The Kiss

Mistakes Taken too Far

I stare in horror at the endless stream of liquid running down my arms and off my fingertips, “Blood? Oh my god!!” I start to feel dizzy with panic until I look up and see all of the boys including Jonghyun. I try to yell out for their help but my voice cuts out.

How could you lie to us Jae? We trusted you... You lied...” Their moans echo throughout my head and their faces seem to be almost black with shadows in the darkness.

What's going on?! How do they know?

I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean too--” Again my voice goes silent even as I try to scream out at them.

They chant the same words over and over until I finally can't take it. Screaming out with all I can and watch as--


“Ahh!!!” Bolting upright in bed I scream, my whole body is shaking violently and I feel the cold sting of tears in my eyes.

“Jae!” A voice beside me startles me and I jump at the feeling of someones arms wrapping around me, “What's wrong?” The quiet voice of Dongho whispers.

Trying to calm my breathing down I don't answer but he keeps hugging me.

“Did you have a nightmare?” He asks, sounding very concerned.

My mind stops racing and I can finally connect one thought to the other, “Y-yeah...”

Pulling away from me I watch in the dark room as he looks at me, his eyes barely visible but I know their staring at me. I blink away the tears still in my eyes and Dongho comes to scoot next to me, “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine, thanks,” I nod to him.

“Maybe it's cuz you're in a new place?” He asks, trying to figure out why I'd have such a dream but he doesn't know what's really going on.

“Yeah, maybe.”

“Wanna talk about it?” He asks, still keeping his volume low, by the darkness outside the window I'm assuming it's still night.

“No, but thank you, for um, trying to help,” I feel really awkward for some reason even though I am thankful that he was there.

Smiling a little he nods and hugs me again before pushing me down playfully and burying me in blankets, “Dongho!!” I yell in a hushed tone, already feeling better as a smile crawls onto my face.

I feel him jump on top of the blankets and I laugh as Yuki who had been somewhere else in the room is also on the bed now, my face while Dongho pins me down under the covers. Eventually I'm able to wriggle out from under him and I tackle him, Yuki helping and after about 20 minutes of wrestling each other both of us are tired again and I lie back down, Dongho inches from me as I can feel his eyes on me. My heart flutters a little as I realize who else is in my bed and that he's staring directly at me.

“can I tell you something?” He asks sounding a little unsure.

I turn on my side towards him and meet his intense gaze, “Sure.”

“Um,” he bites his lip as if not wanting to say what he was thinking, “Um, I actually really didn't want a new member to join U-Kiss...” his tone indicates guilt, “I thought with AJ hyung and Hoon hyung joining just last year it would be weird for another member but... I don't think that anymore! I really like you Jae!” He smiles cutely.

A wave of guilt comes over me like a hurricane, I try to smile but I feel like crying instead.

Maybe it shows because Dongho's eyes widen and he sits up quickly, “I-I-I really don't feel that way anymore!! Really, I think you're awesome!” He says desperately, leaning over and hugging me in my pathetic state.

I've never cried this much in the same 48 hours in my life, it's ridiculous!

“No, I-I'm just really thankful that you think that way,” I lie, “It makes me feel a lot better about joining U-Kiss,” I pull away from him and I seem to have convinced him because he grins a little and lays back down, still facing me. I'm thankful that it's dark otherwise he'd see my face is beet red from being this close in bed with a guy... even though I'm supposed to be a guy... I close my eyes feeling the heat of him emanating from beside me before falling back asleep.

_________________The Next Day________________

“Time to wake up!” A yell into our room arouses me from my blissful sleep and I yawn, stretching my arms.

“Uuuuh... I hate morning.” Dongho groans beside me and I sit up, rubbing my eyes and agreeing with him.

The moment my feet touch the ground I feel the aching pain in my muscles from yesterdays practice.

“Oh shi-...” I close my eyes tightly, wishing the pain would go away.

Dongho comes over by me, patting my back, “Feeling any better this morning?”

“Oh, yeah,” I nod, “Other than the awful pain all throughout my entire being,” I laugh with him.

We walk out and into the kitchen, all the other guys foraging around for food.

“hey, look who's finally up!” Kiseop comes over by us and playfully ruffles Dongho's hair and receives a glare from the younger boy.

“Um, has anyone seen Yuki?” I ask.

“Oh, I think AJ and Soohyun went out for a run this morning and brought him with.” Eli calls over his shoulder.

“Oh,” ...they stole my puppy!

“You guys sure were noisy last night,” Kibum says before stuffing a huge bite of rice into his mouth, “Jae was even screaming,” he smirks creepishly.

“I don't know hat your thinking but all that happened was Jae had a bad dream.” Dongho stops his hyung's dirty thoughts.

“Oh, are you okay?” His attitude changes drastically and all of them look at me.

“Yeah, Dongho cheered me up last night so I'm fine, thanks,” I smile, truly feeling fine.

“What was your dream about,” Kevin asks worriedly, his eyes are wide with concern.

“Nothing that bad, sometimes dreams just worse in the moment I guess,” I scratch my head, trying not to think about how it's still kind of haunting me.

“Oh, well if you're really okay.” Kevin sighs before going back to his food.

“Come get some food, we ALL have to go practice today,” Xander hands us a bowl of rice with a bunch of crap mixed in with it.

It tastes surprisingly good and I finish all of it, “That was really good, thanks,” I bow towards him and he smiles.

“You know, you don't call any of us hyung even though we told you too,” Hoon flicks me on the forehead while the all the older guys nod in agreement.

“Oh, sorry, I'm used to all my friends being my age...” Which is a lie, I'm not used to calling guys HYUNG.

“Well, start now by thank your hyung for breakfast,” Eli points to Xander who waits expectantly.

“Er, thank you Xander hyung.” I say

Xander jumps up and down happily, running over and squishing me with a hug, “Asa!!”

I laugh and he lets go, “You two should go shower or whatever, we're leaving in like 20 minutes.”

“Ne hyung!” Dongho trots off and I follow him, unsure of where the bathroom wit ha shower is, the one from last night didn't have one.

“how long do you take to shower?” He turns to me.

“Um, I don't know, like 10 minutes?”

“Uhg, why didn't they wake us earlier?!” Dongho says frustrated.

“Just take one together if you won't be ready on time, it's not that weird!” Kibum yells into the hallway.

My head jerks in his direction but he's already gone.

“Oh, yeah that would work, c'mon!” Dongho grabs my hand and drags me to the bathroom.

“uh,” what the hell, showering together for them is NORMAL!?

I'll just wait till tonight so I don't go to bed all gross and sweaty,” I say, trying to sound casual instead of completely freaked out.

“Oh, are you sure? I don't mind,” Dongho shrugs but let's go of my hand.

“Yeah, it's fine! I'm going to go get dressed,” I smile before walking back to our room and closing the door.

I shudder runs through me, “That was close.”

Rummaging around my bag that still hasn't been unpacked I take out a pair of pants and a t-shirt. I quickly check the door to make sure it's locked before stripping off yesterdays clothes. I defiantly need to find something better then this wrap, it keeps loosening but it's all I have for now so I pull it tightly around me and re-pin it before putting my shirt on. After I'm done I leave the room and am greeted by barking as Yuki sees me and tackles me to the ground, “Hey buddy!!! Where did you go this morning?” I rub his face happily as his big tongue my face. I stand up and walk into the living room to find Soohyun and AJ dripping in sweat, “Morning hyungs,” I say, trying to get in a habit of calling them that.

“Good morning!” Soohyun attempts to hug me but I duck away.

“Ew, don't hug me! You're covered in sweat!” I say, standing in a defensive stance.

“haha! Sorry, I forgot,” he smiles.

“You two can meet us at the practice room we'll leave now so Jae has more time to practice,” Xander starts putting on his shoes so I do the same.

“Your shoes are so small!” Eli laughs, “You must have tiny feet dude.”

“Oh, yeah,” I realize that their women's shoes and quickly put them on so the size doesn't show on the inside.

“Wait for me!” Dongho runs out of the bathroom, dressed and water dripping from his hair, alarm showing at the thought of us leaving without him.

“We weren't going to leave without you,” Kevin says sweetly, smiling at him.

Racing over to me Dongho grabs his shoes and sits down by my side smiling happily.

“Let's go,” Xander stands up and walks out, all of us following.



After dancing ALL FREAKING day I feel like a jellyfish as I walk alone back to my apartment to tell the land lady I'll be moving. Breathing deeply I can feel how heavy my eyes are, sleep threatening to take over even as I walk.

“You look like death,” a voice startles me and I look up.

“Oh, Sunbae,” I smile a little, seeing him makes me feel a little more awake.

“So, how was your day?” He asks, seeming a little awkward.

“Tortuous. Yours?”

“Same.” He answers, not offering an explanation so I just shrug and walk over to him, leaning against the wall on his left.

I turn to him and realize his eyes are locked on me and his expression is unreadable. Before I can stop him he leans in, getting closer until his lips brush against mine as he gently kisses me.


Dongho's POV

After practice Jae told us that he had to go talk to his land lady about something and left alone. After a few minutes I decided I'd go with so that he wasn't walking alone in the dark, “Hyung,” I poke Kevin who looks over to me, “Can I go with Jae?”

Sure,” he grins and I nod back before getting up and leaving myself to go follow him. Running along the streets I trace back to where we were the other day and finally find the apartment building. I round the corner only to hold in a gasp and practically leap back. Did... did.... Not able to think straight I peek around the corner to see Jae with some other guy but they're KISSING! Covering my mouth and stare, unable to look away from the scene. Even in the dark I can see shock on Jae's face, he stands there, looking frozen and unsure. A thought passes through my mind even though I try to stop it; is he... gay? I blink as Jae suddenly snaps into reality, gasping and pushing the other guy away.

“S-s-sunbae,” confusion clouds his voice as he looks up at the other boy.

“Jae, I--” The guys voice cuts off and I can tell he can't believe what he just did.

Backing around the wall again I can feel my heart racing inside my chest. What the hell did I just see? After a while of silence I decide to look around the corner again and see the guy has disappeared and Jae is sitting on the ground, his head on his knees, hiding his face. I can hear sharp intakes of breath and realize he's crying. My eyes widen and I run from my hiding spot over to him, “Jae!”

His head snaps up, my voice frightening him, and tears stream down his face.

“Dongho...” He sobs pathetically on the ground, closing his eyes tightly.

I lean down next to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. He shakes uncontrollably and I decide that's probably better if I act like I didn't see what just happened for the time being, “What's wrong?” I ask.

Shaking his head slightly he pulls away from my hug, “I-I don't know...” he whispers.

I wonder if he'd tell me if I ask, “What happened?”

I watch his eyes widen and his small hand moves to his lips before quickly dropping back down, “Nothing important.” His voice is barely audible.

I guess he doesn't trust me enough yet since we only known each other for a couple days. I feel a little uncomfortable being so close to him now, after witnessing that. No, I shouldn't judge him just based off what I saw. Maybe it was a misunderstanding? I could just ask... I pull my gaze to him and see tears are still dripping from his face but he's calmed down a little. Maybe later.

“Should we go home?” I ask him, trying to sound cheery and help him smile.

Partly succeeding in this he nods and stands up wearily. Grinning I link my arm with his and start to walk, not paying attention to the weird look he gives me from my gesture. When we finally walk through the the door I look in and see the room is empty so I walk in, pulling a still slightly upset Jae with me. I drag him into our room and find Yuki relaxing on the bed.

“Hey boy!” I jump on the bed and lay down next to him, “He's so cute!”

Rubbing his eyes tiredly Jae sits down at the foot of the bed a melancholy expression painted on his face. I narrow my eyes at him until he notices and glances up at me.

“Are you sure you don't want to talk about what happened?” I don't want to press him but it does seem like it would better if he talked about it instead of bottling up his feelings.

“Not really.” His only response is a mumble.

Sighing dramatically I get up and grab a t-shirt and shorts. About to change into them I remember Jae and turn around to see him looking away, his face red. I feel my own face burn with embarrassment before laughing a little awkwardly, “I'll b right back.” I say to him.

Leaving the room I go into the bathroom to change and then head back to the room. Going in I see Jae laying down and trying to get comfortable, his back facing me. Closing the door I flick off the light, my vision adjusts to the dark and I crawl in bed on the other side of him, laying on my side to that our eyes meet. He blinks a little strangely before trying to turn over. I sit up and stop him, might as well ask now. I seem to have startled him though, because he stares at me with wide eyes that show so many different emotions.

“Jae,” I start, clearing my throat, “A-are you... gay?” I hear my own voice become quiet.


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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah