Wake up~

Mistakes Taken too Far

*author note* Whooooa! I'm so, so sorry it took THIS long to update T^T BUT GUESS WHAT, MY SHEDULE IS LIKE NORMAL AGAIN AND I HAVE A LIFE :D So now I can write more often hopefully ^^ Also, I do admit, this is more of a filler chpater if you will, so nothing much happens till like the end....lol Miyanhaeyo!!! trust me though, the next chapters will be fuuuuun~ lol :d thanks for reading as always, love you guys so much! *end of author note*


Jaeseop's POV

After I pull my shirt on I leave Soohyun and walk out in the living only to take a step back when I'm greeted by harsh glares from AJ, Eli, Kibum, and Kiseop. Uhh...what the heck...?

Is there a problem?” I ask hesitantly.

Yes. There is.” AJ offers no further explanation so I sigh.


What were you doing unclothed with your boyfriend in bed just now?” I practically choke at Kibum's question

What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” I feel my face turning red.

Kiseop makes a pissed off sounding noise, “Like you don't know. I thought we told you guys no intimate...er... NO INTIMATE ANYTHING.”

Facepalming myself I shake my head, “First of all, you guys are misunderstanding the WHOLE FREAKING situation, SECONDLY, I can freaking do what I want, no offense of course.” I say, feeling miffed that they think we wouldn't listen to their reason.

Fine, what could I have possibly misunderstood in there?” Eli asks, crossing his arm.

The fact that I was trying to prove a point to Soohyun on how we need to stop sharing a bed because of the freaking incessant temptation to... well, yeah.” I end.

It's true,” I feel arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder, “She's right. I can't take this anymore, we need to do something about our sleeping arrangements.”

None of their gazes lightened and I rolled my eyes, deciding to change the subject.

"When is the manager coming?"

"Should be here any minute," Xander smiles, walking out of the bathroom, his hair dripping little bits of water on his shirt.

As if on cue, the front door opens and our funny looking manager enters our dorm, his curly hair blocking his eyes.

"Manager hyung!" Kiseop grins, his mood a polar opposite from before as he runs an hug the older.

"Ah hello Kiseop, boys," he nods to us and I wave.

"What is it you needed to tell us?" Soohyun, who's still cuddling on my shoulder, asks.

Pushing up his bulky glasses he smiles, "I can't give away details but, be prepared for next week," he smiles, making me flinch.

What the heck?!

"Aish, Lee hyung, just tell us!" Xander says, attempting aegyo.

"Ah ah ah, no details! Anyways, one other thing, I'm thinking about you two," he gives Soohyun and I the double finger point, "releasing a single, possibly a ballad type song, give it some thought!" And with that he leaves after waving goodbye.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"Yeah that was weird," Kiseop shakes his head.

"Don't think you two are of the hook, if we have a baby U-Kiss member on the way I'll kill both of you!" Kibum's stern tone makes me realize how serious they're taking this misunderstanding.

"I FREAKING TOLD YOU; M I S U N D E R S T A N D I N G!" I shoot back at him.

Aish, they still don believe me!! IS THIS ALL THEY TRUST IN ME??? AISH! Unwrapping myself from Soohyun, who whines at my actions, I grab my shoes and head out for a walk.


DongHo's POV

What happened between them this time? Watching Jae storm out the door angrily I turn to Soohyun, his own expression angry.

"Why don't you believe us?! Maybe you haven't known Jae as long but come guys, What about me? What you saw was not everything, you knows freaking MISSED the whole point of what she did!" His shouts startle the other guys.

"What the hell happened?" Xander looks at everyone, confused as I am.

"Nothing! That's point; NOTHING HAPPENED." Almost growling Soohyun marches off to his room, slamming the door.

"Ooookaaaaay..." Xander goes back to the bathroom to finish his hair.

"Where's Kevin hyung?" I ask in attempt to break the silence.

"He went to go meet Thunder hyung or something." Kiseop stands and stretches.

I'm bored. Jae is gone...Kevin is gone...my other hyungs are lazy... Pulling out my phone I text Mir:

Hyung! I'm bored!!! -_-”

DongHooooo~ ^_^

His text makes me smile and I slowly walk over to the door by my shoes,

Hyung what are you doing?

Nuthin. Sigh I'm so bored!!!

Me too! Lets do something :3

Okay! Meet you outside my dorm!

And with that I'm out the door.


Jaeseop's POV

The dial goes on for less than a second before a cheery voice answers me,

Hi Jae!!!”

Annyong hyung!” His happy voice brings a smile to me despite my current mood.

What's up? You bored? Wanna do something?” God he always seems jacked up on something.

Are you in the middle of something? I don't want to interrupt you...”

No! I'll wait for you outside our dorm!” After I agree he hangs up and I walk in the direction of the Ftisland's dorm.

Sure enough as I approach the building a pacing figure kicking at the ground is standing outside waiting.

"Hyung!" I call out, already feeling happier than before.

"Ah, Jaeseopie~" he smiles and hugs me, "C'mon!!" Grabbing my wrist he pulls me into his dorm, leading the way to his room.

"Are the other guys home too?"

Thinking for a moment he nods, "Yeah, SungHyun is!"

Smiling we enter the room and are met with a laid out sleeping man, his hair falling in his face as his head nods.

"Yah! SungHyun! What the heck?!" HongKi kicks him making him fall off the couch with a yelp.

"Ah hyung!!!" He yells, not even noticing me laughing at him.

"SungHyun hyung, how do you fall asleep so easily?" I poke him, remembering how he feel asleep so often last time I saw him.

"Wah!!! Jaeseop I didn't even see you! Sheesh," he rubs his head, also smiling now.

So what should we do? SungHyun just bought a new game system... we could play that!” HongKi points to a playstation of some sort.

Yah hyung! That's mine!”

You can play too then!” Turning it on the oldest hands SungHyun and I controllers and inserts a game of his choice.

You guys ready to get your butts kicked?!” An evil grin crosses his face and I stare in horror at the beast that has now been unleashed.


SooHyuns's POV


AISH!” Rolling over on my side I glare out the window from my bed.

I wonder what our manager has planned for us... Oh well. Guess we'll find out next week. Uhhhhhhh I'm so bored... Why did the other guys chase away Jae?! They don't ever believe us anymore.

Hyung!” I yell out when a voice breaks my thought along with a loud knock.

Aish, Hoon what do you want, you practically gave me a heart attack.” I scoot over and he sits on the bed next to me.

Hyuuuuuuuuuung!” He pokes my arm, “Why are you so tense and angry?”

I stare at him, tense and angry? What the heck.

Aish, see! Look at your expression, you look like someone just stole your girlfriend! What's wrong??? Is it the bed thing? Cuz,” he smiles happily, “I can fix that!”


Yeah, get up!!” He pushes me off the bed.

yah!” I yell only to see him start to move the bed over to the opposite wall, unveiling a carpet of dust under the bed in the process.

Ew...” I say, pointing to the all the crap under the bed.

Will you help me already? Jeez,” Hoon motions to the other side of the bed and I start to push with him, sliding against the opposite wall after he had moved the TV out of the way.

Once he finishes his task he takes a breath, "Cool. Now we need to make a another bed on the floor," crossing his arms he looks deep in thought.

"For now we could just, like pile blankets on the ground. That'd work." I pull all the unneeded stuff on the bed and create a relatively comfortable bed.

"Yup. That'll work. Who's gonna sleep there?" Hoon looks at me.

"I don't care so whatever Jae wants," shrugging I lay back onto the bed, turning the TV.

"Haaaaa~," flopping on the bed Hoon lays back, enjoying whatever's on TV much more than me.

After a little while I feel myself doze off...

Nnn, Sooyunnnnnn~~~” A rough shaking on my shoulder wakes me up, making me wonder where the sound is coming from, “Yah~ SooHyunnnn~~” I turn over and see Jae smiling moronically, the TV screen the only thing lighting her face.


Clasping her hands she spins around, almost falling over, “You're awake!!”

What the hell.

Are...Are you drunk AGAIN!?” I take her crazy giggling as a yes, “Aish, Jae you know you can't drink so why do you keep doing it???” A snore distracts me from the drunkard and I look over and see Hoon. Asleep.

Facepalming myself I shake my head and stand up, “Jae, go to sleep okay? It's late,” I guide her to the make shift bed on the ground and slowly push her unwilling body.

Giving up, she snuggles into the blankets and is asleep in .01 seconds. I start for my bed again when I see Hoon has completely sprawled out and taking up every inch of available space.

Hoon!” I yell but he doesn't react.

Aiiiish. Looking between the two beds I give a sigh, this was supposed to be so we wouldn't share a bed any more... grumbling to myself I slide in next to Jae and crinkle my nose. She reeks of alcohol. Thankfully it doesn't take long and I fall into dreamland again.

_______________The Next Day________________________________________________


Annyong haseyo boys, wake up~!” I scrunch up my face at the loud voice echoing near my head.

What in the world...? I groggily open my eyes only to see a camera aimed straight at my face.


*another author note* Also...I'm using a new font lol YOu guys like it? XD if it's harder to read let me know and I'll change it back^^ ALSO, COMMENTS MEAN SO MUCH TO ME, THEY KEEP ME INSPRISED SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK^^ Saranghae~ *end of note*

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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah