Hani, Seungho and Joohyeon

First Love


Lee Hani


I am standing in front of the school.  Finally, this day appear, our first day for our final year.  I think I should fill it with good memories, sweet memor…


Yah! What are you doing, recite the pray?


Aish, this guy, can’t he leave me to finish my sentence.  He stands beside me, smiling at me.  Does he know that smile is really dangerous to me?




Once again, I feel someone hit my back.  I saw he run away from me and spreading his devil’s smile.  I kind of hate those smiles because it is different from the first one.  Just wait for me, because I will make him pay for it.  I run after him and finally reach our class.  I see someone who is I really miss.




She turns her back to me and smile.  She is my best friend.  I met her during our first day at this school.  She is a shy and quite girl.  She is really different from me who am loud and outspoken.  Maybe that is one of the reasons why we can be best friend.


Let sit beside each other this year too!


I said to her.  She just nods her head.  I take a table beside her.


Hi, Joohyeon.


My other best friend, Seungho, greet Joohyeon, while Joohyeon shyly nod her head.  What a shy girl, right?


Yah, where is your table?


I ask Seungho.


My table is over there.


He replies me.  Not so far from our table.  I sit at my table while Seungho still trying to talk with Joohyeon.  Suddenly one of our classmates comes,


Teacher is here!


Yang Seungho


There she is, Lee Hani, standing in front of the school, I don’t know why, she keep doing it every year on our first day of school.  When I asked her, she said she recited the pray, like I will believe her.  I think I want to share some love with her today.




She surprise with my share, and I just smile at her.  I am ready for the second attack and also ready to run from her.




Yes! Ok, I have to run before she can do something to share her love to me too.  Run for your life! Finally I arrive at the class, I find one figure which is I really miss.  It is really hard to meet her during our holiday, only twice for 3 month.  The shy and quite girl, I find she is really attractive, even sometimes my friends feel weird about it.  They said I can find someone who is far good from her but I don’t care!


I see Hani hugging her; I think this the right time to greet her.

Hi, Joohyeon.


She just nods her head.  This sweet moment had interrupted by this girl,


Yah, where is your table?


Aigoo, this girl, can’t she ask me sweetly like Joohyeon.


My table is over there.


I answered her.  I look back at Joohyeon, when I trying to start the conversation, suddenly one of our classmates come,


Teacher is here!


Park Joohyeon


Finally, the last year, can’t wait to finish school.  I walk to school as usual; when I reach the school I can see Hani in front of the school.  I feel like I want to hug from back but I stop when I see Seungho behind her.  Yeah, they are having fun, I wish I can be like them too but I just too shy especially when Seungho is around us.  I choose to walk to the class first; maybe I can greet them after this.


At the class while I am chatting with classmates, I can hear Hani’s voice and Seungho’s voice from far; maybe they are not finish having fun yet.




She is finally here, I smile at her.  She is my best friend, I met her during our first year when she helping me finding the right class.  From that day, we become best friend until now.  I am also feel relieve when she is around me.


Let sit beside each other this year too!


She asks me, I think I don’t have any problem with that.


Hi, Joohyeon.


Ah, Seungho, how I should respond to his greet?  I don’t know what to do, so I just nod my head.  I can feel my face is really hot.


Yah, where is your table?


Thank you Hani, you save me.  Do you feel weird when I react like this?  I don’t why, every time Seungho try to talk with me, I will feel like this.  What should I do? I don’t want him to think that I hate him.  I can feel he still beside me trying to open the conversation while Hani already sit at her table.  Once again, I want to thank to one of the classmates for saying,


Teacher is here!

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Chapter 12: What a dumb bxtch Lmao. ^^v
You must always stick to the guys that planning to do something with art never know when they get Big, need to be there and support it Lol. Babo babo. ≧﹏≦
Chapter 11: Love this, y isn't there comments!!!
Motivation activated!!