Apart of the Group Now

Mistakes Taken too Far

Whoa, this is a really long chapter, haha. I actually forgot I didn't post anything so this was like 6 pages long XD Enjoy! And please tell me what you think :)


Jaeseop's pov

Mmm... warm. I scoot closer to the heat source, feeling cold everywhere else. Strangely, it feels like arms are wrapped around me... Yuki doesn't have arms... My eyes snap open and I see a person right in front of my face and scream, “What the hell?!?!” I bolt upright but my head feels like it's been hit with a sledgehammer, making me fall right back down. I moan in pain at my head and the arms wrap around me again. I can't even move to resist so until this person wakes up, I'm stuck. I try to see in the darkness to figure who is next to me and finally I recognize the face but with it comes all of yesterdays happenings back to me and my head ache worsens.

“Kibum...” I groan, hoping that he'll wake up.

“Nnn, what time is it?” He mumbles but doesn't move.

“I don't know, but can you please move?” I try to push him but he's huge in comparison to me so it doesn't do anything.

“Ugh, my head,” another voice comes from my other side, startling me.


“Shhh, my head hurts...” He says in a tired voice.

What in the world is going on...? And why do I have such a head ache?

“Alright you guys, WAKE UP!!” An irritatingly loud voice drills into my head as the light turns on, blinding me.

“Can't we sleep longer? I feel like death,” again Kevin's voice sounds, dripping with sleep.

“No! Get up!” The sudden weight of someone on top of me forces the air from my lungs and I yell out.

“Ah!! AJ what the heck?” Kibum yells right in my face without opening his eyes.

I just moan in pain until he finally gets off, pulling the three of us up one by one.

“Why does my head hurt so much,” I complain to him.

Unexpectedly Kibum starts chuckling, “Oh I forgot about that... Hehehe you at drinking dude,” he continues to giggle about what he said.

“What? I don't drink. Ever.”

“Eli tricked you last night when he gave you water, you passed out like 5 minutes later,” Kevin rubs his eyes tiredly.

“W-w-what?!” I scream, making me dizzy.

“It was hilarious,” AJ grins.

Wonderful, I wake up next to two guys and now I find out I was so drunk last night I passed out.

“Oh my god, was I here all night?” The panic in my voice alerts the 3 of them as they nod.

“OH NO, YUKI!!” I jump out of the bed and race out the door, hurriedly jamming my feet into my shoes. I run the whole way to my house and burst through the door. My eyes search the small one room apartment until I find him sitting in the corner, his head lowered and his ears droopy as he sits in front of a puddle on the wooden floor.

“Oooooh my poor buddy!” I go over to him, petting his head so he knows I'm not angry.

He whimpers a little as I get up and go grab something to clean up the mess. After I finish I bring him outside and he happily relieves himself before prancing around and finally coming back to me.

“I'm sorry I didn't come back for you Yuki,” I ruffle his fur and he nuzzles my neck, making me smile.

“YOU HAVE A FREAKING DOG?!” I hear a yell from behind and turn to see 9 guys running towards me.

Yuki is ecstatic about all the attention and investigates each of the guys with his nose, giving them kisses.

“I love huskeys!!! They're so pretty!” Dongho says giddily and earning a huge wet kiss from Yuki who seems to have taken a liking to him and begs him to pet him more.

“What's his name?” Kevin bends down, petting the huge dog hesitantly.

“Yuki, how the heck did you guys find me?” I ask, suddenly aware that they found me here.

“Oh we asked Mr. Lee where your house was,” Eli continues to play with Yuki.

I look up at Xander and Soohyun who are both eying me curiously but don't say anything. Feeling a little uncomfortable under their gaze I try to think of what I should do. Although they all seem perfectly content playing with my buddy.

“Is this where you live?” Kiseop looks up at the building and I nod.

“CAN WE SEE YOUR ROOM?” Kibum asks excitedly with Eli.

I think back to how it was left; clothes (female clothes for that matter) laying around, posters hanging on the walls, dirty dishes...

“No.” I answer.

“Ahhh why not??” Hoon complains.

“It's a disaster.”

“So? We don't care!” AJ looks at me with pleading eyes.

“You should listen to your hyungs better,” Eli scolds.

Oh good lord. THEY AREN'T MY HYUNGS. Oh how I wish I could scream that at them.

“The answer is still no. Now if you guys will leave, I'm going back inside,” I call for Yuki who dashes over to my side, always so loyal.

“Fine,” Kiseop wrinkles his face into a pout along with Dongho and Kevin.

I roll my eyes and go to unlock the front door, putting in the buildings pass code. Thankfully I see them start to leave and go in, walking up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door behind me, letting out a long sigh.

“What am I going to do Yuki?” I look down into his bright eyes, wishing he could say what he was thinking about.

Striding across the room I collapse on my bed, tired despite “sleeping” all through the night. Pulling out my phone I punch n Jonghyun's digits, texting him if he could meet me. When he replies yes I get up and start to change into some fresh clothes when my door opens, making me scream and I dash into my closet. Peeking around the corner I see Xander in the entrance, his eyebrows raised.

“So you really are a girl,” he comes in and picks up one of my bras that had been laying in a pile of dirty laundry, laughing.

“PUT. THAT. DOWN. AND. LEAVE.” I growl before finding a shirt and pulling it over my head and walking out of the tiny closet, “How the hell did you get in here?!” I yell at him.

“Hey, no need to get angry. I put my foot in the door before it locked and then followed you up here,” he smiles.

I let out a frustrated breath. I shouldn't be mad at him him, this ridiculous situation is my fault, but still, he did just walk in on me changing.

“Well, I'm meeting someone right now so,” I try to walk past him but his hand stops me.

“Listen, I know this isn't what you wanted but nonetheless you ARE a part of U-Kiss now, girl or boy you have to start acting like a member. I care about U-Kiss, it and it's members mean as much to me as my own life and I don't want to see it ruined because the newly recruited member screws it up. Now, I'll help you keep your cover since I don't want you to have to pay such a fine but really, you are U-Kiss' 10th member so,” he turns to me and smiles kindly, “start believing in yourself. You really are talented.”

I feel my eyes start to water but force myself not to cry in front of him. He's right. No matter what I'm now in U-Kiss and I need to act like it. I can't ruin the rest of their careers because of my mistake. Taking in a deep breath to calm myself I nod before continuing out the door, Xander following behind me along with Yuki who apparently wants to join me.

“Um, what about Yuki, and my place?” I ask him, “Do I have to stay with you guys?”

“Ah, yeah I was thinking about that,” he scratches his head, “I think you do have to stay in the dorm and I know that all the members are fine with the dog... Oh jeez, life is about to get a little bit more interesting.” He sighs and my hopes sink to the ground.

I have to live with them. Dammit! Why did this happen? Feeling my attitude fall to sadness I leave the apartment building and start walking to where Jonghyun said we could meet. Realizing that Xander is following I turn to him, “Um, are you going to follow me?”

He nods with a grin, looking like a happy moron.


“I want to meet your friend, I assume he was the one on the phone last night?” He really did hear my conversation last night...

“Yeah, that's him,” I choose to just ignore his presence as I walk, Yuki right next to me.

Finally rounding the corner to the small cafe that has become Jonghyun and I's meeting place I see him sitting casually at one of the tables outside. He glances up at me and stands. Immediately I feel tears start to stream from my eyes and unable to stop myself I run to him, hugging him and crying harder then I ever have. The moment I touched him I could feel every muscle in him tense as this is the first time I've ever hugged him but it quickly disappears as he puts him arms around me.

“Shh, it's okay,” he says, his voice surprisingly quiet and comforting.

This is the first I've sobbed openly in front of him even after the 10 years we've known each other. He hugs me, rubbing my back until I finally call down and my breathing slows.

“Feel any better?” He asks, smiling a little.

I nod, looking up into his dark eyes, which strangely seem a little glassy. Was he crying too? I watch as his gaze move away from me and looks at something behind. Turning I see Xander is leaning against the outside wall of the cafe, watching us and seeming a little too interested.

“Do you know him,” Jonghyun's voice becomes harsh as he continues to stare at the blissful and dorky looking guy.

“Yeah, that's Xander from--”

“Xander HYUNG, don't forget the hyung!” He smiles and walks over, “Tch tch, already forgetting what I told at your place,” he flicks me playfully on the forehead.

Xander's expression changes from playful to serious when he realizes that Jonghyun is glaring harshly at him. The tension is practically visible as Jonghyun crosses his arms and keeps a steady glare aimed at Xander.

“Wow, I've never felt so hated by someone I haven't even met,” Xander says, sounding hurt as he also crosses his arms.

“If it wasn't for you Jae wouldn't be in this situation,” his voice is quiet but fury laces his words.

“S-sunbae, it's not--”

“How is it my fault that SHE was mistaken for a HE?” I'm not sure if I should feel offended at that.

“Because, she is a girl and she looks like one,” Jonghyn catches my attention at that, “She may not seem very feminine but you can tell she's a girl just by looking at her!”

My eyes widen, he... he thinks I look like a girl? All these years he's always made fun of me for how boyish I look...

“Yeah I know that, but when you're expecting a guy I thought she was one but was just more feminine looking... Kinda like Kevin!” Xander yells back at him.

“I DON'T LOOK LIKE KEVIN!” I interject but am ignored as a glare off has begun and the two men stare frighteningly at each other, no words between them.

Taking in a deep breath Xander speaks after what seems like an eternity, “I know this for Jaeseop but think about it, it also for us. She's supposed to be our 10th member but turns out to be a girl. It may have been unintentional but what's done is done, U-Kiss will not suffer because of this. I already promised to help her through this until we can find a way out but until that day she needs to give it her all, pretending to be a guy and a part of the group.” My heart aches listening to him. I know this is going to be hell for me but I will not bring U-Kiss down because of this.

“Sunbae, Xander--” Xander looks at me expectantly,” Er, Xander “hyung” I'm.... I'm really sorry this happened and I hate even the thought of hiding who I am and having to be a boy but, I promise, I won't bring all of U-Kiss down because of this and I will do my best. And sunbae, don't worry, it really isn't his fault, it's mine so don't be angry...” I look down, not wanting to make eye contact with either of them.

“Jae...” Jonghyun's voice cracks and he hugs me again. Our second hug ever.

“Well, I hate to break it to ya but becoming a part of the team means that practice starts in like 30 minutes soooo, we should go,” Xander smiles again, seeming to forget his previous anger as he points in the direction we came from, “After that we can pack your stuff and help you move in,” his eyes almost completely shut from the squinty grin.

“You're going to live with them?!” Jonghyun yells, pulling away from me.

Laughing a little I nod, “Apparently so...”

I can tell by the way Jonhyun clenches his teeth he's trying extremely hard not to explode in anger.

“This just gets better,” he mumbles, “Well you had better get off to “practice”, I don't want to keep you.” He looks at me with a strange emotion that I can't name before turning and walking off leaving me.

“Well, that was awkward. C'mon, we need to get to practice,” Xander also start to walk off and I slowly trail behind him, keeping my hand on top of Yuki's head while walking.

We reach my place and I go inside quickly, bringing Yuki back home and then leave to wherever it is we're going to practice.

“Um I just realized that I don't know any U-Kiss dances...” I look over to Xander who nods as if he was thinking the same thing.

“I know, that's why we're going to practice right now, Kiseop and I are going to teach you starting from today on until you get them down,” He grins without turning to me.

We continue on until reaching a large building with NH Media printed on the front. Xander walks in so I follow him and we walk past a security guard to whom Xander waves at happily then goes up to the elevator and we get on. Reaching the designated floor he strides down the hallway and I have to keep from gasping as I see multiple people who are in other groups that I love. He opens a door on our right to reveal a sizable room with mirrors on all the walls and a couch with a table in one corner. I see Kiseop is lounging but jumps up when he sees us, “Hey!”

He comes over by us and punches the air, “You ready for the workout of your life?!” He yells sounding way to happy about this.

“Um, yes?”

“LET'S DO THIS!” Xander bounces over to the computer by the couch and starts scrolling through stuff while squatting in front f it.

I feel hands run through my hair and I jump, yelling out in surprise.

“Haha! I was just going to put your hair into a pony tail so it would get in your face,” he says innocently.

I eye him suspiciously, wondering how my short hair would fit into a pony tail, “Sorry, you just scared me, go ahead I guess.”

