thanks for your concern." I laughed and tried to stand up.

"Just sit here Javier, we'll have a stretcher brought to you immediately." The lifeguard stopped me.

"Okay..." I felt reluctant but I still laid back onto the poolside.


What a twist. Jessica is younger than Krystal. Lol.
Well, let's just see how this story goes.
Please do leave a comments people~


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kaffeepraew #1
Please write myungstal couple again -/\-
ilovehuahua #2
OmG this fic is awesome!!:)) hmm...what about a sequel?? :P
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Eririn #5
Chapter 24: Yay, its a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: Please make another story like this again!!!!! I really love it. Thank you author-nim. Good job!
Thanks to the people that paid attention to this story.
Sadly this story has ended.
I hipe you've liked it some how.
Feel free to check out my stories, and perhaps some stories that are coming after this.
Thanks to the subscribers, thanks to the upvoter, thanks to all tje readers, couldn't have done this without you all.
Have a pleasant day ahead peeps.
Hope you like my handdrawn portrait!
Chapter 22: Yeay. . .i danced crazily right now. . .
the reward was awesome, Javier and Krys deserve that. . .
Yuhuuuuuu. . .