Chapter 3: "My School Has Gone C.R.A.Z.Y!!!!"

My Fallen Angel




Changmin's Pov


I could feel something warm on my chest, the feeling was some what... nice? I opened my eyes a bit by bit to let me get use to the light. There in front of me was Kyuhyun, his skin the the light made it look as if he was glowing. Angel...? No no.... Angels don't exist. I looked over to the clock to see what time it was 7:00am At least I didn't wake up late~ I slowly removed Kyuhyun's hands away from my body to not wake him up.


"Mmmm..... Don't leave....." He mumbled in his sleep.


"Kyuhyun?" I asked, Don't leave? Who was he talking about....? He woke up yawning , rubbing his eyes.


"Hmm? Yes Changmin..." He looked at me and tilted his head.


"Oh...nothing....I'll take a shower first and then I'll make us some breakfast. You can sleep a bit more if you want, I'll call you when you're out." I took my clothes.


"Can I make breakfast? I like cooking" He giggled and smiled at me.


"Sure.... If you don't mind"


"Yay~" He clapped his hands and jumped off the bed only to lose balance and slip. Luckily I was right next to him and caught him by the waist. "Whoops..Hehe..." He ran off to the kitchen. I went to have a shower and to get changed. Once I was done I went to the kitchen and found Kyuhyun singing along to DBSK's Love in the Ice.


" can go in now"


"Okie! You can start without me" He plated up the last of the food and went into the bathroom. I sat down on the table looking at the food, as hungry as I was I wanted to wait for Kyuhyun so we could eat together.


"Oh! You haven't started eating yet? He walked over in his school uniform and sat on the opposing chair


"Nope..I was waiting for you...I don't like to eat alone..." I looked down


"Let's eat!"


"Mmm~ It's good~" I told him


"Really? Joongie hyung taught me how to make it yesterday when we were cooking, he said it's your favourite"


"Joongie hyung? He let you call him that?"


"Yup! He told me to call him that from now on~"


I looked at my watch 8:10am "Oh, we should start making our way now, you ready?"


"Yup! I've got everything." We arrived at the school gate where we were greeted by the 4 hyungs.


"Good morning"


"Good morning!" Kyuhyun said joyfully


"OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO!! Kyuhyunnie is coming to our school?" Jaejoong hyung ran over to him.


"Yup! I'm going to be in the same class as you and Changmin!!" He lifted his hands as if he was answering a question. RING! Crap the bells already rang!


"OMO! Let's go to class!" Junsu Hyung shouted and grabbed on of Kyuhyun's hands, Jaejoong hyung grabbing the other running to class.


"Why do they always act like this......" Yunho looked at the 2 hyungs who was with Kyuhyun.


"No idea...let's go before the teacher come in." We ran into class barely on time. We had to leave Kyuhyun outside the room since he was new and the teacher was meant to introduce him to everyone.


"Everyone, today we have a new student with us. Come in Kyuhyun ssi"  Mr Park shouted. I could hear Kyuhyun fumbling a bit with the door from the outside wondering if it was a push/pull door or a slide on, after a few minutes and with the teacher help me managed to slide the door open. 


"Umm....Hello everyone my name is Cho Kyuhyun... Nice to meet you all!" He looked up thinking if there was anything else he needed to say "Oh yeah! I'm a first class Ang-" AHEM! I coughed loudly, he looked at me and I shook his head telling him not to say anymore.


"First Class What?" Donghae, on of the guys in my class asked.


"Ummm...First Class....Student! Yes, Student! I like to study and read! Please take care of me" He gave a 90 degrees bow. Phew! he looked at he and smile wiping it head a bit. I could hear the students talking about him


Wow! He's cute

Gahhh! Oppa is so handsome

I want him~~

I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend


"KYUHYUNNIE'S NOT GOING TO BE ANY OF YOURS! IF YOU WANT HIM YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO FACE ME AND YUNHO FIRST!" Jaejoong hyung stood up. shouting at the whole class, I could see Yunho hyung with his hands covering his face and shaking his head in embarrassment.


AHEM! " Jaejoong ssi, I'm pretty sure no one will steal your precious 'Kyuhyunnie' off you. I'm pretty sure if they do then Yunho will beat them up...Now sit down." Jaejoong hyung sat down quickly looking away pouting at his seat mate who yes, happens to be Yunho hyung...


"Kyuhyun Ssi...You can sit next to Choi Siwon. Siwon ssi can you stand up please"


"Yes sir!" Siwon stood up as Kyuhyun walked and sat down next to him, I could see them talking to each other as I sat behind Siwon, but I couldn't really hear what they were saying...I have to say I wanted the teacher to put him next to me but I'm sitting next to Jessica so I guess it would be a hassle to move her. Throughout the whole class my sight didn't leave Kyuhyun, they way him and Siwon talked looked like they were close friends...or more for that matter...who was I to care? I don't believe in that kind of crap anyway.....RING time for lunch.


"Kyuhyunnie!! Do you want to eat lunch with us today?" Jaejoong ran to Kyuhyun before anyone else could. I could see that Jaejoong hyung was giving everyone a death glare making everyone stand at least 1 meter away from Kyuhyun, anywhere in that 1 meter zone....let's just say they might burst into flames.


"Sure! But I'll have to leave you half way through because Siwon ssi offered to take me around the school"


"Oh....Um.... ok..." WHAT?! How could Jaejoong hyung agree to let Siwon take Kyuhyun around the school?!


Ahem! I gave a fake cough "It's ok, there's no need to bother Siwon... I'll take you around school."


"But..." Kyuhyun whispered


"It's fine. I insist, I'm class president so I should do it."


"Changmin ssi, Siwon ssi is right, as class president it's his job to show new student's around." Mr park butted in.


"Fine..." Stupid teacher....


We went to the canteen and got some food, we were chatting while Junsu and Jaejoong kept feeding Kyuhyun along with Yoochun and Yunho hyung from time to time.... Sigh.....


"Oppa....." My seat mate Jessica came over. "Umm...has anyone offered to show you around yet?" She looked down, most likely shy...


"Yes. Siwon ssi said he would." Kyuhyun told her


"Oh... never mind then" Seriously what it's wrong with these 10 minutes 15 people have already came up to him, both male and female, offering to show him around. Urg... there he was...Siwon, he came over to our table.


"You ready?"


"Yup! Let's go! I'll be back when lunch finishes! I'll see you in class." Kyuhyun waved good bye to us.


"Be safe!" Jaejoong hyung shouted. Once he left, anger came over me.


"Why did you let him go with Siwon?!" I shouted and Jaejoong hyung.


"Why not? He's the class president so he should be taking him around." I gave a massive sigh and stayed in the bathroom until lunch ended. I walked back to class to see Siwon and Kyuhyun already sitting there talking about some stuff.


Kyuhyun's pov


"Changmin!" I called out to him. He walked straight passed me and sat on his seat. I turned around, facing him "Changmin? Are you ok?" I tilted my head.


"I'm fine...." Before I could say anything Mr Park came in. I quickly turned around and thus began the lesson. I know it was bad but I couldn't concentrate properly with Changmin acting like that... I wonder why... RING! I quickly packed my bags.


"Changm-" I turned around but he wasn't there. "Changmin?" I saw Joongie hyung pointing at the door telling me he's already left. I quickly ran to the door to try and catch up to him. Wew! He ran fast, by the time I was at the school doors, he was already half way away from school gates. "CHANGMIN!" I shouted out as loudly as I could. I saw him turn around before he ran to me. I could also hear a lot of people behind me calling my name


Changmin's Pov


"CHANGMIN!" I heard my name being called, I recognised that voice straight away, it was Kyuhyun's. I turned around and saw a bunch of students running towards him, quickly I ran to him, grabbing him by the wrist and ran home. When we arrived both of us were breathless.


"Chang *pant* min *pant* are *pant* you *pant* ok? *pant*" He asked me, tilting his head. Really? I don't know if I like it when he tilts his head or I hate it...


"I'm fine, let's go in before I kill anyone..."


"Huh? Why would you kill someone?" He said with his head still tilted! URG! Why is he suddenly asking so many questions!


"Umm... no reason. Let's go" I flashed my best smile at him to avoid anymore questions




So guys... I UPDATED!! I'm being a good Author-min and trying to update every day!! Muahahah! I hope you like this chapter!!~~~ Kyuhyun is just too cute XDD


Seating plan:


Seohyun    Key                    Nicole      Goo Hara          Hyunjoong     Gyuri               Se7en             BoA


Yunho    Jaejoong             Changmin   Jessica         Tiffany      Yoona                 Sooyoung         Onew


Yoochun   Junsu               Siwon       Kyuhyun          Sungmin     Hyoyeon           Ryeowook     Yesung


Taeyeon    Kibum             Donghae  Eunhyuk             Yuri          Sunny                  Heechul    Hangeng     



Wew! Finished! sorry if you don't like the seating plan! Took me a long time to do :OOO


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....