
Mistakes Taken too Far

“Oh thank you so much!” The little old lady says in a high voice, “If you hadn't come along I don't know what I would have done,” she bows.

“Oh no, ajumma!!” I say hurriedly, “I just thought I'd help!” I smile happily, glad I could help her instead of her standing on a rickety ladder.

“Oh, such a polite young man,” she grins, her eyes squinting.

I immediately freeze when I here that.

“Um, hehe, ajumma I'm a gir--”

“Can I offer you a drink?” She asks, ignoring me.

“Ah, no thanks, have a nice day,” I bow before leaving.

WHY DO I ALWAYS GET MISTAKEN FOR A GUY? I kick some pebbles on the sidewalk out of frustration. I mean, I don't have a super feminine figure but I don't have a male one either!

“Aiiissshhh...” Mumbling all the way home I walk inside.

Greeted by my dog, Yuki, he tackles me, making me fall over laughing, “Hey buddy!” I pet him for a while before plopping onto my bed, grabbing my laptop and opening up Firefox and going on to the news site I always use. After loading I look at all the recent stuff but nothing catches my eye until I see one article titled “AUDITIONS BEING HELD BY NH MEDIA”

“What the heck?!” I scream, startling Yuki.

My heart starts to beat a little faster, this could be my chance! I instantly click on the application and fill it out then email it.

“Oh it would be so cool if I qualify for an audition!” I sigh wistfully.

My watch beeps and I look at the time, gasping, “OH NO! I'm going to be late!!!!!”

I quickly change into my work uniform before dashing out the door. Arriving exactly at 8 I quickly put in my punch card and get straight to work.

“Hi Jae!” My sunbae Jonghyun comes over to me, “Ready to serve with a smile?” He jokes and I laugh.

“Do you know who's playing tonight?” I ask him.

“Um some rookie group I think, they haven't shown up yet so I'm getting a little worried... hopefully it'll turn out okay though,” He smiles and leaves to go clean off tables before the club opens.

I set up chairs so that they face the small stage and make sure everything is orderly.

“Everything is good over here, how bout with you?” I yell over to Jonghyun.

“Lookin' good, we've got about ten minutes till opening, go tell the waitresses and make sure they're not fooling around... again.” He says, rolling his eyes.

I walk towards the staff room and open the door, all the waitresses are thankfully getting ready this time instead of gossiping about celebrities.

“You guys should get out here and get to your work stations,” I smile and they just shrug before continuing to ready themselves.

Ace of Spades is one of the busiest night clubs in all of Kangnam and every night we have to prepare for the crowds that pile into the small bar. Each night a new band plays, some dance groups others playing instruments or just singing. Either way, I love working here, I get to meet so many kinds of people.

“Doors open in 2!” I hear my boss' voice calling from the behind the counter.

The older man is really nice and treats all his employees kindly. Two minutes later the beginning rush starts and I lose myself seating people and getting them drinks. My mind wanders to the stage though, usually whoever's playing is setting up right about now. I decide to find Jonghyun,

“Sunbae!” I tap him on the shoulder and he turns to me, “Has the band arrived yet?”

His expression changes as he looks at the empty performance area and the anxious crowds, “Oh no....”

He runs past me and I see him go behind stage and then come back, panic in his eyes as he quickly strides towards me, “We have a problem.”

Yeah, I could tell, “The band isn't here?”

“Yeah, all these people have paid to get in a watch but they aren't even here yet... Dammit! What the heck are we 'spose to do?” He looks to me, though he knows I don't have an answer.

“Why are you so freaked out, if worse comes to worst then we can just use Jae,” the boss' voice sounds from behind.

“WHAT!?” Both of us exclaim.

“Isn't it your dream to sing? Who knows, maybe someone famous will be in the crowd tonight,” He winks and smiles before turning back to the customers who are still piling in by the dozens.

“What the hell is he saying?” I start to bite my nails nervously.

What if I really do have to sing... Oh god, all I have is my uniform or a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

“If they don't show in 10 you're singing,” my most caring sunbae pats my head before leaving me.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM!? Aiiiish. Ten minutes go by way too fast and Jonghyun pushes me into the changing room, “Hurry up! People are getting impatient out there,” He gives a funny smile and a thumbs up before closing the curtain. I quickly strip off my work clothes and back into my everyday ones. Wonderful. I look like some tramp they found on the street. Even my short brown hair seems to be gross looking even though I showered this morning. A hand reaches in and pulls me out, “YAH! What the hell sunbae?!” I yell at Jonghyun who's laughing.

“You need to get out there now!” He says through fits of giggling.

“What if I hadn't been done changing?!” I yell, still angry.

“Please,” he gestures up and down at me, “There's nothing to see anyways,” He runs as I raise my fist at him, feeling my face turn red. He's right though, there really isn't. I sigh, and wait for the curtain to open. Oh crap. What am I supposed to sing?! Oh, I guess I'll si---

The lights turn on in my face as the curtain withdraws and I see over a hundred people watching me with wide eyes, waiting for there show.

“Hello,” I bow politely, “Tonight I will be singing As Long as You Love Me by U-Kiss.” I wait for the intro to end after the DJ turns on the tune and begin to sing, letting my voice go as the lyrics flow out of my head and into the silent air. I finish without missing a beat, hitting each note perfectly and bow before a loud and lasting round of applause follows my performance. I feel happiness inside me as I smile and bow once more before leaving the stage and going back to the dressing room, sure my face is beaming with the joy I feel. Arms suddenly wrap around me, pulling me back, “Jae~!!! That was incredible! I didn't know you sang so well,” my boss says happily.

“Haha, thanks boss!”

“Indeed, that was impressive,” Jonghyun smiles at me.

I feel myself blush, surprising myself, and nod before slipping into the changing area.

“Why am I blushing?” I mumble before going back to my work uniform.

Walking outside I continue to serve the customers and overhear lots of compliments to the BOY who sang.

WHAT. THE. HECK. I am not a guy!!

Sadness fills me, do I really sound and look that manly? I find it hard to stay cheery the rest of my shift but when the clock strikes 12 I say goodbye to Jonhyun and my boss before exiting the bar. I step out into the cold winter air, breathing it in.

“Well that ,” I say to myself.

“Oh I beg to differ,” an unfamiliar voice startles me.

“Uh, what?”

“Your performance. It was spectacular. Incredible. A M A Z I N G.” The man spells out the word in English but has an accent, making me smile, “I'd like to offer you an opportunity.”

Boom. My attention has been grabbed, “What kind of... opportunity?” I ask hesitantly.

“Kid, you got what it takes to become a star, and I wanna make that happen,” pretty sure my heart just stopped, “I'm with NH Media and we were going to hold auditions for our new recruit but I think I just found you.” He smiles.

“WHAT!?!?!” I scream, “Are you serious right now? I'm not dreaming am I?? Oh my god this is AWESOME!!” I smile giddily, I CAN'T believe this!!

The man laughs, “Come by NH Media tomorrow, tell the lady at the front desk that Mr. Lee sent you,” he winks before walking off, leaving me ecstatic.


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Chapter 17: I ship Dongho & Jae so hard .. BUT MY DONGHO, NOOOO . ;x; Does being in a car crash with a neck injury affect the eye sight ? o: Uhh, anyways .. AUTHOR-NIM, I'VE MISSED YOU.
Lol. I love this chapter... But it's so sad.
Chapter 16: Oh mang, those ______ wake up things are hilarious! xD I love them! & Go Hoooon.~ You & Your smartness. :3
Chapter 16: T^T hai... O^O HOONMAN IS ALL WISE!!! Haaaaaa~~~ yup nice chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow. Hoon fix the problem and create another. Lol.
Jae drunk is really funny! It makes me wonder what the rest of the members would be like...
Haha! Good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Holy. Cow.
Scandalous! Lol Jk. (Only sort of)
Chapter 15: Awkward. [x Oh so very awkward. Poor baby Dongho, again. xD ( sorry, Dongho is my bias ] It's still amazing as ever. I can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 14: Nsjsbekskehwdkksosn that's so weird I JUST started learning the dance to one shot yesterday ㅜㅜ
Chapter 13: Aaaaah, I love this chapter. (/.\) <3 I feel bad for Dongho, but he is still as cute as ever . C:
Chapter 13: *evil laughter* great chapter! nyahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah