

She was in love with him, yet he wasnt

She wanted to be with him, yet she couldn't

She wants to let go, but can she?

She wants to move on, but will she?



Sometimes letting go is easier than holding on....


Loving you was easy, letting go isn't..but for your happiness I'll go...


I will always treasure our friendship, thank you Jiyong....

i need a better cover for this story...


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Gingerz #1
Chapter 15: cant wait for another update!!
22 streak #2
Chapter 15: What the hell Tiffany!!! Please update soon
D_Blue #3
Chapter 15: Surprise! Just when things seem to start turning for the better... Dara, fighting.. Author-nim, fighting! :P Can't wait for the conclusion to this story.. keep it up!
Chapter 15: OMG don't telle someone gonna die Inthe story I really kill u authornim
Chapter 14: Why do they have to be hurting themselves and making things complicated and I really want to slap Tiffany right now but then again seunghuyng should understand Dara knowing that she doesn't love him
GDroccthamic #6
Chapter 14: Oh, sad....I dunno who to feel more sorry for....
D_Blue #7
Chapter 13: Uwah!! Kiss! :P Go, go, author-nim. Thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 13: Bill eyes yeah GogoGo ji go for it yay
abya01 #9
Chapter 12: yeeah finally daragon got a change to be together ^^
please update soon :)