§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *39*

§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *DBSK/TVXQ*

Part 39 This one is a little short then my usual ones, however it's time to reveal the truth about a certain someone ^_^ Message/Rate ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Wrong number" By DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki


“Hey Tia,” Micky smirked.

“Oh my god Micky what are you doing here?!” I squealed out excitedly hugging him frantically.

“I thought I’d come see London and drop by to see my friend,” Micky grinned as I let go off him.

“I can’t believe you, Papo ya Micky! Anyway how-“ {you’re an idiot}

We heard a loud cough from inside my flat interrupt our reunion. I turned around to see Ryan standing there looking unimpressed.

“Oh right…Micky this is Ryan,” I said introducing them as I pulled Micky into my flat and closed the door.

“Hi nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you,” Micky said holding his hand out for Ryan to shake.

“Likewise but I haven’t heard much about you,” Ryan replied shaking his hand and giving me a short glare.

I rolled my eyes and began to explain, “Ryan, Micky’s from the band Tohoshinki, I used to look after them for the first 5 months of my job in Korea then I got switched to SHINee with Onew,”

“Oh…so you’re in a boy band?” Ryan asked calmly, I was grateful he wasn’t being a jealous prick.

“Yeah I’m taking a break to visit London and see Tianna my friend, she’s a great person you know,” Micky said with subtlety.

“Yeah I know,” Ryan replied giving him a rather fake smile, I didn’t like it. I had to change the subject.

“Umm….Micky why don’t you sit down?” I said sitting at the kitchen counter.

Micky nodded and sat on the stool next to me while Ryan just leant on the counter opposite us.

“How long are you gonna be staying?” I asked trying to contain my excitement.

“Umm, I figured a couple of months just to explore the city and learn about the culture,” Micky replied staring at me.

“Wait…so you’re staying at a hotel?” Ryan asked intrigued. I was quite amazed he was joining in on the conversation.

“Yeah, It’s only 30 minutes away from here,” Micky answered.

“Ah Micky, you’re gonna spend too much money, right Ryan?” I said looking for agreement.

Ryan nodded, “Yeah, these London hotels cost a lot these days!”

Micky shrugged, “I don’t mind, it’s a place to stay,”

I looked at him then around my living area and kitchen. Then I was hit by a brilliant idea,

“I got it! Why don’t you stay here?” I squealed out.

“You sure?” Micky asked looking at both Ryan and I.

“Of course, I mean Ryan had his own apartment and I’m sure it makes sense to him for you to stay here, right?” I said looking at Ryan for his approval, not that I needed it.

“Urrr Yeah…it makes sense,” Ryan said quietly.

I clapped my hands excitedly, “Then it’s settled, Micky you’re staying with me!...Oh we should go get your stuff, Ryan has his car so we can-“

“Actually I got to head off, early day tomorrow,” Ryan said picking up his keys and Jacket.

“Awww Ry, it’s only like 7pm!” I moaned standing up.

“Yeah I know but I got paperwork to do,” Ryan sighed walking to the front door.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said kissing Ryan softly on the lips.

Ryan smirked, “Maybe!”

“Mean!” I squealed playfully slapping him.

“Yeah but you love me, nice meeting you Micky,” Ryan nodded in his direction.

“I’ll see you round Ryan,” Micky waved back.

I smiled to myself, I guess these two might get along. I gave Ryan one more kiss before letting him leave my flat. I shut the door and huffed leaning against it.

“He’s pretty handsome,” Micky blurted out catching my attention.

I giggled and walked over to him, “I leave you for 2 weeks and you’re already playing for the other team?!”

“Shut up Tia!” Micky chuckled nudging me.

I smiled, “We can get you stuff in the morning being that I got a day off,”

“Cool…So I’m on the sofa then?” Micky asked looking at my sofa.

“Obviously, you’re not sleeping with me!” I laughed out making Micky grin.

Then we let an awkward silence fill the room. I was happy that Micky came all this way to see me but what did he really come for…


“Yeah?” He answered looking straight at me.

“Why are you really here?” I asked biting my lip awkwardly.

