
Entanglements of the Heart Run Long and Deep


The final weeks leading up to the auditions had Seunghyun really nervous. Jiyong wasn’t as tense since his boss hinted at never letting him leave the label. Seunghyun didn’t have such promises so Jiyong devoted his time mostly to Seunghyun and his audition.

He ditched school to work on his dancing at the café and nights he spent making endless mix tapes for Jiyong to hear and evaluate over which to use for the audition. Jiyong gave a few to YG directly for him but said he didn’t hear anything from him about the raps. His weekends were filled with Jiyong bringing out the full force of the dragon in critiquing his every word and step. He learned to not mind because he needed all the help he could get.

He hardly slept the night before the audition. His mind was filled with endless streams of information Jiyong told him to remember. Go to the side entrance where there was going to be a line of those auditioning that day, wear baggy dark clothes, don’t dance unless they ask to see, bring all the strength into rapping as possible, if they ask for singing say you don’t have anything prepared, bring your identification card so they can identify you, use noona’s makeup on blemishes and to brighten up tired eyes, style hair up away from your face… The list went on and on. It was as if Jiyong was more nervous than he was about this audition.

Seunghyun woke up early after dozing a few hours and rolled out of bed to sit in his corner for a long meditation session. He needed all his strength to stay calm and strong. He needed power for his raps and to remember all the things he was taught. After a couple hours, he made his way to the bathroom to clean up as best as he could.

On his way out he ran into his noona who looked him over like he was a puzzle.

“Going on a date this early?” She asked.

“Not exactly.” Seunghyun said, looking at his shoes.

“It’s a Friday, don’t you have school?” She questioned.

“Not today. Today I have more important things to take care of.” Seunghyun said.

“Omo! Is today the day? Are you auditioning?” She asked, shocked.

Seunghyun nodded, trying to breathe and forget his nerves.

“You must be so nervous. Do you want me to call in sick and come with you?” She asked, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“No, I’ll be fine. I think if you went with me, I would feel more nervous.” Seunghyun admitted.

“Alright, but remember, no matter what happens, we will always stand by you and support you.” Hye Yoon iterated with a soft smile.

“Thanks. I should be going though, there is bound to be a long line by now and it’s all the way across the city.” Seunghyun said.

“Alright. Be sure to tell me all about it when you come home.” She said before Seunghyun slipped his shoes on at the door.

The shoes were new so he had to let his feet get used to the stiff feeling. Jiyong gave them to him the week before as a present. He tried to give them back several times but he kept telling him it was for all the years he missed his birthday and his sneakers were way too ratty to seem professional to wear to an audition. He eventually gave in and accepted them. He would give him a better gift in return when he got his first paycheck but for now, he would have to learn to accept them. They were nice though, and a type he had seen in several music videos.

The cool morning air felt like any other morning, everyone rushing on their normal routes to work and school. Then there were the really loud ajummas gossiping and comparing techniques on getting the best deals on produce at the markets. He listened to them the whole ride as opposed to listening to his music like he usually did. Jiyong said it was like taking a test. Once you have studied, just relax and the information will come. If you don’t let your brain relax from the material then you will forget.

One nostalgic route later he stood in front of the very building that already had so much meaning to him. It seemed that YG Entertainment had expanded to occupy the top 3 floors as well to now take over the whole building. It was old but in a familiar and charming way. The only thing that was different was the long snake of people coming from the alleyway next to the building to wind down the street. Seunghyun felt his nerves build. He felt somewhat confident up until this point. Now seeing all the people trying out for the very few positions YG was bound to accept, he felt as if he was bound to be rejected.

He must have passed over 200 people on his way to the back of the line. He looked at each of them and he could only see how their image was better than his own. That wasn’t to say that he was the only overweight one trying out but even they had straight white smiles and perfectly coifed hair. He ran his tongue over his crooked lower teeth. He had been practicing smiling and talking without showing them but it made his mouth hurt.

After around half an hour, he gave in and put his headphones in his ears. He brought Jiyong’s old mp3 player. It was old and bulky for the amount of space it had but it made him feel a little calmer listening to the old music they shared. Once he sank into the music the line moved quicker and instead of feeling panic, he felt power. He felt strong and prepared. He moved from the street to the alley and from the alley until he could see the door, the door that behind it lay his opportunities.

As he watched the final back in front of him go inside the ominous door he took out his headphones and looked to see a tense looking woman with a clipboard in hand.

“Name?” She asked him.

“Choi Seunghyun.” He said.

“Identification card?” She asked impatiently while looking at him as if he was stupid.

“Oh! Right!” Seunghyun remembered as he pulled it out of his wallet to show her.

She took it from him and flipped several pages to check the card with the name. She asked him his birth date before handing it back and saying he was clear to go.

“Choi Seunghyun, auditioning.” She said after she opened the door and motioning him to go inside.

This was it. This was his moment. He took a deep and slow breath before walking inside.

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And...um...my free time seems to have disappeared for the next week. I'll still update in the next couple days but updates are going to be be a little slower.


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mixkey #1
Chapter 28: I am so sad this was abandoned but at least it left off at a happy place 😭
Chapter 28: I love this! one of my favorites ever!!! Update please
Chapter 28: i cannot believe this story is inactive. one of my favorites ever!!!
Bianca_MSP #4
Chapter 28: Update please
Omg please update soon this story is so amazing ;~;
Lokiztrix #6
Chapter 28: I can't wait for the next update! Really enjoy the series, keep up the amazing work :)
Chapter 28: I love this. I cried for tabi when he told ji what the story behind the his parents separation..and how he was wen ji left him 4yrs back.
Damn come back n update 1000 chaps asap..
Im in love w this...
esther12598 #8
Chapter 28: please update soon :)
melody38 #9
i re-read this serie again and i remembered how great it is ! i hope you will update again
I like your story ^^
Very nice