Chapter 2: "You're a WHAT??!!!"

My Fallen Angel


"Hello again, as I told you my name is Cho Kyuhyun, First Class Angel at your service Mr Shim!" He gave a cute bow and salute


"You don't need to call my Mr Shim... Just Changmin will do... and WHAT???!!" He shouted.


"" The others mouths formed an "O" leaving Kyuhyun clueless at their reaction and just gave a nice big smile.



Changmin went over to the boy, examining very closely, when I mean close I mean CLOSE! Their face about 5 centimetresapart, Kyuhyun swore he could feel Changmin's breath on his face. He tried to lean back, only to have Changmin go even closer.


Changmiin's Pov


"Ummm....Too.....close....." I could hear Kyuhyun whisper, I quickly moved back after realising just how close I was.


"I'm...sorry..." I looked down, not letting anyone know how red my fasce is right now. GROWL I looked over at Kyuhyun who was blushing becuase of his stomach and I could help but smile.


"OMO! You must be hungry! I'll go cook some stuff, you want to help me Kyuhyunnie?" Umma Jae asked


"Kyuhyunnie?" He asked and bent his head in confusion after giggling at the nickname he's been given...some what....cute? "Yes please~" Jaejoong hyung stretched out his hand, Kyuhyun grabbed it and the both of them skipped happily to the kitchen.


"Let's goo~~" Jaejoong sang as he went out.


"Wait for me!! I want to help tooo~" Junsu squealed with his dolphin voice and ran out, following Jaejoong and Kyuhyun.


Sigh... I could hear Yunho and Yoochun sighing at the scenary in front of them.


"Let's go watch some TV ssince Jaejoong will kill all 3 of us if we go near that kitchen..." Yoochun suggested.


"Yeah..." We went to the living room and sat on the sofa. I chose a spot where I could watch TV but also see Kyuhyun from the corner of my eye. Was he really an Angel? No... Angels aren't real... I shook my head a few times and continued watching TV.


After half an hour Jaejoong Umma called


"IT'S DONE~~~ here you go~~" Jaejoong put down the plates of fried rice, salad and other things on the tabe.


" really made a lot...." Yunho looked at the food


"HAHAHA! But of course! Someone needs to feed our Minnie and that's not going to be you, you or him!" He pointed at me, Yunho hyung and Yoochun hyung."Let's eat! My other baby, Kyuhyunnie is hungry too." I stared at Kyuhyun who's once again giggling at the nickname.


"Kyuhyunnie...If you're an Angel...What are you doing here in Earth?" Jaejoong asked, all of us looked up at Kyuhyun who had his spoon in his mouth thinking of an answer. All of us wanted to ask him but how can we, we just met like an hour ago! I have to say this is the only time when Jaejoong Umma is useful since he always speaks his mind.


"Hm... Ah yes!" He took his spoon away from his mouth "I'm here to teach Changmin something."


"Teach me? Teach me what?" I looked at him. I pretty smart so I always almost get top grades, there's nothing I don't teach? It should be me teaching him rather...


"I'm here to teach you about something you want but you don't have. However many people already have it...." He trailed of stuffing more rice into his mouth.


"What?!" I shouted with annoyance.


"L.O.V.E" He winked and giggled.


"Love?" I scoffed "Good luck with can you teach me love when I don't even believe in it in the first place."


"Then I shall make you believe in it first." He smiled. "You might not know this but you're already starting to believe it... I might not know who or what it is that's making you react this way...but I will find out!" He gave himself a little Hwaiting which Jaejoong Umma and Junsu hyung joined in to. Sigh..... Love huh? Don't make me laugh...


"Ok...If you do make me believe in love THEN I'll believe you are an Angel!"


"WHAT?! You don't believe that I'm an Angel...? That's mean..." He looked down playing a bit with his food before putting it in his mouth. "FINE! Challenge accepted!"




"NONONONO! I can't leave my baby Kyuhyunnie with him!!" Jaejoong whined "Come home with me~"


Yunho sighed "Jaejoong... your parents will kill you if they find out that you're harboring another person in your house."


"But...but" Jaejoong umma gave one of his famous pouts


"No means no!" Yunho gave Jaejoong a face palm and dragged his outside.


"FINE! Bye bye Kyuhyunnie!" He ran back and kissed Kyuhyun on the cheeks. WHAT? I looked at Kyuhyun who was a bit stunned before he rubbed the place where Jaejoong umma kiss, giving a weak wave.




"But he's too cute!" He squealed. I was too busy shouting at Jaejoong Umma that I didn't notice Junsu and Yoochun closing in on Kyuhyun. When I turned my head it was already too late, they both kissed his cheeks, one on each side at the same time.


"YAH!" I chased them


"Changmin ah.... stop running around" the only sensible Yunho hyung stepped in. He went over to Kyuhyun and ruffled his hair a bit "We'll visit tomorrow ok?" and kissed him on the cheek as well... WHAT!? "Run guys. run!!!" Yunho hyung shouted. Yes... they better run. I slammed the door close making Kyuhyun flinch a bit.


"Are you ok...?" He looked at he bending his head whenever he's confused about something


"I'm fine.... here" I threw some clothes at him "You can take a shower first."


"Okie!" He gave a salute and ran of the the bathroom. What's with him a salutes...? After about 10 minutes the door bell ran. I swear if it's one of the hyungs...they won't live today...I opened the door.


"Package for you Mr Shim" the mail man put down the huge box he was holding.


"Thank you" I signed the form and took in the big box.


"Who was it?" Kyuhyun can out of the bathroom with a towel on his head.


"Ummm...the mail man."


"At this time?"


"Let's open the package.." I took out the sissors and cut the tape. The box was full of stuff such a clothes, books, household items, school stationary and a pair of school clothes. We took everything out, at the bottom was a blue envelope addressing to Kyuhyun "I think this must be yours..." He pointed at himself, asking if it was his and bent his head. He took the letter and read it with me reading it next to him


Dear First Class Angel Cho Kyuhyun,


As you are currently in Earth, I want you to learn about life there. You will be going to the same school at your client and living with him at the same time. Don't forget about your mission and the rules to it.


From The Boarding Directors of Angelus Corp.


"What?" I shouted


"Ahh... I guess I'll be going to the same school as you!" He smiled "It's getting late... your should take a shower and sleep soon since we have school tomorrow." he went indie my room. I took a shower and dried my hair, brushing my teeth to get read ou bed. I went inside to see the lamp on and Kyuhyun reading the letter again.


"Are you ok?"


"Oh, your done? Yup..I'm fine!" He gave a smile...weird it seemed a bit sad.


"Good night.." I hopped on to my bed, as Kyuhyun was sleeping on the floor.


"Good Night," I couldn't sleep, I could see that Kyuhyun shuffling around on the floor.


"Do you want to sleep on the bed?"


"Nope..I'm fine" He whispered. Ahhh! It's already 1am. I got off my bed and carried Kyuhyun brial style, before putting him on my bed. I jumped in the opposing side and pulled the blanket on top of both of us. "What...?" He asked, I turned my body around of I couldn't see his face.


"You kept on moving so I couldn't sleep...." I came up with a lame excuse, Excuse? I don't even know what the real reason is.... but soon enough he and I fell asleep.




:OOO Kyuhyun's going to school???!!! How will the people react? How will Jaejoong, Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun react? Find out in the next chappie xDD Hmmm I wonder why Kyuhyun kept reading the letter over and over again~~~ :OOO All will be revealed soon :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hope you liked this chapter! Kyuhyunnie is just too cute.


Comments and Subscribes will be teasured and loved <3


PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY CHANGMINNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did it feel for Kyuhyun to be 25 when you were still 24? xDDD Well now both of you are 25 ahhh how time files~~~


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....