Dating, Returns and Tears Oh My...

Mistakes Taken too Far

oohyun's POV

“Jae~” I wrap my arms around her small shoulders the moment we leave the dorm, missing her even though I've seen her all day.

She hugs me back, her arms around my waist and she's so close I can feel her heart beating against me. So warm... I can't hide the growing smile as we stay like this for what feels like an eternity. Sadly she pulls away from me though and looks up into my eyes, “We really need to tell the guys about us.”

Guilt washes over me, knowing that she's right. I sigh, “I know, it's just, I'm not sure how'd they react and I don't want to push them away.”

Her head falls against my chest as she, too, sighs, “But we can't keep hiding either, in the end that would be worse.” Again, she's right.

“Okay. Let's tell them tomorrow at breakfast,” I say, deciding that sooner is better than later.

For now though, I smile and lean in to kiss her.

“Ah ah ah!” A finger on my lips stops me and I frown.


“No kissing until we tell them!” She says determinedly.

“What?!?!?! Why not???”

She grins devilishly, “You said tomorrow, that's not that long right?”

I narrow my eyes at her, staring in disbelief. She chuckles and in that moment I press my lips against hers.

“Gotcha,” I mumble through the kiss.

She tries to push me away, well, not REALLY tries but whatever, “Hey! I said no kissing!!”

Smiling I pull her closer to me and she eventually stops, “Fine. One kiss.” She leans into it and my heart starts to race.

I think I could get high from her touch. After a while she pulls away and laughs, running back inside before I even realize what happened.

Blinking I yell after her, “Hey!!! What the heck?!”

I catch up to her easily right outside our dorm's door and pin her hands against the wall above her head. I try to look as angry as possible and it must work because her expression changes and she looks a little scared. I can't keep up the act though and start giggling at her face, “What the heck, you think I would actually do something to you?” I laugh, letting go of her.

She hits me in the shoulder still seeming upset, “What the hell?!”

I can't help but laugh at her angry expression, it's just too cute.

“I'm sorry,” I pull her into a hug.

“Whatever.” I can hear the anger dissipating in her voice, “Come on, we should go to bed,” I nod towards the door and open it for her.

Parting ways from her I say goodnight and quietly walk back into my room, the memory of her kiss still intoxicating me.


Jaeseop's POV

“YAH!” I bolt upright at Dongho's yell.


I hear hysteric laughter and groan.

“Oh man, you are so fun to tease,” he pulls me into a hug, “Sorry!”

I scoff at his childishness, “Dork. Do we have anything scheduled today?”

“Nooooope, I don't think so.”


I hop out of bed and leave to go find Soohyun. Locating him sitting at the table I grab a seat across him and I catch him glance up at me before going back to breakfast.

“Morning hyungs!!!” I say happily to the other guys.

“Aren't you chirpy this morning?” Eli sits next to me.

I nod, knowing that we're finally going to tell them about Soohyun and I. Once Dongho wanders into the kitchen everyone is in one place so I look up at Soohyun who seems to be avoiding my gaze. Staring for a moment I finally kick his leg under the table. He jumps up, startled and startling everyone around him before clearing is throat.

“U-uh,” he stutters when everyone turns to him, sighing he clears his throat again, “I have something I need to tell you guys.”

He's got all the attention now, everyone stopping what their doing and listening intently.

Not making eye contact with anyone he starts to speak again, “Um, aish why is this so hard to say...”

“Hyung, just tell us,” Kiseop says kindly.

“I'm dating.”

No one says anything and I can't read anyone's expression so I turn back to Soohyun who's scratching the back of his head, “And, uh, the person is what I wanted to tell you about... Please don't be angry but--”

“You and Jae are dating?” Kevin's words take all the air from my lungs and Soohyun's eyes widen.

“H-h-how did--”

Kibum cuts him off with a laugh, “Please, you guys are waaaaay too obvious,” he smiles.

“Yeah, you think we wouldn't notice?” AJ grins at us.

“you're not upset?” I ask tentatively.

“Why would we be?” Hoon sounds hurt.

“W-well, I mean, we're both guys a-and apart of U-Kiss and,” Eli covers my mouth.

“So what? I mean, I still find it hard to believe that Soohyun is dating a guy, no offense, but whatever. And it's not hurting U-Kiss as a group so why not?” He finishes and several of the members agree with him.

