Chapter 15 Final: Heaven's Punishment

My Fallen Angel



Kyuhyun's Pov




I was walking home with the hyungs including Hangeng and Heechul hyung when it was time. Even though it was my first time being spoken to by God in this way, I was prepared because they trained us when the time came. Everything went white, a kind of white that almost blinded you, a deep voice could be heard.


"First Class Angel, Cho Kyuhyun!"


"Yes, your excellency."


"You know what you have done."


"Yes...I'm sorry...."


"You will need to come back to heaven. 2 weeks from now, you will need to come back because the system is still not fixed. Once you come back....You will no longer be able to go back to earth...You won't be a first class Angel anymore..I hope you know that."




"Good bye Cho Kyuhyun." The light faded and soon it became nothing but pure darkness.....Changmin...I'm so sorry.....


End Of Flashback~




After I got sent back to heaven I was on house arrest. I had to stay in my house until God was able to talk to me, since he was busy with some other stuff. All that was on my mind was Changmin...He must be really lonely right now.....No powers were locked for this time, but concentrating very hard I could focus some power...I used it to create a portal to see how Changmin was....I could touch him or talk to him..But just to be able to see his face was good enough for me.


There he was.....drunk?....That can't be him....He was lying on the streets of an unknown place, picking fights with people and getting beaten up... Changmin!! I watched as he was dragged into an alleyway where he was mugged and beaten up badly. No.....I touched the portal, outlining his features like he was right in front of me. I can't...I couldn't stand it anymore.... Thinking quickly I bashed open my door to my room with a chair and ran into my parent's room...Since they weren't home yet I could easily break in. Walking through the room I searched of one thing....located near their bed was a small box with a lock. I knew where they had hidden the key..It wasn't all that hard to find anyway.



Inside it was a neacklace....A really important necklace... This necklace could increase your powers, if a angel who's powers were locket, if they wore this, their power will be returned..but only if worn...If a human wore it, they will get some kinds of power...I.e: they will get the power of fire depending on their personality. However, not really strong...only enough for their bodies to hold it.


Wearing the necklace, I locket the box and put it on it's original place..Like nothing was touched. Sneakily I exited my house and made my way to the one place that could get me back to Earth...Where the system was located... It look me an hour to get there. I'm sure by now they would have found out I was missing..I would have to work quickly. With my powers as a first class angel (And since I've worked in the system before) I new all the combinations to the doors, it took me no time till I arrived at the core of the system. I went to the main control system and started typing everything that was needed.






They must have changed the password since I left....before I knew it, different class Angels burst into the room, each and everyone of them in fighting position.


"Cho Kyuhyun! Stop this instant! You are messing with the works of God himself!" I could tell who that voice belonged to...My mentor....Park Jungsoo...AKA Leeteuk.


"Please....Let me go!"


"I can't do that Kyuhyun! Stop what you are dong, follow the rules and before you know it you'll be back in First class."


"You know I can't do that."


"Kyuhyun...If you don't listen I would have to do it that hard way... I care too much for you to hurt you....Kyuhyun..." Leeteuk's voice was now almost pleading.


"Fine! If that's want you need to do then go on! Since it's your job!"


"My name is Cho Kyuhyun.
Heed the Contract and Serve Me,
O Tyrant of Flame!
Come, flame of purification, fiery broadsword.
Fire and brimstone surge forth, burning (down)
Sodom, turning the sinners into the dust of death! Blazing Heat in the Sky!"

I recited causing the whole room to be filled with a high level of fire, I ran out of the room to make my exit of the system. Not looking properly I found myself lost. The..I was dragged into a room by someone, that person covered my mouth, I couldn't see their face the forcefully kept my head facing forward.


"Shhh...It's ok..." He let go.


"SIWON! What are you doing here! Let me go!"


"Wait!" He grabbed onto my wrist, hard "Why are you doing this...You're married to me...Don't leave me...."


"Siwon.....I'm sorry.... I don't love you...I love Changmin..."


"NO!" He pulled me into a tight hug. " No you don't..You love me...Stop kidding yourself Kyuhyun..."


