
♥Oh My Soojung.♥


I decided that Krystal won't be able to study at all today in her current state of mind.
Hence, I went looking for Mr Lee, and explained the situation.
He immediately gave us his permission to take the day off with no hesitation.

"Thank you for trying so hard to take care of her..." Mr Lee patted my shoulder and said. "Krystal is very lucky to have a guy like you Javier."

"Don't mention it Mr Lee. Thank you for your understanding." I bowed and walked off but paused. "You know, I don't understand why you keep getting me to protect Krystal...Why do you care so much?"

"Because I'm your teacher, and I feel that any student's problem is my problem." He smiled.

"You're such a good man." I complimented. "I'll be going then."


Mr Lee is one teacher that I won't forget.
Not only does he care alot about Krystal and I, he's also the reason that I'm with Krystal.

I hurried myself back to where Changmin and Victoria comforted Krystal.
Krystal saw my approach and immediately ran into my arms.

"Can we go sweetie..?" Krystal sobbed, holding onto me tightly. "I want to go home..."

"Sure we can." I supported her to the elevator before saying goodbye to Changmin and Victoria.

"Javier. Please look after her well." Victoria requested. "Krystal's mood seems unstable."

I nodded my head and gave her my word.
Changmin and Victoria waved their hands, watching the doors of the elevator close between us.


Krystal and I got onto the car and sat back onto the car seat.
She kept holding onto me tightly, refusing to let go of me even for a second.
I lifted her from her seat to my lap and reclined my seat, allowing her to lie onto my body.

"Why am I so foolish..." She cried and pounded onto my chest. "Why did I fall in love with a cheater?!"

"Its not your fault Soojung..." I patted her back, trying to get her to cry it all out. "He just...changed..."

"I loved him...Why did he do this to me..." Krystal continued hammering onto my chest, crying her heart out. "I don't know what should I do anymore..."

"Krystal." I lifted her head from my chest and held it within my hand, cupping her cheeks. "You have me now."


Krystal's eyes widened as I lifted her hand off my chest and held them within my palms.
She frantically started to rub my chest, worried that I may have been in pain from her hammering.
Her eyes were filled with tears. Tears that are shed for the wrong reasons.

I sat up, pushing her back onto the steering wheel.
My fingers traced her eyelids and gently brushed against her eyes, wiping her tears away.

"Would you stop crying and smile?" I asked, her cheek with one hand. "You're breaking my heart."

"I'm sorry...I'm just really hurt by the truth." Krystal apologized, and forced a simple smile onto her face.

"It's fine." I patted her head and helped her back to her seat. "Let's go back home."


She nodded her head and turned to grab the seat belt.
But as she looked out of the window randomly, she saw Myungsoo coming towards us.
Krystal held my wrist tightly and pleaded that I drive off quickly.
Of cause, I immediately drove off, leaving Myungsoo stomping on the ground behind us.


Upon reaching home, the first thing Krystal did was to go inside the room.
She buried her face into the pillow and started crying again.
Without her knowing, I called Jessica up.

"Hello, is it Jessica?" I asked.

"Yes I am. Who is this?" She asked warmly.

"I'm Javier." I introduced.

"Ah Javier oppa. Can I help you with anything?" She asked, slightly raising the pitch in her voice.

"Can you bring your parents over to my place to visit Krystal?" I asked. "I'm sure she'll be surprised."


To my surprise, she agreed immediately.
I told her the address and hoped that she arrives soon. And sure enough, as Krystal laid in the bed, they arrived.

The doorbell sounded and I went to greet my guests.
However, only Jessica and her mother came. I'm guessing that Mr Jung was still at work. 
I opened the door and called out for Krystal, whom came out, sleepy.
But as soon as she saw Jessica and her mother, her face brightened up and rushed into their arms.

"Mum ! Jessica !" Krystal happily greeted her family with a smile on her face.

"Unnie, you look like you're doing well." Jessica hugged Krystal and said. "I guess Javier oppa really treats you well."

"He does." Krystal proudly boasted. "Mummy, where's dad?"

"He is at work." Her mother sighed and hugged her daughter.


Krystal eyed me with a smile on her face, as if she's thanking me for asking them over.
I just laughed to myself and went into the kitchen to get drinks for my guests.

"Unnie, why are your eyes all puffy and red? Did you cry?" Jessica asked, putting her arms around her sister.

"It's nothing..." Krystal forced a second smile.

"Did he do anything bad to you?" Mrs Jung asked, turning to look at me.

"It's just my ex." Krystal sighed and led the two of them to the living room where they sat together.


I poured them some orange juice and and headed back out to join them.
Placing the cups on the table, they thanked me and told me to take a seat.
I sat down by the window, listening to Krystal as she explained everything that happened to them.

Krystal ended up crying again. All those tears for that jerk really made my heart ache.
Her mother pulled Krystal close to her and comforted her.

"I'm sorry Mrs Jung...I couldn't keep my promise to you." I sighed and bowed my head.

"Don't worry Javier, you've done a great job taking care of Krystal already." She smiled at me and continued. "I'll just say that it's my daughter's misfortune to have known that person."

"Yeah oppa, I'm so glad that you took care of my sister." Jessica smiled.


Krystal suddenly stood up and came to me, asking me to stand up.
I tilted my head, wondering what she is up to. But she just smiled and told me to relax. Holding my hand, she turned to her mother.

"Mum, I want your permission to marry Javier in the future..." She requested with her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

"Are you sure?" Mrs Jung asked. "Marriage is not for a day or two you know."

"Yes mum...I'm ready to love him for the rest of my life." Krystal looked up into my eyes and smiled. 
"I know he'll love me more that anyone can."

"Let's talk about this when your father's around okay?" Mrs Jung suggested. 
"But if Javier's destined to be my son-in-law, then I'll be happy for you too Krystal."


Krystal was frowning but after hearing what her mother said, she happily jumped and went to her for a hug.
Jessica took a walk into the house by herself. Seeing that Krystal wanted to talk to her mother, I went to attend to Jessica.

"Oppa, you have quite a nice place." Jessica complimented after seeing my approach.

"Well thanks." I laughed. "Thanks for coming so quickly."

"It's no matter. I have yet to thank you for inviting us over." She bowed herself.  "I was so worried that something had happened to my unnie."


I nodded my head and walked into the room.
Jessica then continued, telling me about the condition of her home when Krystal isn't around.

"I have to admit that my father really misses unnie when she's away." Jessica sighed. "Sometimes he stares at photographs of Krystal and always keep himself in a deep though."

"I'm worried that he may hate me for taking his daughter away..."

"He won't." Jessica promised. "In fact, I'm sure he is thankful too. My unnie can really prepare herself for her future when she is away of our family's grasp. "

"Let's hope so..." I smiled and was just about to walk out of the room when she stopped me.

"Myungsoo's been coming to our place every so often..."


I turned around to what she said. Jessica just nodded her head, telling me that it is true.
But she told me to relax, as he didn't cause much problems for them.

"He keeps looking for Krystal..." She sighed. "That's why we're all glad that Krystal is with you."

"Your father..?" 

"He still wants unnie to marry Myungsoo." She gritted her teeth and complained. "But, not that pushy as he used to be."


I sighed. Looks like there is still a lot I need to to do to earn his trust.
And perhaps, change his perspective of things. I have to get his blessings to have Krystal as my wife.


Krystal sat on the couch, lying on my shoulders as we watched a movie on the television.
She has been lying on the same position for half of the show. Wondering if her neck's gone numb, I lifted her head up with my hand.

"Does your neck hurt from tilting for such a long time." I asked.

"It doesn't." Krystal assured and held me even tighter. "It won't be long huh?"

"To what?" I asked.

"Well...we're gonna be done with our studies in a few months time. I guess we can, get married soon."

"I wish we could, but I'll have to please your father." I chuckled softly and wrapped my arms around her neckline.


Krystal just sighed and nodded her head.
I guess she knows that asking for her father's permission would be tough.

"Why did you ask your mother today?" I asked. "I'm suppose to be the one proposing to you."

"I wanted to know how she felt." Krystal smiled sweetly at me. "Don't worry, you can propose to me when we're approved."

"I don't know if I can wait that long." I joked and laid on her lap.


Krystal laughed to herself and my face with her fingers.
From what I see...she's still bothered by Myungsoo...But how? How would I be able to take care of her?
Knowing that Myungsoo won't give up, what can I do to stop him?

Just when, would Krystal and I be able to get along with our lives?
I closed my eyes as Krystal pressed her face against mine. This is one woman I love...
I'll do whatever it takes from now on, just to take care of her.



"Hyung ! I need your help..."

"What did you get yourself into again Myungsoo?"

"I had my girl taken from me..." Myungsoo pounded the ground in rage. "Help me teach him a lesson."

"Fine...Who's the target?"

"Javier. A new guy." Myungsoo grunted. "You'll know who is he just by looking for Krystal."

"Junsu, heard that? Prepare to cause some problems at the University."

"Yes...let's go get him brother..."


Sorry guys, I think this chapter might be too dull and shorter.
Please bear with me.
And due to the capability of my mindpower being at it's limits, updates might be slower than usual.
Sorry and thank you all for reading~


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kaffeepraew #1
Please write myungstal couple again -/\-
ilovehuahua #2
OmG this fic is awesome!!:)) hmm...what about a sequel?? :P
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Eririn #5
Chapter 24: Yay, its a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: Please make another story like this again!!!!! I really love it. Thank you author-nim. Good job!
Thanks to the people that paid attention to this story.
Sadly this story has ended.
I hipe you've liked it some how.
Feel free to check out my stories, and perhaps some stories that are coming after this.
Thanks to the subscribers, thanks to the upvoter, thanks to all tje readers, couldn't have done this without you all.
Have a pleasant day ahead peeps.
Hope you like my handdrawn portrait!
Chapter 22: Yeay. . .i danced crazily right now. . .
the reward was awesome, Javier and Krys deserve that. . .
Yuhuuuuuu. . .