“Try to refrain from kissing in front of the fans,” Xander jokes, making us laugh, breaking a little of the awkwardness.

“Man, glad you two finally came out about that, it was getting annoying being woken by Soohyun hyung in the night when he came back from doing whatever with you,” Eli elbows me, chuckling to himself.

“Well, now that that's over with, what's the plan for today?” AJ looks around.

“Absolutely. Nothing.” Alexander sighs blissfully.

I have to say, our schedule has been way too busy lately, I'm glad for a day off.

“Let's watch that drama that Dongho had been fanboying about, uh, what was it... RIGHT, To You in Full Blossom,” Kevin suggests and no one objects so once again we bring beds out to the living room and I go grab the remotes as everyone settles in. On my way to my seat however, I yelp as Soohyun pulls me onto his lap suddenly, his arms around my waist as he holds me down on his lap. My eyes widen and I try to get up again but puts his chin on my shoulder and holds me down tightly.


“Awww, you two are so cute,” Kiseop watches, seeming bemused.

Soohyun chuckles, still not letting go, “I know.”

Rolling my eyes I give in and sit down comfortably on his lap, feeling weird that we're acting like this in front of them. Oh well. I turn on the TV and find the show, pressing play and leaning back.


Soohyun's POV

I don't really pay attention to the TV because all I can think about is Jae who's sitting on my lap openly in front of the guys. Heehee, I like this. I like not having to hide our feelings. Leaning on her shoulder I decide to try and watch the show.............

Dear god, this show is about a girl pretending to be a guy. Jae tenses a little through out the whole first episode, knowing it's almost exactly like her. At least it's an interesting storyline though, we watch almost 5 episodes before Hoon starts complaining about food.

“We should just order something,” Xander says, curling up on the couch lazily.

"Fine by me!" Hoon whips out his phone, already dialing a number.

Apparently he ordered pizza because about 20 minutes later a knock at the door forces me to get up, "Lazy morons." I look back at them and they all smile, none wanting to move. So I go answer the door an come back with 5 boxes of pizza.

"Just bring it on over, a box per two people!!" Hoon his lips in anticipation.

I hand out a box to every other person before sitting back down with Jae, putting a box for us on my lap.

"You guys eat so freaking much!" She stares at the amount of pizza that's been ordered.

"You just don't eat enough," AJ jokes, "seriously though, you eat hardly anything ever. It's weird."

Maybe you guys eat to much you pigs,” she sticks her tongue out playfully.

I AM NOT A PIG,” Kiseop yells through a huge bite of pizza making us all laugh.

We go back to the TV show and before we know it 6 hours have passed.

I think my eyes are going to bug out of my head,” I say.

you can say that again... At least it's a good show so far,” Hoon stretches.

“Can you believe that though? As if a girl could pass as a guy like that!” Kiseop shakes his head thoughtfully.

Unknowingly, my grip tightens around Jae a little; apparently a girl can pass as a guy. I let out a long sigh,

“What time is it?”

“I dunno, like 11-ish.” Eli leans back tiredly.

“We have a TV show recording tomorrow, we should probably get to bed,” Xander stands up slowly, looking a little dizzy.

Jae nods and gets up as well, leaving me on the mattress. Now I'm cold. Good lord, she was like a heated blanket. Xander heads off with AJ and Hoon to their room while Kiseop, Kibum, Eli and Kevin just stay where they are, unmoving. I kick Eli in the side, “Get up.”

“Hyung!” He glares up at me.

“I don't feel like moving this back into my room.” Kibum moans, pulling a blanket over himself.

“And I don't feel like moving.” Eli lies down next to him, tearing away part of the blanket for himself.

Dongho chuckles at the pathetic sight of his hyungs.

“Come ooooon,” He grabs Jae's hand and pulls her away.

Until, that is, she does the most unexpected thing. She pulls her hand from Dongho's, runs over to me, KISSES ME IN FRONT OF THE OTHER GUYS then runs back to Dongho, following him into their room. I feel my mind go blank and my fingers trace their way to my lips.

“Puahahaha, hyung, I didn't know you had a cute and innocent side to you,” Eli laughs at me and I snap back to myself.

“I don't,” I smirk before leaving for my room.

Great, now I'm all alone in here. Those lazy bums.


Jaeseop's POV

_______________________The Next Day________________________________________________

The van speeds along the road as we head to a recording studio for some variety show.