“I came here to see the city and spend time with my new best friend,” Micky replied sincerely.

I giggled and nudged him over. I guess that answer was good enough for me.


I walked out of Tianna’s flat building and got in my car. I started up the engine and drove as quickly as I could.

I’m not that much of a jealous person but the way Micky looked at Tianna wasn’t right. I know he’s not just here to hang out with her.

I know she loves me but she’s so naïve sometimes, she doesn’t see the way he looks at her, it makes my blood boil.

I came up to a block of flats and parked up along the pavement. I got out and locked my car before heading up to the first floor. I stopped at the second door and knocked loudly.

“Hey, I thought you were with Tianna?” Kim asked as I pushed past her and sat on her sofa.

Kim shut the door and walked over to me, “Okay... let’s rephrase the question, what’s wrong?”

I huffed and picked up the remote, “Her friend showed up at the flat,”

“What friend?” Kim asked rather confused.

“Some Korean guy called Micky,” I mumbled flicking through the channels.

“Wait…Micky? As in Micky from Tohoshinki, DBSK?” Kim sat next to me with a shocked expression.

“Yeah something like that, you know him?” I glanced at her.

“Who doesn’t?! He’s like one of the hottest guys in the biggest will known band in the whole of like Asia!” Kim replied with an ecstatic glint in her eyes.

I shook my head, “He’s not that hot,”

“Well someone’s jealous, as always!” Kim smirked moving closer to me.

“I’m not!...I mean first it’s Onew and now it’s this Micky guy, come on you can’t tell me there’s nothing wrong there!” I growled out.

“Well who knows what went on in Korea,” Kim just shrugged, she wasn’t helping me at all.

“Shut it Kim!” I muttered looking at the T.V.

Kim giggled and moved closer to me. I glanced at her and looked back at the T.V. screen.

“So since you’re here, I’m guessing we’re back on,” Kim whispered in my ear before ing her shirt.

I smirked and looked at her, “I guess so,”

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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
I love loe love the story and ending!!! ^___^
bwahahahahaha!!!! <3

Good good job!! ^_^
i loved the story................please have another good story like this it was awesome........what country is your mom from ......in this story.......i'm from trinidad............update soon..........annyeong unnie ^_^ congrats
Awww guys!!!! *cries a little* Thank you so much for your kind words, this story is my first completed story, my pride and joy and loved writing it. I'm really glad you all liked it! :D
(Y) (y) (y) (y) I love this fic!! God!! Aaaaah you make such a great fic!! XD
drizzleandrain #6
aaah! I loved this. she comes back and everyone's happy. :D Sorry I came by your story only now, but I'd liek for you to know that I'd root for you from the first chap. (well, if we could rewind some things) seriously, this is greaaattt! :D and you featured Yoochun, eek! I have the hots for the guy. okay, let me clear that up. I have the hots for all the DBSK members. *fans myself* haha. :D thank you for posting this. Congratulations!
kannielove #7
p.s.<br />
why does this only have so little subscribers?!! >.<<br />
You deserve to be featured unnie~! you worked so hard!!! ^_^<br />
oh and another thing........ ^^<br />
I'm CONGRATULATING you for successfully making Mr. Park Yoochun as my new bias... LOL! o.O I can't believe it either!!! what about yunnie u-know who~!!!! HAHAHA! I guess I have two biases now... but I have to admit... there are only very little fics that make me crazy like this :)) hwaiting! again~! ♥♥♥ xoxo
kannielove #8
amazing~! seriously~!! unnie i don't know what to say~<br />
it was simply perfect! ^_^<br />
i know how hard it is to write a fic... lol! (I experienced it) XD<br />
but you were really good! no I mean amazing! XDD<br />
The plot, how the story went it was really good! and to think that I only found this because I was super bored but this fic kept me busy for two days! :)) It was hard though since I have school and I was being a little naughty ... but still! It was all worth it... ^^<br />
although I did think the story kinda went slow... but that's not a problem! I loved it no matter what~! ♥♥♥ and I feel like crying since this already ended... *sigh* T.T anyways... I'm off reading your other fics~! HWAITING unnie! I'll support you! ^_^