Lyrics' Lessons

Entanglements of the Heart Run Long and Deep


Seunghyun wondered why Jiyong hadn’t brought up the previous night’s events yet. He still couldn’t remember some things and that worried him. Jiyong just keep being his normal self though, or what Seunghyun was thinking was Jiyong’s normal self now.

“So, did you really read all of those notebooks this week or are you just trying to kiss my ?” Jiyong asked while smirking, his arms crossed.

“I wish.” Seunghyun quietly muttered.

“What was that?” Jiyong asked, leaning forward.

Seunghyun gulped. He was really close. He could smell the smell of the café mixed with tobacco and a faint smell that could only be Jiyong. He saw down his t-shirt and the expanse of his torso, dotted with the hint of two brown s. This was too much. He could feel his pants starting to tighten. He had to get away.

“Nothing. I have to go to the bathroom.” Seunghyun said quickly before speedily walking the short distance to the men’s room.

He splashed his face with cold water and looked into the mirror. He slapped himself a little hoping to remove the haze of the previous moment. Jiyong didn’t do that on purpose, did he? He couldn’t have possibly heard what he said, right? His face drained at the thought. This was probably just another joke Jiyong was pulling on him and he didn’t get it. God, he was so dense around Jiyong. He really needed to relax.

He wiped his face with a paper towel, checking down at his pants to make sure his situation had toned down. He sighed in relief before walking out and back to Jiyong who was flipping through one of his notebooks. As he got closer he realized it was his oldest one. He felt his stomach drop.

“So…the last time we saw each other, you gave me a poem from out of here.” Jiyong stated thoughtfully.

“Uh huh…” Seunghyun said nervously. He could feel his palms becoming wet.

“So, these were from middle school?” Jiyong asked, flipping rapidly towards the back of the notebook.

Oh god. Not those lyrics. Those were his heart and soul. He was so vulnerable then. He had totally forgotten about those ones when he agreed to switch stacks with Jiyong.

“When did you write this one?” Jiyong asked, indicating the page to him.

Seunghyun looked down and wished he could run away right in that instant. It was the song he wrote the night he got Jiyong’s letter and song. The last time things were personal with them.

“Um…it was just after you left.” Seunghyun said tensely and quietly.

“Oh.” Jiyong said, looking sick.

“Yeah…” Seunghyun replied.

Their single word responses were weighted with emotion. Seunghyun felt like he wanted to dig that hole in the ground and die in it all over again. He felt so in front of Jiyong and not in the way he wanted to be. This showed his soul. This showed Jiyong how weak he was. He didn’t like feeling like a lesser man in front of Jiyong.

“Well…um…what I wanted to say is that it’s really good. It wouldn’t be for a group but it’s a great solo song. You just have to tweak some details.” Jiyong said nervously.

“Like what?” Seunghyun asked.

“Well, um, have you ever dated a girl?” Jiyong asked.

This conversation kept on getting more and more awkward. He felt his cheeks burn.

“No. I haven’t.” Seunghyun said solidly, despite the blush. Jiyong had to know. He had to know he waited for him.

“Well, have you dated any…um…any boys?’ Jiyong asked hesitantly.

“No, Jiyong. I haven’t.”  Seunghyun said softly but solidly, reaching across the table to place his hand on top of the younger’s.

Jiyong shifted uncomfortable, avoiding Seunghyun’s gaze.

“Well, um…when a girl is dating a boy and she gets hurt she often gets cold towards him, even though inside she is really in….um…in pain. Can you quit looking at me like that?” Jiyong explained.

“Like what?” Seunghyun asked as he smoothed his thumb over the bones on the top of his hand. Seunghyun didn’t know where his nerves went but he was glad they were giving him a break to have this moment with Jiyong.

“Like you are completely head over heels for me. You haven’t seen me in years. This is too much, too fast.” Jiyong said nervously, ruffling his hair before covering his blushing face with his hand.

“I don’t know if I am head over heels for you but I do know one thing.” Seunghyun purred.

“Wh-what’s that?” Jiyong stuttered.

“I always want to stay by your side. I don’t want to be without you again. In whatever way you want me, whether that is friends or more, I will be there by your side waiting for you accept that.” Seunghyun said fondly before releasing his hand.

Damn. He was smooth. Jiyong’s eyes were bugged and he looked like he wasn’t breathing. Wait. He wasn’t breathing.

“Jiyong? Jiyong! Breathe!” Seunghyun urged, waving a hand in front of his face.

“S-sorry, hyung. Let’s get back to work.” Jiyong muttered.

“So, when you date a girl she will act like she could care less about you when you do something wrong and you break up because of it but she really does care. She just has her pride.” Jiyong elaborated, like nothing had happened.

“Pride?” Seunghyun asked.

When he wrote that song, he thought of himself as the small part and Jiyong as the main rapper. He had been the one to leave him for YG anyways. He only acted cold on the phone towards Jiyong because he couldn’t be found out that he was gay by his friends. Oh, right. That is pride.

“You know? Like, your reputation.” Jiyong said.

Seunghyun acted like he was just finding out from him there.

“Oh! Right. I get it.” Seunghyun said nodding.

“Maybe we could add a couple lines here. It seems a little uneven. There needs to be more knowledge. It doesn’t seem like this couple has known each other long but songs with long term couples sell better.” Jiyong elaborated.

Seunghyun gulped. He felt a little bit of sadness in his heart that his song he wrote with his soul was being critiqued but this would help him later on so he bit his lip and nodded in agreement. He looked over at Jiyong writing on his notebook.

“Okay. I added something about him remembering their birthday and it being on his calendar. That should help.” Jiyong said.

“When is your birthday?” Seunghyun blurted.

“August 18th” Jiyong answered, slightly shocked at the question.

Seunghyun repeated the date over and over in his head before pulling out his phone to save the date. He couldn’t forget.

“…and um…we need to change this part here to be a female part.” Jiyong said hesitantly.

Seunghyun felt his stomach flip as he looked down at his own part.

“I’m sorry. It’s just, Korea isn’t ready for a love song about two men.” Jiyong said gently.

“So, this would be a duet?” Seunghyun asked.

“Well, yeah, that is how you wrote it, right?” Jiyong said, confused.

“Yeah. Yeah. Of course. I just lost my train of thought for a second.” Seunghyun said, embarrassed.

“Okay. So, this one is good but unless you know a girl who would sing with you for the audition, let’s work on something else for then.” Jiyong said.

“Okay.” Seunghyun said.

“So, how about we work on lyrics writing from scratch. Pick someone in the café and let’s do some people watching and write about them.” Jiyong explained.

“Hmmm…how about that old man over there.” Seunghyun said, gesturing to an old man sitting with alone at a table with a cup of coffee.

“Okay. Now, have we seen him before?” Jiyong asked.

Seunghyun thought before he lit up. “Yes, yes we have.” He piped up.

“Okay, what was he like before? Was he alone or with someone? What was he doing? Was he still sitting in the same place?” Jiyong asked.

Seunghyun thought. He looked exactly the same as he remembered from the previous week. He was alone, in the same spot, he occasionally gazed down at the table like he was remembering something before sipping his beverage.

“He looks the same as I remember. I think he was even wearing the same clothes.” Seunghyun said.

“What could be the reason? Why is he here at the same time alone on a Saturday morning without a newspaper or book to entertain himself?” Jiyong asked. He was obviously leading towards something.

“I don’t know. Maybe he comes here out of habit because they have really good coffee and donuts.” Seunghyun shrugged as he reached for another sweet bread from the plate.

Jiyong rolled his eyes. “Maybe he comes here every week, despite the long distance, because he met someone he loved here. It may not have been a place they have been to a lot but this place holds special memories between them and he hopes against all reason that that person will come here and he will be happy again because sitting here in this café and looking at that table and the empty chair across from him fills him with pain so he would rather look out the window to ease it.” Jiyong spilled at an alarming speed. He took deep and heavy breaths at the end, looking a slight bit crazed.

“Could it be that…”Seunghyun said so softly and slowly that it couldn’t be heard by anyone other that himself while looking over at Jiyong who was looking out the window again.

Seunghyun thought for a moment that maybe, no, he couldn’t have. Jiyong wouldn’t come here every week. He was rational and level headed until the end. He was just really good at coming up with stories from training at YG. Curse his good training. He wished he had the ability to come up with lyrics that quickly.

He looked over at Jiyong looking out the window and he swore he saw tears gleaming in his eyes.


A/N: So, just so you know, Jiyong is referring to Café there as a part of his memories. The song in the notebook was Act Like Nothing’s Wrong. Just a little insight. (:

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tranquilamongstchaos free time seems to have disappeared for the next week. I'll still update in the next couple days but updates are going to be be a little slower.


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mixkey #1
Chapter 28: I am so sad this was abandoned but at least it left off at a happy place 😭
Chapter 28: I love this! one of my favorites ever!!! Update please
Chapter 28: i cannot believe this story is inactive. one of my favorites ever!!!
Bianca_MSP #4
Chapter 28: Update please
Omg please update soon this story is so amazing ;~;
Lokiztrix #6
Chapter 28: I can't wait for the next update! Really enjoy the series, keep up the amazing work :)
Chapter 28: I love this. I cried for tabi when he told ji what the story behind the his parents separation..and how he was wen ji left him 4yrs back.
Damn come back n update 1000 chaps asap..
Im in love w this...
esther12598 #8
Chapter 28: please update soon :)
melody38 #9
i re-read this serie again and i remembered how great it is ! i hope you will update again
I like your story ^^
Very nice