“Soooo what show are we going on again?” I ask.

“Shin PD,” Kibum calls back to me.

I'm pretty sure I've watched that a few times.... A buzz sounds from my phone and I pull it out, almost gasping at the ID: Jonghyun sunbae. He hasn't contacted me ever since that night... who the hell does he think he is?!?!?

I check the text: Hey...

After disappearing for months you think you can just say hey out of the blue like that?! It must show how furious I am because I look up to see everyone giving me a strange look. I ignore them and turn back to my phone to reply.

Where in the HELL have you FREAKING been?!?!?!?!!?

A moment goes by before he texts back: I'm really sorry.

I fight the tears threatening to fall: REALLY NOW!?!?!? YOU'RE SORRY???? You freaking piece of !!!!!!!! YOU LEFT ME! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!

“Jae,” A hand startles me and I glare up at Soohyun who's looking at me worriedly. Taken back by my glare he glances at my phone which is hidden in my hands, “Is everything okay?”

Another buzz distracts me and I look to see his response: Can we meet?

A single tears escapes at his words and I take a deep breath: Where?

He replies: the usual place...

I try to blink away the pain in my chest, “W-what time does the filming end today?” I whisper.

“Around 11 tonight,” Kiseop turns around in his seat, looking at me as well now.

I text him one last thing: tonight at 12.

Putting my phone away I lean against the window, closing my eyes and feeling tears fall down my face. After arriving at the studio I wipe my eyes and get out of the car, trying to cheer up.

“Alright, let's go,” Our manager says, not breaking away from his Iphone.

We walk quietly inside and wait until we're called in on set after getting mic'ed,

“And today's guest is U-Kiss!”


I walk off set after filming, wiping my forehead from sweat. Stupid camera lights. I head out to the van before anyone else and sit down in back. I turn on my phone and see several missed calls all from him. I roll my eyes and wait for the others and the manager. He starts the car and drives off.


Slowly striding along the sidewalk I listen to music, the volume blasting. Attempting to keep my breathing a relatively normal pace I keep going until I reach the small cafe. I look at my phone as I turn off the music, 1:47 am. Good. Maybe he left. I peek around the corner, hoping desperately he's gone. To my disappointment though, I see a dark figure pacing around under the street lamp, checking his phone repeatedly. Sighing I come out and the moment he sees me he runs up and pulls me into the tightest hug anyone's ever given me. I fight the urge to hug him back and push him away harshly, looking up and glaring at him, making sure to show him all my anger and rage and … sadness. Tears sting my eyes but I continue to stare unblinking.

“Jae, I--” I punch him as hard as I can in the gut, cutting him off as he yells out in pain.

“HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT!? I needed you during that time and you just LEFT! Did you ever even think ONCE to tell me where you were? Huh?!?!?!” I scream furiously at him, “Don't you know how lost I felt? How alone? YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND! MY ONLY FRIEND!” I wipe the tears away from my face.

“I know....” He whispers, holding his stomach where I hit him, “I-I.... I don't even know what to say to you...” He looks up at me, his eyes glistening, taking me off guard.

Jonghyun never cries. Ever. I shake my head, I can't let that distract me.

“You .... Why?! AT LEAST TELL ME WHY YOU LEFT ME!?!?!” My voice sounds like a child screeching at it's mother during a fit.

“I was afraid.”

“ were AFRAID? OF WHAT? Me? What I got myself into? WHAT?!” HE was afraid? Did he even stop to consider how I felt?

“I was afraid that you didn't want to see me again after what I did.” His voice is quiet and remorseful.

“After you did what?”

“After I kissed you. I didn't know...” he sighs, “I thought you wouldn't want to see me. I was scared that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, scared that I would lose you forever...”

Is he trying to rip my heart in half??

“You....bastard,” is all I can say. So many thoughts fill my head but I can't say one of them.

“You were my best and only friend for the past 8 years. You kissed me, so what? I don't feel that way towards you and I was a little confused but... then you just left me? Without a word you left.” I become quiet, wanting to collapse onto the ground, my knees close to giving out.

“I'm sorry,” he hugs me again, his hand on the back of my head, pressing me against him, “I'm so, so sorry.” I lose control of my sobs and stand in his arms as he holds me up, unable to support my own weight.

“How could you leave me like that... how...?”

“I won't leave you ever again, I promise.”

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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah