Avoiding The Problem

Entanglements of the Heart Run Long and Deep


Seunghyun didn’t sleep easy that night. He tossed and turned and could not stop his brain from imagining every terrible scenario possible. The following weekend was filled with tense moments. Saturday was edgy, filled with stressful silence wondering what the other was really like now they had seen their alter egos. Seunghyun didn’t know about Jiyong but he had tons of questions he wanted to ask but didn’t get to. They focused mainly on work. They wrote lyrics and practiced dancing. He didn’t dare get on Cyworld, and hasn’t for over 2 weeks. He felt like his relationship with Jiyong was slipping away and he had only himself to blame.

Auditions were drawing near so Seunghyun worked hard on his own during the week to make sure he had the right sound. Jiyong was working extra hard for his audition as well so their contact slipped to the bare minimum. That is why when Seunghyun’s phone buzzed he stared at it in shock when the message was from Jiyong.

From: Jiyong-ah

I think we need to talk. Call me?

Seunghyun sat staring at his phone for a while. This was bad. He started feeling symptoms of panic arising in his chest. Questions floated into his brain of what may happen. He knew he caused all of this but he didn’t want it to end. He had to come up with an excuse. He had to or this could end tonight.

To: Jiyong-ah

I am really swamped with schoolwork tonight. Can we talk another night?

It was a terrible lie but he couldn’t of anything that wouldn’t make Jiyong think less of him. He just hoped he bought it since graduation was coming up and it may seem possible that he wanted to stay on top of things. His phone buzzed with the arrival of the answer.

From: Jiyong-ah

Liar. I know you never do your homework. So, call me in he next minute or I’m calling you.

Seunghyun sat in panic until he realized, he was probably bluffing. He wouldn’t call him. He just wanted to mess with him. He laid back on his bed and stared at his ceiling when his phone buzzed repeatedly. It seemed that Jiyong wasn’t bluffing. The only way to uphold his story was to not answer. As much as he wanted to talk to him, he was scared of what he wanted to talk to him about. They never talked on the phone before and it sounded so serious.

The buzzing ceased and Seunghyun let out a sigh of relief until he heard it buzz again in the same fashion only to be silent once again. Seunghyun knew he was avoiding the problem but he really didn’t want to confront it. Then he heard a single buzz from his phone. He opened it to another message from Jiyong.

From: Jiyong-ah

I know you are avoiding me. Now answer your phone before I come to your house.

Seunghyun bolted up. He really couldn’t avoid it. ing stubborn Jiyong. So, when his phone started buzzing again he answered it before it stopped itself.

“Yobehsayo?” Seunghyun answered nervously.

“Hyung?” Jiyong replied.

“Yeah, who else would it be?” Seunghyun asked grumpily.

“Sorry. I’m just nervous.” Jiyong said.

“You’re nervous? I am the one who got the ominous text message.” Seunghyun pouted.

“I know. It’s just…I have some questions to ask you that have been on my mind for a couple weeks and I think I need to ask them or I won’t be able to sleep and I really need to sleep sometime before auditions.” Jiyong tackled.

Seunghyun laughed.

“What? What ‘s so funny?” Jiyong demanded in a tone that sounded like it accompanied a pout.

“Nothing. I just have the same problem you do.” Seunghyun said.

“So…how about I ask a question then you do?” Jiyong proposed.

“Sounds fair.” Seunghyun said.

The next several hours was filled with questions about their time apart, Cyworld accounts validity and motivation, talks of friends and interests. Seunghyun was really tense at first but as soon as he heard Jiyong’s voice lighten and eventually succumb to laughter he finally felt his muscles soften and he began to open up slowly. He didn’t normally do that but there was something about Jiyong’s voice that put him at ease.

“Hyung?’ Jiyong asked.

“Yes, Ji?” Seunghyun asked.

“Maybe we should start being more honest online.” Jiyong proposed.

Seunghyun tensed. Jiyong knew his reason for having his account and he knew that Jiyong just had surrounded himself with these people so he had inspiration for his lyrics. Both were erted and wrong but in a way they couldn’t live without these alternate egos.

“I will be honest with you completely but you have to admit that we need these alternate personalities in some way or another.” Seunghyun clarified.

“I know. I just…I wish we could be ourselves without consequence.” Jiyong sighed, his tone filled with stress.

“That reminds me. What is with this alternate personality you picked up, this G-Dragon?” Seunghyun inquired.

“That is a long story, Seunghyun. Maybe another time I will tell you but just know that G-Dragon makes an appearance when work needs to be done and Jiyong is there when work is gone.” Jiyong tensely iterated after a heavy moment of silence.

“Okay. I guess. It just scares me sometimes how quickly you can change from one to the other. I don’t know what to expect.” Seunghyun said.

“I know it’s hard to understand but trust me, one day, if you get into the industry you will either have to sacrifice yourself or develop an alter ego. I will try to not switch around as much but just know, this is Jiyong and Jiyong isn’t going away, G-Dragon someday will.” Jiyong explained.

“Arasso. So, 2 weeks until auditions. Is the dragon going to make more of an appearance in out meet ups until then?” Seunghyun asked in a teasing tone.

“Ugh! Don’t remind me. Work is so tense and crazy from everyone practicing for the auditions. This one kid I have been training with for the past year, Hyunseung, has decided to set up camp in the building until the day of auditions. He never seems to stop.” Jiyong groans.

“Hyunseung? Is this a joke? Did you make a parallel name to say I’m slacking off?” Seunghyun questioned.

“No, seriously, his name is Hyunseung. But I have to go now, I didn’t expect to talk this long and I still have homework to do. My parents will only let me audition if my grades come up to a high B average.” Jiyong rushed.

“Oh. Okay. Sorry for keeping you...Fighting.” Seunghyun awkwardly attempted.

“Did you seriously just tell me fighting?” Jiyong mocked.

“Yeah, so?” Seunghyun challenged.

“I don’t need fighting. I have all the fighting I need inside of me.” Jiyong said strongly.

“Oh. Okay. Sorry. I know you’ll do your best.” Seunghyun said awkwardly.

“Damn right I will! And hyung?” Jiyong said.

“Yeah?” Seunghyun replied.

“Keep practicing I know you have fighting inside of you too.” Jiyong said.

“O-okay.” Seunghyun stuttered, feeling a blush rush to his cheeks.

“Take care.” Jiyong said.

“You too.” Seunghyun said before he hung up.

He flopped back to stare at the same ceiling that somehow seemed different but maybe it was actually him that was different now.

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And...um...my free time seems to have disappeared for the next week. I'll still update in the next couple days but updates are going to be be a little slower.


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mixkey #1
Chapter 28: I am so sad this was abandoned but at least it left off at a happy place 😭
Chapter 28: I love this! one of my favorites ever!!! Update please
Chapter 28: i cannot believe this story is inactive. one of my favorites ever!!!
Bianca_MSP #4
Chapter 28: Update please
Omg please update soon this story is so amazing ;~;
Lokiztrix #6
Chapter 28: I can't wait for the next update! Really enjoy the series, keep up the amazing work :)
Chapter 28: I love this. I cried for tabi when he told ji what the story behind the his parents separation..and how he was wen ji left him 4yrs back.
Damn come back n update 1000 chaps asap..
Im in love w this...
esther12598 #8
Chapter 28: please update soon :)
melody38 #9
i re-read this serie again and i remembered how great it is ! i hope you will update again
I like your story ^^
Very nice