Chapter 14: Kyuhyun?

My Fallen Angel



Changmin's Pov


I woke up in an unknown place, my head.... Ahhh.. I could feel my brain pulsating....Holding onto my head i sat up from the bed I was sleeping on to find a young man sleeping beside me.....


"No....This can't" I saw the young man move a bit slowly sitting up, after a while he finally woke up properly.


"Are you ok?" He said....No..... Without thinking I leaned in for a rough kiss...Kyuhyun.....I could feel him struggling..I didn't care and deepened our kiss. "Mmmm!!" He muffled as he tried to break free, after a long struggle he managed to push me off.


"Wha....What are you doing?" He said in shock as he covered his lips


"Kyuhyun.....Cho Kyuhyun....."


"No....Yes....I mean no.... My name is Kyuhyun....but it's Kim....Kim Kyuhyun....."


"No....You're not! You're Kyuhyun! My Kyuhyun!! You've come back to me! I'm not going to let you go this time!" I stepped off the bed and pushed him harshly onto the wall behind and grabbing onto his wrists.


"NO! LET GO OFF ME! STOP!! Please...." I looked down, tears slid down his pale face......


"I'm sorry...." I slowly let go of his wrists. As soon as he felt my grip loosen he pushed me away, running out of the room. Sitting on the bed I let my tears do the work, how could God be so cruel? Taking away the love of my life and sending another being looking exactly like him.... AGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kim Kyuhyun's Pov


I ran as soon as I felt the person's grip loosen around my wrist, not wanting to look back I closed the door behind. Who is he? I touched my lips, I felt my heartbeat rise........What's wrong with me. From the door I could hear a sound...Not being able to hear it clearly I pressed my ears onto the door, He's crying....I opened the door slowly and carefully.


"Are you ok...?" I asked..again...Making sure the door wasn't too opened so i could have some protection if he was to jump onto me again.


"I'm so sorry...I....I...." He started to cry again...I know what happened just now..I know he's just a stranger...but something in his voice....makes my heart break. Slowly, I walked over to him, leaving the door open I kneeled down, pulling him into a hug I his back, trying to comfort him.


"Shh..Everything will be ok..." I said while his back, I could feel him hugging me back tightly...It wasn't like before...It's very warm... After a while I felt his grip loosen, we parted a bit. Both of us sitting on the bed, his eyes now swollen.


"Thank you...."


"It's fine...What happened?" I asked him


"It's nothing...Changmin...I'm Shim Changmin by the way."


"Changmin? Nice to meet you Changmin. My name is Kim Kyuhyun."


"It's nice to meet you too. How did I end up here?" He said, his voice now calmer then before.


"I found you in a pit..You must have fallen in. By the time I found you, you were already asleep...With a strong alcohol smell by the way..." I joked.


"I'm sorry....And thank you."


"No problem! I'm happy to help. Here you should take a bath, I'll put some dry clothes outside."


"Ok." he went inside, leaving him dirty clothes outside the bathroom.


"I'm leaving some clean clothes outside!"


"Thank you!" I heard him shout from inside. I went to the kitchen to go prepare some fried rice. I heard the bathroom door open as I put the food down on the table. "Mmmm....Smells nice!" he walked over with a towel on his head.


"I made fried rice."


"Fried rice........ My favourite....." he sat down and looked down at his plate.


Changmin's Pov


"Fried rice........ My favourite....." I sat down and looked at my plate. The first dish Kyuhyun made from me....


"Are you ok?" He asked me. The question he asked me many times after such a small meeting together.


"I'm fine"


"Let's start!" He stuffed his face. It was getting late and I was ready to leave. "Wait! Why don't you stay over? It's late and I don't feel good leaving a guest out at this kind of time."




"Please! Otherwise God will punish me."




"God! He'll punish me for being horrible! We must abide by his rules. 'Love thy neighbour' and right now you are my neighbour~"  Funny..The one I that took my loved one is now forcing me to stay with another one who looks exactly like him...


"Ok... If it's not too much trouble..."We got ready for bed and stayed in Kyuhyun's bedroom.


"I'm sorry. I don't have many blankets since I live if you want you can sleep with me?"


"Ummm........ok........" Our whole night was really awkward.... we slept facing away from each other. "Kyuhyun....." I broke the silence. It was already 1 am so I don't really know if he's still awake of not.


"Mhh?" I was shocked at his reply.


"Umm...before I leave.. I know this is a strange request from someone you just met...but can you come and see the sunrise with me tomorrow? I know this hill that provides an amazing view...."


"Umm...sure..If that will make your stay here more pleasant, I'm willing to do anything~" If he is Kyuhyun... he should remember this....Please...Kyuhyun... My eye lids soon were heavy and sleep over came me.


The alarm rang at 4:30 am..... quickly and still very tired we got ready to go see the sunrise. We went to the same hill I went on with Kyuhyun before. Soon we were there. 5:30 am.


"It's beautiful isn't it?" I suddenly felt a pair of arms hugging me... I smiled. "Welcome home...My Angel...."


"Correction~ Your Fallen Angel~" I turned around to be greeted by Kyuhyun, him pale skin glowing as the sun rise, both contrasting each other perfectly. As the sun comes back, so does my Angel. Correction....My Fallen Angel. I leaned in and there once again we shared a kiss.


"I've missed you Kyuhyunnie."


"Not as much as me!"


"What took you so long? I pouted.


"Do you really want to know?" He said, tilting his head giggling at my pout.




I UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!! Next chappie shall be the last~ I don't know what to do........ Hmmmmmmmm


@Kyubabylover   :  Do you love me now? You better!! -Pout-


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This one! I love this story (: really
woooooooooooow ...I really love the trailer >3<
I like the trailer very much :)
Chapter 15: Happy ending~ Nice story^^
Chapter 15: Hoho.. They finlly together... Take care of kyunnie changminnie....
Chapter 15: LOOOOOOL yes you r very very nice one kekeke <3
so thats what happened oooh poor Siwon....but now changkyu are back yaaaaaaaaaaay >3<...I love it ;)
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 15: Stupid Siwon and I was feeling sorry about you,how dare u kiss my bb harshly U.U
but I'm happy everything is back to normal,it was a long journey but they survuved it together and get back to each other again ^-^

thank u for the great story , I really love it and if u mean me by "Do you love me?" my answer is 'yes' ^_______^ (u spelled my name wrongly :p)
Chapter 14: OMO so it was Kyu LOOOL......happy they r back yay but what happened :(
thanks & update as soon as u can ^^
gaemgyu39 #9
Chapter 14: what's how it can be??? finally kyuhyun was came back... I hope they could be a lover...I'm exceptionally sure ..but how about siwon.. he is kyuhyun's lover right?? was he knew about kyuhyun feelings towards changmin either ?? will he become jealous...triangle love story??oh God..this story is so have complicated problems..hopefully their life are happy and blissfully ^^ Good job author.. can't wait the next chapter..hopefully you can double updates...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: you author nim...kyunnie remember changminnie....