First Concert

Mistakes Taken too Far

_____________The Next Day__________________________________________________________


Waking up to the call of Xander I turn over, hitting Dongho's face with mine. Instantly my mind reacts and I sit up, my face burning. I look over at him but his chubby face is still peaceful with sleep making me sigh in relief before poking him awake. Trudging down the hall I stretch my arms above my head, but to my fright another pair wraps around me tightly hugging me from the back,

"Good morning Jae~" Kevin sings out.

"Morning hyung!" I smile before continuing on to the kitchen.

"Are you pumped about today?" Kibum also comes over to hug me, a first.

"Why would I be?" I ask, not knowing what he's talking about.

"What?!" Kiseop yells, standing up from the table and sharply glaring at Xander, "You didn't tell him?!"

"Nope, I didn't want him to be nervous and not sleep well." Xander downs a huge swig of coffee.

My heart drops, what is going on?

Why would I be nervous for today?” I say, hoping he's just exaggerating.

You really didn't say!” Kevin sounds annoyed.

Whoa,” Xander throws his hands up in the air, “Stop ganging up on me. We have a concert today.” Alexander directs that last part at me and I feel all life evacuate my being.

“WHAT!?!? AND YOU DIDN'T SAY UNTIL NOW!!?!?!?!” I yell out, starting to feel extremely nervous.

“Yup, I didn't want you to stay up all night on nerves so I didn't tell you.”

What in the world?!?!

“What hell??? You should have told me no matter what! This will be my first performance, how do I even know I'm ready, I haven't even practiced that much,” I start to feel a little shaky.

“Hey! Don't speak to your hyung that way!” Xander says playfully, probably trying to call me down.

“What's going on?” Dongho puts his arms around my shoulders in a hug, still halfway asleep.

“Hyung didn't tell Jaeseop about the concert today,” Eli answers.

“Huh? Why not?”

“He didn't want him to be nervous.” Hoon mumbles through a bite of cereal.

“And about your question, don't worry! You've pretty much mastered the main dances and that's all we're doing today,” Xander smiles.

Aish! What is wrong with him?! My head pounds like a drum with anger and now the coming stress.

“You'll be fine,” he smiles.

Rolling my eyes with crossed arms I stare at him, wishing I could scream at him.

“Whoa, who brought out diva Jaeseop,” Kibum laughs hysterically and I realize my pose is quite feminine so I quickly drop my arms before leaving the kitchen and going back to my room.

Grabbing some clothes I storm out and into the bathroom, locking the door. I lean against the counter, my hands holding me up, whoa, why does my head hurt so much? I don't usually get head aches from anger... Weird. I try to wait for the incessant pounding to stop but when it doesn't I sigh, changing and brushing my teeth and hair. I hear a knock on the door and open it to find Dongho with a worried look on his face, “Are you okay?”

I realize I must have been in there longer than I thought, “Yeah, I just have a headache.” I smile at him.

He doesn't seem convinced but continues, “Well, we're leaving in about an hour for the concert,” he gives a “fighting” before scooting past me into the bathroom and I leave, going to the living room. Kevin and Eli are on the couch playing with their phones so I go to sit be Kibum and Hoon on the floor. Glancing at the TV I see their playing some sort of racing game so I watch them for a while before Soohyun and AJ walk in, Yuki with them.

“You guys keep stealing my buddy!!” I whine as I hug Yuki who I've hardly seen in the past few days.

“Haha, well no one is up and he starts wining at the door to go out,” Soohyun says, bending down to pet him.

“You two need to hurry up or we're going to be late!” Eli tells them and I see both glance at the clock, gasping before running to get ready. Once they finish Xander and Soohyun gather us and give some words of encouragement and I realize that even after doing this hundreds of times, they still seem nervous. We leave and find a van parked outside waiting for us, the manager at the steering wheel and smiling as we pile in.

“How far is the drive,” I ask Kevin who sat next to me.

“Mmm, about an hour and half?” He nods, thinking as he speaks.

“You guys ready?” The manager yells back to us and we nod.

As we get on the highway I start to lean against the window, my head ache still as bad as before. I try to close my eyes and fall asleep but I can't.

“Jae, are you alright?” Kevin looks at me, his brow creasing.

“Yeah, my head just hurts. Probably from nerves,” I smile, trying to make it better than it is, knowing that this isn't because I'm nervous.

Kevin stares for a moment before putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me onto his, “Try to rest before the concert,” he says quietly and I nod, grateful not to be leaning against the cold glass on the window.

Even though I don't fall asleep I do feel a little better by the time we arrive. Gasping at the size of the concert hall I stare in awe, “We're preforming in THERE?????”

“Yup!” AJ laughs at my reaction.

We drive around back and a couple security guards open the door for us.

“It's this way,” the manager says cheerily leading us to our room.

Make-up artists, stylists and several others are already in the room instantly are on us all, trying to see what they need to do. Xander grabs my wrist and pulls me aside and I see a tall and beautiful woman walk over by us, “This is Hyunah, I told her about our situation so she'll be you're stylist,,” he smiles.

“Hi,” Hyunah says kindly, bowing a little and I do the same until she suddenly hugs me tightly, “You poor thing!!” Is that sadness in her voice?! Oh well, at least she doesn't seem mean.

Pulling away with a small sniffle she clears , looking me up and down before nodding, seeing what she has to work with.

“Okay!” She pulls me away and over to a large wrack of clothes, everything from t-shirt to suit jackets. Grabbing a gray long sleeve shirt and a ripped up vest she holds them up to me, mumbling to herself before moving onto pants and grabbing a black pair of skinny jeans decorated with holes, spikes and other things. Before finishing she also grabs a pair of boots that have a bit of a heel on them and then gestures for me to follow her into another room but this one empty.

“Okay, you can change into this and I'll go from there,” she hands me the clothes and after a moment I realize she not going to leave so I start to take off my shirt, not really caring since the wrap around my chest covers me.

“Oh no, that is NOT going to work,” Hyunah breaths out, “Here, use this,” she reaches into her purse and pulls out something similar to what I'm using but it seems lighter and thinner.

I glance up slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable changing in front of her but I guess she's a stylist so it's not really weird. Putting on the new wrap it actually feels much nicer than the other one and is tighter against my skin, most likely so I can wear the tight gray shirt she picked out. Pulling that over my head I then put the vest over it, buttoning it and then finish with the pants and shoes. A gasp comes from Hyunah and I look up at her face, “Perfect!!”

We walk back into the other room and I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror. Whoa!! I look freaking awesome!

“Jae, you look epic!” Dongho comes over to admire my outfit and I see his has the same colors as me but different clothes, “come on, you need to get your hair and make up done!” He brings me over to another lady who smiles and tells me to sit while she starts on my short hair.

“Before your next concert I recommend getting a different hair style, maybe dye your hair a fun color,” she smiles, after that though she doesn't say anything and works diligently on my make-up.

Once finished she shows me in the mirror and I smile at my new look, this is epic.

“You guys are on in ten!” The manager calls in.

“What about rehearsal?!?!” Kiseop yells, sounding a little panicked.

“Another group arrived late, taking up our time, sorry boys. But I'm sure you'll do fine.” He leaves.

“Well, this .” Eli says.

About to add to that I stop, my head ache worsening and I close my eyes. Thankfully I don't think anyone notices but I feel my stomach start to cramp. A sickening feeling ripples through out me and I have to force myself from groaning. Suddenly it hits me... no... no no no no, it can't be... I rip out my phone from my jacket pocket at lightening speed, checking the date. Isn't it to early??? Looking at the date I realize it's not... crap. This is NOT good. Standing up I quickly walk across the room and find the only person I can think of, “Hyunah...” I tap her shoulder and see her expression change immediately when she sees me holding my stomach.

“What's wrong?!” Her high voice alerts a couple of the guys.

“Jaeseop, are you okay?” Soohyun walks over concern in his eyes.

Forcing a laugh I nod, “Oh, but I wanted to ask you something about my outfit,” I grab Hyunah's wrist and pull her from the room and quickly turn to her, pleading with my eyes, “I have a problem.”

“That's obvious, you look terrible!” She grabs my shoulders, “What can I do?”

“Uuh,” I suddenly feel awkward asking this especially since I just met her like an hour ago, “W-well....” I start but another cramp rips through me and I moan, feeling sick.

“Oh god, please say it's not--” I nod before she finishes.

“Okay, hold on a sec,” she leaves and comes back a minutes later, holding something, “Come with me,” She pulls me behind her and leads me to a uni washroom, “Here,” she hands me a small package, “And take this too, to help with the cramps,” she puts a pill in my hand.

Nodding gratefully I go into the bathroom, swallowing the pill and using the pad she gave me I leave, still not feeling the affects of the pill yet.

“Alright, come on, you guys are on in a couple minutes,” Before we go back though, Hyunah puts her arms around me, patting my back, “You'll be just fine, fighting!” She flashes a smile and we head back to the room.

“Ready?” Xander asks me when he sees me.

“Yeah, I think so,” I smile, excitement slowly replacing the pain in my stomach as I think about how tonight I will debut as an official member of U-Kiss.

“This will be awesome,” Dongho jumps up and down, waving his arms.

“We're on, let's go!” Kiseop pushes me out the door and we rush down the hall. we come to the stage and I hear the group before us ending say goodnight to the audience and the reality of how big it really is hits me. I hear a voice announce us as the next group and follow the other members onto the stage, knowing the first song we are to dance is Neverland. I get into my position as the lights start to turn on and the beat starts to play. My body now moves instinctively with the others and we dance the whole song though, even through the dancing the few lines that were changed for me to sing sounded perfect and we end with a dramatic pose, all of us breathing deeply when the lights come on all the way. After a moment we all turn to the audience and bow, “Hello, we are U-Kiss!” We introduce and the thousands of fans cheer, ecstatic for us. I can't control a smile from spreading across my face.

“Hello everyone,” I hear Soohyun's voice from the other end of our line, “How are all our Kissme's tonight?” He leans forward to hear the screams of all the girls, “Ohhhhh....” Shaking his head he turns to us, “I don't think that was a very good response,” he sighs and turns back, “I said, HOW ARE ALL YOU KISSME'S TONIGHT?” He smiles at the reaction as every single girl in the audience screams happily for him.

“That's more like it!” This time it's Alexander, “So Kissme's,” he walks forward a little, “As you may have heard we have a new member to U-Kiss,” the amount of cheers for this shocks me and I feel joy radiate from me, “That's right, our wonderful new member Jaeseop!!!” Xander yells out my name and I hear my name being chanted a million times from them, “Why don't you say something?” Xander turns to me, smiling.

I bow, “Hello, my name is Jaeseop, please take care of me,” I hear a little bit of shyness in my voice but the fans don't seem to care as the clap and yell happily.

“Okay, are you guys ready for the next song?!?!?!” Kibum yells out.

The fans die down as the lights dim and the tune of Stop Girl starts, I don't have any lines in this song yet but I do dance to it so we start, moving from one position to the other, the female back-up dancers on our sides. All the dance completed flawlessly.

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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah