am i really doing this.

My prince charming ..?

Christie's POV

so i'm here. sitting in the school cafe at 10 AM. waiting. i saw at the table tapping my feet, hoping that Jaeyoung sunbae wouldn't show up so i could go home and sleep. *buzz* i pulled out my phone and read the text:

from: Vic

hey let me know if you come back alive! AND BRING MY SHIRT BACK! <3 Vic

gee thanks Vic .. feeling the love <3 i checked my phone for the time and it read 10:10. okay i'll give him 5 minutes and if he doesn't show up i can go home! ^.^

10:13, and still no Jaeyoung. Just as my hopes were getting higher & higher all of it came crashing down as i head his voice behind me.

"hey tutor, whatcha gonna teach this naughty naughty boy?" i looked up at him, wow he cleans up nicely .. no no what are you thinking! you can't think that! hes a player and hes trying to seduce you! he put his hand on my shoulder, and i quickly shook it off. i huffed, "here we goo ... lets get this over with."

he slid into the seat next to me and grabbed my hand. i pulled back from his touch automatically

"oh come on christie, you know you're excited to see me. have me all to yourself, like every girl dreams of."

"don't push it jaeyoung sunbae. i know who you are and what you do."

"oh and what is it that i do?" he questioned as he scooched his chair closer to mine.

"you trick girls into thinking you like them, and then you use them until you get what you want you !" i yelled.

"and is that wrong??"

" hell yeah it is! its gross, creepy, disgusting, wrong and gross!"

he grabbed my wrists and said "i think you're just being a stubborn little girl. cus last time i checked all the girls want me, so let your feelings loose a little. i know you want me soo bad."

i was about to say back a rude comment but i stopped when he walked in.. my eyes stuck onto cheondoong oppa like glue and i just stared.

"helloooo? christieeee? what the hell -?" jaeyoung sunbae followed my gaze and groaned, "don't tell me you like him too. whats so great about him?"

i snapped back,"hes not a gross player like you!" i pulled my seat as far away as i could from Jaeyoung sunbae. i kept stealing glances at him, but to my surprise he looked at me too and we both smiled as our eyes connected.

"blaahhhhblehhhh" groaned Jaeyoung as he pretended to throw up. i gave him my death glare and kicked him from under table trying to make him shut up.

"hey christie" i turned around so fast i felt dizzy, but there he was standing infront of me.

"h-hey cheondoong oppa ..." i said.

"hey cheondoong oppa" mimicked Jaeyoung in a low voice. i kicked him again and i think i hit his balls this time because he let out a muffled, "hmmmmpphhh."

Cheondoong oppa stared at Jaeyoung kinda confused, and then turned to me.

"just thought i'd comeover and say hi .. sorry for interrupting you're ..."

"date." Jaeyoung cut him off. my mouth dropped. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?!?!?!

"oh. right well uh .. i'll see you later then .." and Cheondoong oppa turned and walked away.

"NO! WE'RE NOT DATING!!!" i yelled but it was too late as i heard the cafe doors close behind him.

"are you ing out of your mind?!?!!?" i screamed at jaeyoung, "date?! why the would you say that?!?!"

he shrugged, "eh. i don't know, doesn't seem like the right guy for you."

i gave him a disgusted face and began packing my stuff up. "you don't know what i want so out!"

"wait but what about my tutoring less-" he whined as i cut him off.

"oh yeah i forgot, i at math and i copied off the kid next to me!"

as a last attempt to make me stay, he grabbed the sleeve of my shirt. i pulled my sleeve out of his grasp, turned and walked away.


Author's Note: wrote this in like 20 mins. hope you guys enjoyed itt :) soo what do you think wil happen nexxt? i'll try to update again maybe today or tomorrow! COMMENT&SUBSCRIBE!

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Your story is really reaaally similar to this one :, isn't this plagiarising ?
THUNDER IS MY LEGIT AND ULTIMATE BIAS! continue the story pleeeeeeeeease!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
I hope things won't be so awkward between Victoria and Key! Update soon~!
ilovethunder #5
@shalalapaula okay thanks.
@ilovethunder: Eep, cliffhanger! D : Hrm, I realized that you don't capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. : x I think your fanfic would look neater if you started to capitalize. Hm, by the way, are Vic and Key going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend? They seem so lonely. : x Update soon~!
ilovethunder #7
@shalalapaula haha thank you for the advice! i deff agree, i'm just not really sure how to make it neater. but i will try! ^^
Annyeong~! New reader here. : 3 This fanfic is so cute, but it could need a bit of neatness. But you can ignore me and my criticism. ^__^ Anyways, you should escalate Min's/Kikwang's friendship soon! ^__^ Please update soon~
thunder please confess to her A.S.A.P!!<br />
that jaeyoung guy is a jerk!!!!<br />
and sulli just back off because thunder belongs to christie!!!!<br />
update soon!!!<br />