Siwon..." Tears where now streaming down my face "Please...Stop...Leave me alone...." He pushed me to the closest wall, kissing my roughly on the lips. "Sto-mm!!!!!!!"


"You're not going to leave me..." He said, kissing me once again.


"SIWON STOP! STOP! PLEASE!" I felt him slowly trying to my shirt " me...." I felt his grip around my wrists loosen. Quickly I ran out of the room, continuing to making my escape.


"I guess the wedding's off now..." Siwon said as I left.


"I'm sorry..." As i tried to escape I found myself lost in yet another room.




"Who's there?" I asked no one


"You really don't recognise my voice after we spoke no too long ago?"


"Your excellency" 


"Cho Kyuhyun, what are you trying to achieve hacking into the system?"


"I want to go home."


"But this IS your home"


"Yes...But not MY home! I have to go...Go back to him...Please!" I cried out.


"I forbid it....Loving a client who is also a HUMAN is not acceptable."


"So are to trying to say that loving him is a sin?"




"Then I would rather sin that to stop loving him."




"Please....Let me go...."


"If you really want to go...I will let you...However you will no longer be an Angel...No powers...and no memories of what happened. Are you really going to risk it all to be back in Earth? There's a chance you won't be able to remember him...."


"I'm willing to risk everything...Including my life."


"Fine. I hereby announce Cho Kyuhyun to no longer be an Angel but a human living in Earth as a mere mortal." Before I knew it I was in a random place...No memories what so ever.



Back to reality.


"So how come you saw me?" Changmin looked at me, our eyes locked as the sun went down.


"It must be fate~" I giggled.


"Yes...It must be....How come you remembered everything? I thought that you forgot everything..."


"I guess the sun must have triggered a memory...Since it WAS our first date together." He giggled along with me as we leaned in for a kiss.


"I love you."


"I love you too Minnie~" We stared at the sun once again, it was getting cold when Changmin took his coat off and put it on me. "Thank you~"






"Does it mean you sacrificed all that...Just for me?"


"Yes and no..."


"What do you mean." 


"The necklace...I still have it." I showed the necklace to him which was on my neck. "Without this.. I don't think I would have been able to remember you...." I giggled to myself.


"What do you mean?" He looked at me in confusion.


"Nothing~ Let's go back and see Jaejoong hyung, Yunho hyung, Yoochun hyung and Junsu hyung.


"Ok." I took us a long time to get back to Changmin's apartment.We rung the bell together and waited for the door to be opened.


"Who is it?"  heard Joongie hyung yell before opening the door. Once he opened it, it looked at us and screamed. "YUNHO! YOOCHUN! JUNSU! CHANGMIN...CHANGMIN AND KYUHYUN ARE BACK!!!" He shouted hugging both of us tightly.


"What?" I heard from the other 3 hyungs. Soon enough all of them saw us and pulled us into a tight family hug.


"We're back~" Changmin struggled to say.


"Welcome home son" Yunho hyung put his hand on top of Changmin's hair, ruffling it a bit.


"Took you long enough!" Yoochun hyung punched him in the arm causing Changmin to give him a death glare.


"I'm so happy you're back!" Junsu and Jaejoong hyung hugged me, wiping their tears at the same time.


"Let's go and eat! I made a lot of food!" Jaejoong hyung dragged us inside.


"How come? You didn't know we were coming back..." Changmin said.


"Oh...Let's just say an angle told us..." Junsu hyung said as the 4 laughed, soon enough me and Changmin joined in and there we sat and eat our dinner.



Little did we know it, people were watching us from above.....





Final chappie! I know... I'm meant to be on haitus yet I'm still updating.....I'm too nice xDD I love you guys! Sorry for such a crappie ending.... T.T Me a bad Author-nim....


I love you guys! Thank you so much for the votes, comments and subbies! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I'll finally work on my other ficcies~ Watch out for them!! End of an era, start of a new one~


@Kyubabylover: Do you love me? You better!


Comments and Subbies will be treasured and loved <3





Guys~ Check our my other ficcies is you love Changkyu~ xD Currently trying to raise the bar in Changkyu ficcies~


I'm Sorry.....


I Will Protect You


The Perfect Humanoid


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:3 Thank you sooo much for the votes! I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!~ *Muah*


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....