Chapter 4: "Fall For Him? NEVER!"

My Fallen Angel


Love? No!


Changmin's Pov


I was just about to sit down when the door bell rang.


"I'll get it!" Kyuhyun stood up and ran over to the door.


"Who is it?" I asked him


"It's Joongie hyung, Yunho hyung, Junsu hyung and Yoochun hyung!!" They walked over to the living room where I was and sat down on the chairs.


"What's wrong?" I asked them.


"Nothing~" Yoochun hyung looked at me and then at Kyuhyun.


"Kyuhyunnie....What's with you and Siwon? Are you too good friends?" Yunho suddenly asked. I couldn't help but want to know as well...They've only met today yet they were already so close... Could it be? Why am I so worried anyway...


"Ummm....well... I wasn't going to tell you guys this but he's...." He looked down to cover his face.


"He's?" Junsu knelt down to look right at Kyuhyun's face making him going even lower. Kyuhyun whispered some thing in Junsu's ear. "WHAT?!" He fell back, Yoochun hyung held onto Junsu hyung so he wouldn't hit anything.


"Kyuhyunnie~~Tell us....~" Jaejoong hyung pouted.


"Well...He's my fiancee....." He whispered loud enough for us to hear


"WHAT?!" All of us yelled.


"Wait you mean you're engaged?" Jaejoong hyung asked, with a sad tone in his voice.


"Well, in heaven yes... it was an arranged marriage from our 2 parents..."


"So you don't like him?" I asked, everyone stared at me including Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun's Pov


"So you don't like him?" Changmin asked me, I looked at him.


"Well...not in that kind of way.... as a brotherly way...." I confessed, lowering my head.


"Is there anyone you like?" Changmin asked again. I could feel my blood rush up to my cheeks


"Umm...well....Ye-" Before I could answer I heard a slam. I looked up and Changmin was gone. Yoochun hyung looked at me a sighed..... "Where did Changmin go?" I tilted my head.


"We'll be right back ok? Just wait here with Jaejoong and Junsu" Yoochun and Yunho hyung stood up, messing up my hair before leaving the apartment.


Changmin's Pov


"Ummm....well..Ye-" I ran out before he could finish... I didn't want to hear the rest of it. Why? I don't even know myself.... Why am I so stupid. I ran to the playground where I use to go when I was little whenever I wanted to distance myself from my parents, this is also the place where I first met my first hyungs. I sat down on one of the swings, moving a bit by bit.


"Changmin-ah!" I saw Yunho and Yoochun hyung run over to me, taking the other 2 swings next to me.


"Changmin-ah...Are you ok?" Yoochun hyung asked me.


"Yes...Why would I be?"


"Well, you've been acting strange lately...Do you by any chance have feelings for Kyuhyun?" Yunho hyung looked at me


"NO! Who would ever have feelings for him!" I shouted


"Changmin-ah...We know you have never fallen in love before....but are you sure you don't like Kyuhyun? How does it feel when you are near him?" Yoochun hyung asked


"When I'm near him? I feel....." I didn't know how to answer that question...I've never really noticed how I felt when I'm near Kyuhyun


"How about this, how does it feel when other people are near Kyuhyun?" Yunho hyung rephrased Yoochun hyung's question


"I feel kind of annoyed."


"I see, and you want to drag him somewhere so no one can go near him and it will just be you 2?"


"Yes! How did you know Yunho hyung?" They both gave a long sigh and looked at me.


"Becuase that's how I feel about Jaejoong...."


"And how I feel about Junsu..Do you get it now?"




"YOU LIKE KYUHYUN! Now let's go before he and the others get worried!" Yunho hyung stood up and grabbed my wrists making sure I won't run away. We made our way back to my apartment where Kyuhyun, Jaejoong hyung and Junsu hyung were talking about something. Kyuhyun's face was red, when they heard us come back, they looked over at us. Mine and Kyuhyun's eyes locked and quickly he looked away. Jaejoong and Junsu hyung looked at me and gave me a big smile. Why are they like this?


"Welcome home~" Jaejoong hyung greeted us.


"Kyuhyun...?" I walked over and knelt beside him "Are you sick? You look ill..." I put my hand on his forehead. WOAH! He's burning!


"Ah! I'm not ill!!" He stood up as he saw me panicking a bit.


"Our little boys are growing up~" Yunho hyung whispered to Jaejoong hyung, quietly so we couldn't hear it.


"Yup~ They sure are!" After a while they left, leaving me and Kyuhyun alone. There was an awkward silence that I can't stand...


"Sooo.....Who do you like?" I finally asked him


"Umm...Secret!" He smiled at me giggling a bit. I gave him a big pout but he ignored me "So what do you want to eat?"


"Japchae noodles!"


"Okie!" While he was cooking, my eyes locked on him, moving when he moved. My eyes where on him and so was my mind. Do I really like him? No.... Love doesn't exist..... Stop kidding yourself Shim Changmin, Why would an Angel (or so he claimes he is) want to be with me anyway....





Minnie Oppa! Stop denying~~~ But what's going to happen next? Kyuhyun is already engaged :OO What do I do? Mauaahahaha! Wait for my next update~ Hope you guys like this chappie... Honestly I didn't really like this chapter >.> Not enough Info...but I don't want to go too fast into the story! Must make my readers suffer a bit xDD -Evil smirk-


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....