Chapter 10: I'm In Love With You

My Fallen Angel



Will you be...Mine?


Changmin's Pov


"Kyuhyun..." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.


Yes?” He turned his head to face me.


We were silent for a while, looking at each other in the eyes, before Kyuhyun turned away....I couldn't hold myself back, I held onto his shoulders slowly turning him around to face me again.


"Kyuhyunnie....." I said this time, I don't know why....But I just had to...I slowly leaned down, our lips locked, " you...."


"Changmin.....I......I......" I looked at him, he looked down, unable to finish his sentence.


"Love me?" I finished his sentence, to my surprise he nodded. "Really?...Really?"


"Yes...." I picked him up, spun him around, where our lips once again locked.


"Stay with me forever!" I held him tightly.

"Hehe, let's go home~" We made our way back after the sunset, we managed to quickly grab a bite to eat before rushing back to school.


"KYUHYUNNIE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Jaejoong hyung came running to us, hugging Kyuhyun tightly... I must say am not that happy about it..but what can you do.


"Oh..I was with Changmin..He had a fever so we brought him home" He lied...Can Angels lie?


"Kyuhyun!" I heard someone shout, I turned around and saw Siwon running towards us.... great......"Let's go to lesson now, we might be late if we stay here any longer" He grabbed Kyuhyun's hand, running to class... I would have punched him if I could...but them two are engaged.... We sat down in our seats, I kept my eyes on the two in front of me, making sure they don't do anything....


"Oppa~" I heard Jessica call me.




"Where were you in afternoon class? I was worried..."


"Oh..I was ill and went home.." I replied, not really bothered.


"OMO! Oppa are you ok?" He attempted to put her hand on my forehead, but I brushed it away.


"I'm fine"


"Ok Oppa..." She left me alone for the whole lesson, I didn't care that much as I was still staring at Kyuhyun. The bell rang, Lunch! Yes!


"Kyu-" I heard Siwon call but I cut him off.


"Kyuhyun, let's have lunch together. I'm sure Jaejoong hyung and the others miss having lunch with you."


"O-" Before Kyuhyun could finish someone walked up to him.


"Kyuhyun! Where were you yesterday afternoon? We all missed you~ Wanna have lunch together?" Sungmin.... I was just about to punch him when Kyuhyun stood up and help my arm.


"Don't" He whispered in my ear. "No thank you Sungmin hyung, Changmin already asked me to have lunch with him. Maybe next time." He gave a smile.


"Ok, I'll wait for next time then." He walked away to the canteen.


"Why?"  I asked once he left.


"We erased his memory, if you suddenly punched him he wouldn't know why.... " He looked at the floor as we made our way to the canteen.


"Ok...It's ok...I'll protect you if he tries to do anything like that again!"  He looked at me and smiled. We went to our seats and found Heechul and Hangeng hyung sitting with our group.


"Kyuhyunnie!" Heechul called out and ran to Kyuhyun hugging him tightly. "I see your mission is complete." I heard him whisper...



Kyuhyun's Pov.



"Kyuhyunnie!" Heechul called out and ran to me hugging me tightly. "I see your mission is complete." He whispered in my ear.


"Yes.." I looked down, blushing.


"By the way, I don't know when but He's going to communicate with us soon." Hangeng hyung walked over to me.


"Really? Why?" I asked tilting my head slightly.


"I don't know, but it must be important since he's going to talk to us personally." Soon enough lunch ended and we walked back to class.


"Kyuhyun!" Siwon called out as I went over to sit next to him. "Did you hear?" He asked me


"About him?"


"Oh yeah, I see Heechul's told you?"


"Yup!" I smiled


"Kyuhyun, come over to my place today, I think it's best to stay close, you know what happens whenever they try to talk to us..."


"Ok! I'll go tell Changmin when school finishes!" I waited until the bell rang to tell Changmin. "Changmin!" I turned around "I won't be going home with you today, Siwon asked me to go to his house." I told him.




"What?" I asked, I didn't really hear what he said...


"Kyuhyunnie? But...but...We wanted to go over to Changmin's house today...We missed you!" Jaejoong and Junsu hyung said pretending to sob.


"Oh...I...I..." I started to panic.


"How about we all go over to Changmin's house? That way we can stay together." Heechul hyung came over and winked at Jaejoong and the rest...I guess they told them and them being Angels...


"Ok" Changmin went out of the door, leaving us to follow behind. Half way through I suddenly felt dizzy, suddenly the pathway was all black.


Changmin's Pov


I was walking when I suddenly heard Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunho and Junsu hyung call out.


"Kyuhyunnie! Kyuhyunnie!" He cried, shaking him.


"What's wrong? I went over."


"LOOK!" Junsu shouted, now panicking. I looked over at Kyuhyun, his eyes were not brown but white and lifeless. I looked over at Siwon, Heechul and Hangeng hyung, they were all the same.


"Kyuhyun! " I called out, shaking him a bit. He was out of it for a few minutes, standing there, looking at nothing. He suddenly dropped, eyes closed, thinking quickly I caught him. "Kyuhyun!" I looked at Siwon who was now back to reality and same with Hangeng and Heechul, but Heechul, the same as Kyuhyun was also unconscious and in Hangeng's arms.


"He's fine, he'll wake up soon." Hangeng said reassuring us. Siwon cam over and took Kyuhyun out of my arms, carrying him bridal style to my apartment.


"Let's go." He said. He opened the door and quickly Siwon went and put Kyuhyun down on my bed, along with Heechul as Hangeng rested him nest to Kyuhyun.


"I'll go make something for us to eat...Junsu come help me..." Jaejoong hyung made his way to my kitchen.


"How long will it take?" I asked


"Ummm..for Heechul around half an hour...Since it's Kyuhyun's first time we don't really know..."


"I see..." We stayed there, sitting on the sofa, not talking at all. Half an hour passed when he heard a few whimpers in my room, quickly me Hangeng and Siwon ran in, we found the two of them awake.


"Kyuhyunnie..Are you ok?" Heechul asked him


"Yes...Just a bit dizzy...."



"OMO! You're awake!" Junsu hyung ran over and hugged Kyuhyun of course followed by Jaejoong hyung..."


"We were so worried." Jaejoong told him.


"I'm sorry...."


"What happened?" Yoochun hung stepped in with Yunho hyung


"It's nothing......God had to talk to us...That's all..."





Updated~ I don't know... I might finish this soon xD But in like around 5 chappies xDD Just you wait~ Hope you liked it~~ I finished a lot of my work so that's why I'm updating!!


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....