“Yay!” He grabs the hair on top of my head and I watch in the mirror as he puts it in a small ponytail, having it stand vertically and looking totally stupid.

“IT'S SO CUTE!” Kiseop squeals.

“It looks ridiculous,” I start to take it out.

“HEY!” He stops me, “Your hyung did that for you, keep it in!”

“Fine,” I pout.

“Okaaaaaaay,” Xander stands, “We'll start with Neverland for now and see how that goes.” The familiar beat of the song start to play and Xander and Kiseop dance the whole song through with out flaw, leaving my mouth hanging open.

“Dang, that is still our hardest dance,” Breathless, Kiseop squats next to me, “Ready to try it?”

I nod hesitantly, since my dream was to become an idol I practiced dancing everyday and am pretty good at it, but this dance looks really difficult.

“Alright, so we'll practice bit by bit that way you don't get overwhelmed,” Hopping back up Kiseop goes to stand in his place and I go next to him starting to actually feel excited about learning these dances.

“Okay, so the moves differ from each person but our choreographer showed Xander hyung and I your moves so we can teach you. So you'll be starting out next to Dongho on his left then continue...”

I practice the dance for hours, carefully listening to Xander and Kiseop's instructions and surprise myself at how well I'm doing after just 6 hours of practice. After the song ends I fall to the ground, completely exhausted, my legs feel like jelly and it doesn’t seem like I'll ever catch my breath.

“That's pretty good, you're catching on quick,” Kiseop smiles over me, his forehead is also sweaty since he's been dancing with me.

“I feel like I got just out of a shower I'm so sweaty,” I gasp, rolling on my side so that the cold floor is against my stomach.

Kiseop agrees, “Yeah, it's really getting hot in here,” he takes off his shirt and I avert my gaze immediately, feeling my self blush. Thankfully my face is already super red from excursion and it doesn't show though.

“Ugh, so much better,” he falls to the floor, letting the floor cool his bear skin.

Not able to help myself I run my eyes over his perfectly shaped torso, the muscles defined from dancing as sweat glistens off his skin.

Oh god, what am I thinking. I turn away and stare at the ceiling when the door opens to a blissful Xander carrying two bags of food he got at the store.

“FOOD!!!!!” Kiseop is up instantly, hovering over his hyung and trying to see what he bought.

“Kiseop what the heck, put your shirt on and wait for food like a civilized person!” xander yells, but he's smiling so I know he's not actually upset.

Kiseop whines about putting on the nasty, sweaty shirt but Xander threatens to not give him food so eventually he does and comes to sit by Alexander and I as we unpack the tons of strange snack foods he found along with some water bottles. I down two of those before grabbing a bag of rice cakes, “Thank you Xander hyung,” I bow my head graciously.

It still weird calling him hyung but I'm getting used to it... not sure if that's a good thing or not.

“No problem,” his words slur through his mouthful of food.

After our short break Xander says we should practice some more against both Kiseop and I protesting. The song starts again and I find my place, starting to go throw the dance, each move becoming more natural. By the time we stop it's past 11 and the three of us are so tired it's difficult to keep our eyes open.

“Okay, let's call it a day,” stretching through a yawn Xander stands, pulling Kiseop up with him.

I grab one of the clean towels from the shelf and wipe the back of my neck, dripping from head to toe with sweat.

“Good job dude,” Kiseop hits me, a little painfully, on the back, “That was great for your first time.”

“Nn, thanks,” I'm so tired I can barely think.

“Let's get going, we still have to pack your stuff,” Xander opens the door, heading out and I follow with Kiseop.

Exiting the building I realize it's completely dark out, the moon is hidden behind clouds that are threatening to let water pour down on us. The street lamps cast an eerie glow on the misty streets as we walk and the air is slightly chilly, feeling nice after the long day. None of us speak as we're all equally tired but when we reach my house Xander stops, “Um, is your room “okay”?” he asks in a strange tone and I realize what he's implying.

“Oh, uh, no.”

“What's wrong with it?” Kiseop asks tiredly, not really seeming interested.

“It's a disaster.”

“So what, I don't care.”

Er.... dang it... “The powers out.” I say without thinking how stupid it sounds.

“Oh, really? I have my phone, we can search around with the light from that,” he rubs his eyes, actually seeming extremely wiped out.

“Er... Yuki attacks anyone who comes in except me.” I finally say.

Sighing heavily, he slides down to a squat, looking like a sleeping bird, “I'll just wait here and sleep a little...” He actually dozes off in that position.

“What the heck... Um, I'll go get Yuki and some stuff, I guess I can tell the land lady who owns the place tomorrow.” With Xander's approval I leave and race up the steps, entering my small room.

Yuki jumps on me happily, glad to see me.

“Hey bud,” I scratch his ears before going to pack enough for an overnight stay.

A small shiver runs down my back though, as I think about it. I slept with two guys last night...

“Ew...” Trying to shake the thought I grab supplies for Yuki and my stuff,. Stuffing it onto a back pack. “I wonder if I should use a wrap or something instead,” I look at my under clothes and decide they could be found too easily especially with those nosy guys. Going into the bathroom I find a medical wrap that will do for now and take off my clothes, wrapping it tightly around my chest before putting the shirt back on. “Weird,” it definitely take away any spark of a feminine figure and flattens me out, “I look even more like a guy, great.”

I grab my bag of crap and then call Yuki to follow me.

I come outside to see Xander poking a sleeping Kiseop in the forehead repeatedly.

“That's mean.” I say.

“Wha? Oh, ready?” I nod.

He stands and literally kicks over Kiseop, who falls and wakes up, startled from hitting the ground.

“I'm up!” He says wide eyed.

“Let's go,” Xander starts to walk.

Arriving back at the dorm we walk inside and see Kevin asleep with Hoon on the couch.

“Aw, how cute,” Xander blinks his eyes trying to act cute before running up and jumping on them.

“WHAT!?!' They both yell out, blinking awake.

“Why'd you fall asleep on the couch?” Alexanders voice is curious.

“Oh, we were watching tv and dozed off I guess,” Kevin yawns, his eyes closing tightly.

“Hey Jae!” Hoon says in a happy yet sleepy voice.

“Hi,” I bow a little, being polite.

“YOU BROUGHT THE DOG!” A yell from the hallway makes me look and I see Dongho standing in his pj's staring joyfully at Yuki, who is dying to be let off his leash and explore the new place.

The moment he hears Dongho's voice he barks, also looking happy, and bolts, yanking the leash out of my hand and me to the floor as he runs over to his new favorite person.

“He's so cute!!” Dongho squeals.

They play with each other as I stand up, drowsiness sweeping over me again.

“Oh, Jae, Soohyun decided that you and I would share a room since we're the same age,” he smiles as he continues to pet Yuki.

Sharing a room with a guy. Yay.... At least I' not some freak fangirl, this would be very awkward, well, EVEN MORE awkward than it already is.

“C'mon, I already made up the bed!” Dongho walks back down the hall and I hurry after him, Yuki right as his heels.

I walk into the room he had disappeared in and see the ONE giant bed has been made up and there's a desk with a laptop next to a big window along with some bookshelves filled with pictures, gifts (from the fans I'm assuming), and other randomness.

“You can unpack in the morning, let's just go to bed tonight,” he collapses onto the plush looking blankets and before I can stop him, Yuki jumps up and lays next to him.

“Yuki!” I yell and he looks up at me, a guilty look on him since he knows he's not allowed on furniture, “Get down!” He starts to get up but Dongho grabs him and drags the the dog who's almost as big as him under the covers with him, “Can't he stay up here?” His cute voice makes me want to say yes.

“It's a bad habit to get him used to Dongho,” I say.

“But he's so fluffy and nice!!”

Sighing I give in, “Fine,” and with that I also fall onto the bed and realize that Yuki creates the perfect barrier between Dongho and I.

I open my eyes when I hear someone approach at the door, “You guys ready for bed,” Xander pops his head in.

I can tell that he knows that Dongho and I sharing a bed is wrong because he seems really uncomfortable.

“Hyung, can you turn off the light please?” Dongho asks kindly, his eyes wide as he silently begs Xander.

“Sure,” taking one last look at me before switching off the light, Alexander turns off the light and shuts the door, the room going dark. Unexpectedly I find that sleep comes easily, probably from all the exercise, and drift off peacefully.

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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah